Tariq Nasheed aims his guns on Bill Maher.
Where were you when the left self is eating itself?
Tariq Nasheed aims his guns on Bill Maher.
Where were you when the left self is eating itself?
Other urls found in this thread:
>criticize one person
>wow, ur a fucking white supremacist
fug and bump
>Where were you when the left self is eating itself?
It isn't. You just want to pretend it is. In fact, the right is eating everything, including itself and always has been.
Nihilism doesn't end in utopia. It ends in extinction.
Good. If we can't have our own land free of shitskins and faggots, no one can.
have him and his boyfriend Richard Spencer come out publicly as a race baiting power couple yet?
>suspected white supremacist list
Ramzpaul was once saying "there's no reason not to go full shitlord".
>the left isn't eating itself
>it always has been
Really great post.
.t our nogs are too stupid to get on twitter.
The only saving grace about having the ugliest, dumbest natives on earth is that they're too unintelligent to actually organise themselves to fight "the man".
Can't we just live in a world where people don't get upset about words please? Will niggers ever become sentient beings or are they restricted to chimping out every time somebody says their hard-coded trigger words?
>reading comprehension
Pick one and only one.
lol, jews are white now, I love it.
You have to understand that niggers really do see Jews as white. They do not make a distinction likes whites innately do, even if most won't admit it. Except Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
There are no Abbo twitter accounts? Too funny.
bill maher to tariq nasheed: fuck u nigger
D...did bill Maher just make it okay to say nigger?
I'm okay with this.
Finally I can express myself on Sup Forums without fear of backlash.
Lol, the kikes are starting to reap what they've sown. Once the host dies, so does the parasite...
Most of them are just too dumb to understand the difference. The few that do understand the difference hate Jews more than they hate Whites.
didnt this nigger get arrested?
by myself self
>Call one woman a 'bitch'
>It now carries the implication that you think all women are 'bitches' and that you normally refer to women as 'bitches'
>You no longer know yourself. We know what you mean. You meant that. You're sexist.
>Call one cop a pig for raping a child
>Another cop calls you an asshole for thinking all cops are pigs
>You can't argue with them onlnie
>Call one black person an idiot
>You're a fucking racist
The odds are ever in your favor
the left loves keeping lists
>Bill Maher
>slightly less cucked liberal
>a white supermacist
>the right
Deprogram yourself and try again, newfag.
Is Nasheed /ournigger/?
Just move in and keep repeating that he's a Jew.
They won't really be able to argue.
Make sure that any time the word white is used it's countered with the word Jew.
This is politics and you have to fight them on their level or above it.
Don't let them direct the naritive.
Bills a huge Jew who feels he's privileged enough to call people niggers.
Use it!
Don't let it slide
Always come back with Jew
this user gets it.
>Tariq Nasheed
This nigger is so retarded he took an Arabic name despite the Arab-African slave trade being 100x worse than the Atlantic slave trade.
Not only were 10x the number of Africans enslaved by Arabs, but they castrated all the males (6 in 10 died) to ensure they wouldn't breed. That's why there are so few niggers in the MIddle East despite having an enormous amount of slaves.
Retards like Tariq should be sent over there to learn what it's like.
What did the founding fathers think about niggers?
nice quote you learned from UCBerkeley's "Cuck 101" class
You know it's =true
Curse of Trump strikes again!
Trump bashing Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's horrible remake Baywatch also bombed.
those are the rules of lefties, let them follow them and suffer
Make Bill realize that we're more tolerant than the side he thinks is tolerant. He will then plant seeds in minds of his viewers. This is how you change minds, not blow shit up for a few days to offend a small group of people who happen to be paying attention on thursday/saturday/sunday before the next controversy/witch hunt
Nobody's gonna care. It's not like HBO has advertisers.
no, make him realize how intolerant the left is, he will eventually respond and have to defend being a racist.
Nihilism is on the left.
l2greentext, fag
It's legitimate use of greentext
Let's hang him.
Nigga he is a full on cuck fag You dumb srupid nigger he is a fucking lefty faggot who sucks on the trump russia lollipop all day and calls people white supremacists like water comin out a fossit. Nigga get some balls and say that to my face. 900 Blackwood st Michigan USA baby dont forget to wipe
It was sometime in the summer of 2016, when a trans m->f won female sports competition. Where were you?
who the fuck is tariq nasheed. The only sheed, I know is that Imin ya shed.
I love watching the left destroy itself.
A multi millionaire member of the Political Entertainment Complex makes a controversial comment for attention purposes.
So I'm having my little brother say nigger in school Monday
I gave him 20 bucks and told him to tell the teacher after she asks
That bill Maher said it's ok
I love it when the left eats one of their own, always good for a laugh.
Underrated by a mile. This is truly the only defense that works.
It fits with the boasts of Donald Sterling.
