Why do so many people on Sup Forums constantly parade around the term "Cultural Marxism" to refer to anything they don't like? Notice how they never cite the works of the Frankfurt School themselves but merely go off on conjecture about the members' Jewish origins, or vague accusations about the mainstream media being allegedly owned by communists? Well this Jewish Marxist has debunked the myth:
"Cultural Marxism" is a hoax
Other urls found in this thread:
>da joos
fucking nazi larper shills
The video I linked is pro-Frankfurt School. She's obviously done her research, unlike Sup Forums.
Words evolve. Whether or not the term "cultural marxism" originally meant to mean what we use it as today means shit. Liberals do this all the time: "racism" never meant "prejudice PLUS power" yet ask any cultural marxist in academia and that's the definition they'll give you.
"Cultural marxist" evokes images of forcing equivalence in the value of cultures even where there is none. It works. Fuck off with your deconstructionist jewish bullshit.
It's still foolish to blame the Franks for modern identity politics. They only come up because it's easier to blame da jooooz than it is to actually read.
Why do Mormons and Jews look so similar but have diametrically opposed worldviews - at least on the surface?
The guy on the right reminds me of Spencer W Kimball.
>conceding my point
>"but it's still silly!"
It's silly to think that if you can convince people that identity politics aren't actually marxist that people will be more open to the communist bullshit you're trying to peddle.
ok read his post and try again now.
Identity politics and things like "privilege checking" have nothing to do with Marxism. If anything, they're the result of the death of Marxism and the assimilation of the radical left into mainstream culture. Even all the hype surrounding Bernie Sanders is nothing more than a shadow of what the left used to be.
>Notice how they never cite the works of the Frankfurt School themselves
we do whats your point?
They don't read. They attack something they barely understand.
i see people referencing the frankfurt school all the time on here
lurk more kike lover
>anything they don't like
this is a political board which sole purpose is to rip the shit out of content anons find funny or retarded. Much of today's politics, like policy in western europe for example, is enacted by ppl who were taught socialist policy is muh utopia.
>is surprised when pol/acks with brains find source of thought by which these ppl were taught
>asks fatuous questions on Sup Forums
go to your college sociology department in the humanities and talk to a lecturer. They refer to the frankfurt school and the postmodern intellectuals who were influenced by it in the last century endlessly in their content.
If so, then they should know the Franks had zero interest in identity politics or attacking whites.
Cultural Marxism ≠ Frankfurt School
Also I can't listen to this bitch's chipmunk voice, and paired with the desert music this video just makes me want to blow my brains out.
>cultural marxism is a hoax
yet programs that favor minorities, females and those deemed 'marginalized' exist, and are very clearly favored by colleges all across the board, all the way up to the ivy leagues.
Affirmative action and other laws forcing equality actively demand companies to host diversity, lest they risk getting a lawsuit for 'hosting prejudice' against the females or minority workers that failed to be hired, despite their inherent lacking in the company.
>yet programs that favor minorities, females and those deemed 'marginalized' exist,
What does this have to do with Marxism or Critical Theory? Affirmitive Action is capitalism.
>Why do so many people on Sup Forums constantly parade around the term "Cultural Marxism" to refer to anything they don't like?
Because the Frankfurt school has produced some of the worst monsters of the 20th century and some of the dumbest people of the 21st century.
The fact people genuinely believe that the world can be saved and it's up to the first world to do it is the dumbest concept ever conceived. Why people continue to parrot the teachings of a school that killed millions of people, even more than Hitler himself, is beyond me.
Nazis to you, humble liberal, are like frankfurt school acolytes to me.
Because everyone is a citizen, or comrade, in Marxism, equal opportunity is a Marxist principle, how fucking dense are you?
It has to do with marxism in the cultural sense in that it acts as an attempt to achieve 'equality of outcome,' which is an inherently marxist belief.
>affirmative action is capitalism
Prove it then
t. Idiot who probably thinks the Soviet Union and Leninism wasn't "Real" communism.
Please call me when that wonderful marxist utopia rises from the ashes of the working class and doesn't produce a totalitarian shithole. Come on, any day now. I'm sure that utopia is just around the corner if you go to more antifa rallies and smash garbage cans! Fucking nazi garbage cans!
Marxism has been irrelevant since the fall of the soviet union, or even farther than that.
It's equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. They want the rate of men and women in the workplace to be 50-50, across the board.
