You guys have been really tarding it up the last few months.
When did Sup Forums become r/theDonald?
You guys have been really tarding it up the last few months
/r/The_Donald is fucking bro tier, red pilling redditards is the highest kino desu senpai
rediters shouldn't be red pilled they should be exterminated like the roaches thay are
>hating on based redditors
What are you, a redditophobe? #notallredditors
Sorry, but I have to let off steam here.
Everyone seems to be bashing European politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks.
I've been living in Sweden for all of my life. Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening here and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else.
As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Sweden and other European countries. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Sweden took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home.
And what about the terrorists? First off, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.".
So for god's sake let these people live here, let us deal with islamistic hotspots and the real culprits, but don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful.
Based fucking Magyar, intermarium soon
>When did Sup Forums become r/theDonald?
As soon as that Orange skinned buffoon announced he was gonna run for the republican nomination.
Its been all down hill here since.
>When did Sup Forums become r/theDonald?
Uh... since 2015?
When the rest of the internet became "shill 4 hill". You don't think you can do whatever you want and not expect a reaction, do you? That's not how life, or the laws of physics for that matter, work.
I'm with you, men. Alt right and Sup Forums in general is very misantropic, but it's just because they don't tend to meet people they spout bullshit about anyway.
we almost hate everybody why cant we just like 1 person
Because Redditfags are obsessed with the kek and pepe, so once they learn it came from Sup Forums, they flood into here.
It's sickening.
Fuck off Shill.
No Sven, you don't have the capacity to take them in, your country is going to bankrupt itself on welfare and gibs. Also, a "minority" of terrorists aren't responsible for turning your country into the rape capital of the west with Sweden now having the second most rapes per capita in the world directly behind Somalia. In fact Sweden reported 66 rapes per 100,000 people back in 2012, the highest count of countries surveyed by the UN that year. And the number of "refugees" in your country hasn't exactly gone down since then. Holy shit I know this is bait, but get it together man. You deserve better.
Reddit culture is ruining this place, though. I don't know who those people in the screenshot are - this might even be you, falseflagging.
>oh no, a group with an agenda wants to separate us, take us in, Sup Forumssters!!!
Yeah because everyone from fucking Hungary who doesn't like reddit is a paid shill in a discord chat and this is proven by this screenshot of a message from months ago right
Yeah maybe you should just fucking kill yourself instead faggot, because it's obvious you're not from this site and are attempting to desperately blend in.
But you won't leave, you'll stay here and suck it dry because you're a parasite. Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us.
Fucking redditors.
>so cringe xxddd
probably when they realized how fucking stupid the left and right were
Very elaborate shitpost. Impressive.
The projection is real.
>a redditor learned the word projection
*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
>"oh no i got called out on the internet what do i do"
>"oh i got it i got it!"
"i know YOU are but what am I?"
I agree, pol wasn't like this until nov, around the time trump won. its cringe mang. all this kek shit
just before the election you silly hippo
I can't tell if you're shills, or just literal fucking retards.
The kek thing wasn't bad at first. What ruined it for me was using it way past it got old.
>I'll call them shills!
Real clever. You almost behave like the people in your screenshot.
Or perhaps we've been on Sup Forums longer than you and are capable of recognizing that not everyone outside of a hivemind is a "shill." We're paranoid about conspiracies and shit but we aren't going to fucking deflect all criticism as "shilling."
Believe it or not pol didnt hardly give a shit about trump until after he won idk why u faggs are attracted to this place so much
Why would you want those faggot azn Finns in your commonwealth?
How does any of this have anything to do with what I've posted? My point was that accusing pro-trump posters of being from reddit is an obvious shill tactic. When the fuck did I say you can't criticize Trump?
How's your first week going? Sup Forums has been riding Trump's cock since he started running.
t_d didnt start shitting up pol until recently go back to your echochamber reddit
>When did Sup Forums become r/theDonald?
once we start banning people, we're offically the_donald
You're embarrassing yourself. I honestly kind of feel bad for you.
Holy shit, they BAN people who think there's anything wrong with them? You'd likely get your thread shitposted to death by the "hivemind" here but at least you won't get banned.
>When did Sup Forums become r/theDonald?
OP, go back to voat
>he missed the randlet memes
>he missed the black doctor memes
>he missed libertarians debating whether or not cruz could be trusted
Trump was a hilarious sideshow and none of us thought he could win the nomination until early spring or so. "BREAKING NEWS" stories coming out every day feeds Sup Forums new content, and Trump brought in a lot of that. But no I wouldn't say Sup Forums has not been a radically "pro-Trump" board (although he has dominated discussions on the board, as did his predecessor, the POTUS enjoys that kind of popularity) since the beginning and a lot of people expressed concerns with Trump, and continue to do so today. I think those people have been pretty much spot-on in their criticisms until the Paris Agreement pullout, which I am wholeheartedly excited about and proud of the President for doing.
