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Come home to the gods of your ancestors, white man!

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The AESTHETIC gods are waiting.


First quality post I've seen on pol in a while.

Thank you my friend. I try to do my best.

>gods of my ancestors
My ancestors never consistently stayed with a god until God. Why do you pretend paganism is worth reverting to? Seriously what does it even offer?
>muh Rome
Rome that turned to Christendom because paganism failed them. Europe was never greater than under Christianity. Your knee jerk reaction at a time when Europe needs Christianity most is almost tragic if you weren't just larping on Sup Forums of all places.

Total removal of Christians, Meds and other foreign filth from Europe and the West is coming

Have a bump against semetic lies.

Christianity is holding us back. Every branch is cucked and expects us to be "Good Christians" and accept our demise.


We must reclaim our unique white identity to survive. Hail Wotan brothers.

Look, you got wrong everything you could get wrong. Healthy European man is the best child of evolution out there.Just look at the strongman and the world around you. We have to go to a deeper root of dysgenics and meekness. So what did allow a lot of Lebensunwertes Leben to exist? Let's find out.
Culture is a racial manifestation first and foremost. Long ago Natural Law was integral to the European Culture. It doesn't appear out of nowhere, that's why it's natural. Weak die off from the evolutionary race, strong pass on. Catholic Christian Universalism and jewish cultural marxism destroyed that selection, as well as vaccination, saving half dead newborns and such. Biggest mistake of the colonisation was not to exterminate conquered species to zero. Imagine the world today without negro, jew, pakistanis, chinese, indochines and southwest asian monkeys, central asians, Australian aboriginals, redskins and arabs. You can't claim with a straight face that it would be less prosperous, more environmental and free world.
Catholic Church has been more and way longer cucked
>create universalism
>protect judaism and talmud circulation since 1180s war
>demand baptising colonised niggers and amerindians instead of murdering them all
>successfully demand Monarch to throw in prison based Columbus for cleaning the Americas from the filth
>oppose racism since 1800s

Thanks to the Catholic Church and Christians European jewry, spics, masses of mongoloids and negroes exist.

>every branch is cucked
That's a steep generalization. You can find marxist poison in many of them no doubt but, even within an individual denomination you'll find dissent. Not all of the protestants in Sweden want a death by multiculturalism.

Remember to pray to Jesus

I saw you in the last thread and you're a smart guy. Just wanted to say that and that I capped this post.


In 1973 Swedish atheists were sterilizing degenerates, people with heavy Sami admixture and gypsies in the Institute for Racial Biology(yes Sweden was the Last Bastion of Whites). In 1973 Swedish Christians marched with Olaf Palme against apartheid and aforementioned institution.
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It's always good to see some pushback for a rightful clean European media area. Don't let yourself to slip on impurity spiral. Comprise is what killed our civilization / way of life the most

I know you guys are pretty much just atheists who hate Christianity and want another religion that you think the plebs should believe in to produce optimal political outcomes from the point of view of your chosen ideology (or some gay shit like that), but why is it always Norse paganism? I doubt any of you faggots are even Nordic in descent. Why are there never any Greek or Roman or even Slavic LARPers? Greek mythology is much more interesting than Nordic mythology

I know the title is not in english but they have the best version I could find.

Also Is DonaldTrump a Christian? He is isn't he

>Why are there never any Greek or Roman or even Slavic LARPers?

The vast majority of North Americans are of Germanic descent. 95% sure this is bait but I responded because I appreciate the bump

Greeks no longer exist as a homogenous Hellenic entity and for them polytheism of that time makes no sense. Canada, Australia and USA were built by Germanic Europeans. Clear enough? As far as LARP with "Greeks"
and "Romans?" goes, they LARP as Europeans all the time. Now that's unrealistic a bit surely.
>no Slavic paganism
Actually it's culturally popular in Czech Republic, Belarus and Russia

>Don't let yourself to slip on impurity spiral

I'll try not to.

>North Americans are of Germanic descent

Lol what, how do you get this? English people would be Druids and French people would be some long-dead form of Celtic paganism that nobody remembers (or cares) much about. And in the US, Mexicans would be Aztec paganism and blacks would be African paganism but you never see that on Sup Forums.

>Germanic Europeans
yeah we too

This faggot is too retarded to even reply to. Everyone who clicks on this thread please go ahead and filter this faggot. It'll save you some time.

Hey its the butthurt Canadian Slav who looks like a Gay Half Asian whining about people following European Paganism that has historical basis instead of his patchwork variety

So it's just christianity and no other variables which has lead to Europe's problems? Isn't that a little reductive? Do
you expect any critically thinking person to believe that? What has stopped the pagans from
fending off the non-whites? Have christians stopped pagans from organizing? Could it be that you are actually full of shit and Europe is falling for the same reason the US is which is that they have become more decadent and atheistic and less christian? Do you not see an inverse relationship with declining percent of christians and rising rate of dispair?

just a coincidence

Abrahamic Religions, and their marxist values are part of the problem. Maybe even the root of it. But even if they all magically became pagans it will take more effort to fix it.

