Can hitting a woman be justified?

Can hitting a woman be justified?

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Ask Mr Fantastic.

Women want to be treated the same as men, if a man insults me, he's likely to get a punch to the jaw. So why not slug a woman who insults me?

Thanks Mexico

Only some of them do.

If a woman starts hitting you the best thing to do is pin then and physically control them until they lose steam. Only acceptable scenario to hit a woman is if they have a weapon and have clear intent on using it.

Even still its not nice to hit people physically weaker than you, there's no honour in that. There's other, legal ways to get at people

Yeah but what if she's running her mouth and totally asking for it?

I'll give you a hint, the answer is in the question

>>the best thing to do is pin then and physically control them until they lose steam.
>not pinning them and holding both of her arms with one hand and slowly licking her body, unzipping your pants, pulling down your trousers, lifting her skirt pulling down her panties and slowly introducing your erect cock inside her wet, yet tight pussy while a tear drops down her cheek

Of you hit her you go below her level. Why do you think she's 'asking for it'

Crazy bitches be crazy bitches, don't lose your head


>not killing
found the cuck


Honour is a literal meme made so others can dish out certain amounts of shit at you unchallenged.

you've clearly never dated a woman

No, because we'll stoop as low as the monkeys that read the Qu'ran.

Fyi, feminists aren't women

you gotta ask yourself why "not hitting girls" is such an endlessly repeated point in male upbringing.

Almost makes you wonder if women know damn well their behavior is deserving of a beat down and they are just programming their male offspring to cover their asses.

But she's eventually going to leave you for a man who will hit her, so where did you benefit by keeping your cool? Women's games are designed in such a way that you can never win.

>a she-orc corners you in Fangorn Forest
What do?

>that ID

The benefit would not be having your arse handed to you in court and being an easy target for any friends she has or even your own who see you can't handle your domestic life in a civilised way.

Isn't it the part of not being a nig, that might have an initial instinct to rob that shit, punch that bitch or kick that cat but part of your brain comes in to stop you doing something stupid, something clearly wrong?

Don't be a nigger KKK

Stop being so obsessed with identity politics, and that was a terrible day for Reed.

So he went full Ricky Ricardo.

lol that's awesome. put some kind of mud and fur clothing on her. She already looks like an orc.

When do you hit a woman?

When she asked for it.
When she refuse to shut up even when you let her win.
When she start throwing a tantrum that may harm herself or others.
When she starts hitting you.

A lot of situations, to give woman a back hand slap.

The problem is, there's not enough man to do it.
Nowadays, there's a lot of emasculated faggots.

if you love her, hit her.

girls all have secret fetishes for being raped and dominated so youre better off just ignoring them entirely

lest you turn them on by hitting them

>rape she-orc

The anarcho primitivist dilemma.

You hit them, they ovulate

She-orc take 2

Sure it is but you have to evaluate your strength and consider only retaliating when physically harmed. A slap shouldn't be countered with a full blown strike to the nose for example.

I heard popping your peN0r in her vargas also helps her lose steam

Nice but not what I meant. The blurred out parts are a distraction to the over all look and message. So remove blur or add something.

>if a man insults me, he's likely to get a punch to the jaw
do you also do honour rapes?

nice digits pablo

all the time. Just scale force to the occasion. Most conflicts don't cut deeply enough to call for force anyway. On the rare occasion she goes too far, a tap is as good as a hit. If she goes batshit crazy, don't say a word or do a thing about it, she's trying to goad you. Just casually flip on a recording device nearby and let her scream

Just slap their face dont punch it could cause brain damage.

If you can hit a man then yes. Aren't we all equal?