>people should get free money for just being alive
Do faggots actually believe this?
>people should get free money for just being alive
Do faggots actually believe this?
>what is automation
how else do you plan to keep society afloat when unemployment surges after many jobs are taken over by tech?
I mean, it's not the only solution, but I'm simply emphasizing that you are missing the point.
As for those that argue that we won't lose jobs but instead will come up with new ones, please elaborate and provide examples, I'm curious.
You invest in those automation jobs while you have a job so are part owner of the business you can get a return on investment.
We agree on the final goal, nobody should work, but not the solution.
i think having a kid got to his head
>OP lives in "land of the free"
>is appalled by the concept of not having to worry about the basic necessities to live
What ever will the wagon drivers do when the horseless wagon becomes mainstream? all those poor souls with no job and no skills to use else where.
What about the poor seamstress when automation hits there industry?
People adapt, next.
People should get free money for being faggots, yes.
Isn't that how the free market works?
>what is automation
The gradual progression that will replace all the jobs outsourced to China.
>People adapt, next
Ah yes, of course they will. Because when millions lose their job in the transportation sector due too self driving vehicles, they'll be sure to just "adapt"
>self driving vehicles
Kek, you actually fell for that meme..ha
I agree, just take it only from your democrats. Democrat jizka or whatever
he's the one who will be taxed more retard.
If everyone stopped working and lived off the basic income completely, the system would collapse. He's less free because more of his money goes to welfare.
>Not wanting free money.
>Wanting to work shit job for shit pay while dealing with shitheads who treat you like shit.
>Having ambition or drive.
You should either need give people free money or have free public suicide booths to humanely kill yourself to opt out of life at any time.
Having neither is barbaric.
>banks can create money out of thin air, but don't you dare give it to people!
how is it a meme? I don't know anything about it. I just assumed with all the hype that it couldn't possibly be fake.
You don't think we'll have self-driving vehicles on the road in 10 years?
I believe it because I really don't want to work.
>Autopilot will end all Pilots careers.
I can't wait to watch world star videos of a dude standing in front of a self driving truck while his mates loot the cargo.
>people should get free money for just being alive
Well it worked for him.
The day you stop working is the day you start to die.
Basic income is for when there aren't enough jobs left for everyone, so in actuality you are the retard ;)
Jews telling people what they think people want to hear.
Jesus, are you a human drone?
lmao, yeah I know.
Not like anything wrong could happen anyway giving away free money made out of linen paper .
I mean lol, fucking idiots.
Sure, that's what they sell it as. But in reality, it will be as soon as some jobs get automated, and we have maybe 15% unemployment. That means 85% of the people are still working and get taxed more.
Good goy
corporatocracies that pay for basic necessities of citizens is the inevitable future of the west.
They could do that right now.
No, I'm an artist and a programmer, one day I'll retire from programming, but the day I retire from making art is the day I start to die
A human driver might run them over a robot never would.
He has a face you can trust... you can just pick up on the warmth there.
the government doesn't send you a bundle of cash, retard, it deposits cash in your account.
>but what if everyone tries to withdraw all their money in cash
then we're in the middle of a bank run and have far bigger concerns
screw this guy
Think about this 100 years ago a farmer could for example produce food for 10 people but now with technological progress for more than 100 people
So only one ine 100 need to work so the people have food. If technology increases that fast basic income is possible
Why not? You could put camers around the truck and have an remote inspection center for the entire fleet. If they see a Truck is being robbed, they can make the executive decision and run them over.
Only if it replaces welfare
Human drivers aren't allowed to run people over. There's a 100% chance that all self driving cargo vehicles will also automatically call the damn cops when the cargo is accessed without authorization.
The whole point is to remove humans who are an expense. Maybe america will make that legal. But in Aussie that will never be legal. You can't kill to protect property unless its govt or a bank, basically.
Why do people think we NEED jobs. You guys are retarded and don't understand the whole point of automation. We are eventually trying to NOT work. That is the whole point, to elevate society to that point where we can all comfortably relax. You guys cling to your faggot "jerbs" like someone with massive stockholm syndrome.
