Balkan situation

What is the political and economical situation in the Balkans? I have little hope for anywhere else in the world. I just want a quiet life in a white, nationalistic country that isn't poor.

I am hoping to have kids but I don't trust the influence that public school and media would have on them here in the U.S, but that is unrelated to this thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Religious divides the Serbs, Croats and Bosnians, language divides the Slovenians, Croats and Serbians and everything divides the Romanians, Bulgarians and Moldovans. No comment on Macedonians, their mafia might track me down for the saying they're each the result of Alexander the great's bastards, despite being a homo.

Balkans are so divided it defines the term Balkanisation.

poor and people cluster around their families

>What is the political and economical situation in the Balkans?
It's shitty here and in most other Balkan countries. Slovenia is economically the best and most stable but it is a country filled with degeneracy and antifa and shit. Here, it is shitty in the sense that the local industry has been abandoned by the government to the mercy of stronger foreign industries. Free trade is killing us. Politically, those who rule us don't give a shit about us so yeah, the political situation is shitty too.
>I just want a quiet life in a white, nationalistic country that isn't poor.
You can have that here, if you have money. I'd welcome you here. We aren't poor, most people here have a car, a smartphone, a computer, etc., but we're not at the level of Western Europe. Otherwise, the Balkans with the exception of Albania, "Kosovo" and sometimes Macedonia are a safe environment to live in.
>I am hoping to have kids but I don't trust the influence that public school and media would have on them here in the U.S, but that is unrelated to this thread
Believe me, we do have terrible media and TV here as well. I imagine it is worse in the USA but prepare to shield your kids if you ever intend to settle down here.

>the balkans

they are about as white as turkey

And here we clearly have an expert on history, genetics and anthropology.

>car, smartphone, computer etc
There's our problematic delight.

Don't problematize your country or the CIA niggers get gredy.

if you are not a liberal or a nigger,look up croatian coast,probably most beautifull part of the world.

>What is the political and economical situation in the Balkans?


> I just want a quiet life in a white, nationalistic country that isn't poor.

Norway is probably your best bet, they aren't a part of the EU, and most speak English.
The Swiss and Danes are rich, but a bit more cucked than Norway. Switzerland is not part of the EU, but they don't speak English.
Poland is poor, but their economy is growing, and are probably the least cucked nation in Europe.
Hungary is in a similar state.

I've heard that Dubrovnik is very beautiful. My parents visited before the war, and their friends visited last month.

Hopefully someday the islahm shit is wiped off one of the most beautiful parts of the West.

Sounds better than the U.S. How hard is it to obtain citizenship in your country and what would be a good field of work?

The Balkans has the best music, period.

we literally tried doing that. even the croats spent most of the war in bosnia fighitng muslims (and us), but then you stopped the ethnic cleansing

> Otherwise, the Balkans with the exception of Albania, "Kosovo"
You are retarded. Just shitting on Albanians for no reason. It's safer than Serbia.

If you have money and income from other sources Greece is perfect to live, except from Athens the shithole of course, the southern the better. If you are looking to work here that would be a bit difficult.

Ironic given how retarded you are on general Balkan countries. You said Albania was unsafe lol. We get it that Serbs are retards no need to prove our point.

The US never should have intervened, Serbia was our ally in both world wars. Now look at what has happened between 9/11 and the Manchester bombing.

Bear in mind that I turned 10 in 1999.

Serbs still peddling the 'yugoslav war was a religious war'. You must be retarded since you have only convinced retards so far that it's true.

>I just want a quiet life in a white, nationalistic country
Mountenegro is what you're looking for, Kotor is great
>that isn't poor.
Everycountry in balkans are poor

You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. This batch of land is home to poor lowlifes with a lot of criminal energy.

Well aren't you a genius? Balkans has been a vanguard for the entire Europe against Islam and Turkey for generations.

Albanian diaspora ?

Romania is kinda fucked because of the commie plague, and most of our qualified people left for the west(can't say I blame them) and what remains are some mindless sheep still sobbing for the good ol' days.

It's kinda sad but honestly, I believe we need like 6-7 generations to pass before real change can happen.

As for the poor part, don't mind these ro Sup Forums-sters that most of them are still in high-school and live in places like Cluj or Bucharest, the country is poor af , the only real reason that most of these morons think they're wealthy is because most of their parents are working in the west and their money are being sent back home , so obviously when you have like 1-2k£ a month you can live pretty decent around here (or they're leddit plebs whom most of them work in IT and make like 5-6k£ a month), that's not the case for the normal working individual who make like 300-400$ a month.

Romania's culture is deeply influenced by the church, like whatever the church says goes, sadly our Orthodox Church is so corrupt that you can literally say it's run by the devil himself, all of those fat fucks use God so they can make a lot of money while the people struggle to make ends meat.

So overall is fucked, but I believe in like 70 years things will get better or maybe after WW3

Well tell me where I can find what I'm looking for

>qualified people
>qualified people

True, if you have money Greece is a great place to live/retire. Some of the islands are comfy as fuck.

By the time you retire, whole Europe will be retarded. The let to many Turks&Mudslims inside, best way to destroy economy is to destroy society... China and Russia are on my list of countries where I would retire, Hong Kong or Moscow.

everything you said is either wrong or 80% wrong, you need to be 18 to browse here.

Switzerland, but only if you are completely white.

You have dunkards and retards in Russia doing rocket science, give us a break.

Those islands are ticking bomb waiting to get invaded by Turkey...

Well gj me. haven't had my coffee yet.

