So I want to try and find other redpilled people around me but I've got no idea where. I'm in Melbourne so naturally all my friends are either left leaning or just stupid. Where do I look?
How to find other conservatives
>he doesn't know the secret conservative crypto code
>red pilled
He might be a LARP in disguise, don't give it to him.
Also a melbournite, listening to the absolute nonsense spewed out by leftist morons in the office all day was so unbearable I am now back at uni to get a job where i'm not stuck around lunatics all day.
melbournian... i mean ha
Yeah but they already added 12 cents to my bank account for being a good goy.
Other Melbournite here, I'm relatively right wing and very libertarian, honestly only realised earlier this year my favourite club is an antifa meeting place. It's one of the few local places that play metal..
The only hints as to where libertarians are (unless you want to go to werribee, mornington or Melton for real fascists?) is a survey I once took that said I had a 90% chance of voting for liberal democrats and high chance of living in the inner south east suburbs.
That being said, the inner south east suburbs are crazy expensive, so either this is a pure assumption on the site's end or maybe all libertarians are rich cunts?
Firstly, they're gen x and so are you probably. Second millennials are either scared or quite hateful of anyone who does that shit, because it's gen x shit. Fat, middle aged women in their late 30s with cats and a career.
Based Pigeon Man
my friends are either left or they don't care
we still get along fine
you autist
Have you considered not being fucking autistic, you retard?
Stop caring so much about fucking memes.
Dude there's plenty of conservatives in melbourne. Us Sup Forumsacks should meet near fed square some day, I have no idea why we haven't met up
Learn to shake hands.
Checked. Thanks for the comment but yeah I live in the west so going southeast aint easy. But also yeah i'm more of a tradcon rather than fashy guy, so i might leave melton and its meth out of the picture. As said though, cheers mate.
Yeah i get along with my normal friends still. I just want another friend group to hang around as well as the usual guys
True. It'd be nice for an autistic gathering
I work at a gas station and subtly reference Sup Forums and other meme shit and I've so far made one (1) conservative friend who flat out asked me if I go on Sup Forums after I talked shit on Antifa in front of him while I was ringing up some energy drinks
>inb4 wage cuck I'm saving up for trade school for electrician certs
Wait what
mem3 2drorph _lekt .hein?
>implying real life young libertarians are easy to find
Next thing I know, I'm talking to some guy in dredgs talking about guns.
FED square is a busy, watched place. It's where people who want to be seen or heard go, like Marxists and PUAs.
Flagstaff gardens you might get away with sparking a joint.
Red pill isn't conservative or "tradcon," it's libertarian which at the moment is civic conservatism and right wing libertarianism. For instance, weed, the promotion and campaign for legalisation is red pilled because it diminishes alcohol use against corporate interests but otherwise for slightly safer driving and slightly less toxicity, but instead becomes stigmatized amongst the more collectivist people, even lefties. Weed is a red pill and conservatives can't get it, so conservatives are "red pilled."
Hard to meet someone genuinely libertarian, no one gives a fuck about fascists and bikies because what the fuck do they know about an economy. Yeah lefties are intolerable, but only the authoritarian lefties like antifa are going to be a problem whilst drinking. The alternative is people like me give up drinking in public places.
Also all your handwriting should be in ALLCAPS.
I would just like to add that you shouldn't rule out the redpilling of people. I was just listening to a podcast the other day and they were railing against the Manchester bombing and saying it's ridiculous what that fuck of a mayor whose name I cant remember said about it being "part and parcel". I never would have expected it to come out of this podcast. It's not even a political podcast.
The overton window is shifting and people are waking up. Just an anecdote of encouragement for you anons.
You lost me a Melbourne. Move or suck it up. Cunt.
Listen up cuckface, you're neither a conservative nor "redpilled." You're just an edgy teenager looking to fit in with the other misfits in here because you can't make it out in the real world.
You've been rejected and ignored by everyone around you so you figured you'll start sucking some Trump cock. At least that way you'll feel like you belong someplace, even if that place is the basement of the internet with the rest of his cult base of cucks in here.
Here's a tip lad:
>If it smells like shit everywhere you go, maybe check under your shoe.
In a similar boat bro. Also in Melbourne. What burn?
Melbourne, the California of Australia.
Im in Melbourne and far right. I tell all my friends and family that I am a white nationalist - they can take it or leave it. My advice is slowly work on your circle of friends and they will convert because the redpill is right.
You just gotta be careful around shekels though: my job requires me to be quiet around people I work with, if they knew how far right I was I would loose contracts. If you get into a trade though you should be fine.
My advice - get out of Melbourne while you still can.
Kill yourself cumskin fuck before we do it for you.
i'll smell your shit under your desk for 2 minutes then you'll have the best christmas party ever
Meh I am so scared!
How often do you take your rifle to the range? Train MMA much? Don't bother answering coz I don't care.
Good one?
>Not realising that to create humanity jizz is required
Fucking retarded shitskin detected
>Do you even lift bro??
Lol why are you right wing retards such a fucking cliche? You all have the exact same predictable responses.
i left my shoes in your office
Good one?
I disavow this faggot.
Why, I do this already.
I disavow this faggot nigger sucking Donny's orange cock so he can sleep at night.
Normies and liberals know next to nothing about history, jews, or liberal ideologies.
Anybody who recognises yiddish terms, or knows what the weimar republic is will probably be redpilled.
Just drop shit like that into normal conversation and see who reacts.
I am bigger than you, make more money than you, have more muscle than you, am a better shot with a rifle than you, am better at MMA than you, have a bigger dick than you, am taller than you, have a higher IQ than you, more educated than you...... I could go on and on and on.
That is the basis of all the white hate: jealousy.
The basis of all white nationalism is to get as far away as possible from non whites. The basis of your ideology is to get as close as possible to us because you cant make or do anything. You are even writing in my language on a machine my people built to hate me and my people. See the problem there? I feel sorry for you guys but only from a far.
Now I am off this board to do some winning for me and my people.
Melbourne has good food and a couple decent bars that's it. Some nigger bitch and her fucking white-guilted whore friends came into a bar one night and my bogan friend and I overheard the jig saying "so many white people in here" before they left. It took every ounce of my self-cntrol not to glass the cunt.
>I am bigger than you, make more money than you, have more muscle than you, am a better shot with a rifle than you, am better at MMA than you, have a bigger dick than you, am taller than you, have a higher IQ than you, more educated than you...... I could go on and on and on.
You'd be more credible if you weren't on Sup Forums you fucking tosser.
Mother of God, this is navy-seals-copypasta tier.