Is this true?

Is this true?

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>I went to college, therefore I'm entitled to be rich and have a high salary job
Man, these millenials are trully a generation of wagecucks.

No /thread

The sad thing is they still think the degree was worth it, but that the government should have eaten the entire cost.

That's literally what they are told to do to get a good job

Of course it's true. At this rate, I'll never be able to move out of my parents house. Wish the boomers didn't fuck the economy up so bad. But then again, it was built to fail.


Yes. But it's our own fault for not majoring in engineering or programming. Literally every other bachelor's degree is useless.

t. Chemfag with a 3.82 GPA and research experience working at Walmart

What's the degree /in/? Pay attention to the market. Stop pursuing oversaturated fields.

It's exaggerated, but the point stands.

>I'm in a bad position because muh Nana had nice things
It's a toddler-level understanding of what's happening.

it's a small price to pay in order to flood the country with diversity.

I don't want to be rich I just want a job that pays 40-50k a year and is related to my major (chemistry) .


I dropped out of high school, never got my GED, never went to college. I have a $15 hour job.

No, this is not true. Even back in 1960, if you had a college degree in anything other than STEM, nobody would suck your dick. At best, you'd land any office job you wanted to but nobody got rich working in a cubicle.

I do agree though that back in the day not every tard hard a degree, and so it was worth more to the economy than today

>1960: you can make money if you work hard, also you have to leave the house before you're 18

>2017: you can make money just by playing video games online, also stay in mom's basement for as long as you want

hard time breed hard man breed easy time breed flaccid mans

High school diploma was harder in the 60's than master's degree is nowadays.

Fuck you
Engineering is just as bad.

millennials earn 20 percent less than boomers did at the same stage of life, despite being better educated, according to a new analysis of Federal Reserve data by the advocacy group Young Invincibles.

Taxes have double since jfk while household income has remained the same

Fml. Anyways I'll probably join the army as an officer and make 60-70k, there is no jobs anymore.


Boomers are the worst generation ever.

They took a country from being a creditor nation to an 18T debt in one generation.

>date of the divide coincides with dropping the gold standard

Smart man!

lol that fag in the green shirt looking to see if he's making a fist right (he's not)

I despise my generation (millennials). Always fucking complaining about every damn thing. Honestly I see why boomers despise us. They have a point.

Hey retards. A college degree is worthless if you didn't major in something useful. I majored in Comp. Science and now work at a Big 4 at 21 years of age. I was smart enough to look at what industries were booming and decided to go there. It's not that hard. High GPA in a stem field, volunteer/extracurricular experience, get an internship while at Uni, have good social skills, dress well and you'll get a job.

>theres internet
>literally everything is on there
>you can become anything you want
>still dont know how to make a few grand a month

man you have to be a special kind of retarded to 1.) take so much on in debt and 2.) still dont know how to fucking sell yourself with those degrees+the internet


That's fine, as long as you live in BFE. Houses here average around 75 a square foot. I pay 300 in rent for a 2 bd 1ba full basement and garage. Our gross income is around 85k.


>must have 1 year experience and 2 references to work at Wal Mart

Nigger what? I pay 500/mo which includes utilities for a single room in a house.

In all honesty, I think the issue is slightly more complex than that. I mean, who are we to talk about how to clean up such a complex, to the point of being deadly, structure when we haven't even gotten our lives in order. Just my two cents man. Sort yourself out before you go around playing with mechanisms that are far beyond your comprehension is all I'm proposing.

College is a racket. America is a racket.

He forgot

>1960: 90% white
>2017: 50% white

Magic fiat means wealth is redistributed to those with the means of production and are closer to the supply of money.

I live in the country side of Texas. It's actually kinda cheap here even for cities.

Canacuck boi go whipe your little penis up against your sisters pet hamster. You are a lazy degenerate. I moved out of my parents double wide trailer at age 17. I am now 19 and working my ass off overseas with a qt3.14 waifu.

Know why? Because instead of bitching about my situation and passing the blame on othern people I worked harder than your dick gets at the sight of mummies choccy milk

Kill yourself

You'd think they could show at least a little enthusiasm in support of their belief that's condemned millions to slowly waste away starving to death.

>he ran away to teach english and fulfill his anime fantasies

I think someone's trying to compensate for something.
Got a bit of a height complex there, shortie?

I hope he walks around town with a kanji covered shirt he bought at animetees, not realizing it says shit like, "big homo" and "pork bun"

>tfw used to be 5'10'' a year ago
>tfw now officially 6" at 22 years of age
>tfw skinny fat
At least I'm not a manlet.

I don't speak fucking Japanese shits too complicated. I communicate with the locals through grunts and hand gestures
>tfw 6'4 Manlet in Japan
>always hit head into ceilings and doorways
>can't fit legs under tables
>girls obsess over the tall American cowboy
Ha get a life little boy
I either wear plaid or plain t-shirts. Shirts with words and pictures are for neo liberal queers and children

I grew up rural. Went to school, paid like 750 for a shitty studio apartment in St. Louis, hated it. Met my fiance, and was like "We gotta go live innawoods".

