>Be 18-year-old American male
>Get gun as high school graduation present
>Accidentally shoot and kill your own girlfriend
Really makes you think.
>Be 18-year-old American male
>Get gun as high school graduation present
>Accidentally shoot and kill your own girlfriend
Really makes you think.
Women shouldn't be allowed to own guns
Prime example of what happens when we let Trump voters (with small dicks) decide the gun laws of the country and allow the Second "Amendment" to hold, allowing virgins and losers to roleplay as Rambo
I hope the guy is charged for murder and spends his college years rotting in jail.
>tfw i got my first gun for my 7th birthday and havent killed anyone
It's called darwinism. Culling the weak to make room for the strong.
Good fucking riddance. If by age 18 he hasn't handled a firearm by the 4 safety rules he deserves all the shit happening to him.
as much as I agree with the retarded gun nut crowd, the fact that you hope someone rots in jail forever is kinda fucked man. No redemption? Just one stupid thing and you're done? Wow...
Sure thing. Nothing is accidental. They were 18yrs old and she didn't wanna fuck him. So he shot her. Case closed.
you sound wildly inefficient
>>tfw i got my first gun for my 7th birthday and havent killed anyone
Funny thing, I got my first rifle (a plain .22LR) when I was 11. Haven't killed anyone while I was a teenager either, just a few rabbits and quail... which we had for dinner.
It's literally not darwinism at all though. He didn't accidentally kill himself, he accidentally killed someone who was just nearby. Darwinism would mean culling himself, not random people.
I went to HS with this idiot.
He was a fucking stupid wigger then, and is one now. Always talked about killing folks.
>he's not likely to face charges
Okay that's some fucking horse shit. I'm pro-gun but this kid should be facing involuntary manslaughter at the least
It's called gun safety training. This is on the parents.
same, my dad bought me a single shot bolt action 22
A gun doesn't just accidentally go off, in most cases, unless it's some odd type like an 1800s revolver or something with a non-existent or flawed safety mechanism. Why was the gun loaded in the first place? There's more to this than meets the eye.
>Really makes you think
Makes me think I should get your boyfriend a gun for his birthday.
Manslaughter is manslaughter and sessions demands the maximum punishment. This is what you trump supporters wanted. Dont cry about your fucking feelings now.
I saw a chocolate fog building between two lincoln log cabins. They provided me with candy.
i bet they were having rough kinky sex and the gun was involved and it got out of hand when she grabbed the gun and pulled it in her mouth and bet he wouldnt pull the trigger
My first gun was a .410 shotgun I got for Christmas when I was 8 years old. That thing had such a violent kick; a .22 probably would have been a wiser choice.
The gene pool sorts itself out.
sounds like the parents' fault. you don't just buy your child a gun. you at least make them go through an entry level gun safety course. you make sure they respect it.
Still is. Her fault for not picking a suitable man who knows how to handle firearms.
It's rural America, not Manhattan. Men are expected to be in charge of defense, using guns.
The 4 rules.
>Girl's father gave the guy the gun he ND'd and killed her with.
holy shit he's got to be hating himself now.
What the fuck.
When you pick up a gun make sure it isn't loaded.
If it is loaded both muzzle and trigger are fucking absolute.
If it's not loaded and you have just checked, or its in a holster muzzle is a bit less important as long as you have trigger discipline, but NEVER FUCKING BREAK TRIGGER DISCIPLINE WITHOUT BECOMING CONSCIOUSLY AWARE OF YOUR MUZZLE DISCIPLINE.
It's really that simple.
>Be american
>get shot
some things never change
>boyfriend raised by boomer cuckold noguns
>don't know the minimum of gun safety
>girlfriend's father has superior genetics and raised his daughter well, makes the mistake of assuming he had good parents too
>plays with it like some kids toy because the nu-male millennial can't comprehend srs bsns
Not enough information in the linked report. from what was listed it sounds like he was holstering the weapon which pulled the trigger, maybe from a bad fitting holster. Hard to say but "putting it away" and "she was on the couch" would be more of a downward angle.
i love guns and gun owners, but if you are not responsible then you make us all look bad.
fuck em.
It wasn't an accident
Probably should have kept the ol finger off the trigger. Why not have mandatory gun safety classes right around when they start sex ed classes?
She was dumb enough to be with him
make it simpler
no finger in trigger guard
no muzzle point at people
now retards can handle guns
Report says he had long been around guns and owned other guns so yes safety is always key but I'm doubting he was an idiot playing around with his finger on the trigger.
>Be based dad
>Know how to use guns, practice at range constantly
>Exercising your right to the fullest extent as a good American should
>Have wonderful daughter
>Meet her boyfriend
>Seems okay, a little flighty
>Graduates from high school
>Buy him a gun so you can teach him to shoot it, make him feel more like family
>Give gun to your daughter so she can give it to boyfriend as a present
>Taught her well, she knows how to handle it
>Get a call your daughter is in the hospital
>She's been shot
>Rush to the ER
>She's dead before you could say goodbye
>Ask doctor what happened
>Find out the boyfriend shot your daughter while playing around with the gun you gave him like it was a toy
Girl's father bought gun, boy was a long time gun owner and user. From what little info was presented it sounds like he was maybe holstering the gun or doing something else where the trigger was pulled vs. his finger on the trigger. Hard to say from what was reported.
i knew about gun safety since i was 3...