The best route is to heavily invest in the industries surrounding the automation of basic labor so that when it becomes the dominant workforce behind trade your country will have a seat at the table.
AI is very very far from self-repairing and self-maintining. They'll need engineers, programmers, infrastructure specialists, etc for a long time
Well whenever the truck goes to detroit the response time should be slow enough right.
Right now you are a tax base, when you serve no purpose (cash or violence) and violence is automated to expect to be sterilised at best by your rulers.
In my region there is people being paid 1.000 euros monthly just cause they´re "poor"(not willing to work) plus free hospedage in 100m2 houses.
Ofc arabs, gipsies and romanians mostly.
Can you believe it? In a country with 20% unemployement rate.
I love socialism.
Yes, you get taxed. You're part of a civilization, not a deserted island. Just as you're taxed now for the safety and security of your civilization for roads and police and other vital services.
Even with basic income being a thing, you can still work and make your fortune and you'll have the freedom to actually spend your time doing what will get you there rather than stuck being a wage slave for 10 years waiting for someone to die in upper management so you can compete with the 100 other people trying to take that one slot.
Do you actually trust that the jews are making UBI for your benifit? Ask yourself, when have the jews ever done something out of the goodness of their hearts?
When all the zionist globalists are touting UBI as the next best thing you need to be very wary.
Remeber y2k? Remeber the hype about 2012 doomsday? It all went nowhere. It was just idealistic and fear...and a little paranoia. Same concept with self driving cars.
The problem with the Automation Argument is that while it removes a few jobs, it creates new jobs as well (for every cashier replaced, you need programmers, aesthetic designers, someone to maintain them, installers, and so on). And besides, there are several jobs that simply require human input that you simply can't get with machines mo matter how advanced. You simply can't have a robot be a psychiatrist or a high class doctor, or even simpler jobs like car salesman.
I'm saying there's a reason to be opposed to increased taxation that doesn't go to anything for him.
It only goes to more welfare.
UBI available for all*
>* No no criminal record, no parking tickets, no swearing, required to wear a surveillance device, required to drink 1 verification can a day or UBI void
not an argument
Explain your point, this is your first post
This reminds me of a story that a businessman told me a few years ago.
While touring China, he came upon a team of nearly 100 workers building an earthen dam with shovels. The businessman commented to a local official that, with an earth-moving machine, a single worker could create the dam in an afternoon. The official’s curious response was, “Yes, but think of all the unemployment that would create.” “Oh,” said the businessman, “I thought you were building a dam. If it’s jobs you want to create, then take away their shovels and give them spoons.
>self driving vehicles
>I just assumed with all the hype that it couldn't possibly be fake
am I retarded, or don't self-driving cars already exist?
The technology can't be too far off. They just need more data, really I assume.
I have no kids yet but I am taxed to pay for schools. I've never needed the fire department, but I'm taxed for it. I'm being taxed for all kinds of things I don't need and will never need. But that's ok because they're necessary for civilization to function.
They need to work out who is liable when a self driving car kills people.
my point is that the government/rulers/whoever would still have utilities to provide and would still be collecting taxes. even under what would be considered total automation there would still be plenty of jobs to fill in different roles opened up by automation
>Welfare programs aim to increase the shrinking middle class and bring up the bottom line.
>A thriving and large middle class is the mark of a thriving nation.
>Efficient and well thought out welfare programs could actually strengthen our crippled economic growth rate.
Corporate Propaganda is so entrenched in our society people don't even realize they're spouting taglines written by companies 50 years ago.
They do but the infrastructure doesn't support their use in bad weather conditions. Totally nonfunctional in snow, for instance. Can be fixed, but adding shit to the road that can tell cars where to go when they can't see is a taxpayer burden that isn't funded.
Just prepare the EMP charges. Wipe it all clean, before "They" take over.
This is the state investing on everybody's behalf. No one will be able to buy the automated goods your business produces if they don't have income fag
Pilots are only there to have someone to blame shit on.
>I will never need the fire department
I admire your optimism at least
The only answer is population culling and control. If there are not enough jobs for all people, there need to be less people.
We already fucking pay for a lot of completely useless wastes of oxygen to even exist. The first world pays for a large portion of the third world to even exist. Start sterilizing people that have never contributed a single thing to society. Problem solved.