Lol, if you get angry when people ask you questions about your little thing, don't be surprised that it's on the extreme fringe. Then again, maybe it's just my exposure to Semitic Jewish Christianity that has infected my Aryan soul and made me think that I should question religion and expect answers to my questions.

Literally everysingle one of your threads is about Christians not even pagans. But only how pagans are in relation to Christians. It's not even a pagan general. Literally no one gives a flying fuck unless you mention Christians in your general.Because no one will even give a damn unless you do. This is how you are defined BY US

Come home.

You literally practice a strange fringe version of Pan-European Paganism
Op did pretty good for a pagan poster. At least he tried to stay pro-pagan instead of anti christian

Fuck you faggot. The only reasons these threads have anything to do with christianity is because those kike worshipers have nothing better to do than to make it about themselves. There was a pagan thread a few days ago about theology but no, faggots like you have to ruin the majority of them. Kill yourself.

I don't know what you're talking about, I usually ignore threads I find ridiculous (like this one) and I just felt like giving it a chance today. But asking you questions makes me feel like Augustine questioning the Manichean Bishop Faustus, you just try to shift around to avoid the total lack of substance in your ideas

so this is the new larping general
Let's see if it lasts longer than the communism larping threads

US was build by Germanic protestant christians among others. Not a lot of pagan help.

I'm Catholic

Deny yourself go ahead starve yourself of Christ and YOU'LL DIE ALL YOUR GENERALS WILL DIE

Germanic implies Celts (as pure Celts are only Welsh and Cornish; and pure Germanics are only Frisians, northmost Danes and Southern Swedes aka Skanians)

Germanic = Celtic-Germanic = Northwestern European = really tight family in colonies

Stop larping and start being a Christian.

Reminder that 90% of christcucks are only stage 1-3.

Don't even bring up "Protestant work ethnic". It's a race denialist cucksplanation for Celtic-Germanics being the biggest brother of European races



If everyone's Germanic then nobody's Germanic


Marxist in what way? Marxism and social marxism were developed by jews specifically to subvert christian culture and values. Are the amish marxist? because that is christianity in a preserved form that we can observe. Total racial separatism. That's not marxism. Either were the sodomy laws, decency laws,anti-miscegination laws etc that were the foundation of christian society until fairly recently.

>~300 million people worldwide


I've always been here. You just only have to look inside yourself to discover your AESTHETIC ways.


>ywn block the path of Celts whilst wearing a Sutton Hoo AESTHETIC helmet

May have mistaken you for a guy from these threads, sorry >.<
I'm fairly irreligious, but know enough about both faiths to shitpost very well in these threads
pic related

there was a famine in jerusalem. Everyone sold what they had to buy food or share what little they had left

The one thing tumblr and Sup Forums has in common

Not everybody, just "most white people in America today". I mean I'm part German and Danish that I'm certain of, and that's just in recorded genealogy. I have no idea how many of my British, Irish, and French ancestors were immigrants from Scandinavia, because the records just weren't that precise. Statistically speaking though, it's sure to be "a fair bit", given migration patterns in Europe between the 9th and 13th centuries.

>tfw you will witness the rebirth of germanic paganism amongst the western white tribes and their diaspora

Feels good man.

>your little thing
>Arguing with condescension
I can smell the reddit on you.

Communism is explicitly condemned in Quadragesimo Anno

>112. One section of Socialism has undergone almost the same change that the capitalistic economic system, as We have explained above, has undergone. It has sunk into Communism. Communism teaches and seeks two objectives: Unrelenting class warfare and absolute extermination of private ownership. Not secretly or by hidden methods does it do this, but publicly, openly, and by employing every and all means, even the most violent. To achieve these objectives there is nothing which it does not dare, nothing for which it has respect or reverence; and when it has come to power, it is incredible and portentlike in its cruelty and inhumanity. The horrible slaughter and destruction through which it has laid waste vast regions of eastern Europe and Asia are the evidence; how much an enemy and how openly hostile it is to Holy Church and to God Himself is, alas, too well proved by facts and fully known to all. Although We, therefore, deem it superfluous to warn upright and faithful children of the Church regarding the impious and iniquitous character of Communism, yet We cannot without deep sorrow contemplate the heedlessness of those who apparently make light of these impending dangers, and with sluggish inertia allow the widespread propagation of doctrine which seeks by violence and slaughter to destroy society altogether. All the more gravely to be condemned is the folly of those who neglect to remove or change the conditions that inflame the minds of peoples, and pave the way for the overthrow and destruction of society.

