POWERFUL interview of the cast of "Wonder Woman".
>tldr basically if I can find a women as strong as these leading women I\d be MORE THAN happy to stay at home and cook and clean
>get over it neckbeards
POWERFUL interview of the cast of "Wonder Woman".
>tldr basically if I can find a women as strong as these leading women I\d be MORE THAN happy to stay at home and cook and clean
>get over it neckbeards
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>it feel like a huge kibutz
The women in the opening picture is implying that the the new generation of men are "finally" being family men. As if they weren't before.
What a load.
u sound insecure. sorry the video hurt your "masculinity"
Go see this movie goyim im losing sheckles
>>get over it neckbeards
This weird attitude. Neckbreads are a tiny demographic. Most normies just want a good movie, which DC seems to be refusing to deliver.
Anyone who falls for a female led relationship bs is an idiot. Women want to be led by a man. It's in their genes. She'll leave you for a stronger man in a heartbeat.
If you have femdom fantasies, never act them out with your gf/wife. Either jerk off to it or use an escort.
>gadot & pine
both jews.
day of the rake soon plx
No, not at all.
It's implying that men are not "doing their part" in raising the kids leading to this man-hate that's popular nowadays.
The only cure
basement dweller detected.
Are you guys saying that i can stay home all day, push a button to get the laundry done, push a button to get the dishes done, sit all day watching anime, spend quality time with my children, work on my project car, cook delish food and have a woman gib me moneyz?!
I feel like WB are shooting themselves hard in the foot with this. Pulling the ultra feminist narrative is going to hurt them hard when WW does literally nothing in JL and when Aquamans female roles are eye candy only.
amerifat is mad becuz strong women?
>being a woman
>ignoring all the emotional men, because you want a provider
>provider male is over aggressive, can't show emotions, can't show feminine side
>meets emotional/feminine guy
>he wants to help her, loves her
>wont leave her husband, because gibs
>goes to press and talks about evil men and that women are eternal victims
>emotional guy already did an hero because no woman wants him
>meanwhile real good men stay single, because they wont take shit
>woman writes blog "all the good man are gone"
thats the spirit!
what is this shit? a poor man's social engineering attempt?
nobody is eating this
oh great ! another american capeshit cant wait to ignore it
>implying being a stay at home dad isn't the most redpilled job ever
Good my wife can slave away for the man and climb the corporate ladder while I stay home playing vidya in my spare time making sure the kids go to school and kickboxing practice.
You know that for a woman, climbing the corporate ladder involves a lot of climbing on her bosses' cocks right?
Ikr, its the life. Until the fucks lose their job and force you to go back to one.
Oh well.
>when you're only 25 donuts tall
strong women sound like children who want their daddys to be proud of them.
just like strong men want to fuck bitches and get money to get validation and be respected other men.
>Huuurrrrrr durrrrrrr women being in charge of their lives
Stay mad Amercuck. This isn't Pakistan where virgin losers get arranged marriages via family friends.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you some NEET who dreams of being a stay at home dad one day?
>this isn't pakiastan
You're fucking slovenian, pakistan is probably an upgrade.
Also, threadly reminder that every girl above 6/10 in your country moves to jewlywood to do anal porn, then when the visa expires moves back to shitvenia to marry a beta cuck virgin like you.
good, traditional women are cancerous cells that needs to be nuked with chemo.
i respect a feminist more than a traditionalist leech.
Cat lady on the board, I repeat, cat lady on the board.
>You're fucking slovenian, pakistan is probably an upgrade.
It would be. Life in Slovenia is so bad that I have to sniff glue to cope.
whoa! super progressive attitude!
really made me stop to think for a minute... nice one!
can't handle as strong women? thats the reason why you hate them isnt it?
watch the video leaf, watch the video.
i watched it pierre
I posted the video
i mean my video.
whats up with the psyop that is this film, the first trailer looked alright, typical superhero mythos garbage, looked about the same as the best of the recent superman crapola
then the advertising changed promoting the justice league shite, double down on geez look this plucky girl can be a hero also, fucking rhetoric 80 years out of date, it's like the movies could be good if they would just keep their fucking mouths shut and tell the stories
what the hell is China going to think about this garbage? all their heroic myths involve women, we have plenty of other superhero myths that involve women, nobody makes any kind of big deal about the fact that the story has women getting in fights and kicking ass
making the big deal is the sexist part
what the fuck is wrong with the people who are selling this film?