Romania is a colony of western europe, and it will stay that way untill our politicians grow some balls and leave the free market scam.
>I just want a quiet life in a white, nationalistic country that isn't poor.
Well the Balkans are poor, and not that white, there are some gypsies.

>Balkan anything
Who cares. You bring same to your nation by merely knowing about those people.

How's the situation in Switzerland regarding turks and other retards?

Albania is doing pretty well. If something doesent happend in 5 years it will be awesome country.
Also non-white people are not welcome from the local population.

At least our economy isn't dependent on oil. So you'r not the one to speak.

The Balkan needs to join the V4 together with Romania and the Baltic states and make a new EU with hookers and blackjack.
Thats the only bright future the Balkans have in sight.

What's the problem? You get to live the easy life and occasionally remove kebab.

If you're so enlightened you should migrate too, you scumbag. Ironically you talk about reddit yet you subscribe to the ideas of fleeing from problems like the coward you are, leaving it to other people to solve what is wrong with this country. Go to Germany, my fellow white man. You'd fit right in.

Not my style, I would rather play online games. (send drones to do the work)

horrible meme

The brain drain is a huge issue. If your best men check out, your economy and social policies will suffer for decades to come. But Eastern Europe is very beautiful and I recommend you to visit its capitals.

(Likewise, don't expect Africa to turn for the better in the next few years. The best people already moved to the USA or Europe. Economic migrations destroys the countries they flee from.)

Sorry for not being optimistic about Greece, it's just you are surrounded with kebab from both north and south.

Go live in slovenia, near austrian border, the least fucked up place in the balkans.

also gives you opportunity to work/shop in austria, the least fucked up place in the eu (vienna excluded)

Take your kids to a Catholic private school and that problem is solved.

>highest concentration of it is in Croatia
what a surprise

>"Albania is unsafe"

No idea why Serbs feel the need to lie all the time. How is Albania unsafe? Have you ever been there? How would you even know?

this, Croatia is completely fucked, if you want to live don't come here!!!

>what is blood feud/ debt in blood
Get the fuck out of OZ, Albo

Gypsies, everywhere you go Gypsies

erm.. no

this guy is correct, however i must say that degeneracy is mostly only in bigger cities, which is only around a quarter of people. There is some in non-urban areas, but totally livable and children will do alright.

>blood fued
>implying those still exist
>implying a feud between two families poses a risk to people outside those 2 familes


Read the Kanun faggot.

I guess ISIS controlled areas are safe as well... For ISIS members....

Balkans in 3 words:everyone hates everyone

It's fine, we'll make do when shitskins have a go at it again. Then we'll be back at each other's throats.

Switzerland is full of shitskins and this won't stop

more like everyone hates gypsies

All we have is our top tier bants.

Albo diaspora... If it's so neat, why don't you go back?

Is Hungary safe from Ottoman invasion ?

yeah.... cuz its not even in the Balkans

Generally... Slovenia is top tier as far as OP's map goes.
Parts of Croatia (Istria and the north) are good too.
But don't come if your not white.... you'd just ruin the place.

we'll send them, don't worry. #ICE

Yes but we have gypsies

What cities on your cost are good ?(beaches, food, girls)

nobody is safe

Don't worry, I'll come over to fill their place :^)

How many percentage wise ?

Sorry we're full

Like a 100%, my nigger or smthn like that

I just want Serbia to annex the whole fucking Balkans.

Oh, and shoah the Albanians too while they're at it.

yup, what he said ^

dat is so witthalm!

True. Southern Greece or islands are the best places to live imo. I suggest Creta or another big island because the small ones are dead on the winter.
That's extremely difficult to happen. I'd say you are more exposed to islamic aggresion by living in Marseille than in Greece.

Ill give you some, there's shit tons of them : Zadar, Dubrovnik, Pula, Split, Korcula, Hvar, Rovinj ...
Thats all i can think of right now

(Sorry we're full)

Serbia can't Annex it's own territory let alone the whole Balkans

You've got no Yankies to pump gas, or take out trash, you're gonna need me

oh look
another ex yu thread on Sup Forums

I know this one, that the one from Game of Thrones :)

>Serbia annexing anything
>Lost Montenegro
>Lost Kosovo

They cant even hang onto the land they already have

Someone give me the rundown as gypsies. Surely they can't be worse than niggers or abbos

After communist, and years of anarchy everything went shit. But now things are better than you think.

but it isn't though

>onto the land they already have
Let's be real, we decide what happens on Balkan. :)


6-7% but they're Indians and breed accordingly

Depends on the country

Is that before doubling to account for not reporting all their kids ?

Again... if it's so good why don't you go back?
Have to sell those Serb organs to French clinics, amirite?

Serbians with MINT degrees are applying for minimum wage jobs in Germany

That should tell you everything

More likely to approach you but much less likely to get physically violent. More specialized in theft tricks.

oh but it is
it always starts by one of the foreigners asking about the balkans
it devolves into shitposting between balkan countries
its a thinly veiled daily ex yu thread on Sup Forums

they have the same thinking as the Jews and act like niggers by bringing an area down by settling in it

What's a MINT ?

>race is a social construct
>diversity is our strength
>Trump texted covfefe by error
>Islam has nothing to do with terror
>Israel does not support ISIS and AQ
>It was an accident that 30 000 Iraqi soldiers in Mosul fled from 200 towelheads on pickup-trucks, leaving behind 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles, at least 40 M1A1 main battle tanks, 74,000 machine guns, 52 M198 howitzer mobile gun systems, and enough small arms and ammunition to keep the war going for years to come

>Norway is not part of the EU