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bill maher has always been based, i love his show
What happened?
No. Attack him, and force the left to say that it's OK to say nigger
Another perfect opportunity for Sup Forums to discredit and fire another smug liberal. Lets get started boys.
NOOO I HATE BILL MAHER ALMOST AS MUCH AS I HATE COLBERT. Bill maher is a huge coalburner by the way...
No retard. We need to reinforce this not tear it down.
Professor at Evergreen State:
>Segregation is wrong
The left:
Bill Maher:
>I'm a house nigger
The left:
>This is fine
He said nigga and a bunch of leftists are getting triggered by it.
t. Leftist
I don't like Bill Mahr or Kathy Griffen. Used to like Stephen Colbert but recently he stuff has been unwatchable for me. But I don't think comedians should "watch what they say" or be censored in any way. They should be fired for low ratings and being unfunny. I don't think any niggers are going to be offended at Bill's comment. The only people offended are the people who hate seeing the left use this tactic to attack people they disagree with. But I don't think that's enough to do anything. I wasn't offended by any of their comments. I fucking hate censorship and the people who cry for it. But I don't care one way or the other if they get fired.
tldr; meh.
Bump. I can't believe Reddit fags are trying to get him fired.
Support the right to say nigger you cucks.
Dont these people have other things to worry about
You do realize who you are talking about, right?
God I love this nigger bashing kike
nupol is ruining everything
let them fight
liberals eating their own is one of life's finest pleasures.
the holy trinity
no thanks sharejew
let the liberal idols fall
Maher goes on anti-Trump rants from day 1
>I hate Maher!
Maher says n-word
>I love Maher!
so now just the fact of saying nigger makes someone based ?
man our standard really dropped that should be the norm not an achievment
It's not about him you short sighted fuck. It's about defending the right of anyone to say nigger. This is bigger than one kike comedian.
>Well I got some things I wanna say but I don't... ah fuck it we know niggers are not watching, they can't afford HBO, so can we all agree we don't like it when those entitled chimpanzees move into our neighborhoods? Oy vey them fucking schwartzes, am I right or what ladies and gentleman?
What exactly did Bill "No HBO for Sambo" Maher mean by this?
Maher is cool in my book now. There's no way he didn't expect to get chimped on for this. This was a fuck you to the niggers by Maher.
Oy vey he said it on live television
Understand that the entertainment industry operates on remuneration for desired services. If Maher does something people like and he is rewarded for it, he will be more inclined to do it. They're like children or animals and need to be trained.
In short, if you want mainstream people to not be PC faggots, stop bashing them when they aren't.
I feel very conflicted.
fuck that snarky cunt
live by SJW nonsense, die by SJW nonsense
it's fun to watch the left cannibalize itself
>defending hypocritical kikes will persuade the population to reject jewish marxist influence of political correctness
Uh, who said he can't say that? Is the government funded PC Police busting down his door and making arrests? He's the right to say something stupid, and people have the right to be outraged in the process.
meme it and make it so
the only thing he doesn't like is muslims; other than that he is a fucking kike that jizzes of obummer policies
Fuck Bill Maher. He's the biggest anti-Trump shill.
oh fuck im laughing
>boo boo he doesn't share my political beliefs.
This is bigger than one fucking kike comedian or a temporary president. Use this as an opportunity do defend our right to say nigger.
>I love kikes now
hmm who could be behind this post?
It was a different time
>It's about defending the right of commie leftists to avoid living by their own rules
Sure. Except for the SJW going around trying to ruin people because they said or posted something un-PC.
What if we just let the nigs take out the Jews for us?
Do you know that I fucked your mom's asshole raw back in 1983? Shit ripped and she had to get some dumpster surgery on her gushy gash if u kno what I mean.
Except I wouldn't be surprised if the main body of the Left is just waiting to kick out cis, white, boomer males. You KNOW that he is going to get flack, at the worst lose his show...but everyone will go back to goosestepping so that it doesn't happen to him or Kathy Lee or Don Imus, etc.
So yeah, a hashtag would be a good place to start so that this PC gash is opened even wider.
...oil-driller, you dumbass newfag. Women are coal-burners, smoke-jumpers, and mudsharks, men are only oil-drillers.
Jesus Christ, it's like you learned racism entirely from internet memes and weren't taught the traditions by your father and grandparents.
Always loved the guy, despite him being a retard on some things (vaccines, food, etc).
Mostly has it right on political correctness, muslims, liberal pussy snowflakes, etc.
so he is just a money hungry kike that suits what ever narrative he is pushing. Not any better
what has the better outcome:
1.) making the enemy play by their own rules using sock puppet accounts to amplify the outrage
2.) having the evil anime nazis come to Bill's defense in the most politically offensive and tone deaf way (i.e. so what he said nigger get over it #OurHouseNigger) and associating him with what liberals hate
3.) doing both at the same time
Then you know exactly what Alinsky's tactics are, and let's face it, there's no reason why the right should not use them
>Sure. Except for the SJW going around trying to ruin people because they said or posted something un-PC.
Was it SJW's that ripped Kathy Griffin apart recently for posting something un-PC? Kathy Griffin had a right to do what she did, as did Maher, but that doesn't mean that people don't have the right to go overboard and act like morons.
This user makes a compelling point. Sarah Silverman's been saying "nigger" for years, it hasn't had any spill-over effect that benefited us.
