If evolution is real, why has this animal stayed the same for 450 Million years? Atheists need to stop believing in fairy tales.
If evolution is real, why has this animal stayed the same for 450 Million years...
If evolution is real, why have other animals changed over the last 450 million years?
Because it didn't need to evolve?
I guess it's the nigger crab?
>If evolution is real, why has this animal stayed the same for 450 Million years?
It hasn't? Also, low and stable selection pressure.
no reason to evolve further, perfect as it is
It filled its niche and that niche hasn't changed for 450 million years.
450 million years?
You believe the scientists who date the earth but disagree with the same ones on evolution?
>why have other animals changed
That's what you say.
All organisms cooperate together in a joint evolutionary strategy, and each one has a role.
That particular specimen found his 450 million years ago.
This it has no reason to evolve
The real question is how the fuck does it instinctively know were to lay its eggs thats the real mystery
that it survived 450 million years is a testament to its species resilience.
If evaluation is real, why do monkeys still exist?
>neither the climate nor the composition nor the ecosystem of the sea has changed within the past HALF BILLION years to warrant a crab getting gud
Those animals had no reason to evolve further I guess.
Uhhh hello, those are all clearly different species of horses.
>why do monkeys still exist?
niggers need to get their aids from somewhere you bigot.
It did not need to adapt to survive. sage
If evolution was truly real, why haven't niggers evolved in 200,000 years ??? Check mate atheists
>trying this hard
>Climate constantly changes
>Ice Ages, heat ages, moving and colliding continents
>A fucking crocodile just deals with it and stays the same for 250 million years
>Meanwhile other animals of comparable size or complexity change every few hundred thousand
Because it still hasn't hit level 40.
Because its reproductive system doesn't require fighting with other males/females.
Because its body fits its environment.
Because its food and needs are balanced.
So much reasons.
But change one one, it will evolve.
Evolution was made up to make people think everybody is a nigger #blivesmatter
I believe he saying in burgerland goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?"
Even then , there are lots of small differences between the modern day Horseshoe crab and the Triassic one.
How about that, if evolution is real, why are niggers still around? They're undesirable traits, but have not been selected against through evolution.
This shows you that evolution is fake science.
>still believing in the evolutionary Jew
Can't fix what's not broken
He survived that long because he is the form of perfection our final evolution
If god exists why does he let retards keep fucking up his people? Theists and their silly fairy tales.
last time i saw this thread, the op image was of a black man
Because it is as fine as it is now in it's habitat, and there is no need for it to change much more. Maybe thicker shell and legs over the next millennia
If it's not evolution then what is it? Our bodies are changing constantly daily it's not hard to imagine one of the possible variations of organic matter could reach a deadend and be unable to evolve.
There's not enough environmental pressure to force a significant change. All this means is that it's an organism resilient enough to survive without needing to be changed.
It probably has evolved significantly on a DNA level, however it's outward appearance has stayed mostly the same as any deviation probably ended up being less beneficial for the creature
Those aren't hippos you fucking liar. Those are fucking ponies.
You aren't smart enough to troll. Read the fucking Wikipedia page about evolution at least.
I reccomend reading, "the selfish gene" by Richard Dawkins. One of the underlying themes is that evolution is a blind and mechanistic process imposed by an environment upon it's inhabitants.
The leading theory (The Darwinian theory, nearly undisputed) states that evolutionary change is caused by accidental mutations that benefit an organism allowing it to reproduce better than it's peers. The offspring of said organism are more likely to have the mutation furthering the change within the species.
What decides if a random mutation is beneficial or not? The environment!
Say two organisms live in the age of information, one can process complex and abstract ideas, synthesize information and organize their thoughts. The other organism doesn't possess higher order reasoning and therefore earns less money and fathers fewer children. My trait isn't nescessarily better it's chosen by my environment.
Isn't that thing basically immortal?
We killed them
Our ancestors were murders and rapists
The other sub species were actually good until we came along
We slaughtered the giant species and the big brain species
We won because we were the most violent when we existed
Humans didn't evolve from chimps, retard.
Humans and Chimps both evolved from a common ancestor.
If you wanted to disprove evolution, there are far stronger cases than the evolution of hominids.
If god is real, why would he waste his time creating billions upon billions of completely redundant, disgusting insects and marine life one by one, all hand-crafted, instead of, I dunno, creating some kind of algorhythm that does it for him where he can just sit back and enjoy the show.
Because the environment it has lived in has been relatively static and the chances of its kind having rare mutations has been extremely low.
reminder that the world is literally only 6000 years old and and evolutionists just claim it's millions of years because it's the only way to get anyone to believe their silly theory that has no observable proof
Hippo means horse
Potamus means sassy fat african
If USA is not the greatest country in the world, then why did God write the Bible in English?
Check mate Atheists!
this same shit thread pops up every week with the same shit picture and same shit op. sage
In for the trilo-fight
Because the LORD is omnipresent and has no sense of time. HE is everywhere.
