Other urls found in this thread:
This one must be a German exclusive, because I don't see shit.
now im even more pissed. they really just want everyone to be brown dont they
>muh cultures
Don't worry, Hans. I see it too
maybe we're the only countries degenerate enough to get this shit
I see it here , woman is a American-French actress from the 50's or so
>not using duckduckgo
Use Bing I started using it for porncause their superior image and video results
the kike cannot subvert if you disable his hand
I only see brown people in google. Never white or asian inventors.
Why? Is google run by brown people?
You know (((who))) runs it.
Hitler wasn't a fan
Damn it, I know I've seen this movie... what was it called?
Nevermind. Just googled the quote, and now I feel silly.
Unfortunately, my shit phone makes it difficult to change my default search engine.
Just use google on memorial day, easter, christmas, or any other christian/american holiday. Cleanest start page in the history of search engines.
Who are all these negroes?
So, companies have to pay google if someone clicks their website on google, right?
Wouldn't it be possible to raise the costs of these companies without a limit with the help of bots? Yes, googles gets a shitload of money for this period, but imagine how pissed the paying companies would be if something like this happens.
duckduckgo.com you normie niggers
on june 3:
1961 – Lawrence Lessig, American lawyer, academic, and author, founded the Creative Commons
a more tech inspired choice
why is a nig actress more important?
Then stop using their search engine if it bothers you so much, you autistic retard
A robot hivemind?
earlier today they were promoting women to learn how to code. "Wonder women: make coding your super power!"
so empowering, I was literally shaking at the thought that young girls will be able to compete with ahmed code monkeys. #sobrave
Kike owned. And a kike that sold out user data on a previous web site venture.
This Jesus christ. It's the only way PC culture dies
Oh, you mean this? (Taken just now.)
>whos SENSE of personal identity and gender...
so mental illness is accepted now
>picking a fight with google
They literally paid for Mozilla to exist for years while trying to get Chrome off the ground.
I just want that to sink in.
Look at the crowd. Black majority
What do you think does this mean?
yesterday they had a tribute for some AIDS ridden artfag from San Fran
i don't see that, what is it?
>muh algorithms, gud boi dindu nuffin
Another stupid meme.
Eh, at least this time it's an Old Hollywood icon and not some black coding assistant that they're trying to pass off as a key architect behind the moon landing or some shit like that.
because everyone knows who she is, dumbass
She was involved in the American civil rights movement and died like 60 years ago.
Same shit, different day.
Can confirm.
Why do people use Google?
shitskin feminist propaganda confirmed. if it's any consolation, google tried to recruit me once with some code test and all i did was repeatedly tell them to fuck themselves. also they're getting sued in the eu and hopefully here to for antitrust. i personally don't care about monopolies, but google and facebook regularly commit fraud, so fuck 'em.
i use dogpile (meta search). duckduckgo is good too.
Seeing it as well...
That's funny, I was actually recruited by Google through a code test and work here now.
It's actually really fucking nice here and the perks & pay are phenomenal.
Plus it's extra funny that we make pol so mad all the time lmao
Isn't that a plurality?
I know being outraged about a shitty cartoon is petty and dumb, but them doing a cartoon for every little brown person they can think of but then skipping Easter really did grind my gears.
not every day
it's deep state propaganda. it must be defeated. stop using google.
>tfw a year left on my android phone
what do I get next?
only the coolest racist nations get it. poland has it as well.
what did they mean by this
I'm not kidding. I think it's called the foobar test. You actually just missed an opportunity to make $150-250k in salary+stock and free good food 3+ meals a day and the best perks of any company ever.
But hey as long as typing fuck you over and over like a retard made you feel good then maybe it was worth it
ric Schmidt is an influential figure, even among the parade of powerful characters with whom I have had to cross paths since I founded WikiLeaks. In mid-May 2011 I was under house arrest in rural Norfolk, about three hours’ drive northeast of London. The crackdown against our work was in full swing and every wasted moment seemed like an eternity. It was hard to get my attention. But when my colleague Joseph Farrell told me the executive chairman of Google wanted to make an appointment with me, I was listening.
