What does Sup Forums think of this?
What does Sup Forums think of this?
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Good for those women, the ghetto sucks.
Going to need four lengths of rope.
>homegirls they fuck and call sis
Black people are very prone to cheating so they call people cousin or "like a sister or brother" who they are fucking to dispel suspicion.
I don't understand what she is saying.
well its race mixing involving white people so I don't feel comfortable about it but it looks like they'll be happy together and black female white male marriages do VERY well
Good format for dropping redpills
Black women love slavery role play.
Just don't take shit from them and let her know you'll shoot her brother Tyrone if she acts up and decides to sick him on you after you slap her around.
I'm doing my part to dilute blacks with my superior aryan genes
>white men prefer verizon
There's an excessive number of people here who would defend this
Post based black men treating white women right
>Defending the creation of more mongrels
Colonize in another country not mine you dipshits. White babies are already slowly becoming a minority. We don't need more brown filth. Plus those male twins ruined their perfectly good genes on two Niggers.
He eatin
I'd rather stay alone all my life than be married with someone who's just here for my money
I think because the children would grow up with fathers and not be niggers.
Nigger is a mindset that easily infiltrates stupid people
Source: wiggers
All interracial couples should be Anti-Natalists while White couples should have many kids. Bleaching won't work for shit if whites are a minority.
Doesn't exist
If a black man could treat a white woman right he wouldn't be subjecting her to his filth
Any good examples of successful people with a white father and black mother?
Most Mulattos adopt Nigger culture, even the ones with fathers. That's the cycle of an American nigger. Even if you date a nigger from another country you'll still get the same result. It's honestly better to have white children considering they're more sod after then some ugly mulatto.
Post more based racemixing
She's saying that black women should date white men because we actually have a future
None you'd know from media.
Certain (((groups))) don't want that scenario
>Black women should date white men so that white children become a minority faster
what the fuck is that pic even supposed to convey?
i'm at a total loss as to any possible motive
>Race Mixing
>Not Jewish
Anything that makes white children minorities in their own countries while creating more browns is extremely Jewish newfag.
Nigger culture needs eradicated
Weak men let their children grow up to be niggers.
My mixed breed children will be the whitest people on the planet
gas gas gas
Any race but black woman is acceptable for breeding.
Half niggers will be always be trashy filth who gravitate to nigger culture.
>I'm doing my part to make more brown children so that way whites can be minorities
For what reason? Why not make white children instead? They're slowly becoming a minority. We have plenty of Browns no need to make more.
God damn it even our men are getting BLACKED now WTF
Lot's of race-mixing enablers and kike fucks in here today...
Race Mixing should be banned completely from the US.
Kill yourself nigger shill cuckposter
Niggers are stupid is the general message
Also consider the following:
Black women chimp out on campus and are generally unhappy.
They CRAVE to serve and be rangled. All women do really but black women are more vocal about it
More where that came from my Greek Friend
It's been going on for months. It's a kike psy op to fight "racism" on Sup Forums by pimping out gross sheboons to desperate virgins
>Implying she's that smart
You give her too much credit
whites aren't a minority though, they're a growing majority. the retarded "hispanic white" meme is just another way of saying spanish european. natives and mestizos are a minority in mexico, too.
either way, it's not about bleaching genetics, it's about men being men enough to keep their own wives in line. her race doesn't matter half as much as your ability to head a household. blaming genetics for women's behavior is a weak fucking cop-out for beta men.
Herregud jeg har ikke sett Aland her
Good to see.
What's different in that scenario?
>he doesnt know about regression to the mean
Lurk moar newfag
>no handouts (because white men work)
I mean, it's not incorrect but it also is.
Caucasoid example has Jew hat
>Jews are totally white goy
Mestizos nor Castizos aren't white, Plus white babies are only 49.6% of American Births. Your bleaching meme will fail miserably as you'll only create more Anti-White garbage.
>Falling for the Bleaching and not wanting attractive white children
There is shit ton's of these threads for every race of women you stupid turk.
Colonials would be proud.
It's not for everyone, but some of us are willing to breed with the brownies and darkies (jungle fever).
>being this new
Yeah but back in those days we outnumbered the niggers 2.5 to 1 on the global level and had more children (who survived to adulthood) then they did.
Now we're almost at the point they outnumber us.
>What is a converted Jew
Yeah I'm sure your nigger child will be so much better.
Castizos may not be totally white (although many look it), but they are very likely to identify as white and thus breed with whites. A castizo - white couple will have white babies.
Keep your deranged cuck fantasies to yourself you insane Amurican mongrel nigger
Amurica needs to be nuked what a sick disgusting place
whats wrong with boost mobile or metropcs?
pretty much this, yeah.