Ok, I won't and didn't bring it up. You are stawmanning me.

Let me ask you this though- if the fact that they were protestant is irrelevant, and their success was purely racial, why are you arguing that whites should be pagan? Why would it matter? We should naturally be good enough regardless of religion right?

**Luke 18:15-27 - English Standard Version (ESV)**

```Let the Children Come to Me / The Rich Ruler

[15] Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. [16] But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. [17] Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." [18] And a ruler asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" [19] And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. [20] You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother.'" [21] And he said, "All these I have kept from my youth." [22] When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." [23] But when he heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich. [24] Jesus, seeing that he had become sad, said, "How difficult it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! [25] For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God." [26] Those who heard it said, "Then who can be saved?" [27] But he said, "What is impossible with man is possible with God." ```
Jesus was pro taxes to "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's

Communism is a mortal sin in the Roman Catholic Church

>tfw you will personally levy the Fyrd to drive out the invading Pakis

So be apolitical equates to marxism in your mind? How bizarre.

Cool now let me read all pagan literature and find one quote to damn the whole religion. This is exactly what liberals do.Also in a homogeneous society charity and generousness is not a bad thing.

you don't actually believe in these gods though right?

What are you going to discuss? Allegory? Didn't helios ride the sun around in a chariot voer the flat earth? That's right he did. Remember globes were in the minority but not among pagan commoners.

>tfw we're honoring ancestors that were fighting over acres of land and we're invoking their images over the survival of our(their) entire race

Feels fuckin deep man.

You just have to check the right places. If you're Catholic you just have to find out which parish your ancestors went to, and they should have genealogical records. I know for myself which specific church my ancestors went to in France before coming here, and if I wanted records further back I'd just have to go there.

It's interesting, because only a small number of people with my family name came here, and we're much more numerous here than we are in France, so in the 80s a lot of my family members bought a little plaque for the church that our ancestors in France went to as a gift from those of us in Canada to the church of our ancestor. Pretty cool stuff

Aidsfrica is hell of a protestant place. Really hot shit there. We don't want to Paganise our people, as much as we (on average) want to dejudify and decristianize them first. Native flourish the best, when foreign is absent

Yeah dechristianize(demoralize) them and they will jump right to the paganism. That is actually the exact opposite of what happens. Enjoy your gay marriage and transgender bathrooms when all the newly created atheist take up hedonism.


>tfw you need to reproduce to continue the survival of your race
>tfw you need to drive the invaders from our acquired lands
>tfw all you're doing is sitting on an anime board posting AESTHETIC Anglos with a fellow Anglo
I'm getting feels just thinking about it

Last time I checked modern Christians are racially ignorant subhumans. Scratch a Christian, find a cuck

First, What pagan literature? 90% of "Pagan" Literature was written by Christians, the rest is Greco-Roman, also I'm still not a pagan.
Second, Pagan isn't a group related and/or similar religions
Third, I'm still not a pagan, just a spiritual but not religious Sup Forumslack

Which ones? 81% of white evangelicals voted for trump, who's main policy was banning muslims and building a wall to keep non-whites out. You judge christians by a few signs saying welcome refugees? See your thinking on the subject is too reductive. Though I admire your zeal.

The answer ultimately is a white christian, pagan, atheist alliance.

most whites are in general, it's not limited to christians. last i checked the northern european countries have atheism rates of over 80% in most of those countries.

those old religionists were not necessarily racially proud anyway. the vikings went around and mixed with other ethnicities, that is how norse DNA got around europe. greeks did the same, as did romans. this globalist ideology has been within europeans since they first became powerful. that is why you had "empires", which alone account for globalism. not to mention colonialism was done for the gain of land and resources, and still would've been done - you think we would've dicked around in europe for eternity if we didn't become christians? i think whites in general have a desire to spread out and conquer it is just coming back upon us.

Ask those same evangelicals how they feel about jews. Why do you think Trump has been kowtowing so hard to Israel, along with literally every single other president?

These Christians literally worship jews as some kind of demigods walking the earth

Their hatred of muslims is incidental. It's a response to all the anti-muslim propaganda they've been fed from jewish zionist radio hosts whipping up the war fever for Israel

>tfw I moved to a rural area
>tfw I made a couple little anglos
>tfw I just put our troubles onto the future anglos

Feels bad.

>a vote for (((Trump))) is an indication of Racial Loyalty
Northern European nations are not nearly as cucked as catholic Portugal with their INDIAN prime minister or Spainl/Italy with their commies and nigger/arab (genetic solidarity after all these years?) rescue navies. Universally atheist Baltics hunt down tourist shitskins and throw annual Nazi parades for fucks sake

