May I propose a bold new synthesis of memes?
I like it
I am not a robot
kek yourself
Thanks senpai
The anime isn't well-known enough to get the point across.
These "think of the refugees" memes need occupydemocrats logo on them
Shingekis are Africans. They can't be racist silly boy
This kid's mom died during a vicious terrorist attack. Many such cases. Sad!
The person who killed his mother was not a titan you bigot! #notalltitans
Are you serious? It was fucking huge in the states when it was airing, all of the trendy normalfaggots that typically make fun of anime even jumped on the bandwagon for it.
Well, only the Marley ones are foreign. Most of the Titans they fight before the series goes full World War are subjects of the First King that he mutated to keep the rest of his citizens inside the walls.
Stop calling them titans. They're just Bigpeople. Just because someone is really tall, and has a dull, vacant stare, doesn't mean they're a titan. You have titans and then you have based bigpeople like Eren. Don't discriminate against an entire race because of a few bad apples.
ITT: people who don't know about the Eldians and the Marleyans.
Nowthis? those libturds who don't understand youtube so they essentially bought 2 existing channels on there? Fuck them
>people are still anime only in this day and age
All of the people in your pic are part of an oppressed race that gets thrown in concentration camps, literally.
I still watch the anime, though. It's interesting to see how certain scenes are handled.
I don't really like how they handled it compared to S1, but it's not totally unwatchable.
Not quite a concentration camp, but yeah. They are moved to an island which suspiciously looks like Madagascar - and if you read some history you'd know what this is a parallel of.
He's right. Lord of the Rings is known by everyone. Anyone who likes Attack on Titan is beyond caring
Normalfags lap it up, though.
Anyway, why won't you people use western stuff? Start using stuff from Rick and Morty and Steven Universe, Korra and post it around. Infect whole fanbases/fandoms (I hate that fucking word), make them laugh and subtly make them see from your point of view.
[spoiler] All the characters in the series are expelled Jews. [/spoiler]
We need to be targeting game of thrones fans. The most basic normies love that shit it's all they talk about when it's on. I haven't seen it so I don't know the potential but they would at least get the message if it's good
Well, they never actually delivered on it, but there was a plan to move the Jews to Madagascar.
You're on Sup Forums and you don't know about that?
Who likes seasons 2 so far? Last episode was great when they revealed some good info like the 'hometown' and Eren being the founding titan and having the ability to control other titans with his willpower.
Wait, they already reached chapter 50? I haven't watched the last couple of episodes yet but what the fuck is with that pace?
Yeah I like to fart and poo lol xD
You may.
Only 12 episodes
I know that, but they could've sacrificed some of the content and spaced it out a bit to make it feel more natural.
its another titan attack!
Imagine all the hatred that the titans will have to suffer because of this attack :'(
>implying anyone knows what the fuck this anime is
It's literally the normiest-tier anime in existence besides naruto and bleach you fucking plebeian.
>implying anime isn't literally every nigger's guilty pleasure