How do "racial realists" compensate the fact that Jews are documented to be the most intelligent race?
How do "racial realists" compensate the fact that Jews are documented to be the most intelligent race?
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>compensate the fact
We understand 5th grade grammar, at least.
I've met lots of greedy stupid jews who can't see further than next week
But I've never met a mentally advanced jew
It's not in their genes, never was
which is why they're always claiming in the media they monopolise that they are the smartest
Kikes have a massively deserved inferiority complex for which they try to overcompensate
Your mistake is implying that we are one person. Several people holding several views is not an argument to be made against us. (Keyword, US, plural)
We don't disagree that Jews are smart.
>inb4 Asians and Jews just lack soul and creativity dude. Their inner minds don't vibe with the universe...
they generally deal with it fine because they don't have massive inferiority complexes and are generally secure with their place in the intellectual world / contributions to science / literature / politics ect ect.
however, we do have to smarten up, as a race (particularly our women), if we are to beat them :(
Jewish IQ has collapsed in the past few decades. Basically, smart jews have very few children, mostly with nonjews. Dumb jews have lots of kids. Jewish IQ might be 104 now.
Ashkenazi aren't even (((real))) Jews.
Here is proof:
Jews aren't particularly smart anymore. This isn't 1972. Jews today have about average IQs for whites.
>Von Neumann
They aren't. East Asians are.
It's not that much higher. Ashkenazi IQ is below 110. Heck, in Israel Ashkenazi IQ was put only at 103, with Israel overall being 95.
The more I see jews acting on social media, the more I'm convinced they aren't that smart and it's a myth.
>Von Neumann
Converted to Catholicism and identified with Europeans. He was obsessed with European history. He was certainly Ashkenazi by heritage, but he identified with European history and thought.
monolithic white societies versus monolithic jewish societies. compare and contrast.
We just accept that Jews being at the top of society, controlling governments and media, is a result of their intellectual superiority. We don't start seeing """anti-white oppression""" everywhere or anything.
what's there to compensate for? All the dumbest jews died rapidly in the 1940's. Not to mention the role pogroms played. It's simply evolution.
It isn't a myth. It used to be about 110, which was incredible. They just bred themselves average. Most jews born today are only half or a quarter or even less jewish by DNA. The smart ones marry non-jews and have few kids. The dumb ones have lots of kids. It is classic dysgenics. In the 1970s and earlier, jewish IQ was certainly impressive. Today? It is about average for whites.
There's a minimum threshold of mean IQ required to lead a civil society. It's like the written portion of the driver's license exam. Peoples above that will be evaluated with different criteria.
Indeed, but we're specifically talking about intelligence differences between ethnicity, hence genetics is all that really matters.
Ashkenazi are certainly among the smartest ethnic groups in the world.
>Ashkenazi were certainly among the smartest ethnic groups in the world.
maybe. To be honest I don't really know the data that well. I'm being a bit of a parrot right now.
>But I've never met a mentally advanced jew
believe me goyim, they dont want to meet you, much less have to see you.
>It isn't a myth. It used to be about 110, which was incredible.
I've never seen any serious attempt at estimating average American Ashkenazi IQ. It's not like the White-Black IQ gap that has been studied over and over in depth.
The Asian lacks two elements that prevent them from ruling the world: Creativity, and a soul.
Whites have created alot more than Asians despite being outnumbered and having a low IQ. Also, East Asian countries were "civilized" centuries before Europeans, so they had a huge head start. Don't get me wrong, per capita asians produce more people who can become engineers, but that hasn't translated into dominance in... anything really. Europeans are more created. Jews were extraordinarily creative during the 19th and 20th centuries, but, as shown in this thread, that dominance is absolutely over.
Racial realist and white supremacist aren't synonymous
Jews don't use their intelligence to build, only to destroy. That is why they are the eternal enemy of the west and whites.
Do you know that I fucked your mom's asshole raw back in 1983? Shit ripped and she had to get some dumpster surgery on her gushy gash if u kno what I mean.
ding ding ding ding
says the guy using a COMPUTER
Why do they use their high intelligence to alienate themselves from the communities/nations they reside in and inevitably use the high positions of power they obtain to further their own goals/causes at the expense of the rest of the nation?
Do people legitimately believe the Jews are hated out of jealousy and not the fact they simply fuck everyone over for their own benefit when given the chance?
Because they're idiots.
It's Sup Forums as a whole rather than race realists, and this isn't at all the only kind of cognitive dissonance on Sup Forums Really, 99.9% of all Sup Forums beliefs are based on such contradictions.