>White couples will have babies
>Millennials have the most low fertility rates
>GenZ is only 55% White
>White babies are 49.6% of all American births
Your bleaching plan will be an utter failure, Do the right thing and have white children.
Every nig secretly wants to fuck and marry and produce with a white person. Every one. Don't let them lie to you.
They want their children to have our beauty genes, our intelligence, etc mixed with their own, because their own is inadequate.
And no one likes black people, not even each other. The problem is with black women, typically, white men are disinterested. Why do I say this? Look at white on black rape statistics. They don't exist. It's almost insulting.
I've not seen a strong case for it.
It denies genetics, its like saying two parents with bad eyes give birth on average to kids with good eye sight.
"Regression to the mean" is actually second generation immigrants NOT being expected to assimilate and also being told by western (((media))) that white culture is something to not assimilate with; i.e. Be a nigger its great
er, they look happy.
Yeah kikes promoting racemixing to desperate omega male virgins to fight "racism" you stupid leaf.
I don't browse often and in all my 6 years here I've never seen Aland
They're happy because they aren't some ugly mulatto freaks. Shame Race Mixers want those to become a minority in America.
Says the sub-Italian
>Why do I say this? Look at white on black rape statistics.
r u fucking serious
kek i weep for your future, plz don't reproduce if you ever get the chance (doubtful)
>Implying Jews are better than niggers
>Look I'm calling him a sub-Italian despite the fact I'm creating a literal nigger lol
>You and 666 other like this
>Shame Race Mixers want those to become a minority in America.
pretty sure people who marry people of another race do it for love, not because they're trying to make a huge group become a minority, one child at a time.
>Implying your mongrel children won't adopt Nigger culture like most of the nigger youth
Yay I'm so glad I'm bleaching and not just creating white children to help my race not become a minority.
>these street dreaming to be hood rich, mixtape trap rapper wanna be ass niggas
that's a mouthful
black girls are still black people they are still fundamentally retarded even if they mimic white people talk
>implying anyone on this site will ever have kids
Speaking of turks. What do there women look like? Are they white
what? blacks are the shrinking minority in america, bro, look that shit up. hispanic white is taking over, but they're still white. i'm not advocating bleaching either, i'm advocating men acting like men. both of my grandathers came to america through the algona, ia pow camps. one married a black woman and the other an irish. funny that you post a picture of nazis then to support your stupid world view, apparently they disagree.
>They do it for love goyim that makes it perfectly acceptable for more mongrels to be created
>ctrl +f
>someone else noticed :D
Lol good one after getting BTFO over your insane cuck fetish you resosrt to calling people virgins.
Who cares, we don't want those beta white genes anyway
"White Hispanics" are what they call Mestizos in the census because they have no official racial category you dumb fuck. But hey I'm sure those Nigger children are worth it. Despite the fact the white birth rates are srinking and only 49% of American babies are white.
I feel sorry for those guys.
All their nigger in laws are gonna make their lives hell on earth.
whats wrong with metroPCS?
Not to mention their ugly halfbreed children, shame they don't realize most Nigger youth are always going to be into nigger beats and the fuck whitey garbage.
She's absolutely right, but I don't approve of race mixing
White women wnat the black dick and black women want the white dick..what kind of messed up world are we livin in?
And how is that different from the current white generation growing up?
Sure thing turk slave. Last time I deployed with Greek monkeys we literally had to treat two oliveniggers becuase they tried using JP8 for lube.
White women are the least likely to mix contrary to popular belief.
It's not that messed up. People like to branch out of their own races/ethnicities because it is more interesting and exotic.
You're weak if you think you couldn't properly guide them as a father. Regardless of race, your children will also be weak.
Speak for yourself.
GenZ whites are mostly conservative because of all the Anti-White. Can't say the same about Niggers though. The fuck whitey garbage is their culture. Because niggers literally have no usefulness in America anymore.
Good for them.
i still don't get your point. if you think white kids raised by single mothers on crack are better for society than black kids raised in 2 parent households you're a retard.
"but muh white race"
if your race can't survive in the world as a minority than fuck your race. that's evolution, faggot.
You seem upset. Maybe you should get a wife and have some kids, calm your autism, yeah?
you are ignorant as fuck, meztizos are not white hispanic, black people and msm have co-opted that meme to mean any brown mexican born in america, it means a castizo or lighter, green eyes and red hair light, none of those fuckers are white hispanic, stop feeding people lies.
>Fuck your race
Hello Mutt, how does it feel knowing I'm telling the truth about your shitty mongrel subrace.