>i respect a feminist more than a traditionalist leech.
well the very first contemporary feminist would be great for you, she was a playboy bunny who worked for the CIA named Gloria Steinem
sounds like your cup of tea, elite wealthy jewess in a playboy bunny outfit
Trusting a whore with you and your kid's futures? Idk man sounds a bit risky.
i mean the feminist that doesn't want to marry an ugly manlet beta for his money to stay home and get fat then divorce him and take half of his shit.
that's the feminist i respect more than the traditionalist men manipulator.
>doesnt realize that pacifism works exactly like feminism
>that the moment the communal guilt on the men is removed
>that even one men steps out of line
>its game over for the women
and the best thing is that when the men are feminized, they also lose the power of violence. Which means that one man can kill and destroy nearly all of the women, all by himself.
Isnt it glorious? Any one man reading these words here could be that one guy.
>stay at home
sing me your song when she leaves you
not an argument.
>they also lose the power of violence.
faggots are anything but nonviolent
>doesn't want to marry an ugly manlet beta for his money
this doesn't exist, if you want to know if somebody really loves you be poor and be ugly
women of sexual dimorphic species are only programmed to fuck with the top 10% or even 5%
in the case of humans, with civilisation women had to marry below their standards for some rice or wheat.
we have data showing women jumping ship of marriage when other financial opportunities are at hand.
they only marry the beta cux, and get impregnated with the alpha fux.
at least feminists refuse to love and marry beta cux.
traditionalist women do marry them.
It's pretty cozy for a bit. Been doing it for about 2 years now and I'm ready to go back to work.
take your tricks somewhere else.
go sow discord somewhere else
>getting butthurt over the truth
>Look at flag
Yep, checks out. Shouldn't you be in the kitchen fixing breakfast for your wife's children?
>149 million dollar budget
>So far its made 18 back
>Femshits screaming on twitter about empty theaters
Man I love when they release these femflop movies, it just really drives the point home.
>I can't get a grillfriend
>It's the woman.
4 serious?
i reject women daily at my workplace.
i broke up with my two last girlfriends bucause they asked me to marry them.
>All the men on set where taking care of the kids.
When the fuck dont men take care of women!
There was no kids on set, you cant film a movie with toddlers running around screaming, the men where doing their jobs like she was doing hers.
What kind of fucking ego does she have to think people are this stupid.Some of her stunt doubles was fucking men or CGI as well!
at least there should be some decent parody porn of this shit
They all have hired help. This is like when politicians go to a grocery store to pretend they know the price of a gallon of milk.
This is why women are so fucking stupid. They don't realize how bad they've been ripped off by the Jew and its "feminism." Instead of being provided for in exchange for light caretaking, they have to go to work at some shit job and never have enough time to spend with their kids. If they left the labor force, the price a company would have to pay a worker would double, then the man alone would be able to provide for his family again. Instead they want to remain laborers and for what? I actually don't get it, why did the dynamic change. Throughout history it would have been degrading for women to be laborers, then suddenly they went to work voluntarily. It doesn't make sense, they got shilled so hard...
>Feminists scream about empty fucking theaters.
>While demanding female only screenings.
>Demand all women screening for Wonder Woman.
>Go opening night just to see.
>Not allowed in.
Don't worry, I'm not watching, I'm a blogger, Ive been coming in and reporting about movies actually, have you noticed an increase in movie goers?
>Blatant lie.
>There are 8 women there.
>Go outside and do some things, buy some popcorn to take home for shits and giggles.
>One of the women left saying "Im not watching some dumb nerd movie."
I dont plan to watch it anyway, not because of femshit, but because I always found Wonder Woman to be a snooze fest like Superman.
>Oh look, nothing can stop me, I'm a giant fucking snooze fest.
At least in certain Batman garbage something happens, Joker cripples a bitch, Joker kills a kid, Batman is really just a crazy fucker.
kek, the only reason the women could be "strong and kick ass" is because the men let them.
I wonder if anyone in the future will be able to use the world POWERFUL or BRAVE without it being a completely laughable word.
"Badass" is my favorite. It's become a euphemism for a woman who does something 75% as well as a man.