Millennials, Everyone

>$900 iphone
>$2000 macbook
>$200 beats headphones
>$100 a week grocery shopping for one person because you can only buy organic crap from whole foods
>$3 vitamin-enriched mineral water
>$5,000 backpacking trip throughout Europe
>More often than not a sociology degree from a private liberal arts college
>Spams pic related on Reddit

Are Millennials truly the most cancerous generation in history?

Other urls found in this thread:

It isnt boomers, it's Jews.

wtf is with millennials and avocado?

I have none of those things cause im frugal and i have jew tier savings
Soon i will be the boomer

>>$900 iphone
>>$2000 macbook
>>$200 beats headphones
>>$100 a week grocery shopping for one person because you can only buy organic crap from whole foods
>>$3 vitamin-enriched mineral water
All invented and pushed by boomers

It became a hipster fad. Avocados were actually a soccer mom thing before hipsters.

It's stupid because I Mexico they're considered peasent food.

$100 a week really isn't that bad.

Jelly brah?

Listen Shlomo
We know you're paid to divide and conquer by lies because you can't fight and you're insanely jealous of everyone

but it's the parents and grandparents who're feeding and supporting
It's the grandparents and parents who're paying the school and tertiary fees
It's the older generation who're putting up the money so their young can buy a place to live

It was the Lima Declaration, 1975, that formally began the collapse of Western society and living standards by sending Western jobs and manufacturing to asia

The older generation you're piling the hate upon worked in factories for low pay. They didn't have cars. They had lino on their floors. They had hand me down furniture. They sent their kids to the dentist while their own teeth rotted. They walked a lot or caught public transport. They saved hard. They did without

It wasn't the older generations who bankrupted the west and put todays young in the unemployment queues --- that was the work of the scum who sent manufacturing overseas and the jobs went with it

So go hate your own grandmother, kike. Go hate your paedophile rabbis. Go hate the destruction your kind have wrought with your lies and your slime and your porn and your drugs and your filthy tallmud which says it's ok for grown jewish men to have sex with weeks old infants


And they're responsible for stupid people buying them how?

That's like saying fidget spinner were invented for autistic kids so autistic kids are clearly to blame for idiots buying 300 dollar ones.

...Did you read the fucking post and not just glance at the pic?

Aussies have peas for brains apparently.

FpBp, proud of your work ?

For sure, going without that $7000 worth of stuff will materially impact your ability to buy a house.

The jig is up Abraham

>Not living on Litteraly 10 dollars a week.
What are you? Rich

>be in the millennial age group
>my phone is a 2 generation old galaxy
>my laptop is a 5 year old toaster because it still works fine
>my desktop is self built and is 4 years old at the youngest it still works fine and I have no need for a new $500 gpu
>spend 30 bucks a week on groceries if that.
>drink normal water because I'm not a retard.
>don't even like to travel
>still get lumped into the millennial cancer generation.

>I liked it better when everything was 10x as expensive and unions controlled everything

if consumers "bought american" then the jobs would still be here

you cant have it both ways, cheap products or jobs for losers in the unskilled uneducated class of midwestern workers

Yea but by OP logic you live in a mansion, because you don't waste your money on crap. How many rooms you have?

A home beyond what one could feasibly use is also wasting money on crap. Living so far within your means that you could drop a million on personalized cancer treatment if necessary and not even have to worry about running dry is liberating in itself.

All that old stuff was more expensive but it was better quality and lasted much longer.

avocado toast > houses

the only thing I have to live for is the salt once gen z starts blaming millennials for everything

Organic food is red-pilled at least, especially if you do the hard work to grow some of it yourself.

> Be millennial
> Blow around 300 a week. $15k a year on coffee and avocado
> House deposit is 170k in Sydney
> Realise it makes no difference

Prove me wrong?

My parents don't ask why I can't move out. They just ignore the problem because they know there's nothing they can do about it short of converting me into a homeless person.

shopping for one person because you can only buy organic crap from whole foods
>eat gmos goy! theyre good for you. definitely wont give you tumors.
$3 vitamin-enriched mineral water
>what no tap water? silly goyim the flouride is just to stregthen your teeth! its not carcinogenic.

right this way sir, I have just the spot for you, pic related

An absolutely cheap as fuck house in Sydney will still set you back 80k deposit and a 3 hour daily commute. For about 600k.. literally living in a fibro shit hole.

