The Internet = Globalism

Where were you when you realized that the Internet itself represents the core of the ideology of globalism? It erases national borders and enables people from all over the world to exchange ideas and culture. It eliminates barriers to trade, particularly of digital goods. It serves as a propaganda mouthpiece for the ruling elites, except unlike in the age of radio, they can now tailor content presentation to the individual level by tracking your browsing habits.

All your personal autonomy and freedom is reduced by the Internet. Your freedom of speech could be curtailed by shadowbans and the chilling effect of mass surveillance. Your freedom of movement is restricted to developed areas with fibre and LTE infrastructure, and you cannot realistically take up residence in a more remote (and cheaper) area and expect to hold a job. Your wallet is impacted by the need to pay for an ISP subscription and to update your gadgets every few years to keep up with the demands of modern gaming. Pornography and catfish degrade your self-esteem and negatively impact your ability to build offline relationships.

Why bother fussing over Jews and other amorphous groups when the real nation-wrecker was in front of your nose all along?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Internet connects the world.

>niggers have to be moved right on top of western countries and handed billions in tax dollars.



If it were Globalism Merkel would have us all arrested already you stupid little shit

Internet propaganda is largely why the public has become willing to tolerate their most extreme bad behaviour. Every time a terrorist attack happens or some hideous rape story comes out, politicians rush to social media to downplay the issue or pretend that it's an isolated case.

Imagine in the 80s if one thousand women got raped in Cologne. The public would never have tolerated it! The propaganda would have been constrained to the news on TV (if politicians even bothered trying at all), which is far less personal than social media and therefore less influential. People would have watched it with cynicism, chatted about it with their friends and family, and come to the conclusion that "yep, that's bullshit". But now, the propaganda is embedded directly into your social life. Go on Facebook and see how every post by a friend is interspersed with forty stories about drowning refugees. In the new atomized society, people (especially women) see this and pick it up, sharing it everywhere. Men get dragged in, and everyone engages in some pointless online arguing which always devolve into name-calling.

The offline social infrastructure we formerly depended on to form our judgments is disappearing. Even if you personally unplug from the Internet for a while, you'll still be surrounded by people for whom the Internet is the leading social influencer.


You're word thinking.

You could surely label both the Internet and what we normally refer to as globalism, globalism.
It doesn't mean the two things are somehow realted other than by arbitrary associations in your mind.

The internet is like a neural network growing on the planet. It allows the various parts of the brain communicate with each other, it allows information to flow.

Meanwhile the other globalism (the polotical one) is due to people with economical and ideological interests, who just wants to move people around. Then cultures will be forced to exist under the same physical area which creates conflict, this is the whole reason for nation states.

However, conflict of ideas surely happen iver the internet too, but here they are allowed to compete in an environment that doesn't risk as much conflict, so the societies in question doesn't get harmed.

This might surely change cultures with time too, but that seems more like how evolution should take care of the planets development, rather than forcing it by moving people. That is just doomed to fail.

its actually saving the world from globalism, its giving the same benefits but in an abstracted way in which you can do it from your house in the woods instead of in Megacity

>they can now tailor content presentation to the individual level by tracking your browsing habits.

also, they cant if you aren't retarded, this technology work a certain way and its very easy to subvert it

This is why you have to learn how to be influential and contribute what you think is important to the information stream. The internet is still young and it's up to us to try to combat the dark forces that try to seize it's powers of influence.

>You're word thinking.
I would suck your dick if i wasn't so sure you have cutted it already

Internet propaganda is what it is due to the technical capabilities of it, i have delved in the idea of guerilla-weaponizing it but to be honest i don't even know what the fuck i would even spam, i don't really stand for anything.

Its a huge two-edged sword, look at this:

Yeah pol is a perfect example of a nationalistic diverse board who all still want to protect their own people

OP doesn't realize is that globalism isn't just everyone on the globe working together it's a one world government where an elite plutocracy rules over everyone else destroying any social heirarchy and ethnic divisions. Nothing actually diverse or unique about us.

No matter how bad a government gets you can always have hope of fleeing or revolting if things get bad enough. Under globalism there is nowhere to flee to. You're stuck under that boot heel.

It's a good representation of globalism.

>Wild place full of child porn, illegal sex trafficking, drugs, snuff videos, etc.
>Internet hatespeech, shitty views, communism, nazism, hardcore liberalism, etc.

Then, governments with morals kick in

>Enforce laws on domestic websites
>Cut links to known illegal websites
>Enforce anti-freespeech laws
>The internet becomes globalized

>Balkanization occurs
>Internet splits behind several firewalls
>Youtube bans certain videos in certain countries
>Everyone retreats to different internet domains, like the deep web, etc.

You're actually retarded, shame. You really don't get it.

The Internet is the propaganda organ by which the public is convinced to accept ever-increasing numbers of immigrants of ever-shrinking quality.

See: >Meanwhile the other globalism (the polotical one) is due to people with economical and ideological interests, who just wants to move people around.
Do you sincerely believe the Internet wasn't developed by self-interested agents with their own political and economic goals?

Debatable. You can play with some browser settings or use a proxy, sure, but ultimately it's not really about obscuring specific metadata items. It's actually many such items appearing together which makes it easy to uniquely fingerprint users. I doubt very much that even sophisticated users could fully "blend into the crowd" so to speak, without using special anonymizing software.

You are 100% right, its very hard to be completely anonymous, but that doesn't mean that tailored content technology uses things like canvas fingerprinting, they use session cookies or at most ip, if you delete history youtube goes from recommending shit to you based on previous watch to recommending shit to you based on ip geolocation

Same with the rest of the services, they don't go full tracking, i guess its either too expensive or too creepy

>it's a one world government where an elite plutocracy rules over everyone else destroying any social heirarchy and ethnic divisions. Nothing actually diverse or unique about us.

