Have you ever had a negative experience with law enforcement?
Have you ever had a negative experience with law enforcement?
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a pig crashed my fathers funeral and then dragged his casket around with his cruiser
No. I'm not a nigger who breaks the fucking law, but I did see the police take my brother away when he stopped taking his meds.
>I'm not a nigger who breaks the fucking law
Other than getting pulled over at 4AM for a taillight that was out, really no. My other interaction was with an officer blocking my car in a parking lot as he was investigating a traffic incident. He came up to my window and offered to move his car. Pretty cool guy overall.
Yea, I was working as a loader in a Hispanic warehouse that got raided by the DEA because of some shady business that a trucker was doing. I spent six hours in a van saying "no, no, duvalin, no, no" while they tore down half the place.
Been questioned a few times even though I dindu nuffin. Aussie cops are usually pretty cool if you're not being a cunt.
I've gotten more warnings than tickets
It'd be better to ask if anyone has ever had a positive experience with law enforcement. In Australia cops basically exist to extort money from law abiding citizens while completely ignoring actual crime.
Never had any experiences with them at all
Had one cop start giving me a hard time, thinking I had drugs in my car. Held me up for a for a few minutes while we waited on a K-9 unit to sweep the car, because I wouldn't allow him to search.
Made 5-10 minutes of small talk with the guy, until suddenly he changes his mind, calls off the K-9 unit, and lets me go.
Didn't have any drugs, and it was pretty annoying getting profiled as druggy based on my appearance (white guy, long hair, full beard), but overall, it wasn't THAT bad. I was polite and cooperative (up until the point that I decided I not to allow him to search), and he was polite and professional.
I think when he picked up the vibe chit-chatting that I didn't have anything to hide, and simply don't want strangers going through my shit, he realized he was kind of being a dick for no reason, which is why he called off the dog.
Overall, 6/10. Better than Sharia. Better than BLM.
the cops here are extremely polite and sane individuals, they know cracking down on speeders and ignoring our countries meth and illegal firearms epidemic is insane, but it seems they have about as much choice as we do.
I enjoy my booze here and there so yeah. Also im tall so tiny men usually hate me.
never even been pulled over.
Once tuis female offices was sucking my dick, but she wasn't very good at it.
I usually don't drive the speed limit, and when I do seldomly get pulled over, the officers are quite civil. Many warnings and only 3 tickets.
>committed crime
>cops come to arrest me
>didn't chimp out
>didn't even get cuffed
>cops were total bros
>even gave me some time to smoke a cigarette before putting me in jail
5/5 experience, I love cops.
>be up at 4 am on uni campus
>skateboarding around because insomnia
>campus police pulls up
>asks for student id
>show him it
>"sorry to bother you have a great night"
I'm white.
Me and the squad got pulled up in front of our friends house back in high school.
Small town, deputy was probably just fucking with us, but acted like the 4 nerdy kids in a shitty oldsmobile he pulled over had MS13 tattoed on our faces. Made us get out of the car and put our hands on the trunk while they searched the car. No sudden movements, blah blah blah the whole 9 yards. I was being cocky and knew the basics of traffic stop law, so I asked the guy "Hey dude, like, why are you having us do this? We're obviously not violent people."
To which he responded "Yeah, but I am!".
I thought it was pretty stupid. Big bad small town cop intimidating high school kids. Whatever, didn't matter, they didn't find the shatter we had tucked in the a/c vent, which would have sucked because at the time it was considered a felony or some stupid shit to have THC concentrate or whatever. Let us go eventually after telling us we need to stop being so suspicious.
About a year later we were having a house party and they no-knock raided the place because some shithead we didn't really know wasn't having enough fun at the party, left, then called the cops on it. My friend let his sister come out and she was under 18 (By like 6 months) which technically isn't even illegal if its a family member. But some other fuck brought his gf who was 16 because he was a dirtbag and we all got popped for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. 5 of us rented the house together, so we all got charges brought against us.
They didn't have anything on me so they dropped mine and two others. They took the other two's cellphones and found texts organizing the party. They took plea deals like fucking idiots and had to pay a fine and do comm service, instead of fighting it and winning because the cops up here don't understand the law and had jack shit for evidence against them except some texts which weren't even to the underage people but to other friends who brought them.
Fun times.
Ive always had a shit deal with them. Get pulled over all the time, mostly results in nothing but its still fucking annoying. Also been drunk tanked 3 times and sober for 2 of them.
I'd be happy if they fucked with minorities but they just hate me for some reason
They don't like when you throw things at them.
Had the same thing happen but they called my dad even though my I'd said I'm 19 this was two months before crazy dad killed himself and thought I was a "loser" because these pigs thought I was drunk. Now I will never trust any pig and will take joy in their suffering and extinguishment.
not really, cops around here in the countryside are pretty chill. most of my experiences with them have either been having occasional small-talk with a deputy that stops by the local gas station frequently or coming across one of the officers in the nearest city, other than that not much
So that's a no?
Once. Had a officer threating me to arrest me because, I accidentally toss a cig out of my car after doing a 10 hour shift.
That was the only bad experience I ever had with cops and I've been in a situation where they drawn guns on me and I don't consider that as a bad experience or one that the officer was a dick so to speak. Every cop encounter I ever had have been either very professional to cool.
I once got a warning for driving over the speed limit.
They caught, scared and killed my drug dealers, now I can't buy anymore weed reeeeeee
My old man always said it's a police state.
They drew a gun at me (lol women cops) when i was pissed because they raided my apt for drugs when they wanted the arab next door
I wanted to press charges but that wouldve costed me money so I didint.
Move to California.