> In some ways the higher echelons of Google seemed more distant and obscure to me than the halls of Washington. We had been locking horns with senior US officials for years by that point. The mystique had worn off. But the power centers growing up in Silicon Valley were still opaque and I was suddenly conscious of an opportunity to understand and influence what was becoming the most influential company on earth. Schmidt had taken over as CEO of Google in 2001 and built it into an empire.
>I was intrigued that the mountain would come to Muhammad. But it was not until well after Schmidt and his companions had been and gone that I came to understand who had really visited me.
Author: Jullian Assange
btw, are you enjoying your 10X10 sqft apartment, 2 hr. commute, $200,000 student loan and $3,000/mo. rent?
ideally, get a landline. i haven't tried a blackphone, but it seems better than most phones...someone gave me a better recommendation recently though. make sure you get a phone with a removable battery. i only put my battery in when i absolutely have to make a call.
pic related. i'm not a sellout. i already have a good IT job, can get another whenever i want and can work in various other industries.
>pretending to not hate your life
it's only a matter of time. you will eventually kys.
the perks are good, i have several friends there. corp life isn't for me though.
but desu this stuff is out of this world.
where are the doodles for von braun, for grothendieck, von neumann, for any giant in STEM, why the fuck do they put up google doodles of a woman most famous for wearing only bananas and being brown?
Entertainers should all be held in the worst contempt.
>The stated reason for the visit was a book. Schmidt was penning a treatise with Jared Cohen, the director of Google Ideas, an outfit that describes itself as Google’s in-house “think/do tank.” I knew little else about Cohen at the time. In fact, Cohen had moved to Google from the US State Department in 2010. He had been a fast-talking “Generation Y” ideas man at State under two US administrations, a courtier from the world of policy think tanks and institutes, poached in his early twenties. He became a senior advisor for Secretaries of State Rice and Clinton. At State, on the Policy Planning Staff, Cohen was soon christened “Condi’s party-starter,” channeling buzzwords from Silicon Valley into US policy circles and producing delightful rhetorical concoctions such as “Public Diplomacy 2.0.”2 On his Council on Foreign Relations adjunct staff page he listed his expertise as “terrorism; radicalization; impact of connection technologies on 21st century statecraft; Iran.
> It was Cohen who, while he was still at the Department of State, was said to have emailed Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to delay scheduled maintenance in order to assist the aborted 2009 uprising in Iran.4 His documented love affair with Google began the same year, when he befriended Eric Schmidt as they together surveyed the post-occupation wreckage of Baghdad. Just months later, Schmidt re-created Cohen’s natural habitat within Google itself by engineering a “think/do tank” based in New York and appointing Cohen as its head. Google Ideas was born.
> Later that year the two co-wrote a policy piece for the Council on Foreign Relations’ journal Foreign Affairs, praising the reformative potential of Silicon Valley technologies as an instrument of US foreign policy. Describing what they called “coalitions of the connected,” Schmidt and Cohen claimed that -
To be Contd.
Spacious apt, 15min commute, loans fully paid, rent is much cheaper.
That was a pretty pathetic attempt but I understand that you're coping hard for your shortcomings, I hope you find what you are looking for :)
You fucking moron you would have made 250k a year starting pay and 500k mid career to do literally nothing.
You are a fucking idiot and probably autistic.
FYI everyone should be using the Ghostery extension because fuck google.
>Democratic states that have built coalitions of their militaries have the capacity to do the same with their connection technologies. . . .They offer a new way to exercise the duty to protect citizens around the world [emphasis added].
>In the same piece they argued that “this technology is overwhelmingly provided by the private sector.” Shortly afterwards, Tunisia. then Egypt, and then the rest of the Middle East, erupted in revolution. The echoes of these events on online social media became a spectacle for Western internet users. The professional commentariat, keen to rationalize uprisings against US-backed dictatorships, branded them "Twitter revolutions." Suddenly everyone wanted to be at the intersection point between US global power and social media, and Schmidt and Cohen had already staked out the territory. With the working title “The Empire of the Mind,” they began expanding their article to book length, and sought audiences with the big names of global tech and global power as part of their research.
