Is there any evolutionary benefit to dreaming or is it merely a side effect of higher cognitive function?
Is there any evolutionary benefit to dreaming or is it merely a side effect of higher cognitive function?
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i'd imagine that it has something to do with information processing following a day of being chased by tigers.
don't fall into the pothead mentality. being sober is way more interesting and complex than any acid trip.
It's the real side, while what most of us constantly experience "here" is just punishment for the sins of our fathers.
You have an ancestral memory in your epigenome. Dreaming is a way of coming into contact with this. But it's also a form of organization for the creation of memory.
It really does seem this way. Physical reality is literal hell in comparison to the Dreamworld. All of the best moments of my life have happened while I've been asleep. Perhaps when we die we get to live our dreams for eternity.
>Looking to science for a meaning to life
Good luck with that lol.
>"Guys is there any evolutionary benefit to not being a rapist and eating my own poop? It's what other animals do why don't we do it? Weird huh? Also I want an abortion but I'd rather just eat my children like the animals do. After all man is just a beast of the field like the rest of the critters crawling around my trashcans at night. Hurrrr le science."
Kill yourself.
What were those dreams like?
probably to prepare you for something, i just had a dream where I was fighting with wooden poles
Indescribably euphoric. Just a sense of complete contentment, well-being, and satisfaction with my situation, surroundings, and the people around me. Not because anything spectacular was happening or because I was living out some unreachable fantasy. On the contrary these dreams were very modest. But I was happier than I've ever been. As I said, hard to describe. Just a pure, unadulterated happiness.
>All of the best moments of my life have happened while I've been asleep.
While I agree, I would like to add the most terrifying moments of my life have been while I've been asleep as well.
You need to use the brain to keep your wits, so it makes sense that dreaming was an adaptation that facilitated this.
This is what you're asking for OP.
afa neuroscience knows its merely a side effect
>cup of water on stack of books
>no coaster
sort yourself out. your father is dying in a lobster tank.
Allows to express the epigenetic memory, by connecting the primordial experiences of your lineage.
Dreams are proof time is not linear.
I have dreamed of future events that come to pass.
People write off dreaming too easily
If you don't sleep your neural synapses degrade and your body will be forced to eat its own brain cells.
One particular dream of the moon falling to earth in terrifyingly lucid detail sticks in my mind. I had this dream as a child about 20 years ago and it has never left me. I'm sure it will stick with me to my grave now.
I refer you to this quote from Philip k Dick.
"I guess that's the story of life: what you most fear never happens, but what you most yearn for never happens either. This is the difference between life and fiction. I suppose it's a good trade-off. But I'm not sure."
I disagree with him completely. It's not a good trade off at all. Why settle for the mundane middle road?
>sort yourself out. your father is dying in a lobster tank.
Kek! You plebs always find something to bitch at. How about YOU sort yourself out?
I had a similarly vivid dream once. I was on some balcony in a highly mountainous, forested region - something resilient to some Zen meditation scenery. The sun became eclipsed, and the sky blackened and reddened. What'd it mean, I wonder.
Same. I dreamed about fucking a girl that I fucked a year later, and one time I was dreaming about a friend, and woke up to him calling me.
Fuck people who try to say "heerrrr derrrr sciences can explain why dreams don't mean anything" Suuuuuuck my balls times a trillion