What DID he mean by this?

What DID he mean by this?

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I think what he means is that people who like wagecucking have a problem.
And that people should strive to be their own boss.

If that is the case I think he's heavily oversimplifying here.
People need to start somewhere and not everyone can be a entrepreneur.
Also most people require the structure a wagecuck job brings.

"The world needs ditch diggers too, billy."
Pompous assholes who try to convince people that everyone should be an executive somewhere are the reason this country is dying.
It's the reason why vocational training in high school has taken a backseat to
Preparing to pay 200 grand for a useless college education you won't be able to use. There are 7 billion of us running around. Some people need to take pride in their menial jobs.
Work hard to get more, but realize that not everybody can have everything all the time.

work should be independent parties working together on a limited contractual basis, not being a wage drone for unspecified amount of time

Thats what I like about the Japanese, I mean they have their problems too but at least they have pride in what they do.
As we should as well, the way you do your job tells a lot about your character.

Except people are happy with the fact that having a contract brings them financial security. . .

just like slaves are happy they have a master

There was s time when this country was like that.
Before kikes turned out children into vapid soulless greedy little cunts who have the attention span of goldfish and no respect for anything they come in contact with.
You really have to work hard to make sure you kids don't act like niggers because of tv.
Just remember, teach your kids these important lessons.
It's on you.

>vapid soulless greedy little cunts who have the attention span of goldfish and no respect for anything they come in contact with.
kids have always been like this.

Taking responsibility, I like you friend.

I'm sure you the CEO of a Fortune 500 hundred company.

I grew up around some friend that Speak like this.
They all have nothing.
Live with their parents.
No kids
No wife
They really have no reason to exist.

Just wait till we start mass producing robot slaves, then we won't need wagecucking anymore.

I know that I'm one of those mother fuckers who will be stuck working 2 part time jobs for the rest of my life and I accept it.

>that posture
>that chest
>that skin

Your point being?
Tv definitely excelarates these traits.
If you work hard as a parent to counteract this, your kids can turn out decent. Just be aware that the media wants your kids to grow up losers.
The bigger the loser.
The more dependant they are.
The easier they are to control.

>They all have nothing.
>Live with their parents.
>No kids
>No wife

yeah but at least they are not slaves

Look at the bottle

Brazilian dreaming about VR headsets and sex robots from his favella.

>Your point being?
my point being that this is nothing new. don't see children as adversaries. attempting to force them to be what you deem is good and just will result in rebellion and dissolution of your values. go back to the roots, and lift your children up with a benevolent hand. anything else is to be avoided.


They are slaves to the handout.
Some of them have jobs, but they are jobs young teenagers should have.
Wendy's fry guy is no place for a man to be.

Salaried = I get payed $X a week to work 40 hours, plus as much overtime as needed, plus walking around with a company phone in my pocket so I can respond to work emails 24/7.

Hourly = I work 40 hours a week and get paid 40 x $X for it. If the boss wants me to work 50 hours, then he has to pay me 50 x $X + 10 x 0.5 x $X for it. When I leave work I am free to forget about work until the next day.

I never said anything about forcing your children to do anything.
You seem to be putting a lot of words into my mouth to make yourself feel smart.
I said to be mindful that the world more than likely wants your child to fail, resulting in a broken easily controlled handout addicted cuck.
Raising children is not the hardest thing in the world to do, but you have to be dedicated. Encouraging and stern.
The thing I like to tell people is that.
It doesn't matter what kind of degenerate homo you grew up as, your child doesn't know that, you can present any outgoing likeness of yourself to your child to their benefit.
If you show them that you're a hard worker who cares about them and act straight edge around them, they are none the wiser that you used to or currently don't have your shit together.
Your kids look up to you. Lead by example.

I'll just pass by to remind you that wageslavery has been considered a cuck thing to do from the start of the human civilization itself. You always had numerous alternatives where you could be your own boss and gain far more wealth (i.e a farmer tilling his land, a merchant, so on) and dictating "contracts" that barely pay you enough so you can survive but also dictate your work hours were actual, literal slavery up until 200 years ago.

Think about it. The reason they're not considered slavery anymore is because they're "legalized" and there's enough supply of slaves to take your place once you leave, so they don't need to shackle you. But once you leave, you're not going to become your own boss, the mortgage plus food plus general living expense will throw you into yet another slavery just a week later. You're keeping the delusion that you're free, but you're not - you're technically stuck in a perpetual cycle of slaving yourself for minimal gains.

The funniest part of this is that people delude themselves to such great lengths and justify it as "helping society". Yes, they actually do believe that their simplistic slave labor is beneficial to humanity and that their "contribution" matters in this extremely hyper-saturated market with about 3bil people worldwide who'd gladly do the exact same job for a 10th of the pay. But who can blame them for deluding themselves, would you be able to admit to yourself that you're a literal useless slave just like that?

guess im a faggot according to the beer I do love a strong IPA

Oh god, not this again.
>But once you leave, you're not going to become your own boss, the mortgage plus food plus general living expense will throw you into yet another slavery just a week later.
So others are supposed to just provide you these things for free? Because nobody told you to get mortgage and relatively high-quality mass-produced food.

Somebody's daddy owns a lawn mowing Business!!
Just think, one day it will all be yours!!!

Fuck you retards and your stupidly broad definition of slave

And if only that picture were a video with audio, the illusion would shatter the moment she opened her mouth.

"So I was like, did you see that dress Tracy was wearing? She looked soooo trashy, I mean I'm not trying to gossip or anything but she totally looked like a bum.
You enjoying your beer hun? Why are you so quiet"

My personal favorite is when that happens at the gym. You notice and some tight 9.5/10 and start drooling in your mind, but then she answers the phone and you immediately hope the battery of her phone blows up on her face and kills her.

Everyone in Japan has pride in what they do for work. Even if they have a shit job that they hate, they will always put in 100% of their effort.

Most countries import niggers to do their lowest tiers of work. But in Japan they have Japanese sweeping the floor and cleaning the toilets in the train stations, and they take pride in it.

I dont understand why pride is a sin desu (as in the 7 sins)
guess it is relative


He meant "I am a liberal nu-faggot who doesn't understand the pride of actually making something, of working with my hands, and of learning a skill. I would rather just write about how future liberal nu-faggots should avoid doing this stuff"

wow you know what

I may be a NEET

but at least I'm not a WAGEKEK

>their "contribution" matters
Good post until this, the labor of a slave does matter. A literal slave might have done little but pick some cotton, but guess what you need that cotton picked. Wagecucks keep societies functioning.

>Everyone in Japan has pride in what they do for work. Even if they have a shit job that they hate, they will always put in 100% of their effort.
weebs actually believe this

confirmed for knowing nothing about Taleb

The man makes a boatload of money but he doesn't have to wageslave for it.

t. never been to japan

We have a saying over here.

If you have money you got no time, if you have time you got no money.

Everyone is a slave for someone or something else, billy. One day you'll understand.

I lived and worked in Japan for 3 years.

Stop, you'll upset the gay, underage communists.

pretty accurate. my life has blown dick ever since i got my career going.