>pol chimping out
Is there a polite PC expression for house nigger which was a real title in racist AmeriKKKa? NO? Then stop chimping.
>pol chimping out
Is there a polite PC expression for house nigger which was a real title in racist AmeriKKKa? NO? Then stop chimping.
>>pol chimping out
All I see is Sup Forums supporting him
stop being a faggot. if you think the left shouldn't have their own rules shove down their throats, you're in the wrong board
>Sup Forums should support a jew
Maher has never been part of the PC left and always advocated for free speech rights.
you still don't interrupt the enemy when they're making a mistake
You guys need to hide your flag at least.
Pro tip: fuck Islam
Leftypol freaking the fuck out trying to save him.
every libtard that falls like maher and griffin is a blow to lefty talking heads . WE CAN GET TO YOU
they can claim they dont like maher all they want
they can not let him fall like griffin. it would make all other libtards careful of what they say . and that would be the end of their crybaby outrage culture
do not fall for it. the only ones saying we should defend him are leftypol faggots.
What rules?
Maybe Maher will get fat like Milo did now that he's fallen?
Fat Sad Lonely Milo.
House worker/House slave
read this chart you house whitebois
Day of the rope when??
>Maher has never been part of the PC left
>and always advocated for free speech rights.
And giving all sheckels to israel.
Its funny becauw saying we cant say that and then getting asshurt when we do, it makes it so appealing
U mad grays?
>Maher has never been part of the PC left and always advocated for free speech rights.
The only free speech he's ever advocated is his own and those he agrees with. Whenever a conservative says something controversial, he always calls for their head and cheers when they're punished for voicing an unpopular opinion.
It'll be real funny to see this Maher hoisted by his own petard. It'll be real funny to see him take his own medicine.
I'm just stoking the flames.
You're just lying. Google how Maher treated college protests and so on.
>Whenever a conservative says something controversial, he always calls for their head and cheers when they're punished for voicing an unpopular opinion.
Sauce? I think you're full of shit. Bill Maher will debate anyone on his show. The more opposing their views the better.
Anyway, the OP is right this is going nowhere, just like with Colbert. Keep trying faggots lmao
>when you revolt against the guy your board is named after
The fuck is a grey ?
The fuck is a grey ?
>Bill Maher will debate anyone on his show. The more opposing their views the better.
I disagree, I refuse to watch Maher anymore. Whenever someone doesn't agree with him, or says something positive about Trump in the newer episode, all he says is "OH SHUT THE FUCK UP" over them, never bringing in an actual argument.
I could care less about him saying it anyways. But we know the media will make a big fuss about it in a few hours, just to rub it in peoples' faces telling them that Maher saying "nigger" is justified.
We should be as "racist" (commie thought crime) as South Africans blacks and kill all the niggers.
Very good point. I still have respect for Maher even though I disagree with him on many things and rarely watch his show.
fuk dis guy amirite Sup Forums?
Brazil where u at?
Uncle Tom. The same insult racist Democrats use to dismiss and minimize any Trump supporting black person. Amazing how the right is totally the racist one when it's the left that fires and hires people based on race.