>Pres Trump Weekly Address #19 6/2/17
>Pres Trump signs some bills for protecting LEOs 6/2/17
>Pres Trump puts America First 6/2/17
>VP Pence on F&F 6/2/17
>VP Pence on Hannity 6/2/17
>The Paris Accord is a bad deal for America
>Pres Trump/VP Pence presser pulling out of Paris Accords 6/1/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
You know what? Drumpf. There. I said it.
Is Mueller a deep state agent?
I've got a bad feeling about this whole witch hunt they've got going on we haven't seen shit yet it's going to get intense
What's the weekend agenda?
>Portland free speech rally (Sun)
>Ariana Manchester charity concert (Sun)
Anything else?
>Pittsburgh not Paris
woah that feels so good
yaassss #IMWITHHERstill
Trump rally tomorrow MOTHERFUCKER!
Thanks for killing the Earth Drumpf
WHAT the fuck did they mean by this? These fucking kikes have no shame.
more like singaPOOR
yes goy
For the first century of its existence, Washington D.C. was a essentially a Southern town (and like other Southern towns was quite conservative).
Today, it's a liberal hellhole that puts even New York and San Francisco to shame.
How do we make DC great again?
Ben Sasse is getting torn to pieces because of Maher.
What a shame. Oh darn.
You're ID perfectly describes Drumpf Rallies
Well, that's it. Someone went and said it. I guess I #ShillForHill now...
He's not going to be there according to the WH schedule.
>How do we make DC great again?
Evict the negroes and slash government jobs.
Hope the climate scientists are right for once and the sea takes it.
>being this desperate
Is that a fear I smell....
kicking out all the immigrants, niggers, and kikes.
fuck niggers
there are no "based black men" you cucks
More like singarich. Place is fucking loaded. Love the place.
I've been underwater for 10 years apparently
tim scott
Considering how multiple democrats are getting nervous with him, plus the fact little stuff has leaked, and finally Trump has shown no complaint with him, I actualy think he might be alright
Underwater properties are valuable.
Don't worry. You'll be underwater within the next 10 years all thanks to Deumpf
Only by the good graces of Big Daddy United States. They're a defenseless city state near China and North Korea.
Nothing outside of a civil war would change it
I bet you'll let him fuck your daughter
When is Trump supposed to announce the new FBI director?
Hopefully people don't fall for it. How infuriating.
Did climate change make Bill Maher a racist?
Yes. It also killed Seth Rich, and was the true cause of 9/11.
Why is he now investigating Session and (((Rosenstein)))?
>not pmurt
>Trump picture next to headline that has nothing to do with Trump
I think this is too obvious for anyone to fall for it
Brave poster breaks the echo chamber yaas queen.
So he goes through everyone. If he does it right, literally everyone gets investigated, Dem or Republican. If it clears them of anything, all the better.
You'd be surprised
Due diligence. He's doing an exhaustive investigation so the Democrats can't find fault with it and claim he was "going easy" on Trump.
You know what they're going for though. They want people to subconsciously think "this is Trumps America." I guarantee it will work on some people too.
This, desu. If he's not thorough, those fuckheads will find loopholes from now until the next century.
My problem is I can see this whole thing getting dragged out for another couple years and it will kill Trump's political clout that he needs to get his agenda done
I also expect them to get somebody on something. At some point somebody will inevitably fuck up their testimony or there will be some other process error found and the Dems and media will pounce on it
Anyone notice that once Comey got fired and the Muh Russia shit evaporated, it's been nothing but losses and infighting for Democrats?
When was the last time the shills even had a semi-effective narrative?
Syria strike? Maybe Kushner v. Bannon? I don't even know.
>muh Russia
>and it will kill Trump's political clout that he needs to get his agenda done
Don't make me laugh user
They maintain relations with all states in a very great way. LKY made it that way. They appreciate the US but didn't need us.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
>tfw thinkin about remindin
I've seen people unironically tie it to "Trump's le hateful atmosphere".
South Sudan is a fucking mess. I hope peacekeepers have been deployed but I doubt they are there in significant enough numbers.
no so fast, americunts
Gentlemen, what info can I send a man in his mid forties that's asking to be redpilled?
They'll scream and cry about "muh Russia" and the pathetic cuck Republicans in Congress will pussy out "until the investigation is complete" or some other bullshit and everything will stall
Pretty much, I have no idea why they went with the special counsel or why Sessions and Nunez recused themselves when the Dems would never do that
Syria strike was before Comey firing and the Kushner/Bannon shit has never had any weight to it.