I believe in Australian welfare is currently 40% of the budget, Once it's 80%, there's no point to citizens anymore. You're not recouping shit at that point.
Free money is the last desperate attempt by the central bankers to keep the economy afloat.
Not if Bezos lobbies the government to allow him to deploy drones from his zeppelins and rain lead on those fuckers from above you dumb fuckaroo
tell 'em, comrade.
We'll have socialism in no time.
It's a small price to pay for total control.
I feel like I deserve free money for being alive but not everyone else
b-b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-b-but that would mean I get sterilized :(
With the way that automation is going universal basic income is an inevitability really. Without it and the ever increasing automation in industries you're gonna class warfare like no other in the history of man.
>Dude these 'fertilizers' are going to destroy society. Something like 95% of the population is employed as illiterate serfs, what are they all going to do?
I can't til that's automated and a small child chasing a ball is blown away, but it will just be another UBI users so no big loss right lol.
Jews believe it.
>britan reading comprehension
Never said I will never need the fire department, just that I haven't yet needed it. I'm fine with being taxed thus far instead of possibly receiving a bill for services rendered down the line because I know society as a whole needs it.
Give me my free money you rich asshole¡¡¡
You are missing the main point. Most these jobs that are gonna be automated are low level skill jobs. Thats the majority of the workforce. They are gonna need to eat and drink and if they dont have jobs guess whose stuff they are coming for. The people who have good jobs will get their shit vandalized and stolen in mass waves.
Law and order wont stop over 100 million hungry people trying to eat.
>Bezos recently became the wealthiest man in the world
>tfw trading Gates-ian homo-tier philantrophy for fully-automated techno-capitalism
UBI is class warfare ya fucktard
Of course you fucking can, emotional manipulation is the easiest thing to program. It's what the videogame industry runs off of already.
>Socialism and Communism are the same thing.
>Not realizing you live in a socialist democracy.
Wish I could be this retarded.
Yes they will, everyone that invested will get a return on investment from the sales in the business.
Dumb people that cant look 2 years in the future would either die off or live at the mercy of the smart people.
>Trusting the state to do anything on your behalf
>You were ever going to fuck a real woman.
Sure thing there buddy.
This future could only exist in the ones where hitler won. You're in one of the shitty timelines where he an heroed.
Most of pol is retarded. Unskilled workers can't be fix as a whole, skilled work is too demanding. Sterilisation and slavery is the UBI future.
You got that retard gene user
>emotional manipulation is the easiest thing to program
this might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums.
True. They won't be full-time jobs, in all likelihood.
Only if you're some cucked Protestant who believes that assigning blame for something is the acme of morality.
One of the things about single-payer that people don't consider is that, all else equal, car insurance would be a crapload cheaper without needing to hang blame on someone.
You sound like a liberal, you know that?
>muh government should be run like a business
Where's my dividend check, bitch?
This burger gets it. People are not going to lay down and starve just because a bunch of snotty weebs say the inferior should starve. They're going to be found through the same open source intel that we are famous for and they are going to have a very bad night.
And capitalism isn't? Just admit you've picked sides in that class war and all you've got is bullshit and cops to protect your hideous weeb self from what you really deserve.
It's 100x less likely to happen than with human cops.
>we have taxes and public programs
>therefore, socialism
no, sorry.
who is gonna pay?
no such thing as a free meal
Well obviously the building of the dam served more than one function, to get a dam & to provide work so the people could live, seems a more noble cause than if it were just the dam by itself.
dude it'll happen one day.
enjoy poor people coming to your house, stealing your shit and raping your daughter you fuckhead
welfare isn't a charity - welfare is so that poor people don't set up a guillotine in your cities cbd.
yeah they will probably be automated very last.
Who is liable is a legal matter m8.
Fair enough. Took it as an example of something you would never need but I see what you mean.
I sound like a liberal? Are you fucking retarded? Liberals want to help everyone and make sure everyone has equality of outcome. I want to eradicate the world of all of the complete and utter wastes of oxygen. If I sound like a liberal, I guess Hitler was a liberal.