Bill Maher just said "nigger" on live TV haha

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WTF was he thinking lol


People already started the hashtag #FireBillMaher

as somebody's who 23andme revealed his 100% european blood contained .5% of african, i am highly offended and demand his immediate firing




I went to school with a negro, so this offends me #FireBillMaher

I'm a Senator Nigger.

So, is his career toast or what? He's far left, no?

Rush Limbaugh says it all the time

Looks like someone else is trying to get fired. I wonder if he broke any contracts or codes by doing so.

>Left NEVER misses a chance to skewer Republican politicians
>Literally a Republican Senator sets up the punchline. No one says a word
Really makes you think

Sasses = #NeverTrump. Bill Kristol and John McCain's butt boy, Trained in the dark arts of hiring Congressional page boys by Dennis "Serial Pedophile" Hastert

he's more left of center. He hates islam though


So this is the power of Trump's covfefe.

Nobody gives a shit about this strokeoff and he didn't set up shit.
Maher saw an opportunity to make a shitty not very well thought out joke and he took it. It's on bill, homo.

Niggers are getting triggered perfect time to kindle the fire desu

Ah, so hes a fascist Got it.

those blue checkmarks are the source of this comedy

what's the name of that Twitter nigger that's always saying whites kill black people?

Hmm part of me wants to say he'll get fucked but the other part says he's an elite Jew so he'll be perfectly fine.

Calm down Sup Forums, you say the word 'nigger' or 'niggers' all the time!

Tariq nasheed

yes, but we can use this to further damage the left.

bring him down

Or Shaun "talcum X" king

It's HBO, it's okay.

I don't think that's the first time Bill has said nigger on a comedy show. It really isn't that big a deal.

the left continues to eat itself

>tfw 28% nigger

I'm positive Maher has said nigger before on his show. Now it's suddenly a big deal?



We need to make that nigger chimp out over this

i just had a strike of lightning Sup Forums

we should support maher

the alt-right should "stand with maher"

do you follow me

we should proudly exclaim on twitter and etc that conservatives support maher and make sure liberals see this

Lol, it's literally nothing.
I hate maher and want him to get fucked hard, but this willl be absolutely nothing.

use this opportunity to redpill niggers about jews.

call them, tell HBO

Yeah but it is the first time in brave new world of sjw social meadow mobs that he has

Watching rebroadcast

I'll see if they edit it out

he's already chimping out

>the left


>Kathy Griffin holds up decapitated Trump head and jokes about Barron during her press conference
Look, it was a joke, an edgy joke, but comedy shouldn't have limits. You don't have to laugh but she has every right to do and say what she wants for the sake of her humor.

>Bill Mahr says nigger
This fucking piece of shit racist ass motherfucker HE CAN'T SAY THAT he is WHITE he is a WHITE MALE and he has CROSSED A LINE this is NOT FUNNY this is NOT COMEDY anymore he has gone too far

>1 account calls him a racist
>the other supports him as an alt right hero

Yeah, you're not a shill at all.

If you want to help out.
Make sure to go on twitter and highlight the fact that he's a Jew, that Jews feel they can do anything they want, and that Jews are untouchable, especially in the entertainment industry.
Jew, Jew, Jew.
Just keep bringing it up.

this salt won't last long make sure you get your in take live

SUpport his right to say nigger!

lol @ this trend of blacks attacking jews. is this not proof positive that all of this 'white genocide' shit was just a form of eugenics? once the niggers chimp out on jews they are finished. good as dead, all of em.

Which one of you posted this tweet?


You retarded nu faggots dont even follow your leaders right. Cernovich exposed Sasse's pedo issues. He will block every Trump senate legislation. Do two things at once morons. Highlight sasse for chumming it up with le liberal nigger man Maher and make sure he gets primaried and run the fuck run out of office

Lol none of those nogs even subscribe to HBO

But they gonna boycott something they can't afford

This. Liberals are hypocrites.
How do we point this out to them? They bitch about how Kathy Griffin did no wrong holding a fake bloodied Trump head but throw a hissy fit when Maher says nigga on his show.
They're fucking despicable.