If you missed it, in his recorded conversation he brags Jews have never had it better. They can fuck over black people (or any minorities) all they want. Discrimination? It's okay! Jews have set it up so 'they can't be racist' nor do they feel the burden of PC culture in the slightest. Their cups are full and they are laughing their asses off at the goyim who could have their lives flushed down the toilet for a single poorly thought out tweet. They control the narrative (making rules they themselves do not have to follow) and they are kings.
I don't understand why we're pushing #NoTaxForBlacks, they don't have jobs so it just seems like a wasted effort.
Nasheed is a race baiter, that's his game
I wouldn't be surprised if he's doesn't look anything like his avatar
It really is, and it really needs to be spread around.
People have to start recognizing what's going on.
It's the only way they've been as successful as they've been.
By hiding and sabotaging whites.
Spread the gospel
and name the Jew
I mean look what happens in New York City. Actual housing discrimination by a bunch of ultra orthodox slum lords. They get away with it because everybody is afraid to touch them.
If only we did the same.
it's so normies can see the absurdity of leftists.
meme jews as a major enemy of blacks and bam, spice weasel.
Do, sic the niggers on the fucking jewry. Its the one damn thing those porch monkeys are good for
We have the flashlight to shine on the roaches.
The internet is something we have to use to show people the truth before it's locked down too.
Same treatment for everyone.
Is that so much to ask?
Why are joos afforded more leeway than everyone else?
Why are they trying to turn European countries into brown shitholes while building a god damn dome over Israel?
Show people what's happening
Are you pretending to be retarded, user?
this guy is an absolute fucking retard. listening to him argue is painful
Kek, this meme is so dumb but it still makes me laugh. I think it gets into Normie's heads too.
Sup Forums seems split. Vote on it:
It's definitely a trend that we'll be seeing the progressive left cannibalize itself. Far too many contradictory philosophies. We don't really need to do anything, just sit back and watch the shit show unfold.
Anybody who says yes to this is just saying it because Bill Maher is a liberal who happened to say it. Who cares.
to be fair there are no Amish twitter accounts either
Left's choices:
* Take out Bill Maher.
* Make nigger jokes acceptable to the normies.
Sup Forums win-win
>Bill maher is a nazi now
This timeline just keeps getting stranger
Bill Maher isn't even a liberal. He became one for convenience to save his career after Politically Incorrect was cancelled. He'll adopt the ideology of whoever comes along next to give him another chance in the spotlight.
Nihilism is there is no purpose and no God.
The push of the right of christianity and to revitalize white pride wouldn't constitute as nihilism.
Has anyone tried tweeting at this Tariq guy and saying "fuck u nigger"???
Does he respond if you say something super fucked up?
Bill Maher isn't a white supremacist, he's a jew supremacist.
You guys know nothing will happen right? Bill does some shit like this every season or so and HBO defends him every single time. He's literally that one professor that has tenure and near the end of every school year does something stupidly offensive but he's been there so god damn long and its only once a year or so, thus nothing happens.
kek is he secretly /ourguy/?
No relation.
The snake is beginning to eat it's tail. Thank God.
At least he didn't cut someones head off I guess.
bill maher fucks a few black gold digger prostitutes and thinks that he knows black people and thinks blacks like him b/c he says a couple sjw anti repub shit. BLACKS HATE YOUR GUTS YOU BIG NOSE JEW FAG.
unironically this is how black people think. They are trash "humans"
I know we are supposed to hate Maher here. But I think the dude is hilarious, and while I disagree with him on most things, he actually thinks for himself and doesn't virtue signal which is nice. He is a smug cunt, but so am I so I cant complain.
But I do find it hilarious how fucking dumbasses responded to this thinking he will apologize or his career is over. The dude who became a HBO star after getting fired from a show called politically correct really doesn't give a fuck what a bunch of SJWs think. You wont get your forced apology and his show is going nowhere. Its just gonna be extra funny next friday when he laughs at the outrage, with his newly increased viewership.
Also fuck every alt-lite faggot, Posebiac and whoever else on the right that is doing the faux-outrage thing, you cant just be against political correctness if its a right wing guy, then bring out the crocodile tears on a lefty comedian. and fuck anyone who says "n-word" its nigger. he said nigger.
OH, Dis gunna be gud. I'm starting to think it's not BLM anymore but an autistic Aussies in blackface. Now, this is going to be one beautiful horse sized red pill.
Take a bow.
He is a good gauge of where people are at. I don't want to see him silenced either.
i like that he keeps up the appearance of doing due diligence in his accusation, as if he has to verify for sure that the guy is white and that it isn't poor image contrast. because surely this guys definition of supremacist is simply that they are white.
Wasn't he fucking Ann Coulter at one point?
This guy is a known satire troll
>right wing
You can only pick one.
I stand with Bill Maher, because I am #Tolerant and he is #OurJew #YesAllHouseNiggers
How many twitter niggers have learned about the shapeshifting jew today?
Maher legit thinks Trump has low IQ, anyone who unironically believes that is a nigger, and niggers are free to use the word nigger, I don't really see the problem here.
no, that only happened in the world war z novel
Same reason I hope California passes their $400B health care bill: so we can see cucks implode