Are there any Slavic or Russian fags on here that were alive when the USSR collapsed? What was it like?
Are there any Slavic or Russian fags on here that were alive when the USSR collapsed? What was it like?
Any more of dem nips?
Slavic fag from former Warsaw pact country.
t'wasn't good.
It was hella surprising for Americans. Was it surprising for people who lived there?
There were literally open food shops with no food in them. Various factions (or mafias) started to establish themselves and they vied for power, first regionally and then nationally. Open killings ensued from said conflict.
Politicians got assassinated, (((official))) governments didn't last for more than a year. State institutions didn't really function. The military was drastically getting underfunded and its equipment fell into disrepair opening us up for attack/forced joining into NATO. City infrastructure fell into disrepair, white flight was taking place across the whole country leaving us with a large gypsy and turkish problem. Crime was a problem (theft, murder). The currency we had was reformed multiple times and was pretty much worthless internationally.
tl;dr: Failed state conditions.
I talked to someone from former Soviet bloc that came west because of adoption to Jews. She said it was a highly privileged society where only certain people could get access to quality goods or services like a college education.
One have to be 45+ to answer that, Sup Forums is not the place to go for them.
I can watch old TVs, read magazines and newspapers. To interact with the older generation after all.
It's not that the USSR has collapsed that is bad, but what people came after. Soviet folks were very naive and did not expect a bad turn of events, just as the Russian people were naive in 1917.
Two very different stories
>First Hand, Long and info rich, makes sense, little to no finger pointing
>Second Hand, sounds like total bullshit, "jews"
Put a bra on you gonna get saggy tits hoe.
Only Jews could cross the iron curtain at the time, which is how she came here.
>Soviet folks were very naive and did not expect a bad turn of events
Everybody was, really. Everybody idolized western music, western food, western cars, western clothes, western this, western that. Everybody thought that democracy and free market capitalism were amazing, almost fairy-tale concepts.
And it was good, until we found out that good ideas need strong people filled with conviction to enact them, not the mafioso cowards like we had.
They selected you for college based on your culture, religion, gender, etc.
lol I know the story behind this photo she was a literal prostitute
>One have to be 45+ to answer that, Sup Forums is not the place to go for them.
That's where you're wrong bud.
Also, I guess I should've mentioned this was from USSR before its collapse.
Where was she from?
My wife and her parents are Ukrainian.
They have a 1930's-built family home that her father inherited from his parents. The property today is a three bedroom house, on a quarter acre property.
The neighborhood it's in was slated to be bulldozed and the next building in a series of socialized apartment complexes built.
All they would have received in exchange is a two bedroom apartment. One for parents, another for my wife. That's it. Once my wife had moved out, they'd be relocated to a one bedroom apartment.
Fortunately that was all planned to happen in 1993, so that shit collapsed and their neighborhood is fine today. There's still a huge fucking concrete complex a few hundred feet over from where they live.
Mother in law used to stand in bread lines and stuff. Her father was a WWII orphan in Crimea. Wild stuff.
what sound is the third letter on that car?
mee__eechee is that D?
It was ok. The very bad times had been gone for a while.
wouldn't mind her sucking my jimmy/.
It's an L (Л)
Both of them mentioned jews, retard.
mom was from Czechoslovakia, moved here in early 80's. According to her it wasn't that bad at all economically. I think it was more the genetically retarded countries like Poland or Russia that had it bad. Hungary, East Germany and Czechia did quite OK after the 60's
I thought "L" sounds were the pi symbol one?
Is this russian or some other form of slavic?
not true, at least in Czechoslovakia. Education was free and open to anyone. All you had to do was join the communist party, which anyone could do.
Not me, but my girlfriend's dad. Had a bit if a barter economy going. He told stories about vodka as becoming a quasi-currency and how it made things harder (government services were gone) it also in some ways made things easier (government was out of the fucking way).
Says he was lucky to be in a rural area where most trouble makers wouldn't bother.
Hates jews. When I was bluepilled I was always confused about that.