I hate this 'just save more meme' literally every graph on the internet shows the disconnect between wages and mortgage repayments. Just because a phone exists now and is available doesn't mean owning it is somehow privileged in 2017 fuck stains

I'm not committing the same logical fallacy by inferring that strawmen are the only foes you can knock down with your feeble noodle jew arms. Why don't you go ahead and cite just one source to substantiate your preposterous budget kiddo bucko buddyroo

This, the only people I see buying them up are scrawny numales. They aren't even that great, they're just like fatty cucumbers.

>$900 iphone
You mean a $900 yearly iPhone upgrade. +Mandatory AT&T jewery.

Still less cancerous than jews

Wow shouldn't your flag just read China?

How are you just now realizing this..?

>american education.

'Avocado' sounds exotic and foreign, therefore it attracts milleanials to it like shit attracts flies

Can you do basic fucking math? Wait 12 years, you have a house now. That's what our parents did you lazy piece of shit.

>>$5,000 backpacking trip throughout Europe
>Wasting your money to walk around and get raped

So glad I'm part tribe. Made me frugal af. All I do is shitpost.

If you never ate out then that's really not that bad. Yeah it's bad but it's really not that bad. $5 for lunch and dinner each and $4 for breakfast. If you're eating alone at home and/or work then you might as well eat nicely.

>>$900 iphone
>>$2000 macbook
>>$200 beats headphones
>>$100 a week grocery shopping for one person because you can only buy organic crap from whole foods
>>$3 vitamin-enriched mineral water
>>$5,000 backpacking trip throughout Europe
>>More often than not a sociology degree from a private liberal arts college
>>Spams pic related on Reddit
>Are Millennials truly the most cancerous generation in history?

im sure theres a few kikes like that, and the millenials seem absolutely retarded in alot of rspect, but i think you're describing (((your))) own (((kind))), (((faggot)))

>$900 iphone
>$2000 macbook
>$200 beats headphones
>>$100 a week grocery shopping for one person because you can only buy organic crap from whole foods
>$3 vitamin-enriched mineral water
>$5,000 backpacking trip throughout Europe
>$8203 in total
Good luck buying a house with that.


Fuck off you kike piece of rodent shit.

My parents weren't 30 by the time they had a mortgage.

People were getting mortgages in their early-mid twenties. Good luck with that now.

It takes 30 years to pay off a mortgage

>And they're responsible for stupid people buying them how?
advertising, conditioning

Why do you think the candy is on kid sized shelves next to checkouts in supermarkets

Boomers are Crypto-Jews


If people are buying the items you just listed, then they can afford a house, and aren't the people complaining about baby boomers. there are millennials who buy those things, but it's because they can afford to, ( and they make a stereotype out of this lifestyle to make retards believe that ALL millennials are like this)

I miss when this website's posts weren't 100% people posting threads that have opinions that they don't believe at all just to get a fleeting useless (you) well here it is kike, do you enjoy this (you)? is it everything you hoped it would be?

8k can make you 16k real fast if you aren't a fucking retard.

You're parents buying you shit is different than being able to go your own way

>college debt
>cost of living
>post 9/11 economy
>"entry level" jobs
>boomers holding on to jobs until they die

>8k can make you 16k real fast if you aren't a fucking retard.
please tell me how fast you can double investment on anything
what are you doing shitposting on fourchan
shouldn't you be a billionaire by now, faggot?


Back in their day a man was willing to go to trade school to become an electrician or a plumber and he was happy.

Now we cucks are too picky.

More like because the median house price is 12 times median annual income.

It usually averages 4 times.

In five more years it's projected to be TWENTY times.

Kill yourself.

>as if you were somehow owed millennials getting themselves into debt for your sense of aesthetics
They just don't want them. They have better things to spend their money on than respect in your eyes. Move on. You lost.

Retards who also fill their posts with insults when they are off base and just demonstrably wrong.

Let me know in what city I can buy a proper house for $8203

> Be me
> Read avocado is tasty and healthy
> Let's buy it.jpg
> Costs 4$
> Ohwell.jpg
> Bring it home
> Peel it
> Babushka comes in and asks what is it
> We both try it
> Babushka says " Is this what those niggers live off ? Unsalted overpriced greasy potatoes ?"
> I guess so
> Babushka says " I saw those faggots on tv promote this"
> asks for price
> Asks me if I am gay
> Explain that I wanted to try it
> Says that I shouldn't experiment further
> Takes avocado seed for her garden
> Now I have bunch of avocado's in garden
> This really happened, she is blonde and blue eyed and turbo autistic troll irl

What is what millenials on here trying to call out other millenials? Most of y'all faggots are millenials.