This. Fuck people trying to rob white people of institutions that benefit them
Sorry, you're right
>Because everyone is a citizen, or comrade, in Marxism
In reality, Everyone is a subject in Marxism. It requires a higher power in order to function, because the concept of "The People" in itself is a higher power.
It's really just exchanging one form of totalitarianism for another. Proof: The nonexistence of any true Marxist society that doesn't collapse into a dictatorship. At least in Monarchies you can state the name of your kings.
Cultural Marxism is a way to push society away from traditional values. JEWS push for single parent homes and feminism as a way to bring down the birth rates among whites. Why can't u see that?
So tired. Nothing is happening. This is all so untrue. Time for bed. I can't post anymore. Probably going to go to bed. So tired of this untrue stuff being posted. Sleepy.
OP you are of course correct and I thank you kindly for making this thread
Cultural marxism is the fight of the classes applied to different groups of individuals with different cultures.
I don't give a fuck about what you think it means.
No need to be sorry friendo. My point is that in an equal opportunity world, the best get the opportunity to go the farthest as they will be given the opportunity to do so, just as everyone else - where as in the equality of outcome, only those who are either deemed worthy or deemed 'victims' of some sort will be given the opportunity.
Looks like she got deconstructed multiple times in her own comment section.
It doesn't matter, though. You'll keep making this thread like the brainless drone that you are.
>Cultural Marxism is a way to push society away from traditional values. JEWS push for single parent homes and feminism as a way to bring down the birth rates among whites.
Prove it using actual sources, not infographics.
Please fuck off back to leftypol. Marxism is about abolish class, racial and cultural differences.
>Marx was a Rothschild cousin
Who cares? Does ANYONE keep in touch with their third cousins?
>Because the Frankfurt school has produced some of the worst monsters of the 20th century and some of the dumbest people of the 21st century.
Again, prove it. Explain to all of us using legitimate scholarly sources that the Franks are responsible for the "dumbing down" of the West and/or identity politics.
>implying the shiddi would give away their greatest secret
Stupid got, just read the fucking Talmud
Cultural marxism is the attempt to create equal outcome amongst the masses.
As in, 50-50 for men and women in the workplace, and such.
you still have yet to prove that Affirmative action is capitalist in nature.
>you're incorrect because 'nobody keeps in contact with their third cousins, Right?! RIGHT?!'
Affirmative Action only helps women and people of color who are QUALIFIED get hired in elite positions or accepted into elite institutions (like Ivy League unis). It doesn't change the fact that elite institutions and social hierarchies EXIST in the first place. It helps capitalism, because it puts a sheet over contradictions which emerge or are accelerated by capitalism (such as white supremacy, colonialism, patriarchy, and the like).
>just read the fucking Talmud
Is that why Chassidic and Hareidi Jews who actually read the Talmud and take it at face-value have extremely strong family structures and treat their women like cattle?
>because it puts a sheet over contradictions which emerge or are accelerated by capitalism (such as white supremacy, colonialism, patriarchy, and the like).
Never stop posting, leaf. This is too good to cease.
>it helps capitalism
The fuck it does, if anything it hinders capitalism because businesses are FORCED to hire someone based on color rather than skill
Candidate A has 10 years experience in said field and was even a project manager on very successful projects
Candidate B is a minority with 3 years experience and was let go from his company due to downsizing
Candidate B will be hired in order to meet their AA quotas to ensure they keep a good image/don't lose money
>Cultural marxism is the attempt to create equal outcome amongst the masses.
Great, so can you point to anything in the texts of the Frankfurt School which promote this?
Oh yippee this thread again. Debunked every time and still coming back for more.
Don't forget to sage.
>affirmative action only gives the places to those who deserve it
Incorrect. With affirmative action, you are MORE likely to be accepted to an IVY league colleges or jobs than a white of the same intellectual caliber. Those of the christian church are specifically targeted when it comes to accepting scholarships in that churches cannot give their attendees scholarships, however this is not the case for jews or muslims.
When it comes to jobs, if you are black and there are no blacks in that company, they will HAVE to accept you regardless if there were a million other potential hiree's that outranked that black man by 100-fold. Thus, it is NOT picking out the people that are MOST QUALIFIED, but rather enforcing an ideology that puts other races in favor of those who are actually better.