However, if I were to express my other concerns about Trump (and yes, I voted for him and own merchandise), shitters like you would come up and attach a cute little screenshot of a discord chat from back in March or whatnot and then say something along the lines of "shill" or "cuck" or "SHARIABLUE."
It dilutes threads and lowers board quality. I frequent other boards with overlapping interests such as /lit/ and /his/, and a common retort on those boards would be to tell one to go back to Sup Forums. Sadly, I don't mind seeing it half the time these days because this place is becoming a containment center more than anything else now.
jesus dude, just leave. it feels weird writing it, but we have a culture of some sort here, and you faggots are shitting on it and replacing it with your aspie le epic win feels bad man dank memes XD based black man.
You are the immigrants, when in rome do as romans
nahh, youre the ones who showed up a few months ago. just leave already newfag
>he still quotes the rape stats
>even though it's been shown time and time again that this is because of how Sweden classifies rape
kys, my man
>proud of helping doom the world and making the US even more of an international laughingstock
why god
>people unironically belive that's how people talk
Since the MSM took notice of Sup Forums.
Summer's here, the first post- election summer, so more cancer has yet to come.
What is the percentage of Syrians that are actually fleeing? Most of the "refugees" come from places (like Iraq) that are nowadays much safer than years ago. People actually travel back there to meet family...
You're embarrassing yourself Sweden.
The US gained nothing from the deal, it was a redistribution of wealth from a developed nation to lesser undeveloped nations under the guise of "climate control." We have no idea how it will be spent, same with foreign aid (which is why I also wish to cut foreign aid spending to essentially $0). The money we give to poor countries almost always lines the pockets of the rich people in those poor countries, it doesn't help the poor only the corrupt politicians.
If people want to bargain with the de facto hyperpower of the world right now, they should bring a deal that can benefit it. Not some vague promises of "oh your saving the planet and the children." Fuck that.
I took a required philosophy course in university and the professor told the class that if you're climbing the ladder of success, everyone beneath you is going to be tugging at your ankles, trying to get all that they can from you. The Paris Agreement was the same thing in the form of other countries asking the US to do things they can't do themselves.
Not to mention the "restrictions" placed on China were laughable compared to what we were about to agree to.
Just remember, the same people who keep telling us all this multiple gender shit is true (Bill Nye, deNigger, progressives, etc) are the same people who love this deal. Follow the source. It's sketchy enough for me and I don't want a part of it.
>international laughingstock
If us being a laughingstock means us being able to take care of ourselves and not bow down to lesser nations that want our welfare when we're 20 trillion in debt, then I'm glad we're a laughingstock right now. In fact, I'd rather live in a village of fucking retards who govern themselves as they wish than live in some "normal" town governed by some pristine faggot looking down at the subjects from an ivory tower.
I know leaf are retarded but please get your shit together.
Try to be aware of how crimes like "rape" are classified in other coutries.
90% Sup Forums doesn't care about that though since most of them are edgy teenagers, they compare all coutries like if crimes were considered in the same way.
Yeah it's pretty fucking gay. Like chanology on poppers and viagra.
/mypol/ was nice while it lasted, as was it the other week when only gold passes could post.
Basically cancer free and like Sup Forums in the good times.
This post gave me cancer.
The Paris Agreements are agreements, not trade deals for a reason. The benefit is that the world is going to get fucked in the ass by climate change even if we do do something about, so we should at least try to curb it.
If it was all a ploy to get the US to shill out cash, why would contributions be set individually by the country, with no binding punishment if a country fails to join.
By the way, supporters of the Paris Agreement also include the leader of every other country in the world, except for Nicaragua, which refused to join because it was too lenient, and Syria, which is in a civil war.
>PC friendly movie used for dramatic effect.
It's just a loud minority. Sup Forums has a lot of lurkers
Rand Paul said Trump is betraying his voter base by increasing weapon sales to Saudi Arabia.
Tulsi Gabbard joined him and said she agrees with him.
But some Trump voters just refuse to see what their dear leader is actually doing
stop whining about reddit on Sup Forums you cum gargling turd burglar.
Two years ago when trump announced his candidacy as Plebbit was almost 1000% against him and _faggots didn't even exist.
Who could be such a lemming?
"Shekel and Sam Hyde" Trump due to Yael Kushner.
Maybe if you would go back to your marxist shithole we wouldnt have to.
WE .
To be honest it's because of the general media saturation, positive or negative. Even huge liberal normies I know are getting tired of it.
>. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***
Who the hell said we can't? If being selfish means saving my own people from being ran over by a truck filled with C4 im going for it.