> They said they wanted to interview me. I agreed. A date was set for June.
>At this point, the delegation was one part Google, three parts US foreign-policy establishment, but I was still none the wiser. Handshakes out of the way, we got down to business.
> As the interviewee I was expected to do most of the talking. I sought to guide them into my worldview. To their credit, I consider the interview perhaps the best I have given. I was out of my comfort zone and I liked it. We ate and then took a walk in the grounds, all the while on the record. I asked Eric Schmidt to leak US government information requests to WikiLeaks, and he refused, suddenly nervous, citing the illegality of disclosing Patriot Act requests. And then as the evening came on it was done and they were gone, back to the unreal, remote halls of information empire, and I was left to get back to my work. That was the end of it, or so I thought.
lies or not, just know you're paid by my taxes. i do not approve of your sedition.
it's called being principled. long term, i'll make more in my current position and won't be a cuck.
Fuck Memorial Day.
Fuck the US Army.
Fuck whiteness.
White men elected an orange slug who denies basic science, and you still expect world class companies to respect your culture?
Why the fuck should they?
You pissed away your white supremacy high horse the second you elected a fucking shitgibbon. And all because white men threw a fucking tantrum at the thought of a smart vagina running their pathetic lives.
I hope Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook all disappear whites like Stalin had his enemies airbrushed from history. White men don't even deserve a second of time anymore from decent human beings. Not after President Asshole.
Fuck you people. Fuck you HARD!
Bring on the excuses. BUT HER EMAILS again, amiright?
>Using Google
If you don't like em, don't use their product. If you're a fan of irony, google "alternatives to google"
>guaranteed replies
Trump declared it african american music month.
I use bing
forget the bitch in the picture
what is that giant plug on the right?
>in an act of gross negligence the Guardian newspaper—our former partner—had published the confidential decryption password to all 251,000 cables in a chapter heading in its book, rushed out hastily in February 2011.
>I decided it was necessary to bring forward our publication schedule by four months and contact the State Department to get it on record that we had given them advance warning. The situation would then be harder to spin into another legal or political assault.
>WikiLeaks investigations editor Sarah Harrison called the State Department front desk and informed the operator that “Julian Assange” wanted to have a conversation with Hillary Clinton. Predictably, this statement was initially greeted with bureaucratic disbelief. We soon found ourselves in a reenactment of that scene in Dr. Strangelove, where Peter Sellers cold-calls the White House to warn of an impending nuclear war and is immediately put on hold. As in the film, we climbed the hierarchy, speaking to incrementally more superior officials until we reached Clinton’s senior legal advisor. He told us he would call us back. We hung up, and waited.
>When the phone rang half an hour later, it was not the State Department on the other end of the line. Instead, it was Joseph Farrell, the WikiLeaks staffer who had set up the meeting with Google. He had just received an email from Lisa Shields seeking to confirm that it was indeed WikiLeaks calling the State Department.
>It was at this point that I realized Eric Schmidt might not have been an emissary of Google alone.
also, asshat cuckboy here will get laid off at 28 after training his pajeep h1b replacement in exchange for a severance check. i, on the other hand will be running shit.
>long term, i'll make more in my current position and won't be a cuck
You probably work for some jew Ceo you are the same as the google user.
The only difference is he will make five times your salary and get free gourmet food everyday and get to spend two hours playing Xbox at work.
>Whether officially or not, he had been keeping some company that placed him very close to Washington, DC, including a well-documented relationship with President Obama. Not only had Hillary Clinton’s people known that Eric Schmidt’s partner had visited me, but they had also elected to use her as a back channel. While WikiLeaks had been deeply involved in publishing the inner archive of the US State Department, the US State Department had, in effect, snuck into the WikiLeaks command center and hit me up for a free lunch. Two years later, in the wake of his early 2013 visits to China, North Korea, and Burma, it would come to be appreciated that the chairman of Google might be conducting, in one way or another, “back-channel diplomacy” for Washington. But at the time it was a novel thought.