>have 100 people
>1 is a jew
>other 99 are white
>only the jew goes to private school
>99 others are raised in public schools with niggers
>test average iq by the two groups
>the jews have higher intelligence lmao why so jealous white boyyyyy
All depends on who's doing the 'documenting' lol
Hey listen, have you read the conclusion reached by dozens of jew scientists, doctors? They claim, that without reservation, jews have the most mental diseases of any other group on earth
That was documented too, and verified
You don't see it being publicized in the jew media though, do you
How many kike inventions (except usury and communism) can you name? How many great kike artists? Their mind is of very effective parasite, not of actual human who creates.
>How do "racial realists" compensate the fact that Jews are documented to be the most intelligent race?
Fine by me, most of the world's greatest scientists seem to be jewish so it makes perfect sense.
mental illness = high IQ.
Hitler had autism, remember.
What are you talking about there is no causation between private school and public school IQ, any correlation is explained by the fact that high IQ parents pass on high IQ genes, and these high IQ parents are more likely to put their kids in private school.
>How many great kike artists?
Oh there's a ton of those, jews excel in all areas of the arts.
muslims would actually be the highest. although I'm not sure mental retardation counts as illness? so whatever
quick reminder 50% of muslims are inbred as fuck
The Han have higher IQ.
Also the Kikes have build nothing only destroyed.
All them smarts and all they gave the world was piles of dead bodies cultural Marxism and che t-shirts.
That is true, but only for the Ashkenazi.
Israel, for example, has an IQ of 95
jews have high iqs because they bred with white people
Sephardic jews have low iqs because they kept their arab roots.
lmao jews getting bleached and thinking its the jew dna that makes them smrt
>How do "racial realists" compensate the fact that Jews are documented to be the most intelligent race?
Because those "documents" were created by Jews. What a convenient (((coincidence)))
Jews are smart but they lack long-term decision making, and they want to exterminate all other races so fuck them.
shlomo on full damage control
>b-but goyim don't forget the ayyrabs
>15 million jews in the world
>250 million white people in the world
Gee I wonder how the average IQ could be misconstrued
A ten point IQ advantage is not something that disappears within a generation. Jews really do have a big genotypic IQ advantage over whites.
"Honor and empathy"
Jews are better at this too.
>A race realist when confronted with IQ differences between jews and whites
"So you acknowledge that Jews aren't white."
How many Jews stepped foot on the moon?
think any of these nice white people helped with our IQ outcome?
They're neurotic. They have wicked minds that they keep tightly in check for fear of going off the deep end. Sometimes, they're individually decent because they're keeping it in check, but sometimes they don't keep it in check enough. Worse, sometimes their elders fucking break them, so all that chained neurosis cascades out into a bleak world hypothesis.
Compensate? I guess by being bigger, stronger, more attractive and athletic, having bigger dicks and not being as sneaky and conniving. All the things you would expect off a nigger I guess, except we actually have triple digit IQs, plus we're very industrious and empathetic
>hahaha goy we are so superior
>but only in your nations tho lol
Whites conquered the world and allowed the inferior to coexist alongside them. Your existence is a show of misplaced gratitude.
>believe me goyim, they dont want to meet you, much less have to see you.
>much less have to see you
t. Retarded kike
Are those two things supposed to invalidate one another? I don't see why you can't accept both. Someone explain the reasoning behind this.
You have to look at the raw numbers of brilliant people a group produces. Group intelligence in a functional sense is determined by the extant outliers, not the average. The combination of relatively high IQs with large variance or fatter tails on distribution means more geniuses, and is characteristic of whites. Asians have a higher average but low variance, so less frequent geniuses. But Asian population in massive and compensates. Jewish IQ and variance suggests they have lots of geniuses. But the Jewish population is tiny. Odds are white goyim with moderate population, fairly high IQ, and fairly wide variance are going to have the most actual geniuses guiding their community, and by extension the most functional intelligence as a group. The Chinese population is a discounted factor because I think a large part of their population is underutilized anyway.
Over two it has been almost eliminated.
Yeah, you're probably only around people of your intelligence, which is why you never met a smart Jew.
We don't. Most people here see Jews as the evil geniuses of the world, because that's what they pretty much are. Look at George Soros.
Here is a perfect example from another thread.
Jews at Harvard were once the smartest demographic. Now they are significantly dumber than whites and asians. Non-jewish whites are by far the smartest ethnic group at Harvard and are more than twice as likely as jews to attain top marks. That is a remarkable difference, and even more remarkable turnaround. Jewish intelligence has absolutely collapsed in the last 50ish years.
Same way niggers are faster, all the dumb jews die when their smarter ones commit atrocities against humanity and get expelled from every host
Literally a meme.