>Say two organisms live in the age of information, one can process complex and abstract ideas, synthesize information and organize their thoughts. The other organism doesn't possess higher order reasoning and therefore earns less money and fathers fewer children. My trait isn't nescessarily better it's chosen by my environment.
>earns less money and fathers fewer children
Your post was pretty good up until this fundamental misunderstanding.
have you seen those autists in minecraft?
creation brings joy to the creator.
But seriously, denbts
If Americans came from Europeans, why are there still Europeans around?! Stupid Atheists, when will they learn.
We have rhesus positive blood that has an antigen related to a rhesus monkey
And we have rhesus negative blood that does not have the antigen that shows relation to a rhesus monkey.... where did that blood type come from??????? Trilobite?????
but why didn't we kill the chimps? why only things between?
that survivability argument is weak, because simple lifeforms like prokaryots are the fittest and most likely to survive. For they exist still today. Actually they never had a neccessity to evolve, yet we had to evolve from them according to (((the theory)))).
Why doesn't any species have anything useless in their bodies then? If that theory of yours was true at least some species should have something useless that wouldn't bother their living.
why haven't niggers evolved yet?
checkmate athiests
So god is autistic?
This is bait, but because people actually believe this shit, I'll try my best to briefly educate.
Evolution is the survival of the fittest. Humans are here because nothing we evolved from died out.
But mutation isn't necessary. A creature like that can survive perfectly in its environment for however long it exists.
Hopefully we keep evolving. Some more intelligence, or some Elfen Lied type shit with magic arms would be nice.
show me a picture of the common ancestor you nigger
Are you confirming that New Worlders are the evolved form of Europeans?
Because, just like us, it's too autistic to evolve.
Middle east
If evolution was real, why do (((scientists))) believe race is a social construct? Because they know God created humans equally. I keep owning you dumb atheists.
he's very obsessive at least
Just because you have no concept of time doesn't mean you have to do things in the least effective way. If god is omnipotent, he would do things also the most effectively. Also seems to be a more fun experience in general to create an algorhythm and watch things unfold rather than boringly create everything one by one. Surely god must at the very least have some feeling of curiousity, otherwise, why bother with creating life at all?
If evolution is real, why haven't niggers evolved?
Chimps stayed in their jungle with niggers. There's literally a bunch of manlet skeletons in the islands on the way to australia who died around the same time humans migrated there. Strayan abos casually comitted genocide on their way to their land.
I understand that for example, a specie could be bigger over time, or its skin color changing due to environmental selection.
But how do bacteria evolves from being blind to having vision and functional eyes. How do a mutation gives the ability to a reptile to have wings or to a fish to have lungs?
what are wisdom teeth? the appendix? hiccups? male nipples? etc
They hadn't invented cameras back then you fucktard
go back to TD bruv
were you there?
Why isnt it Blown The Fuck Away and Bow The Fuck Out, anyways, you can now do both.
Then explain the Flintstones.
Checkmate atheists.
Not my theory.
Why do men have nipples
Because unfortunately, we aren't killing them.
In nature, without morals, we would have eradicated niggers a long time ago.
But we let them live, along with plenty of other weak links who should not be alive.
Appendix is a host of good bacteria and prevents you from getting sick
ancestral recollection
its in humans as well
Kek always trips evolution fags
Simpler life forms that live in resource rich environments don't have natural selectors that drive 'improvements' like we see in many other animals.
It seems to have evolved to perfectly fill a niche, and it thrives in an environment that constantly exists on this planet. What are it's predators? What are it's mating habits? What prey does it consume, and has that prey changed much over time? These are all questions that need answers.
Evolutionists BTFO
That's where random mutations take place
Humans have an appendix which is a useless organ, we also have a tail bone
sexual dimorphism, women need nipples so everyone gets them
>We slaughtered the giant species and the big brain species
do you think homo-sapiens ate them?
OP is right though. We can say that a single SPECIES has changed over the years (the way humans breed with other races and dogs breed with other breeds) changing them slightly, but these races and dog breeds all are the same "species" of human being and dog despite being different shapes and sizes.
The change from one species to another has not been observed. Species share similarities, but that LEAP from one species to another---has not been observed.
See it as an arms race to eat/not be eaten.
Early bacteria were thought to have ingested other bacteria whole, keeping the, intact letting them function, making the first multicellular organisms
Male nipples are a remnant from fetal days.
Appendix is actually helpful.
Wisdom teeth are for the ubermensch
What is, pic related.
You better be trolling. Our country can only look so bad.
>tail bone
not an argument
Hiccups happen when you eat but don't drink enough. Most likely has something to do with food going down.
If language evolution is real, why has this language stayed the same for 1000 years? Atheists need to stop believing in fairy tales.
If they were a deleterious feature in men we would not . There are chromosomal differences between the sexes