>The people at Stratfor, who liked to think of themselves as a sort of corporate CIA, were acutely conscious of other ventures that they perceived as making inroads into their sector. Google had turned up on their radar. In a series of colorful emails they discussed a pattern of activity conducted by Cohen under the Google Ideas aegis, suggesting what the “do” in “think/do tank” actually means.
> Cohen’s directorate appeared to cross over from public relations and “corporate responsibility” work into active corporate intervention in foreign affairs at a level that is normally reserved for states. Jared Cohen could be wryly named Google’s “director of regime change.” According to the emails, he was trying to plant his fingerprints on some of the major historical events in the contemporary Middle East. He could be placed in Egypt during the revolution, meeting with Wael Ghonim, the Google employee whose arrest and imprisonment hours later would make him a PR-friendly symbol of the uprising in the Western press.
tits or gtfo
>don't work for jews
beyond that i'm not going into my personal business dealings
>hehe dont be productive just work for human cancer and be human cancer xDDD
retarded millennial leaf faggot
When was the last time a Google doodle celebrate a white man who boosted white culture? Genuine question.
If you look at the archive you can see the meme is real.
>Meetings had been planned in Palestine and Turkey, both of which—claimed Stratfor emails—were killed by the senior Google leadership as too risky. Only a few months before he met with me, Cohen was planning a trip to the edge of Iran in Azerbaijan to “engage the Iranian communities closer to the border,” as part of Google Ideas’ project on “repressive societies.”
>In internal emails Stratfor’s vice president for intelligence, Fred Burton (himself a former State Department security official), wrote,-
Google is getting WH [White House] and State Dept support and air cover. In reality they are doing things the CIA cannot do . . . [Cohen] is going to get himself kidnapped or killed. Might be the best thing to happen to expose Google’s covert role in foaming up-risings, to be blunt. The US Gov’t can then disavow knowledge and Google is left holding the shit-bag.
>In further internal communication, Burton said his sources on Cohen’s activities were Marty Lev—Google’s director of security and safety—and Eric Schmidt himself.15 Looking for something more concrete, I began to search in WikiLeaks’ archive for information on Cohen. State Department cables released as part of Cablegate reveal that Cohen had been in Afghanistan in 2009, trying to convince the four major Afghan mobile phone companies to move their antennas onto US military bases.16 In Lebanon he quietly worked to establish an intellectual and clerical rival to Hezbollah, the “Higher Shia League.”17 And in London he offered Bollywood movie executives funds to insert anti-extremist content into their films, and promised to connect them to related networks in Hollywood
>Cohen’s world seems to be one event like this after another: endless soirees for the cross-fertilization of influence between elites and their vassals, under the pious rubric of “civil society.”
Why no cultural enrichment for Turkey?
>white man
>white culture
zomg!!!!!! ur racist!!!!!!!!!
>retreats to safespace at googleplex
Compare to Norway
Something about that art style just screams rotten, impure, evil.
It's just disgusting
>using google
>not using Firefox w/Startpage or Tor
>The received wisdom in advanced capitalist societies is that there still exists an organic “civil society sector” in which institutions form autonomously and come together to manifest the interests and will of citizens. The fable has it that the boundaries of this sector are respected by actors from government and the “private sector,” leaving a safe space for NGOs and nonprofits to advocate for things like human rights, free speech, and accountable government.
>This sounds like a great idea. But if it was ever true, it has not been for decades. Since at least the 1970s, authentic actors like unions and churches have folded under a sustained assault by free-market statism, transforming “civil society” into a buyer’s market for political factions and corporate interests looking to exert influence at arm’s length. The last forty years has seen a huge proliferation of think tanks and political NGOs whose purpose, beneath all the verbiage, is to execute political agendas by proxy.