It's familiar territory that they can get maximum (yous) out of.

>> Be me
>> Read avocado is tasty and healthy
>> Let's buy it.jpg
>> Costs 4$
>> Ohwell.jpg
>> Bring it home
>> Peel it
>> Babushka comes in and asks what is it
>> We both try it
>> Babushka says " Is this what those niggers live off ? Unsalted overpriced greasy potatoes ?"
>> I guess so
>> Babushka says " I saw those faggots on tv promote this"
>> asks for price
>> Asks me if I am gay
>> Explain that I wanted to try it
>> Says that I shouldn't experiment further
>> Takes avocado seed for her garden
>> Now I have bunch of avocado's in garden
>> This really happened, she is blonde and blue eyed and turbo autistic troll irl

I enjoyed that. thank (you)

Literally me. The only difference is that I have a physics degree from a top Uni and hate spending my own money on travel.

But in my defense, I wish I could use a shitty $250 copycat smartphone and a Win machine, but they’re just too bad.

Not to mention paying for everything on CREDIT while they complain the government is ruining them financial despite the fact they make absolute retarded decisions.

Consider that all the tech gets upgraded yearly, the groceries are every week and thewater is every day that's 14,395 dollars year. and that's not including the $60,00 a year private liberal arts colleges pay off. Kys retard.

>Implying all millennials do this and not just those with baby boomer parents who are the ones paying for all that shit and therefore encouraging the childish behaviour.

And the fact they need to get that brand new Apple meme product even though they could be putting that money towards paying off their student loans just because everyone else has one.

Reminder university debt is a form of modern serfdom

All millennials are in liberal art schools?

Kek after 5 years of hard as fuck uni in cybernetics and economics
>make 600 € a month
>300 goes on rent and its still a commie shit appartment
>100€ food
>150€ is electricity,water,internet etc.
>i keep the 50€ in case i get sick and need meds
look up the price of a shitty appartment in a gypsy shothole 30000€,a little bit better 45k €.In a decent area a 2 room shitty appartment 95k€.
Guess i will wait for my parents to die so i can move in their home....kek.

OP also forgot
>Spotify subscription
>Netflix subscription
>Hulu subscription
>buying movies / music
>BarkBox for your doggie cubscription
>health insurance for the doggy

>no pocket computer
>no portable computer
>no headphones
>spend 35-40€/month on food
>tap water
>never left my rural village
>no education
>all the monies due to day trading
>never gone to reddit

My body is millenial, but my soul is jewish.

>Have to live on bread and water for 10 years to be able to afford a house
>Boomers were able to have wife+children+normal life with a job they got straight out of high-school

Stop being entitled goy! Just bee yourself!!!

>Are Millennials truly the most cancerous generation in history?

There are just a logical continuation of boomers. Either way boomers and millennials particularly US millennials are the poison that killed western civilisation. Its difficult to see how any western nation will exist as more than colonies for other cultures after they are done.

The Reddit is strong in this thread. Face it Redditors, no one fucked up your country, you're just a generation of massive snowflakes.

Similar thing here Romanian bro. These cunts are living on easy mode.

that's not even close to a reasonable down payment on a lowly suburban condo.
(this amounts to a one time expense because you've mistakenly included some kind of bargain euro trip)

another jew pushing his agenda and Sup Forums will fall for it


He also forgot
>bloated housing costs
>hiked insurance rates
>lack of any credit when starting out
>excessive education costs
>poor job market

I'm not even a millennial. I just want my daughter to have a bright future, but some of my fellow Americans seem content on fucking over others for their own game.

Also this. With the lack of religion in society everyone is now worshiping false idols like pop culture and making themselves out to be their own personal Jesus Christ, despite Christ's sacrifice meaning that no one should be have to be a victim. It's both ironic and cathartic now that I think about it.

>wait 12 years
>deposit for house has gone from 170k to 300k
>still can't afford house

I am careful with my money, I have £8000 in savings, I have a university degree, and literally my only options are to either work in minimum wage retail jobs or train to be a teacher. Teachers do get a decent salary but it is suicide tier work load (60 hour weeks).

