Burgers - where in the US can a fellow Euro move?

I wanna live in America, bros. Murica. I might be naive, but who the fuck cares, life is but a game. My heart skips a beat everytime I think about the possibility of being in Burgerland.

Wide open road. Burgers. All kinds of epic nature. Cars. Guns. America. God bless.

What are the last bastions of Americana? Park City Utah, Nebraska, Montana? I know how fatalistic /pol may be, but c'mon not every single state in the US is bust, not every major city is Los Spicseles? Right?

In my country there's no niggers whatsoever, no spics, gooks, no mudslimes, it's 99% white. But guess what. There's no money either. And politicians are so corrupt, it will take literally one phone call...heck, one DM from European Kike overlords for them to sell us out completely.

So...yeah. Just asking. Thanks bros!

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tesla.com/findus/list/stores/United States

West virginia

Idk if I knew I'd be living there.


Tell your daughter, KS, I said hi.

Midwest, not in a big city. Very white, very nice people. Only issue is drugs in these areas.

If you want most of the redneckery of the South without all of the coonery, look into Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah.

Texas if you can handle the heat.

Kentucky, Louisville. Be careful which part of Louisville. There is a white Louisville and a black Louisville. You'll never guess which one is more dangerous.

House and mama.

Fuck off, we're full.

Slavs are not welcome in the US.

obviously the white louisville, fucking white males everywhere

>Only issue is drugs in these areas.
Seems like every day someone's overdosed on heroine in a parking lot.

I too am interested. I want my kids to speak with beautiful Southern accents

im all doped up on smack right now bro

Add Iowa to this list and it's pretty complete.

You're a faggot or a shill (or both) for not wanting redpilled immigrants to come into our country.

Socialism + guns = Minnesota
Good place for Eurofag to try.
> but Somalis
> fuck it's cold

Redpilled WHITE* immigrants I meant to say

>Kentucky, Louisville
I've never seen anyone write it like that. I've heard good things about Kentucky. I might be visiting in August for that solar eclipse, and to go /out/.

Tennessee if you want to hear the most annoying accent.


I knew it. I've been watching some Utah buffoon vlog for some time now and I just knew it, from the places he visits, even tho he's 100% apolitical, that's the country.

But then again even Slav like me has been brainwashed to think MAGIC UNDERWEAR every fucking time I see Utah mentioned. Is it that bad?

How is "magic underwear" worse than, for example, being a slithering kike rat with your dick mutilated and sucked by rabbi at age 0? I really don't get it...

I guess you could become a gold digger to get a green card. Otherwise your getting your ass deported

>burger meme

>I guess you could become a gold digger to get a green card.

I'm a man, how the fuck could I become a golddigger.

Wait wait wait - you mean to tell me I can't immigrate legally? You let all the spics, by millions, to come there, but decently educated computer nerd Slav can't come? WTF?!?!?

I unironically do not give a single fuck about whiteness. America is not a "white" country and I don't want people who think that it is and will be racist/homophobic to come here.

Nothing easier than getting a green card as a white euro, m8.

>America is not a "white" country

Oh boy....................

Oh boy. Boy oh boy....

nigger we only let in spics

Go back to t_d you stupid faggot.

Fuck off negro we were a white country because Indians weren't citizens and neither were slaves.

I suggest Tennessee unless you're an outdoors guy. There's not much to do, but a lot of industry is coming in, no state income tax, pretty loose gun laws, nice land and very low cost of living.

I genuinely hope you kill yourself.

get a job at a mid sized city then commute from a smaller town. minimal nigger exposure, unless you can hold a good enough job to live in an affluent white neighborhood.

It legitimately isn't though. If a white country is so important to you just stay in your own country where you already know the culture and have connections.
not from there, I never even liked trump. I'm mostly apathetic towards shit like that though, the only votes that really matter are local elections.

Park city is amazing bro best snow in the world

You write like a fucking nu-male faggot, no way in hell you aren't from reddit. Fuck off and stay there.

you're not from there? You're from shareblue.

In YOUR OPINION that's "racist".

You're just saying that because they're White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Me too, bro. It's snowing in Finland and it's summer. I thought that refugees would leave my country because of our shitty weather but apparently they want to party and use drugs now that the mighty Älläh is not judging.

If only I could live in Florida.

honestly anywhere outside of big cities, despite all the memes most of america is very peaceful and beautiful, if small towns and hospitality is what you are after, its everywhere.

It's not that easy. You can't decide to go live there and just move there, you have to have a US employer that will vouch for you, you could be waiting fucking years and get denied entry

If you go as a student, you get a special visa where you can work and study, then you get one year to find a job, otherwise you have to go back

I know I went to school in the USA

I want to move back there

America has always been a mix of cultures. It's like the roman empire in the sense that it's a bunch of smaller very different groups coming together to make somthing new. Ignoring all of that is ignorinrg our history and traditions to chase blind idealism. It's pants on head retarded.

Southerner here. A nice climate, gun, comfy, down-home-people, not nigger infested, good food, international airport, Confederate pride and flags, sexy accent etc.....
>Pic related
In that circle

>not nigger infested
>Atlanta fucking georgia
are you retarded?

>America has always been a mix of cultures

yeah, different european cultures. if you honestly believe it's "american tradition" to accept shitskins as our countrymen, you don't know history and probably have a double digit iq

I'm not an oldfag, I've only been here since 2009
I just think that white supremacy is fucking retarded and have seen enough to know that it's bullshit.
If you want your own country to be full of your people that's fine, but it cannot and will not fit in America.

