Evergreen SJW ASSAULT Round 2! (They Brought a Mob)
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Da fug is that shit ?
XSS failure?
Milo should go there.
Posting the link shouldn't take this long.
this is like when you had to slap your tv for the signal to come back on
R2Dindu seems to be patrolling the campus 24-7 now with """her""" group of white goons.
It's like a Batman villain and his goons.
i'm not op, but this video was better. looks like there are roving gangs of transsexual goths and disabled minorities harassing students.
Ta'wheela Hawkangz
someone needs to photoshop bane on Affirmative "Thot-Wheels" Traction
Oh, you think People of Colour are your ally. But you merely adopted the People of Colour; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a Transexual, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!
The People of Coulor betray you, because they belong to me!
Revenge of the Transexual Deathsquad
oh shit the end boss appeared.
At what point to the SWAT get sent in
This is literally a domestic terrorist organization terrorizing other students and even the staff
No, no, this is good. Let it fester and burn itself out.
Wtf is that thing?!?the fugg? Aliens actually do exsist?! Kill that fucking little nigger demon!
hahhahahahhaha the file name!
I need some more ideas, i wanna save this gif
I would like to see hom tryy. This is r hous! Arf arf arf arf!!
R2Dindu is only the level 1 boss.
This is the final boss right here. She controls George the Cuck.
Holy shit get this to MSM now.
Staff are cucked liberals who probably endorse this, any other sane place would get security and expel these scum. Students are the ones who need to organize and protest against these red guards wannabes terrorizing their campus.
Can confirm. This video is much better. Top class trolling right there imo.
Why? So they can demonize those bigoted white men terrorizing the campus of that poor disabled POC female?
Gas them.
Jesus Christ forgive us
This is by far the best video on the subject. Lots of work went into sorting the data.
Obviously the stuff are cucked but people are getting assaulted and their property destroyed, surely someone is calling the actual police
good god. what is that thing?
>filming in a public place is illegal
Holy fuck those college kids are retarded.
What are they protesting? Yelling about da po-leece at a little old lady shoved up against a wall?
If I grab your piss bag will you die?
Powerscooters to the people!!
Students need to stop being babies and Stickman their asses.
These people are just bullies with a free reign. Beat them down and they'll stop it.
>we get bigger and bigger every time
your damn right you do you fat fucking bitch
Jesus christ these kids would be beaten to a pulp over here.
Not by the police and shit, but by the rest of the students.
Shut that shit down America, this is true embarassment on the world stage, not trump asking for 2 scoops.
They're only doing it because they can. Not everyone is a nice and civilized person.
They're bullies, nothing more.
>The Day of Absence is an annual event held in April at Evergreen inspired by Douglas Turner Ward's play. Each year, minority students are encouraged to attend off campus activities focused on issues involving race (to show that they are important to the everyday operating of the campus). This is followed by the Day of Presence, when the campus community reunites.[6] In 2017 the process was reversed, with white students encouraged("Do it or else") to attend off campus activities, while the events for minority students were held on the Evergreen campus.[7] One faculty member, Bret Weinstein, publicly objected to the change.[7] In May 2017, student protests – focused in part on the comments by Weinstein (saying that people shouldn't be threatened to do things they don't wish to do) – disrupted the campus and called for a number of changes to the college.[7][8] Following the protests, a threat conveyed to police led to the temporary evacuation and closure of the site.[9]
It's such a shit hole
>Faculty write narrative evaluations of students' work in place of issuing grades.
They chimped out and the cuck President surrendered to their requests, which are fucking ridiculous, maybe someone here has the screenshot saved.
Ive noticed a theme that it seems like its Black women leading this "uprising". I really dont see any black men involved in this fuckery
If they had lifted a novice routine for 3 months they wouldn't have been chased off by transexual goths in neither part 1 nor 2
Ironpill and redpill belongs together
Seriously. Film everything and knock these skinny niggers out the second they make an advance towards you.
learn how to internet nigger
How fucking dumb can you be?
come on Sup Forums what happened to us retaliating where is our fighting spirit. Let's do something and hail victory.
i'm sorry i missed the assault?