>Affirmative action is capitalism because of X Y Z social issues
Incorrect. Capitalism is about exchanging products/services for monetary value. Whatever culture or ideals that stand overhead are irrelevant and thus are not inherently 'capitalist.'
Again, prove it to me. 'muh culture' is not proof.
>of the same intellectual caliber.
Yes, this is what I mean. AA only benefits people of color or women who are already qualified. Black kids with shit grades aren't being accepted into big schools over white kids with stellar grades.
>Incorrect. Capitalism is about exchanging products/services for monetary value.
No it's not. Capitalism refers to a specific historical period marked by specific property relations and relations of production. You can't claim capitalism is "free exchange" because "free exchange" exists in every society.
>Black kids with shit grades aren't being accepted into big schools
except they are.
Incorrect. Capitalism refers to the concept of the exchange of monetary wealth for goods or services. You still have not proven how some government social plan is 'capitalist' in nature.
>except they are.
This video has been posted here dozens of times. The cute music and large words are nice but this video states nothing profound.
They make it harder for the best to get in, and make it easier for the worst to get in, in order to create the equality of outcome that I have said as posted.
How many of those people of color are dirt poor though?
Well it would be nice if Sup Forums could actually cite instances where the Franks were advocating for wiping out white people or promoting the death of the family.
Your economic value is irrelevant when applying to college, only the fact that you can apply, and qualify for the various scholarships that exist SPECIFICALLY for your race/religion (note; there are no scholarships SPECIFICALLY for whites, nor have there ever been any that have been allowed to exist)
You still have not proven how some government social plan is 'capitalist' in nature. How about you prove yourself rather than dodging the demand for proof to back your statements up
>pol is one person
Nice, another fallacy. Way to go, 'intellectual'!!
>there are no scholarships SPECIFICALLY for whites
Because whites aren't at a disadvantage for being white.
>whites aren't at a disadvantage for being white
Prove it
Look at the history of the US or Canada. Whites were always on top and still are. The only places in the world where whites face bullshit for being white are racist Asian countries like Japan, or southern African countries which have a brutal history of colonialism and white supremacy.
This is bullshit, not all whites are connected and in it to screw darkie, most come from middle of the road or less than
History is irrelevant in the present, which is what the question demands. Prove to me that whites are not presently being disadvantaged for being white.
You also have not proven how some government social plan (affirmative action) is 'capitalist' in nature. How about you prove yourself rather than dodging
Yes, my ex-gf grew up in western Maryland in outright poverty and she's white as snow, so I'm well aware of the problems the white working class faces. But her childhood wasn't shit because she was white, her childhood was shit because she was poor.
Descendant of Irish genocide refugees reporting
The Frankfurt school is only important and relevant b/c of the systematic approach they took to deconstructing western values. It's almost universally agreed they were largely unsuccessful as a group, even if a few of their members slowly built up prominence in other regards.
Edward Bernays was probably 100x more successful in subverting the culture than anyone that came out of the Frankfurt school. It's just a convenient horse to kick to demonstrate the lengths these people will go and how academia becomes a cesspit of irrational thought.
Ok, and how many scholarships, jobs was she given on the basis of her economic background compared to an equivalent person of color? Zero, as in the sense your argument is making currently
The Irish weren't considered "white" for a long time, Patrick.
>Words evolve
All it's accomplished is make the right look fucking retarded. You have 15 year olds who watch youtube videos and take "le redpill" taking about Cultural Marxism and they don't even know what it means. It simply makes no logical sense.
Prove to me that whites are not presently being disadvantaged for being white.
You also have not proven how some government social plan (affirmative action) is 'capitalist' in nature. How about you prove yourself rather than dodging
>Prove to me that whites are not presently being disadvantaged for being white.
Jesus, we've seen this exact same god damn thread, verbatim, 100 times in two weeks and you simpletons still bite.
he made the claim, he must prove it. It's this amazing concept called 'burden of proof.' using proxies to mock me will not make him any more correct
Why should I prove a negative?
If anything, you should prove whites ARE at a disadvantage for being white overall. Citing AA is a selective sample fallacy. Same with citing "muh Afrikaaner geeeenosaaaid" in South Africa.
Nope, you made the claim, you must prove it.
I see no reason to think whites are disadvantaged at all BECAUSE they are white.
>using proxies
I already proved to you previously: Whites cannot have their own scholarships simply because they are white. White dominated religions cannot have their own scholarships because they are christian, where as this is not the case for islam or judaism.