We both commute about 20 minutes. Totally worth it. We live on the outskirts of a town of 300 people. I don't have to lock shit. I can play with the rooty tooty point'n'shooties whenever I want.

there are way way too many diplomas available. It is like money you know: it is just paper basically and the more people get them the less they worth.

At the time they were considerably harder to get.

I guarantee you this faggot and all others like him support open borders.
Maybe the boomers who got a good job out of high school weren't just braindead morons like these who do nothing but bitch online.

>girls obsess over big American cowboy
Weeb fag detector

Undergrad degree in chemistry? Worth less than toilet paper.
Masters? Not much better than a GED.
PHD or bust for hard sciences, even then you've got to be respected.

Whatever you need to say to help out that self esteem you wack worthless lying sack of dog shit

STFU you incel. Either that or BETA AF. No man who goes for asian women has ever been respectable by any stretch of the imagination.

I had a job in management offered before I even graduated. But I didn't graduate in liberal arts or some faggy shit.

Explain this fuckface

>Worth less than toilet paper
lol! STFU you retard. If you have honed in your people skills, along with a true understanding of chemical INDUSTRY besides your chemistry stuff, you have a pretty bright future ahead of you. Don't be an idiot. Your life is worth less than a roll of tiolet paper, but don't be telling young lads things that you know to be false.
t. Chemist(recent grad) starting in chemical industry


Pretty big part of it, the browner we get, the lower our quality of life.

All fields are oversaturated. Except doctors.

Law school is a complete joke

Answer: no.

I am a junior in college with a 55k/yr job + full benefits contract signed. It's not a crazy amount of money, but guaranteed 5-10% performance based raises yearly and I don't live in a high COL area.

55k after taxes is enough for me to rent a studio, and have 2k a month to fuck around with.

Dude, just shut the fuck up. You can at least try to give reasons for why you think that, but otherwise stop shitting up this board. oYou sound like a total retard. What's your IQ? I bet it's not very high. You know there is an IQ requirement to post on this board rite?

Well I got my masters in Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering.

Went to apply for entry level positions with training and the responses I've got have essentially been "we're looking for 1-5 years relevant work experience" don't really know how they can expect that straight out of uni. But it's gotten to the point now where I'm genuinely considering just trying to either get official trade training or self learn a trade, cant wait to be told I'm over qualified for that shit. It's either that or military service in the engineers.

Ayyy PwC here. Majored in accounting, landed internship and FT afterwards, its Cush.

Yes, both due to too many people and due to retarded leftards not understanding that their women's studies degree is worthless.

55k is about 25/hr.

Remeber in 1964 the minimum wage was 1.25 in silver which is 18/hr today.

That was minimum wage. College grades earned more than double that in 64.

55k and benefits is comfortably middle class if you're rural. But
>enough for me to rent a studio
Congrats you're a poorfag.

This guy is obviously overweight to the point that his knees ache just walking up the stairs (if he even takes them lol). Yet his girlfriend is still twice his size. Sad!

A good proportion of millennials are absolutely pants on head retarded, have you actually gone to school with them?

I graduated in the nuclear engineering meme so yes.

And who is to say boomers werent the same? I know they did more drugs and got more fucked up than us at least.

Need to do internships for engineering, or like anything in life know somebody who knows somebody.

While I am but a humble military slave I agree with you. Reading Facebook of people back in the states, it's no wonder that they are in such shitty situations. They care more about social justice, memes, Trump, drama, and tv shows than they do about being successful men and women

>weren't the same
Many were, I could argue there were a lot more opportunities back then for people like that. You could go work in a mine, pipelining, oil rigs, mills etc. The local industry in my town used to hire a lot more people, now it's mostly a handful of engineers who run the equipment needed.

Well, I think we're being a little fucking ungrateful dontcha think? I mean, we do have so much power at our finger tips these days like never before. And the prices of these goods are so low, that in comparison to older days, we've virtually hit the lottery with these things at our fingertips. We have to start weighing the good with the bad to really have perspective, and only then can we reasonably complain about what's good, bad and ugly.


This is what happens when standards for entry have been lowered. If its easy to get in to college, the value of degrees are lowered.

We tried to warn them about sending more niggers to college, yet they pushed for it.

this is true and not only in america but in most countries

This recent Paris deal was a great example. Absolutely terrible for the American economy, yet they support it because they're dipshits with zero critical thinking skills. These same people would then go on to bitch about taxes and a lack of jobs.
I'm not even sure what to blame at this point, the public school system is an absolute joke that doesn't actually teach anything anymore, nor does it hold students to any real standard. The majority of universities are just indoctrination centers sucking
Idiots dry, with zero applicable skills being taught. Instead of bettering themselves, especially with the ability to learn damn near anything at any time in their hands, they spend their time virtue signaling on social media. As America becomes more "multicultural" the burden on the white man continues to grow, and shoulders can only be so broad.
I guess I'd blame the culture if I had to blame anything. It's become toxic.