Л = L(uh)
П = P(uh)
All Cyrillic is the same. There is just a minor pronunciation difference between Slavic languages.
Кaк e Hoвa Зeлaндия?
Well maybe it's a Ukrainian thing. You had to be a jew pretty much to attend the universities, which meant that she couldn't get educated, but she had heard from others that it was a top university if you could get in.
Paдвaм ce чe пoзнa, cънapoдникo.
Хyбaвo e, aмa видимo идвaт лoшитe вpeмeнa. Oбpaзoвaтeлнaтa cиcтeмa e мaшинa нa пoлиткopeктният eлит. Heгpитe и мюcюлмaни ce yмнoжихa в бpoй oт пocлeднитe пeт гoдини. Oтвopихa пъpвaтa джaмия в мoя гpaд дopи. Mиcля дa ce пpeмecтя някъдe в Aвcтpaлия дaлeч oт цивилизaциятa (The Outback), зaщoтo тyкa в т.нap. "rural areas" имa пoнe 50км дo нaй-близкият cpeдeн гpaд.
Oт дpyгa cтpaнa, мoгa и дa ce въpнa. Чyвaл cъм зa кaк ги тpeпимe мигpaнтитe y нac. Иcтинa ли e? A тypцитe кaк ca?
Guys, this is an English speaking board.
Mигpaнтитe cи пътyвaт зa Гepмaния и Швeция. Typcкaтa пapтия (ДПC) ce paзпeци и нямaт влияниe ocвeн пo ceлaтa.
>One have to be 45+ to answer that, Sup Forums is not the place to go for them.
You must be new here.
me lee tsee ya
ми ли ци я
it means militia
A chef I worked with lived there around that time. He said that you could go into a restaurant and try to order off of the menu, but almost every item was actually unavailable.
Хyбaви нoвини, щe дoйдa нa пoчивкa пoнякoгa.
>Чyвaл cъм зa кaк ги тpeпимe мигpaнтитe y нac. Иcтинa ли e?
Bиж Динкo Bълeв
A friend of mine owned a restaurant in the 90s. Not only was that true with him as well, he also swapped the prices of the menus daily in 96/97 to go along with the massive inflation crisis we had. Crazy stuff.
Знaм гo Динкo, пpocтo нe знaeх дaли ocтaнaлият нapoд мy cлeдвaшe пpимepa.
>нe знaeх дaли ocтaнaлият нapoд мy cлeдвaшe пpимepa.
Hикoи нe ги oбичa. Имaмe cи гpaждaнcки пaтpyли пo гpaницaтa. Bиж Пepaтa.
English please you dumb fucking bulgarian, i will report
Father was from Poland. He didn't go into details, but he hated that the government had control over media. You didn't know what was going on.
He told me one time during mass, police came in and arrested the priest. They took him out into the woods/country side and was never heard of again.
Standing in line for hours to get food. Most of the time it was a loaf of bread, if you were lucky you could get kielbasa. But it was frozen rock hard.
> What was it like?
Like apocalypse.
Police stopped functioning, so thugs were running everything. Gunfights between different gangs were daily occurrence. If you was businessman, you had to pay to biggest gang out there for protection.
Costs control was removed, so food prices were skyrocketing, sometimes changing several times per day.
Communal services like electricity and water were fucked up, we kept stock of propane gas cans for portable gas stove and tons of candles, because power outages were very common. Had to keep stock of drinkable water because water outages were very common too.
You'd see Russian tanks shooting at Russian parliament in news and not be surprised, such is life in new Russia. Retarded drunkard serving as president pissed from his presidental airliner while being on live tv? Used to it.
When Yeltsin stepped down and Putin started to put things in order, cracking down on criminals and rogue states, everyone was really happy that nightmare ended.
The KGB, the FBI and the CIA are all trying to prove they are the best at catching criminals. The Secretary General of the UN decides to set them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest, and each of them has to catch it. The CIA people go in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations, they conclude that the rabbit does not exist. The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and make no apologies: the rabbit had it coming. The KGB goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"