we've long had a military alliance with israel. what were you expecting, trump to fire up the ovens on the first day of the presidency? i think people on here put their own views upon trump and expect unrealistic things to occur.

you need to put down the hitler crackpipe at once. pagans were not white supremacists, they were just as globalist as the christians. roman "empire", viking sagas, these guys didn't just sit in their homeland and talk about how they only wanted to stay in sweden and never go anywhere. whites wanted to travel, and thus they did. now everyone travels to them.

Great question. I don't know. Maybe the iliad or odyssey. The point is is that some of the christian message of charity and generosity can be problematic in a non homogeneous society. I realize that. That's what geographic separation and anti-misegination laws are for. If there is no non whites than some of the of the passages about charity are very social and good ideas and just common sense ideas that would be naturally emergent in any tribal collective.

portugal is 97% portuguese and takes in some of the lowest amounts of refugees. that you would defend UK, sweden, netherlands, and germany over them is absurd. not to mention the italians passing refugees up the line, many of whom get accepted into germany or britain. to me it suggests a racial bias against Mediterraneans.

even your own people, who are mostly atheist have been controlled by authoritarian government since the revolution, and central asians pour through your borders. cannot blame the church for that igor, when 97% of your people don't even go. [russia has 3% church attendance rate]

Viking were race aware and acted accordingly. Stupid to bring sagas up, since those just further confirm it, dumb animals. Rome is anther story that got nasty with the Edict of Caraculla(not popular with the people much)

Colonizing and exterminating subhumans =|= treating them as equals and inviting them over

>tfw my future little anglos will get to put on the Sutton Hoo helmet and slay Pakis and other vagrants
feels smug man

they went into other lands and mixed with other peoples. colonization has been a disaster, as it has led to those in the former colonies moving back. you weren't going to kill everyone and should have known better.

and what do the pagans want now? they want the opposite of what is done, lock down the borders and travel nowhere. swedes will stay in sweden and no where else. you modernists are very different from the old religionists, that is for sure.

the damage was done once whites decided to try to civilize the world, this would have been done no matter the religion, as empire building happened during the pagan days and they didn't kill everyone. it just isn't in us, we are often deal makers.

>is 97% Portuguese
Wrong. Just visit. Wouldn't even matter when you have a SUBHUMAH prime minister. As for Russia, saying "why can't we kill all nonwhite animals to get over with it" is a normal question for people to ponder. Don't confuse former KPSS Jewtin with people's desire

>Other lands
Yes, human ones. Like Ireland, England, Scotland, Germany, Rus and Baltics
>the damage
The damage was done when nonwhites were not exterminated for Lebensraum

I like your outlook. We need to stay positive.


Oh I try to stay positive, believe me. I would be lying to you though if I said I wasn't quite black pilled. War and perhaps, a collapse seem to be the only solutions on the cards.

Their hatred of muslims is incidental.
You have no clue what you are talking about.
Evangelical christians viscerally hate any non christian religions and even many other denomonation of christianity. They are also extremely racist. I say that as a good thing. There is the christian zionist contingent but honestly they are becoming fewer by the day in my observation. The evangelicals are actually watered down liberals compared to the fundamentalist of days gone by.

Yeah I understand that trump has issues. The important part is their intent. They saw him as a an anti immigrant candidate, period. There have been surveys and immigration was the most important issue.

>also extremely racist
Subhuman adopting, anti-racist shilling, immigrant loving evangelicuck begone!
>1/8-1/16 jewish himself
>daughter is married to a kikenigger/is a convert
>all kids are dating kikeniggers
Literally amerishart meme tier candidate

>War and perhaps, a collapse seem to be the only solutions on the cards.

Yeah. Man I mean idk. Some Americans have been waiting for that since 1865.

In the meantime though we can support white pagan identity and get our people thinking in a folkish way.

Sure, bring back traditionalism. I doubt many will flock to our banner though. Only those who break free from the degenerate grip of the Jude will join us.

Some questions. Answer as you like:

Can you justify believing something as true on the grounds that it what your ancestors did before/thought up themselves rather than other means

For a group that speaks so much of Europe why is the OP just Asatru stuff with some general Germanic stuff thrown in? Are you guys from ancestors of those areas or are you co-oping other's ancestor due to racial nationalism?

Which do you support more: Supporting a native European religion for sake of heritage or actually believing it to be true? The former seems shallow but the latter causes derision between other religions due to different overall cosmologies.

Why isn't this "European Paganism" General? Do you accept pagan groups from outside Europe such as Kemetism?

The principle of putting your own first and knowing who they are will set them free. Once it's there, they'll be no longer chriatian. Most of Whites already aren't

yes, because the anglos are filthy germans.... this all makes sense