If we look back the past couple of weeks, it's been loss after loss for the Democrats. Elections, legislation, court verdicts, even the controversies have been all going in Trump's failure. The Muh Russia trash was the ONLY thing they had that could do any damage.
Liberals aren't even rioting anymore, they're broken.
What can they do really? We told them we wont give them any shekels for it.
Looks like I once again put too much faith in humanity. Oh well, back to nuclear holocaust it is....
cucky liberal tries to use tolerance magic to save bill
it fails
>They'll scream and cry about "muh Russia" and the pathetic cuck Republicans in Congress will pussy out "until the investigation is complete" or some other bullshit and everything will stall
Then Trump rallies his voter base against the congressmen who refuse do anything, so what is the issue? Why do you waste time and mental energy with unlikely predictions?
>If we look back the past couple of weeks, it's been loss after loss for the Democrats
Correction: Since Trump descended the escalator.
Whats the best evidence of us winning the battles of Berkeley? YouTube?
I'm just happy the stress Trump is giving the leftists is quite literally taking years off their lives.
I meant from their perspective. Shitlibs can't even scrape up a pretend victory in any sector now.
The part where Antifa gassed themselves.
He could do that but then that sets everything back a few years at the very least and these proposals need a few years before they can actually impact the economy properly so it might be too late at that point
I guess I'm just a pessimist who has no faith in the feckless Republican cucks in Congress based on history and how they've handled getting their agenda since Trump has got in
With these Kathy Griffin and Bill Maher controversies, the left is eating themselves. It's glorious.
Just wait until their guy in Georgia fails, he is already trending down.
>America pulls out
>Other countries decide to foot the bill instead
Sounds like the renegotiation is happening all on its own
Let's not forget the Battle of Huntington Beach a couple days earlier either.
bill maher is at the top of worldwide trends, but with only 1400 tweets
Best Montage?
>search for audiobook on jewtune
>it's read by sargon
Well there was that state house seat in NH or some place that turned, a stunning staggering loss that will spell the end of Rhumpf!
Get ready, Healthcare, Tax reform, Travel ban upheld...if you think you've heard them crying, you ain't seen nothing yet.
How would that set back things for years? Trump has stumped people and made them bend the knee in months.
>tfw a democrat gets in in 2020 and immediately re-signs paris
>Uhhh. They won't fire him because they know he's not a racist. They know that you right wingers are though.
So if you are a left wing progressive thinker you can use the word "nigger" and not be a racist.
lol that pic. The tide is turning.
These radical leftist faggots have no idea that as reactionaries we feed off of their satanic agenda.
With Reactionary-In-Chief we have become the most powerful block on earth and are shifting the timelines.
They are not saying Climate Change, they are saying Clement Chang; a DNC hitman.
Unlike Britain, we don't elect Socialists like Jeremy Corbyn.
>I also expect them to get somebody on something.
Well no shit.
They've got Flynn dead to rights on a violation of 18 U.S. Code Section 1001 and 37 U.S. Code Section 908 for not reporting the payments from RT on his security forms (and for taking the payments in the first place). He also violated some laws in regards to Turkey by operating as an unregistered foreign agent, but he might get out of that with just a massive fine since he wasn't directly paid by the government of Turkey and he registered after the fact.
They have Sessions on perjury too if the latest story pans out. He already "corrected" the record once with the excuse that he didn't understand a question. He was abundantly clear with his correction though so him leaving out a third meeting sinks his ass.
And Manafort is dirty as shit, but that's gonna be money laundering more than likely if they can even find the evidence, most of which is going to be overseas. Also it has fuck all to do with the Russia election investigation ironically.
Page is a much longer stretch unless evidence that hasn't leaked comes out.
No idea what's going to happen with Kushner. Most of the shit relating to him hasn't leaked in detail yet either.
But yeah Flynn is definitely going to jail.
Thank you user. But is there a comprehensive timeline of Trump Men and Women destroying these degenerates on video? I need the most all encompassing destruction of the left since election day.
Why do they think Trump is some sort of cartoon villain who wants to destroy the world, as though he would be angry if other nations and the private sector pitched in to cover the lost US federal contribution?
>implying Democratic party will exist in 2020
Nigger will you please shut the fuck up.
I have to say you are full of shit
Because they only see the world in fiction.
So these are the doctors europe desperately needs
>anti-protester laws
>restrict reproductive rights
You mean like tax payers not paying for your birth control?
>restricted voting
How? Is this about voter ID? Despite what the left thinks niggers are smart enough to go down to the dmv
>banned sanctuary cities/campuses
You mean stopped funding people breaking the law?