>hate dictionary
Fucking nu-pol get out
i wonder what his game is? is his career failing somehow that i'm not aware of? why is he looking for publicity?
these niggers baka
Updated Friday, June 2, 2017, 11:51 p.m. EDT: This story previously incorrectly quoted Bill Maher as having said “nigga” when in fact he said “nigger” with a HARD ASS Rrrrrrrrrruh, so that makes this extra offensive. And before you start typing all fast in the comments on your racist burner accounts, I SAID WHAT I SAID. His show needs to be canceled.
During a conversation with Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska) on Friday’s installment of Real Time With Bill Maher, Maher told Sasse that he’s a “house nigger” and would never work in the fields.
Maher and Sasse were discussing Sasse’s book, The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance.
The conversation with Sasse went like this:
“Adults dress up for Halloween, they don’t do that in Nebraska?” Maher asked.
“It’s frowned upon,” Sasse replied. “We don’t do that quite as much.”
“I gotta get to Nebraska more,” Maher said.
“You’re welcome; we’d love to have you work in the fields with us,” Sasse joked.
“Work in the fields,” Maher scoffed. “Senator, I’m a house nigger.”
“You still working in the fields out there, huh?” Maher said.
“Yeah,” Sasse said. “We want our kids to suffer.”
Sasse grinned when Maher called himself a house nigger, but held in his laugh.
This is not the first time Maher has crossed the line or shown himself to be troll for ratings.
In February, he invited infamous alt-right troll Milo Yiannopoulos on his show along with Larry Wilmore, and after Milo trolled his fellow guests for most of the show, Wilmore ended up telling him that he could “go fuck” himself.
We are breaking them.
>stick up for him
bwahahahaha OP, go jump off a cliff
It's been pretty clear that we were on our way back to segregation the funny thing is that the left thought it was for the BENEFIT of niggers this time. Fucking idiots it's so easy to manipulate them how long until anti-semitism is not only okay but openly argued for by them?
(you) guys better figure it out quick and make an attack plan. My opinion?
>The left are already a dying breed of infantile children control freaks who will wither away on their own accord
no fuck that faggot
he's one of those beta nu male fags who thinks he's down with the blacks and can use the word nigga cause he knows where there coming from
god fuck reddit
griffin did have a right to do that beheading thing, but it was uncouth. Also the public does get to vilify her and destroy her career
S on the grave of shills. You have no morals.
WRONG, your mind is simple if you think your plan can work. no, don't argue. you are just dead wrong.
>Also the public does get to vilify her
The public can vilify all they want. How would you stop them? Have the cops come their house to tell them to shut up?
"Public outrage" is one of the oldest things there is. People shouldn't have to live in fear of having a certain opinion on things and the fact that they can overreact (even if it is stupid) is a good thing.
The public outrage didn't for CNN and Squatty potty to fire her. People have done/said stupid things in the past and the companies they work for stick by them if he/she is worth sticking by.
This. Maher might even get redpilled and prove to be useful.
i do believe we should defend him, the more people we can get on our side the better
whenever its one of (((theirs))) they always rally the wagons. hilarious. fuck you, Bill Maher would make a great firing.
if i were to say that at work as a joke i would be fired and never able to work in that industry again. why should a wealthy media figure (sort of) have a special set of rules that apply to me but not them? fuck him. once we have full control comedians can have free speech...until they start supporting us/free speech let them burn by their own vapid morales.
You know, Bill Maher has always said and believed what we do. I don't understand why his Hollywood fans don't realize this.
All my friends like Bill Maher.
>0.03 Sheckles have been deposited in your account on behalf of HBO
people on Twitter are saying 'career suicide' and stuff. It's ridiculous how in the States saying a fucking word can ruin your life
We'll get more people on our side by having their idols castrated by the public you fucking idiot.
We should portray Bill Mahyer as a conservative, will give liberals a false sense of attack on him!
come on, both sides said it was distasteful
wow, faggot, you convinced nobody.
fuck bill maher
I can't tell apart the leftists from the Sup Forums trolls anymore.
Let me add to that. Normal joe goes to watch his TV show. It's been cancelled by the vocal minority. Normal Joe now doesn't like the vocal minority. No, you are not going to get people to say nigger. You are a fucking shill.
because we make them play by their own rules, that's why this thread was made. To shill for the leftists.
>that doesn't mean that people don't have the right to go overboard and act like morons.
That depends on how overboard. Some of these SJW seem perfectly content to lie in order to achieve their goals.
You want a pedophile back?
This 10000%
No, I still don't like him. However, he's always been the "renegade" of the left and isn't afraid to razz his own side because get over yourself you hippie faggot.
But seriously the word "nigger" is news worthy. Oh sorry "housenigger." Did he even drop a hard R?
he's the one famous liberal I don't hate, because at least he's not a pussy about islam.
fuck you nu-pol
fuck maher
Every time one of these happenings comes up I want to die. I need to be able to tell if society has really sunken this low or if it's just Sup Forums fueling the flames or if it's even 99% troll posts. We've grown too powerful.
I've seen this book IRL. Great read
can I ask what a smoke jumper is?
I'm sorry, did you want an Audible free trial?
Fuck off back to /book/
It's when a whore sits on your dick and then your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.
Spread this shit
This. What's next? Are you assholes going to start supporting Hillary for 2020?
Everyone knows 2020 belongs to Jeb
You probably read it while waiting to pay your father's bail with a comment like that
couldn't agree more. that's the first thing I thought when I saw it.
racism will only end once we can say nigger again. otherwise we will just have to hate them privately among friends, breeding more angry, racist resentment.
bwaaaa hahahahah! GoT! What a shit show! IF it weren't for the tits that show would have been canceled already.
All trolling and shilling aside, does anyone actually like Bill Maher?