2-4-6-8 this time you cant escape they are starting a black day of the rope dafu'q
We have to make the ovens wheelchair accessible.
SIEG HEIL not even a nazi these students just getting me riled up.
You must be patient. Soon all the white people will see kyle.
>tfw she is probably attending college for next to nothing
>tfw I had to register for the draft only to be told my families "expected contribution" was more than 80% of tuition
>down with the sickness
Wow nice link OP you stupid fucking nigger
Actually went from left wing lib to this (pic related) ever since these sjw's invaded my fucking life
Same I used to watch TYT when I was in highschool and now im almost done university and im full 1488
(((Rob Schmitz))
every fucking time
If you're going to do this shit, you should at least be fast enough to run circles around them or strong enough to stand up to them while someone films. That way, maybe you could actually produce content worth sharing
This is cringe - elementary school tier shit, not even high school tier shit. You're going to tease a disabled person by writing some edgy band name on a wall in chalk? Fuck off dude, why don't you actually sit in on and record student council meetings or whatever so you can show how fucked some schools are becoming. Especially state colleges like evergreen and mizzou, since they are funded partially by taxes
hows my progress user?
Its typical byproduct of our society. The more diverse your community the easier it is to go full fash. What really pushed me over the edge was dealing with the people in my community.
RN (retard nog)-209
Can Summer be over yet?
south rise again or day of the rope what would you rather have? Well I guess you're a leaf, but I still think it's a fair question.
i love it... the subverted education system is collapsing on itself
this will spur new development in education - an opportunity for all
The mindfuck applied to these monkeys is legit military psyop.
Is this the result of letting women and black people have access to tertiary education, or something else?
Give a nigger a chance. Give a nigger a free education.
Nigger figures it got something free as the result of blacks acting niggardly towards the white people who's society it is.
So what does the nignog do with its free pass..?
It plays up, chimps out and acts niggardly because it thinks that this is the way to get ahead in life, and get more free passes.
Slavery, gas, deportation might work but I'll tell you what won't work - time. It heals fuck all and will not cure the coon of stupidity.
the fact that she didn't/couldn't say anything creeped the shit out of me
yeah he almost hacked our shit, fuckkkk
this thread might be the worst ever
Good video
4:36 - Remember, whenever a white person is addressing an audience for any reason or lecturing on any topic, it is always appropriate for a person of color to periodically interrupt them in order to decolonize the space.
Also see here:
It's not enough that public elementary schools are teaching the concept of white privilege these days - are we ensuring that school diversity coordinators can muster sufficient white space decolonization resources and distribute them equitably across classrooms? Are there metrics? How many narratives are being decolonized?
Johnny Rebel - Reparations
was deleted for raaayycism
God save us from the KEK
holy shit that place is in trouble
this is legitimately evil
Oh you know what - fuck this shit
I'm glad you've got cities hugging their refugees and refusing to go along with your refusal to be shucked over climate fantasies
I want open conflict
This shit needs purging
And that utter mental hag Hillary Clinton (Frank Fontaine) is going the right way about starting it.
They are importing shit into Europe to make us like you so they can rule a United States of Europe (which apple software auto capitalises like it's already a real thing).
I'd rather live in a bunker than suffer this insane shit eating.
Good mooning
R2 wants your money to buy a school bus. I'm dead serious. youcaring.com
Definitely the same specimen in the video.
Remember, this is where some students get the idea that this kind of behavior is acceptable.
Naima Lowe is a professor at Evergreen State College. She has a BA in Africana Studies. Her skills include being a professionally offended corpulent black woman and composing grammatically impoverished slam poetry denouncing white people, highly commercially valuable skillsets for which she is compensated (partially by taxpayer money) no less than $70,000/year.
good morning sir
what is that?
That's how it starts user.
Fixed it up for yee
I'd go all Stickman on them if I lived nearby, but I don't.