I haven't even graduated from college yet? In less than 5 years I'll be making right at or below 6 figures.

55k is above average starting salary for college grads, the mythical 6 figure starting salary engineer doesn't exist anymore. Petroleum engineering is dead. Chem E is a joke. mech is fine.

The stuff I've been applying for are internships into jobs, like graduate schemes that consist of 4 x 6 month internships that then lead into a full time job at the end, but even they want experience.

Well, what I meant that we may seem to be earning less than our prior generation, but there is no fucking doubt in my mind that we have a helluva a lot more than they ever did. You guys have your eyes SET ON MONEY only, it seems. Those of you complaining about making less might have a stronger point complaining about housing and utilities, but you are a literal sonofabitch if you think they had it better than we did. Not in the least buddy. And unless you are a Japanses military fag, then you have nothing to complain about.

Yes. The 1964 anti-discrimination act ended the "Family Wage". Many employers used to pay men a larger wage because those men had to support a family. Tremendous immigration, women joining the workforce, and employers not being allowed to pay a "Family wage", is the tornado of circumstances that explains why wages are so pathetically low in the richest country in the world.

The 1964 anti-descrimination laws and the 1965 immigration act may very well have screwed America entirely, and my extension all Western-kind. This cannot be understated.

>In less than 5 years I'll be making right at or below 6 figures.

you won't

lol you sound like an uppity nigger to me. kek!


most people make manager at B4 in 5 years, and they make 6 figures.

Boomers out of college could start a family on a single income with a stay at home mom. Thats not possible anymore.


No clue how it works in the UK, so I can't really give much advice there. When I was in school (EE Major/aero minor) I spent my summers doing internships, and had one that was part time on campus. Attended career fairs and what not.
A tip, atleast applicable here, a lot of the time the experience "requirement" is simply used to weed out the trash, or they've already selected a candidate but have to advertise legally. Go in, dress well, have a professional and aesthetic resume, and practice your interview skills.

Been sending apps out for two years and got one interview which i took working nights

Maybe they shouldn't have made college so incredibly easy to get into and not implement diversity quotas. brb letting in the literal dregs of society that are going to be on academic probation a semester into their studies and thinking a degree is going to be worth anything in the end.

Yes it is.

However what most of the people who post these things think will solve the problem will only make it worse.

These people will bitch about jobs in one breath then bitch about Trump in the next.

What we are facing is the consequences of NAFTA, mass immigration from the third world, and the removal of the gold standard/constant financial meddling by the fed.

These people think their problems wiol be solved by minimum wage increases, UBI, and Universal healthcare. They lack the vision to see that those solutions are simply treating the symptom and not the disease.

It's entirely possible, if you live within your means. It is a fact that we have it better nowadays. I do wish the entitlement spending was slashed though and more tax cuts for married couples with three or more children. Labor has been devalued heavily, and pay rates aren't going up without something going down.

I'm in comp sci and I had absolutely no problems getting a job.

The value of a degree has definitely diminished though but that's just simple supply and demand.

Where at? Some places are just garbage for work, you have to know someone to get anywhere.

I don't fuckin care if it ruins the enviro. I want that fuckin truck now.

Its not possible. 85k is the magic number these days.

All the guys i work with have wives that work if they got kids. 55k isnt enough without a paid off house or some other assets.

I got a trade certificate and make about 90k gross, but a lot of college fags look down their nose at people in trades lol

Ive applied everywhere. Im a nuclear engineer....and tbat industry is currently losing jobs.

We're focused on money because money is what makes society function, dumbass.

Come back to me saying "money don't matter, at least we have sweet tech the prior generation didn't have" when you're on the street sucking cock, just to be able to afford a burger. You won't be saying "at least we have more things!" then.

Back in the day, you had people leaving their parents' house at the ages of 18-21. Even in the 80's, you could easily rent a flat. Nowadays, good luck doing any of that, at that age with a minimum pay job, seeing as you wouldn't even be able to get a well paying job with a degree in this day and age.

I'm not saying the prior generations had it completely easy. Of course they had to work hard too but the challenges of independent living, jobs and finance are something that have increased with us. The older generation did not exist in a society where a university degree would get you nothing so you'd be forced into a job a McDonald's or some supermarket on the minimum wage, forced to live with your parents still when they would have been moving out around your age with a better job they got just by having a college education.

Well I think the things holding me back right now are -

1) lack of actual applicable experience.

2) came out of uni and started working in a random shop straight away for like 6 months due to recovering from an injury.

3) My interview skills are pretty much an absolute shit show which I'm working on.

Speaking of interviews, I know I'm expected to do a standard interview and a technical one which is supposed to be 1-2 hours long, any insight on what a technical one might involve? I've done technical selection tests and passed those fine, but not a technical interview.

>it's not possible
It really is, you live below your means. Unless you make a lot of money you have to sacrifice something when you have kids. If I lived like my parents did I'd probably have a lot more of my income to invest.
55k in my area is more than enough, hell 100k buys you a nice house on >40 acres.