2 shots in a row of 1 part alcohol to 2 parts mix.....how the fuck does this happen. I am sick of the liquid jew. Help me.
How to fight the drunk jew
I am just so bored. It seems to disguise it.
>be me
>never take a drink in my life
>the profit (blank)
Had a friend in uni who did the same...I didn't understand it at the time. now I wish I followed his example. Anyone kicked the likwuid jew and have tips to help?
Drink a lot of water
And i mean a lot
3 L min a day
Smoke weed erryday
Seriously though, if you want to get off the sauce weed helps. Short term though, not good to let it become a long term thing.
Seriously. You will feel a lot better by the end of next week.
just quit you weak minded faggot
Nah senpai, long term weed consumption allows you to function in the haze.
>Be me
>Part of (((them)))
>Hear of Sup Forums
>Sounds fun
>Go to website
>Enjoy post on /bant/ section about best ethnic foods
>I want to explore more
>Sup Forums
>Sounds interesting.
>Clicks hyperlink
>"Why is tweet so funny?"
>I laugh
>"Good point - why is it so funny?"
>Sup Forums is the page for me
>Go to catalog
>See gorgeous goyimess
>'How to fight the drunk jew'
>I read posts
>Feels bad man
>complains about the alcoholic jew
>while posting the vaginal jew
This hipocrisy is why discussions on Sup Forums can't be taken seriously
Work towards replacing it with caffeine which is much easier to control. I drink alcohol maybe 5 times a year maybe less down from multiple times a week.
>drink an ungodly amount ever single day
>legit about 2.5L of wine a day
>tried several times to quit and couldn't do it
>decide to make a serious effort to cut back whilst acknowledging that I can't quit completely
>doing pretty well
Feels ok
There is no profit to not drinking your entire life. There is minimal profit to never losing control using a mind/mood altering substance though.
I assume you are talking about bars. I just got back from one. It was 15$ dollars all you can drink from 9 pm to 12:30 pm. Which is a pretty good deal if you drink as much as I do. I hate bars because they charge way too much, you can't have a converation without yelling over music, and you have to squeeze by 100 people every time you have to take a piss. I will never understand why so many people go there. I only go because my friends drag me.
>tfw I ended up doing the opposite
I replaced the nervous Jew and became the ethilic goy
I hope it is reversible
Same, never been drunk in my entire life, due to seeing firsthand the negative effects it has. It is degenerate and needs to be avoided. Good luck to the people who try to quit, fight the Jew with all your might.
Wait, hold on.
Are you saying you think yer an alcoholic for drinking a grand total of 2oz. of booze?
Christ, i hope not.
Come back and ask for help when your skin turns grey and you stumble around if you don't down a bottle of everclear nightly.
That's alcoholism.
What you are experiencing sounds more like a lightweight who had one shot too many (two shots).
Lsd, excerises and sex will help you. I rarely drink now, less than three times a month, wouldn't even do that but for social occasions.
What the hell, man?
Am i the only one here who enjoys a good beer every night after work?
Everyone here seems terrified of alcohol.
stop being a bitch and just stop, no amount of good advice from retards on Sup Forums will make you stop, you just have to want to stop, then stop.
Throw the jew down the well
>not drinking one glass of wine three nights a week to improve your cardiac health
Step it up
How many post-ironies is this?
This guy gets it. I just kicked the opiate Jew. I had a pretty heafty habit. You'll feel like shit and lifeless for at least a week depending on how bad your habit is. But I feel like a new man now and I'm never going back
waste of trips on this lol
Not sure how much of an answer this is, but coming from an alcoholic, I believe the answer is to stop being afraid.