Do white Australians intermarry with Aboriginals?

Just asking

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Once upon a time when they were at least fit looking not now not ever we mock abos now.

Punch "indigenous medical students" into Google Images.

It's rare due to their grossness and their low numbers. Lots of halfies up north though, dudes knock them up fair bit

when were they good looking? every single picture I've seen of them makes me nauseous

"abos" around where i live are often blonde and blue eyed, less than one sixteenth abos, clinging to their "indigenous heritage" to get all the government benefits. some people marry these abos so thei kids will get free money from the government and free uni and other benefits and special treatment.

You know there's a new age belief that the abbos are a distinct lower evolved form of the human? They even say that they have superpowers and shit. One theory is that they all share a collective mind (dreamtime) and the whole group shares the experience of the individual. I feel autistic just typing this.

There were less sheeps back then.

Those aren't blue eyes by the way, it's some kind of a condition old people get.

>Those aren't blue eyes by the way

Arcus senilis.

I wouldn't say good looking but they use to have really fit bodies before western medicine/food

do they all get collectively high when one of them huffs gasoline? is that why they huff it so much?

>when were they good looking?
When he was 15 pints deep or so last weekend

pics? for scientific reasons

Irish immigrants were the source of the initial wave of half-casts. Potato niggers have no self respect.

They use to send 10 times as many male convicts out here as female. Weren't a lot of choices.

1st fleet to Australia had no women and lots of irish. Most abos have been half european and not completely hideous since about 1800, but you only ever get shown the pure ones.



Noble looking fellow.
Their creation story is pretty cool.
They were a stone age tribe that was bought suddenly into the modern world without the slow societal progress we made as we went forward.
Alcohol was very bad for them as they had not yet encountered it and had time to breed out the worst alcoholics.
So they have struggled and they have been abused terribly on top of that.
There culture is profoundly psychologically disturbed.
They are generally speaking very ugly, by our standards of aesthetics.

I feel sorry for them, I don't get the hate, it's like hating an injured person for being injured.

never seen it personally but they don't tend to marry anyway they just pump out a shitload of kids with another abo




irishmen had nothing better to do

How do they look less human now

when you're a drunken Irishman


So they can get free shit.

They should, those are some gorgeous looking woman folk right there ! pic related, it's me.

delet this


>I feel autistic just typing this.

Don't. What you wrote there is kind of what happens when you watch a movie.

Cataracts? Glaucoma?

>blue eyes

wow, it looks like ALL blue eyed are kind of wild degenerates

Nords were shit till they were civilized by southern/central europeans, so as abos

This is a misleading photo. Before anyone blames white people, let it be known they were enslaved by the emus.


we hate the faggots who are trying to hand them the world on a platter when they're content to forever live in Fuckoff, Nowhere and get drunk. If they are incapable of keeping up just let them slow down and stop pushing integration.

>slav criticism someones race.
Don't be late to re-elect Putin!

At least we can directly elect our rulers

That makes a lot of sense and it's a really noble way of thinking.

Haha nice one.

They hardly ever married them, but Irish being Irish they did fuck them and spawn generations of halfcasts.

Yes; they become too-clever communists.

12 long necks in

Post half casts. How do they look? Most half cast have abo mothers?

Meet Australopithecus afarensis, direct ancestor of the modern abo.

abos don't get attractive (or even human-like) until like 1/8 abo

a holes a hole after being at sea that long

Oh nice, do you have her snapchat ?

they don't look like aborigines to me

do abos make porn?

>Analysis of the 2006 census reveals that 52% of Aboriginal men and 55% of Aboriginal women were married to non-Aboriginal Australians.

>In Australia's larger east coast cities, the intermarriage rate was well above 70%; in Sydney, as many as nine out of 10 university-educated Aborigines had a non-indigenous partner.

>In the Northern Territory – where Aborigines in are the majority – far fewer choose partners from a non-indigenous background. In the capital city of Darwin, 33% of men and 45% of women marry non-Aboriginal partners, while, in the outback, just 2% of men and 5% of women take a non-Aboriginal partner.

It blows my mind how people would want to mix with such subhumans. Just looking at pics of them makes me feel disgusted. Aussies truly have no standards.


they're increasingly converting to islam because its "da black mans religion"

but they are not "black"

>they're increasingly converting to islam because its "da black mans religion"

That probably isn't the best idea.

not my words mate

anthony mundine says this all the time. he grew up with a white christian mother and he wants to rebel "against da white man" (who provided a good career and supported him.... but nah who cares about that? white man fucken racist!!)

u Neva kNow da pAin of da BLAKKKK man

it only ever happens the other way round.

They're meme Aboriginals, claiming 1/32 status for perks & benefits. Aboriginal genes are weak, the only feature that remains in Quadroons is the fat nose (scientifc name: boong nose.) Aborignals mostly have straight hair, half casts can be reasonable attractive (minus the "cute" nose,) and by the time you mix twice they barely stand apart.

this chick is a half caste.

I would be interested to know which aboriginal metabolic pathways are preserved in half castes.
Are the half-castes more prone to alcoholism?

I'm 1/16'th abo or someshit, so yes

what is her tumblr then?

>Calling others degenerates

Hows your aids Igor?

>blue eyes

100% white according to Varg


super cringy when Americans try to sound British or Australian


You'll find that most White Australians who have lived here for 5 generations or more have a little bit of Abo in them. In the early days of colonisation, White Men outnumbered White Women by something like 10 to 1.

Yeah but to create a quadroon or a 1/32 meme aborigin someone had to fuck a full abo, then another a halfie.
Disgusting for two reason:
1. Mating with a subhuman.
2. Degrading white australians' genetics to the point that in the future there won't be pure whites.

lol no she probably 1/8 about at most

Jem Wolfie

I swear nearly every commercial nowadays where there's a married couple in it is a white girl with an aboriginal guy.

Me neither but apparently they are, northern territory tribe.
Maybe closer to SE asian up there?

Half-caste here.
From lived experience, I've abused pot for a few years and smoked. I was never really into drinking that much, as I was more inclined to smoke pot, play guitar and listen to Black Sabbath.
I only did that for three years of my life, I've given it all up, bettered the direction my life is going and haven't drank alcohol for over a year. I only use alcohol, like wine or cooking sake when I'm cooking.
It's more of a psychological or social inclination for Aboriginals to go down that destructive path than genetically; metabolically, our bodies and livers are shit at handling alcohol. It's prevalent in youth culture, I see Aussies destroying themselves all the time taking pingaz, being doof rats and excessively drinking alcohol. It's also considered a coping mechanism for some; to get something off your mind, get off your head by abusing a vice.

drunk and not enough other women

but abo genes are ultra-recessive

Of course they do. Given the diversity of Australia, you'll have a range of different combinations of people from different ethnic background marrying. There are Aboriginals of varying levels of caste marrying abroad as well.

no way Jem Wolfie is half abo, I refuse to believe that.

Spain giving lessons about not mating with subhumans.

>You'll find that most White Australians who have lived here for 5 generations or more have a little bit of Abo in them.

thats not true. it is true for white americans in the southern states having some african admixture but white australians are mostly pure. imagine how much the government would have to pay out of the majority of us were part boong.

i just dont watch tv anymore except for COPS and (((the news)))


Fuck man ugh

These cunts could not even work out how to make a wheel, seriously, 40,000 years and no wheel. Fucking sub-par dindoos