-education section
>acting like someone using proxies on Sup Forums is some amazing new concept
It's really blatant and obvious that you're using a proxy
I'm an American on vacation. Not a proxy.
>White dominated religions cannot have their own scholarships because they are christian,
There are plenty of scholarships specifically made for Christians.
>Irish genocide
-Ok to deny scholarships to divinity students. (Feb 2004)
You still have not proven to me that whites are not presently being disadvantaged for being white.
You also have not proven how some government social plan (affirmative action) is 'capitalist' in nature. How about you prove yourself rather than dodging
So you realise that having a shit childhood is because of being poor, but you still think people have a disadvantage based on their race? Despite the fact that two people of equal intellectual calliber from the same economic background are accepted into a college or job based on whether or not they're white or not due to some affirmatove action which you think is capitalist in nature even though it's a government social program? That seems like a disadvantage to white people if you ask me
There's a cosmic irony in all of it. One example is that Adorno was very discerning in his aesthetics and critical of the banality of popular culture.
In this essay he specifically exalts Beethoven and what makes a classical work ineffable and measures that in opposition to popular music which he tears apart for its valueless ephemerality. Yet it can somehow be traced back to the Frankfurts that they want to subvert those same values.
Again, I don't see how being white leads to poverty. Poor whites generally speaking do better than poor blacks.
Sup Forums would love Adorno if they could comprehend him.
>Kant BTFO
>Hegel BTFO
>Marx BTFO
>Heidegger BTFO
>muh feels BTFO
>subjectivity BTFO
Being white does not lead to being in poverty, however being black does due to the typical low IQ and ineptitude that comes along with the race. Unless you believe that we all act the same (which indirectly makes the claim that groups have not evolved to have different IQ's and behave differently in order to survive in their environment), it should be clear as to why a typically low IQ race cannot surpass typically high IQ races - unless you're anti science.
If you're anti science, then it only further helps us conclude that you're just yet another blithering retard who cannot see the world beyond the blinders in your eyes put in place by your brainwashing communist teachers
These vids also debunk the conspiracy:
You're a persistent little faggot, aren't you?
Economic Marxism?
Cultural Marxism?
That's when it started, fucking Derrida.
Derrida was explicitly anti-Marxist.
Considering how you're just another anti-science retard, it should be expected that you'd refuse to respond to queries.
You still have not proven to me that whites are not presently being disadvantaged for being white.
You also have not proven how some government social plan (affirmative action) is 'capitalist' in nature. How about you prove yourself rather than dodging
A difference in outcome is not an inherent disadvantage. It's like you're pointing to incarceration rates and saying that blacks must be being discriminated against, ergo they are disadvantaged. The lifestyle they choose that leads them to do worse than whites of the same economic background is not an example of them being disadvantaged. It's just a typifal leftist idealistic way of looking at things by saying whites>blacks, we must throw money at them to equalise the outcome! It's marxism, not capitalism
t. Communist + Cultural Marxist
Whites have degenerate lifestyles too. Rich white kids are perhaps the most un-dignified people on earth.
>It's marxism, not capitalism
lol no
Multi-culturalism is about distorting reality in favor of subjective ideals, like 'equality' and idealism. A key example would be the feminist movement in the west, alonside the 'sexual revolution,' etc.
Worst of all, these jews actively believe that they're doing good.
>Multi-culturalism is about distorting reality in favor of subjective ideals, like 'equality' and idealism.
Congrats, you've just described postmodernism.
>Worst of all, these jews actively believe that they're doing good.
The only major Jewish PoMo was Derrida. Foucault, Lacan, Lyotard, Baudrillard, Deleuze, and Irigaray are all Gentiles. Paul De Man was a literal Nazi collaborator.
Gaddafi was an Arab fascist.
See but even in the video the girl explains how the frankfurt school influenced contemporary marxism. Here's a simplification for you;
Frankfurt school + nietzche - post structuralists - contemporary cultural marxists. It's denial to claim the frankfurt school didnt influence the modern leftists, be it intentionally or unintenionally
For example, they're as of recently trying to push pedophilia as a 'positive' thing. The SJW movement is also another example, as well as the assets that the people such as Soros use to further secure the existence of cultural marxism in the west.
>lol no
Amazing rebuttal, i guess thats that then