>Scan the memberships of the biggest US think tanks and institutes and the same names keep cropping up. Cohen’s Save Summit went on to seed AVE, or AgainstViolentExtremism.org, a long-term project whose principal backer besides Google Ideas is the Gen Next Foundation. This foundation’s website says it is an “exclusive membership organization and platform for successful individuals” that aims to bring about “social change” driven by venture capital funding.
>Using jew owned search engines
yesterday was some gay stuff
top keks
and why can't they "doodle" anything that couldn't be made by a 5 yr. old with crayolas?
>muh arts, muh cultural enrichment!
oh that's right, bc larry page is saving up for a new sexbot
>Google Ideas is bigger, but it follows the same game plan. Glance down the speaker lists of its annual invite-only get-togethers, such as “Crisis in a Connected World” in October 2013. Social network theorists and activists give the event a veneer of authenticity, but in truth it boasts a toxic piñata of attendees: US officials, telecom magnates, security consultants, finance capitalists, and foreign-policy tech vultures like Alec Ross (Cohen’s twin at the State Department).33 At the hard core are the arms contractors and career military: active US Cyber Command chieftains, and even the admiral responsible for all US military operations in Latin America from 2006 to 2009. Tying up the package are Jared Cohen and the chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt.
>I began to think of Schmidt as a brilliant but politically hapless Californian tech billionaire who had been exploited by the very US foreign-policy types he had collected to act as translators between himself and official Washington—a West Coast–East Coast illustration of the principal-agent dilemma.
>I was wrong.
>Writing in 2013, Schmidt and Cohen stated, -What Lockheed Martin was to the twentieth century, technology and cyber-security companies will be to the twenty-first.67
>This was one of many bold assertions made by Schmidt and Cohen in their book, which was eventually published in April 2013. Gone was the working title, “The Empire of the Mind”, replaced with "The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business".
> It was a love song from Google to official Washington. Google, a burgeoning digital superstate, was offering to be Washington’s geopolitical visionary.
The fact someone got paid for it upsets me, atleast use decent drawing
I'll never get tired of this.
Nearly at the end
>One way of looking at it is that it’s just business. For an American internet services monopoly to ensure global market dominance it cannot simply keep doing what it is doing, and let politics take care of itself. American strategic and economic hegemony becomes a vital pillar of its market dominance. What’s a megacorp to do? If it wants to straddle the world, it must become part of the original “don’t be evil” empire.
> But part of the resilient image of Google as “more than just a company” comes from the perception that it does not act like a big, bad corporation. Its penchant for luring people into its services trap with gigabytes of “free storage” produces the perception that Google is giving it away for free, acting directly contrary to the corporate profit motive. Google is perceived as an essentially philanthropic enterprise—a magical engine presided over by otherworldly visionaries—for creating a utopian future.68 The company has at times appeared anxious to cultivate this image, pouring funding into “corporate responsibility” initiatives to produce “social change”—exemplified by Google Ideas. But as Google Ideas shows, the company’s “philanthropic” efforts, too, bring it uncomfortably close to the imperial side of US influence. If Blackwater/Xe Services/Academi was running a program like Google Ideas, it would draw intense critical scrutiny. But somehow Google gets a free pass.
> Whether it is being just a company or “more than just a company,” Google’s geopolitical aspirations are firmly enmeshed within the foreign-policy agenda of the world’s largest superpower. As Google’s search and internet service monopoly grows, and as it enlarges its industrial surveillance cone to cover the majority of the world’s population, rapidly dominating the mobile phone market and racing to extend internet access in the global south, Google is steadily becoming the internet for many people.70 Its influence on the choices and behavior of the totality of individual human beings translates to real power to influence the course of history.
> If the future of the internet is to be Google, that should be of serious concern to people all over the world—in Latin America, East and Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, the former Soviet Union, and even in Europe—for whom the internet embodies the promise of an alternative to US cultural, economic, and strategic hegemony.
> A “don’t be evil” empire is still an empire.