Create a fake KKK Twitter account, endorse Maher

He only said nigga, not nigger. What's the big fucking deal?

does that mean you have to pay yourself reparations?

I guess this makes him /ourguy/

Spread the word so everyone knows the alt right frog neo nazis is fully behind Maher

Look at the comments. They are directing their hate at white people, not Maher/Jews. Right now I am in a heated argument with Liberal faggots who keep trying to make Maher out to be white and not Jew.

Pretty funny desu senpai

> fucking over one of the few liberals with an actual brain in his head

I hate Maher but he's demonstrated that he's capable of reasoning. It's in nobody's interests to take him out of the game.

>that name
>that flag

If only.

start calling them niggers and say if Bill can then so can we
that will make them hate Maher even more.

Bill Maher is tall cotton.


This. Call it 'Beverly Hills Ku Klux Klan' @BeverlyHillsKKK

There's no difference when a white person says it. Before you throw those brackets at me i'm talking from these outrage people's perspective, the shapeshifting won't save him here.


He said


Cmon man, that is just something else


We call that a reparation feedback loop in the mix community..

lol doesnt matter. if they keep attacking jews the excuse will find itself. i fucking lol every time i see Sup Forums try to insist that jews see niggers as anything but tools that are no longer needed.


>CNN, who is on a quest to once again become the most respected news agency in the country, perhaps the world
God I love Rush.

He said it in a facetious manner... Are these niggers seriously too stupid to realize this?

years ago kike maher got in trouble for slapping his black lady friend around he uses the word nigger like a bird singing a beautiful coon....tune

>giving you dna to jews, who now claim ownership over it.

good job, goy.

but rush isnt a liberal

o hai satan

If he gets fired, could he join our side? Could he be the next Piers Morgan?

>the left pushes PC bullshit for a decade and a half
>each passing year, more and more behaviors become unacceptable
>finally the pot boils over and mainstream america lashes out against it
>"moshe, the goyim are sick of what we've been peddling. we have to be anti-PC now!"
>"okay i'll have our top jew say 'nigger' on TV. that'll get them back on our side"
What the fuck are the Jewish elite doing? I thought they were smarter than this.

its 2017 though

I hope HBO doesn't fire him.

As much as he's a smarmy douche, he at least knows that he's a smarmy douche and owns it. He's one of the few lefty's I can respect, and his show is far more interesting than most of the dreck that's on TV.

Or maybe HBO firing him will redpill him finally.

All we need now is for @RealDonaldTrump to denounce him by name.

Rush Limbaugh will say whatever is popular. He's a fat bloviating faggot and you should be embaressed for mentioning him here.


Bill maher just pointed out that free speech is bad. Hate speech must be defined and enforced. And changed to influence ideas, as well as societal psychopathy. Hmmmmm the new 2018 progressive talking point.... Hate speech is defined by those in power. We tell you what you can think and say slave.

Truly, one of the few boomers who isn't shit. I hope we develop head-in-jar technology like Futurama just so we can have that glorious bastard on the air forever.

There you go faggots. Straight from Mother Jones editor. Keep doing the Democrats work. Fucking retarded field niggers dont even know who to fucking target

Sat there laughing at his rich white racist buddy's disgusting joke

This is the perfect event to defend our right to say nigger on social media.


>Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.


So did Hitler do anything wrong?

He'll get away with it.

>Are these niggers seriously too stupid to realize this?

Literally yes.

He's a cuddly cat loving patriot. What's not to like?


this is bait

ADL want us to go after leftists and get them fired for saying stuff like nigger

instead, we need to roll with the punches and ask daily stormer to become the world's #1 bill maher fansite

Holy shit
>Ben Sasse is also wrong for laughing it out like it's nothing.
That's what it's about with them huh? "Stop finding humor in things I find offensive."
Joyless fucks.

Just watched the re broadcast

It's still in they didn't censor it or edit it out

what imageboard is that, seems really old?