We like flips here. Plus we have dank dro.
only once. wuz 17
speed trap at bottom of a hill. going 51, limit was 45. there was a line of 10 cars getting tickets ahead of me.
had to take defensive driving class. was at a cool underground bar and the teacher was a comedian. he gave us the answers to the test and let me drink like four redbulls for free.
some people in the system are dicks but most are decent people just doing their job.
i've never had a positive one
yea,got pulled over for passing cars on a freeway, got a fine, whoda thunk you couldnt go 5 over the speed limit to pass cars going the speed limit?
whats the point of a passing lane if i cant pass no one without speeding up a little?
it was a negro too. also got me for a seatbelt.
I have received one speeding ticket. Cop was nice.
What crime?
No and I am fucking black
Fuck you stay where you are at
This guy is not vetted
Why are you trying to bring potential ISIS here after that casino incident in manila?
>be edgy 15 year old
>commit crime
>cop comes
>I act like a total overly aggressive nigger because im "le sooper hardcore"
>get a ticket and a ride home
>dont even get a criminal record
>realise cops had many excuses to arrest me and give me a record which would fuck up my life prospects but chose not too because they knew i was just being an edgelord to impress my friends
>realise cops arent that bad
>combine my new found respect for the law with my already existing extreme racism and autism
>end up on pol
if I could go back in time and meet my teenage self I would beat the shit out of him
its a californian, hes not an american, i bet you 100$ its a spic.
its to pass cars going under the limit
thats why its called a limit
also fug da bolice
that is the most cucked story Ive ever heard, even by Swedish standards
Growing up my neighbor was a cop. He would shoot off all the confiscated fireworks on the 4th of july. Would even share them with my dad. Dude was pretty cool.
once i grew a long beard. police started pulling me over everywhere i went. i got pulled over by a female cop who seemed a bit retarded like she had ptsd or something. she gave me a fine because one of my passengers in the back didnt have the top part of their seat belt over their shoulder. also lost some demerit points. ruined my perfect driving record. fucking bitch could have let me go with a warning but she had to be all shaky and ptsdd
I robbed a pharmacy at knifepoint. Took all the drugs I could fit in my messenger bag. The adrenaline rush was INTENSE and after I injected some of the stimulates I felt fucking invincible. Even returned to the crime scene, and no one realized I was the one who did it. It was EXHILARATING!
It wasn't until a few days later that they figured out I was the criminal and that was based on the fact that I had been selling those drugs. 2 years 3 months, out of which I served maybe 9 months since I was a young first-time offender..
I really loved being a criminal, but I guess it was never meant to be one. I get better money legally anyway.
Got pulled over in the ghetto for not using a blinker by a state boy and I realized I didn't have my license. Got puff in cuffs right away, asked if I had drugs and I told him I had a few adderall on me. He took em, threw me in the back of the car blah blah blah, let me go. No ticket, no nothing. Holy Fuck did I feEl good.
3 months later I got a warrant out for my arrest sent to me in the mail and I was being charged with felony drug possession. Saw a judge once, was let go, another court date set, got a lawyer, and got everything thrown out of court. Didn't even have a court fee. Cost me a grand total for the lawyer, but Fuck that was retarded. Just glad the charge was thrown out.
Would not recommend driving without your licence.
no never
i'll add that law inforcers in the usa are the nicest policeman ive ever met. one was so nice i bought him a lunch.
Once I asked an officer for directions but he told me he was new so didn't know the area.
How are you expected to change lanes if you can't speed up?
>get denied re-entry to bar after cig with friend
>fair enough
>tell him ill chill outside while he tells other friends we're gonna leave
>chilling on street just waiting for friends
>shitskin fucking cunt bouncer comes up to me start talking shit telling me to back away further
>literally in the street now
>tell him to the shut the fuck and that he's a dirty fucking arab
>pushes me
>i push back
>4 bouncers jump me
>police comes a bit later, obviously on their side
>ruined watch, pants and a cracked rib from having 3 people putting their entire weight on my back
I went in as a witness to a crime and was locked in an interrogation room for 2 hours. The cops who drove me to the station were pretty cool but I was basically treated like a criminal before I could give my statement. They didn't even want me using my phone while waiting.
I just love the enforcement arm of the fucking state that is importing millions of foreigners, subsidizing every degeneracy under the sun and forcing me to pay for all this shit.
I hope they didn't make you wait 2 hours to be questioned, otherwise they're practically asking for an inaccurate statement.
Arrested three times
Never convicted because thats for niggers. Only poor people go to jail in America.
Everywhere looks like a police state if you're criminal scum.
cops are the niggers of gov
after beating some sperg i was suspended from school until a judge ruled what my punishment is. came to school the day the judge decided if i go to jail of not. obvioulsy i went to jail. some manlet mexican cop came up to me and called me a bully. said i like to pick on small guys. thats a lie that faggot had that beating coming. so after he virtue signals and keeps projecting hard, he handcuffs me and tells me that if i move away he will beat me. fucking faggot should have told me that before he cuffed me
Probably happened because you're a filthy fucking arab yourself and they didn't want a dirty immigrant shitting up the appearance of the club.
Maybe you should've back up all the way to the border.
Nope. Been pulled over a lot for expired registration but I always got a warning of "get it done soon".
Turn off your car, have your license and insurance (sometimes not required since they can check your name and/or plates) ready to be seen, hands just anywhere that isn't suspicious. Answer questions, have light on if it's dark and just generally be civil. It's a job as much as any other most of them.
Not really. Cops around here are fine. I was out drinking after the exams were over and I started having a conversation with the cop about degeneracy. He was a cool guy. He said he enjoyed rounding people up in his paddy wagon. Guy was a bro.