Who else here is sorting their life out? I'm 33 and about to pay off my student loan by the end of the year. saving about £1000 into a savings account.

Probably going to save about 40-50k and then put down a deposit on a nice 200k house.

Sounds like you missed the point of the OPs post. He more or less blames millenials living wasteful life and not investing the money to buy a house. So by OP logic, you as a person who is not wasting on crap he listed can afford to buy a house. That's why I was curious what kind of house you own.

>$900 iphone
umm no,100€ phone. Fuck apple
>$2000 macbook
umm no. My 450€ pc is superior sweaty.
>$200 beats headphones
umm no,i would never give my money to that nigger. My 50€ headphones are superior anyway
>$100 a week grocery shopping for one person because you can only buy organic crap from whole foods
25€/week for groceries
>$3 vitamin-enriched mineral water
>$5,000 backpacking trip throughout Europe
never traveled nor did vacation
>More often than not a sociology degree from a private liberal arts college
houses should be given for free by the state but no,they make us pay the jewrent

If Sup Forums is right and Gen Z turns out to be the most right-wing in recent memory, the timeline where they start blaming Millennials for fucking up their countries with social justice circlejerks, third-wave feminism and letting immigrants in freely will be the best in history. The Millennials will spend the rest of their lives on suicide watch because of the sheer irony.

Well they cost about $0.30 apiece at most grocery store where I live, so I guess your bullshit is pretty moot.

I do agree they aren't exactly the "superfood" that the jewbag media make it out to be, though.

>houses should be given for free by the state

>no one fucked up your country
Listen here you little bald-tipped faggot, you've heard about Australian internet, right? Of course you have. It's the laughing stock of the world. Why? Because baby boomers are fucking it over. That's just one example of something they're fucking (or have already fucked).

Now go end yourself.


Kek ikr,they will never know the plight of living in tge eastern bloc,i still remember the 90s since i grew up in them.People were literally starving,beatings and knifefights were ordinary.Today is a breeze compared to then,but after i visited my faggoty friends from the diaspora and seen them having party all day or not doing shit and earning 4 or 5 times more then me...
But then again moving away is a gypsy mentality i was born here and i will die here.

no one buys a fucking computer and phone every year. phones are like 3-5 if you're trying to keep up, longer if you keep it until it's obsolete or destroyed.

that faggy 2k macbook will do everything the current top macbook will do for at least a decade, they do not advance quickly.

interestingly you picked a macbook and iphone as the worst possible examples, but apple products have incredible value retention, as long as you aren't an ape you can actually get much of the money back on the other side.

who the fuck is going to europe annually that doesnt work there or have family?

>fuck Apple

That’s what I find wrong with anti-consumerism. It always boils down to shilling for cheap chinese brand copycats / or just crap products.

Especially your comment about headphones, I’d understand if you said 150 or 100 euros. But 50… and to compare them to Beats… Should I also get my food from trash cans?


>Never owned a computer
>browse on 5 year old phone I got for Christmas
>drive a 1998 vw that was $700
>own a used 360 and some books for entertainment
>work as a chef for 8 years, average 70 hours a week. Sell my artwork online with free time.
>only eat once a day at work for free.
>nowhere near able to buy a home here, even run down shacks from the 40's are selling for over a million.

It's difficult grinding out a living only yo be taxed to death, I was at government offices yesterday and not only were all of the employees female minorities but there were thousands of non whites getting benefits and grants. the only other white person was an Austrian guy who had his ID stolen

>t. yung lee working at the beats factory

Bitch plz i use a motorola flip phone that is almost 10 years old,no gypsy would steal it because they cant sell it.I have 2€ headphones and they are fine.
I have 3 CTr TVs in my appartment one is 23 years old and one is 29,communistic pieces of shit that were made to last.I dont buy new ones because i only watch the news.
The only expensive thing is my pc which was 1000€,i saved 4 years for that shit.
My car is an old BMW which i got for free from my dad.
Privileged fucks.....

Take your head out of your ass man. The chinese would be happy to sell you crappy beats lookalikes or a malware-ridden iPhone copycat.

they do the same things to the real deal.

the only difference is the white owned companies every so often send people to crack whip for quality control purposes.(the chinks will just go to sleep if they're not being watched)