I dunno breh, I guess it all depends on what you have to offer as a future citizen. I'm a physiotherapist and it's almost guaranteed for my profession to get an easy green card,

This, I live in east TN in the Appalachian mountains. Epic nature, mostly white, lots of work, no liberals, good feels.

Yes I realize that, but I am not a photoshop wizard or care enough to make a circle without apelanta.


You have somalis over there? Jesus christ.

refer to this

I don't care what people belive until they start vomiting it everywhere. If you only like white people that's fine, but if you only like white people and want to move from your white country to a very diverse one that was built by all people and then complain about nonwhites you're a brainless troglodyte.

New Hampshire. Live free or die, motherfucker

>No state income tax, and limited sales tax (offset by higher property tax)

>State legislators earn a whopping $100 per annum for their trouble

>No jobs. :(

You can whittle furnishings out of spindly hardwood trees, I suppose.


Central Oregon

Lel now you made that bother me (Fixed)

Alright reddit, I give in
>I just think that white supremacy is fucking retarded and have seen enough to know that it's bullshit.
Explain your standpoint and no I don't want your shitty opinion, I want facts as why you think it's bullshit.
>but it cannot and will not fit in America.
Again, explain your position.

you should also try translator, they always need those

Go back to plebbit you fucking commie shill the only people who built America were white men

No and you're naieve and have just consumed all the propaganda shoved in your face if you believe that.
When America was first created it was an anglo nation, but after it seperated from England it got it's own identity and started taking immigrants from all over Europe. Over time it expanded to include cultures from all over the world with hispanic culture, asian cultures, ect. America really is and always has been a melting pot of all cultures, open to anyone who has the willpower to make it so. You're a idiot drone if you would throw that away for some dumb dream that would never work in reality like white nationalism.

Fuck off, we're FULL

fuck off with that there are already to many filthy foreigners in my state

>very diverse one that was built by all people
Colonial America was 98% white anglo saxon faggot.

holy shit my dude, check for a carbon monoxide leak in your home.

look for cities with a tesla dealership

tesla.com/findus/list/stores/United States

This is normally an indicator of not just wealth but also the whiteness needed for free electrical fillup stations to be around said area, and no nig nogs or bean-niggers to destroy them.

What you described is Oklahoma or Kansas or Texas probably idk. Washington, Oregon and Minnesota are full of white Commies, you'd fit in better there.

no shit. It was started by anglos but very quickly grew it's own identity in the centuries afterwards as it took in immigrants from all over the world

Thought about some remote armed White area too for our European international family. Any good ideas for a decent town with cultural life, low taxes, GMO and heavy industrial manufacturing free racist areas?

after 1965 you fucking retard


>europeans will never grow up like this


I feel for you.

No buddy, you swallowed the ''le cultural melting pot'' meme like true libshit retard. It was 100% whites who build the country. Not one thing worthy of note has been done for america by a nigger or spic.

crime from niggers, insane diseases and crime from spics are not contributions. Whites built America, shitskins ruined it

America has millions of hispanics, asians, blacks, ect who are all just as American as white people. America and our current culture was built upon a mix of all these cultures. It's anyones country, it doesn't belong to any one people and since we've had a constitution never has.

Stop spreading globalist propaganda, communist nigger

Maybe he means a gigolo.
I know someone who did that, actually. He was a Brit and she was a Jew. He was pretty nice (NOT a gigolo. I don't think.) She was one of those caustic, sardonic people.
I wonder how that worked out…

Anyway, it's a thought.

You're literally arguing on muh feels with zero substance.

It belongs to white people shill we built it and we have the right to kick anyone we don't want out.


Okay. Don't forget to cast your 3/5 of a vote at the ballot with that opinion of yours that we totally care about.

>230 years
>not centuries

>appeals to emotion

literally 2nd grade tier argument

If this isn't bait then you're genuinely an idiot. You obviously don't know anything about American history.

we did not start letting in shitskins in large numbers till after 1965 we have no obligation to keep letting them in or to let them stay

God shut the fuck up.
America is a white country. user is right, the 1960s and the Vietnam meme fucked us. Degeneracy and mass immigration fucking happened. Shitskins and degenerates are Soviet spies, not Americans. You are falling for the obvious communist propaganda.
You are apart of the red menace, and no more American than Stalin. America will, once again, be free, white, and free from degeneracy.

Don't move to the south, its chock full of niggers.
Lots of good land in PR

>You obviously don't know anything about American history.
t. 3/5
We'll stand up and we will be counted

New Hampshire

Vermont is filled with liberals but is still ~95% white, has very loose gun laws if I remember correctly, and is great for the outdoors.

We'be been importing black people since before this was a country
We started letting Germans and the chinese and the japanese in in the 1800's
>We share a large land border with mexico that has always been largley hispanic
you're a real scholar my friend

It's you who is apparenty baiting since you got BTFO at least 4 times by now. Go ahead and tell me anything worthwhile a nigger or spic ever done to the US?

>thanks for proving my point
>America was white for centuries
>your a faggot

Mormons are the kikes behind every blade of grass in utah. Don't go there either it's way full.

Move to the Croatian block in Chicago.

this thread proves that Sup Forums is just underage fags and retards who never paid any attention in history



>Im a yuuuuge fag
Is that all you got?


I was kidding, you must be slow

No one does he probably just sperg types