The Internet already sort of operates this way. It's basically one homogeneous culture administered by a small handful of Silicon Valley giants. National cultures become increasingly irrelevant as Internet penetration increases in a country.

>Do you sincerely believe the Internet wasn't developed by self-interested agents with their own political and economic goals?

Of course people like that was involved in the process, but it doesn't mean they are the reason for the process. The Internet is simply a result of the process that is the universe. Of course people will try to wield influence over it.
If you however believe that the Internet only exists as a propaganda tool and that this was all planned in advance as some master plan you're just being silly.

yes an no, superficial national culture gets irrelevant, but the global homogeneous culture of the internet is superficial as fuck, people keep tying up based on locality

even in a truly globalized world, culture would still operate that way, inner meaning and deep intuitive understanding is tied up to collective experience and that is tied up to relative position on the planet

>globalism is only mass immigration
kys brainlet

we should have never left the tribal stage.

globalism is obviously inevitable, galaxies are merging for fucks sake, however... that which we can control should be carefully considered

>Where were you when you realized that the Internet itself represents the core of the ideology of globalism?

Globalism = feudalism where the entire world is poor and destitute with a tiny elite hoarding all the technology sitting on top of them.

It's literally none of the feel good nonsense you spewed in your post.

>A leaf arguing for globalism

You know what, I hope you live to see your wish, and after he's cut my head off you can suck your new kings cock for the rest of your life.

This is my reality as somebody who don't have a normiebook. I bring up political topics sometimes to people, even close friends, who do have normiebook and they are invariably on board with whatever current year agenda is going on.

I can't believe this shit, that my gym buddy refused to accept it when I told him that men are men and women are women because of more than just choice. A total dudebro, unwilling to accept that men and women actually exist.

Shit is getting too weird, too fast.

It's honestly a miracle to me that huge companies with massive cashflows still allow us to sort of "escape" them just by clearing our cookies. My guess is that it's not about cost, but perception. Perhaps they feel it would benefit their image to give users a false sense of privacy.

This graph is flawed. Language as superficial as food preferences? No. In fact the linguistic hegemony of English on the Internet is driving the decline of what we consider major languages in the world today. In my province, French is disappearing rapidly. I often hear younger people of French-speaking origin talking to each other in broken English for some bizarre reason. I suppose it's because they find it more convenient because much of the online media they're exposed to is in English.

Aside from that, the Internet doesn't just erode cultural superficialities. Deeper concepts like marriage and political economy are constantly up for debate, with indigenous traditions generally getting ignored.

I'm sorry for that. It's less bad with the elderly I find, and I enjoy their company much more. It's not that they're necessarily of a certain political persuasion or not, but that they don't really like to talk about politics. It used to be considered rude! I find this a fascinating ethic that should be brought back for offline social situations.

That's we need intranets like china

The internet broke the information monopoly of the (((mass media conglomerates))). The internet is what allows us to organize bottom-up and form counter narratives to the bullshit (((they))) want us to believe. Anti-Internet is anti-White.

>The internet broke the information monopoly of the (((mass media conglomerates))).
They never had one. In fact the Internet is the reason why many independent and small town newspapers have gone bankrupt.

>allows us to organize bottom-up and form counter narratives
That was possible before the Internet. It was even arguably easier, because paper propaganda is untraceable and offline human-to-human networks are difficult to penetrate. Police stings requiring many months of building trust have been replaced by a few hours of point-and-click, all made possible by warrantless mass surveillance.

This more or less

the reason you have the internet is b/c the US military/deep state decided to unsuppress 100 year old Tesla internet technology

it was coordinated to support their globalist agenda by americanizing the world thru the internet

DARPA would not have released the technology to the public in order to liberate mankind. The internet is not the equivalent of the printing press. The internet is a tool of social control.

the public release of the internet is crucial to globalization (american imperialism). globalization was coordinated with the public release of the internet.

its, infact the only modern military technology that has been released, and a very restricted, centralized form of this.

darkweb and the intranet or internet was funded by DARPA research

Maple Syrup makes a good point. But WW3 is gonna happen soon anyway, so fuck it.

Thank you for your insights Israel! Very few people understand DARPA's role in the creation of the Internet. It's true that the Internet is not like a printing press. It could be in theory, and I believe the concept of meshnets attempt to do so, but as long as the hardware itself comes from a semiconductor fab in the US, or a place under US influence, you have to assume it's compromised.

You can communicate with people around the globe WITHOUT conforming to their ideas, thoughts and visions.

Communication by itself isn't the problem, the problem is some sort of foreign elites attempting to create a global ideology.

mesh networks: another technology avoided. this would have allowed for decentralized, free internet access and truly free communication- a threat to the authorities.

the wifi card equipped in regular computers are deliberately limited in range and Mesh capabilities.

though 1 mile range Mesh-capable wifi cards have been available for more than a decade
>Mobile ad hoc networking based on the 802.11s wireless mesh network protocol allows share free Internet access from one connection.
The wireless networking has a range of more than 1 mile, much greater than typical consumer laptops.

Would that really work in cities though? You'd either have millions of people competing for scarce microwave spectrum with their cards all set to a range of over 1 mile, or tolerate hundreds of intermediaries between yourself and the content host. Either way, things would certainly slow down. Meshnets are good for when the majority aren't using them.

there are various configurations of mesh networks available or being developed, with support within cities and rural areas: