My country's gonna become North Korea in a month. What do?

My country's gonna become North Korea in a month. What do?

Other urls found in this thread:–Venezuela_relations#Presidency_of_Nicol.C3.A1s_Maduro

Kill foreigners for their money.


seize the memes of production yourself

the sewer rat one is gold

Surely you must have firearms to defend yourself from an tyrannical government

Burn them all

OC coming thru

>Flee across the border
> form a group, and organize
> get support from a sympathetic country so they supply you with arms.
>wage guerilla warfare using the countryside as cover while getting the populace in the region on your side.

You can still get supplies without support though if you really want though. People that fight ISIS for instance post on Instagram, and get donations. You might be able to do the same.

If you don't fight,l and flee to the US as a political refugee swear to never vote left, and to redpill as many people possible.


>Best Korea
>Not Syria

well,pray for a miracle

Migrate here and bring your hot sister

Invest in helicopters

To become North Korea it has to have a strong government.

>My country's gonna become North Korea in a month. What do?
you deserve this, you voted for commies

come to brazil

is it true that the only cause for Venezuelas bad economical situation is the US embargo?

It's commies doing commie things.
>have endless oil
>never invested in refineries
>oil price drops, us don't give a damn about your oil anymore
>only buyer left is cuba
>you said to give oil for free to cuba in exchange for some petrol and much needed cuban soldiers that at least keep some what of your state in order
>even try to buy food from mother fucking cuba
>you can't buy food from a island without food
>oh well we might just try to ask north korea for help

but why are the only buyers that are left cuba and north korea? Sounds to me like they are being isolated because of the politicial stance of their goverment which the US does not approve of.

How does a rat taste anyway?

because they fucked every other potential buyer over as they can't deliver the wanted quality and amount on time. It's not a dependable partner.

Those commies are such geniuses their entire electricity production depends on a single fucking hydroelectric plant, if it fails the country goes dark.

>is it true that the only cause for Venezuelas bad economical situation is the US embargo?

There is no economic embargo on Venezuela.
The sanctions only affect important officials in the government.

Also, the US is the biggest single importer of Venezuelan oil.

Install fascist dictator.


1. Fuck off we are full. Go to Colombia instead.
2. Give me the basic gestalt on the last happenings in Venezuela.

leave, there's no point sacrifying yourself for such a despicable nation


we will build a wall , that is your punishment for accepting communism

also your women are nice prostitutes in our country but we are full so stop comming

no, no they also came here , we are full too

tbqh famalam you should dip to another hispanohablante country

Dude to come here they need to pass through a big dangerous amazon forest. Meanwhile they can enjoy a nice walk to Colombia instead.
Also they speak spanish just like you.
Don't you want to accept your LA brothers goy? Are you intolerant?

Already is bud.

Been going that way for years.

Shoulda left by now.

1. Find explosives
2. Blow up your senate

>speaking about prostitution

Don't come to Peru we're full
T. Peruvian living in the US

Fuck off commie kike. They did this to themselves trying to be like you idiots. The blood is on your hands.

Can you give me a quick rundown on whats happening over there in Venezuela?
German media is shit

Get out of there now, before its too late.

If that's not an option, now is the time to fight.

>Venezuela finds fuckin' shit ton of oil
>elects commie because gibs
>commie turns out to be retarded shithead dictator surprise surprise
>doesn't invest in fucking anything at all
>oil price tanks
>no food
>civil war

I could have just said

ask varg

Come home, costeño man

>Goldman Sachs trying to make money out of the crisis
>One judge was shot yesterday
>Small clashes between poop armed protesters and the security forces
>61 dead since the beginning
>Maduro says he is going to make rigged referendums to give himself more power anyway
>"It is all going to shit, but at least we don't have violent baby killing assault rifles in our houses to fight against situations like these! Fuck the right wingers!" - local man armed with flasks of shit
Venezuela is showing to the world once again that the only thing that can protect a country against tyranny are well armed, well equipped and courageous citizens. The concept of a tyrant controlled government not protecting yourself against a tyrant is foreign to leftards so we should all be glad that the venezuelan people choose to suffer by not allowing themselves to get heavily armed and be an example to us all and stop voting against our own interests.

Been seeing Venezuelan beggars here more and more often.

Beg Trump to go full Pax Americana.

I now know more than easily 99% of germans
Instead of useful info like this, german television consists of the Kardashians and bad reality tv shows

The single best response to hyperinflation is to leave. Leave the region that's plagued by it and move to somewhere else with a stable currency. And don't look back. Any other response is going to be less optimal than that. If you can't get out, you need to find out how to make a living on the black market. That's your two choices - leave or become a black market dealer. In Zim- I mean, Rhodesia there were people dealing milk out of the back of their cars.

Why do you keep posting, you never answer questions.

>Inb4 an Anti-Comintern pact

they're everywhere dude. There are more than 100 where I work. I've seen a couple venezuelan flags hanging on windows in my neighborhood. Not cool. Female migrants can come in hordes if they want though

come to America

The sanctions are just only high-ranking officials of the govt Doesn't affect govt, economy - ain't no embargo.

>a presidential order declaring Venezuela a threat to its national security and ordered sanctions against seven Venezuelan officials. Venezuelan president, Maduro,–Venezuela_relations#Presidency_of_Nicol.C3.A1s_Maduro

Only the majority of the Cuban-Americas are redpilled about communism/socialism. These guys when getting US citizenship will vote for gibsmedat and Democratic party again. they still haven't learnt.