What's going on with comedians on the left having meltdowns? Did Soros order them to turn up the bile and ruin their careers? Is this one big psyop?
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Griffin's chick lawyer made it sound like the photo was a fail conspiracy.
When you realize what a joke everything is, the only thing that makes sense is to be a comedian.
Changing of the guard it seems. The ping pong of "democracy."
Comedians are notoriously penniless, depressed trainwrecks. No thank you.
We Watchmen now
It's getting even better
They are used to picking on easy targets. Trump keeps winning and the internet is starting to mock THEM--it destroys them mentally.
it's a zerg rush, they are trying to overburden the news cycle with stories of people going too far when they attack Trump, so eventually it will become normalized. Just rapid fire jokes that are over the line, to the point you no longer know which to focus on and you just become dull to it.
all the losing is getting to them
You have to either be one of (((them))) or loyal to (((them))) to get away with the edgier jokes.
>What's going on with comedians on the left having meltdowns?
It's not just comedians, it's the entire leftist elite.
>Dozens of cartoonists and illustrators have killed Trump
>Video games have killable Trump "parodies"
>Snoop Dog kills a Trump stand-in
>Marilyn Manson kills a Trump stand-in
>Kathy Griffin poses with a Trump head
The only difference is that Kathy has slightly higher profile than those others and her pictures looked legit like ISIS.
MAKE NO MISTAKE, everyone on the left would love to see Trump, AND YOU, dead. Their anger is so intense it's breaking them down.
If that's true, then they seem to be eating their own, or at least leading them down a personally reckless path.
But the left is more tolerant of diversity and more open minded?
You need to import philipino comedians.
Griffin is just trying to drum up publicity to get above d-list fame.
Colbert and Stewart have always pandered to the college liberal crowd since well before Trump.
Yeah, the Left is so open-minded and tolerant, they can come up with Hell itself and tolerate it.
>it's the Trump curse....maybe he is the antichrist.
>Check any liberal media and the following is being broadcasted 24/7
>Nazi nigger faggot kike bigot toxic drumpf!
>Words have lost their meaning, just like Orwell said they would
But are they 1960s communist hippy terrorist insane? I'd say "getting there". Probably by the end of the year, we'll have some "feminist liberal muslim" exploding themselves in protest against DRUMPF's THIRD SCOOP OF PATRIARCHAL OPPRESSION
colbert had a meltdown? pls link
and who's the redhead
>Did Soros order them to turn up the bile and ruin their careers? Is this one big psyop?
they're on the run, senpai
now is the time to put the last nail in the cuvfefe
Stupid shit does seem to be up their alley.
But there still are easy targets. Trump isn't one of them. What the fuck are they doing? Chapelle has been the only comedian to have a measured and appropriate response to this timeline.
the left has been in a constant state of meltdown for a long time!
Their lives are literally flashing before their eyes and they can't handle it.
fuck bill maher amirite Sup Forums?