Do what he tells you. Fuck us over, take away our money.
By the way, how the fuck is he still not in jail?
Do what he tells you. Fuck us over, take away our money.
By the way, how the fuck is he still not in jail?
I can't believe he is allowed to speak openly.
This explains a lot actually.
Honestly, I hope someone is working on a more wet solution for this monster.
Trudeau's BFF
>be pooland and hungry for power
>ask to join EU
>ask for economic and technological assistance from Brussels
>Brussels says okay you can join EU but you must uphold humanitarian values of EU
>Pooland and Hungry: "Yeah sure give me money!"
>EU requires help to deal with refugees
Just leave the EU and give back the money you took from them you faggots.
>humanitarian values
Ah yes, flooding your country with brown third world rapists so you can have a terrorist attack weekly, the so called EU humanitarian values.
I can't believe he hasn't been murdered yet. It's funny how people nowadays are completely apathic to any real threat to their lives and just let it go, keep going to work, consume and don't think about it. There was a time when fuckers like him were killed on the streets for far less than what he is doing.
Good luck with that, we ain't taking shit
Kukiz is a fucking nationalist party?
Are they retarded?
O kurwa XD
can I get a quick rundown on what the cunt will do to polan?
They see me rollin, they hatin
The entire fucking problem is that the so-called "humanitarian values" are one of the core issues facing the member states of the EU. Flooding your country with rapist shitskins is not humanitarian values, but demographic suicide.
He wasn't able to take down Trump, so who knows
I'd say jack shit as PiS doesn't like him at all. He will try to use his german puppets to do his dirty work though.
>EU makes demands of Poland
>Says No
>EU is powerless
You toilet cleaners ain't half bad sometimes
Anyone find it odd this Jew essentially helped create the 4th Reich through his actions?
Research has shown billions would be saved just by creating camps near the troubled areas and flying the white women over to be raped.
>implying the reich wasn't the jews doing in the first place
you're blue kid
2 years and Soros is history
Check em
2 years and Soros finds out how to consume fetuses for stem cells
check 'em
>keep foreign sovereign nations in democratic check
what did he mean by this?
Also why the fuck do they clain to do anything in the name of Democracy?
It has nothing to do with Democracy. Fuck the elites!
Making a whore out of Democracy makes me mad.
Why they hate us so much? Why they just not leave us alone. We want to be Slavs, we want to read and play Witcher, drink and beat shit from someone from time to time.
I hate you Milkman Dan.
His son is just as bad
Hungary should have solved the Soros question 70 years ago.
There would be less problems now.
A) PiS banned Soros foundation
B) PiS wants to tax the shit out of german supermarkets
C) PiS doesn't like german owned media in Poland
D) PiS buys back banks and make them polish owned again
killing him is too nice
he deserves a slow death
Absolutely, I remember this being one of the most important realistic arguements during the refugee crisis, minus the flying women over there part. It was an arguement based on pure numbers and statistics, so it could appeal to normies without opening up the possibility of them calling you a racist. The economic aspect of it alone would be a feasible enough arguement to stop the so-called refugess from entering, and that's not even taking the cultural problems into consideration which overwhelmingly proves keeping them out would be the best. For some reason that arguement seem to have been lost in the last year or so, haven't heard much more about it sadly.
Kek know of this chaotic plan
>implying he isn't making a caliphate that will launch a Jihad that'll put to shame any crusade. The holy armies of martyrs marching across the world, fueled by half German productivity, will be the stuff of fantasy.
This post is fake news
Just fucking die already..
Slavoj Zizek claims the fact that he hears anti-Soros conversations routinely among Europeans from all walks of life indicates that a "madness" is taking hold of Europeans.
It's a little weird when communists are defending the very embodiment of cut throat capitalism.
>Brussels says okay you can join EU but you must uphold humanitarian values of EU
No, not really.
>EU requires help to deal with refugees
Right. Instead you're being asked to open your borders to mass migration of non-Europeans.
Hence the disagreement.
implying he doesn't have bodyguard, bulletproof car and other protection.
That's really all any of us want, Poland bro.
entropy is real
his son is much less of a concern compared to someone like zuckerberg
to be fair our government does try to do unconstitutional things all the time.
There was recent poll in Poland and over 70% of people oppose taking in refugees and 96% oppose taking any muslim refugees. I want Poland to be monoethnic and homogenous society like it is nowadays. Multicultural society doesn't work in many ways. Soros should stick to sucking males dick and consuming fetuses. Mark my words, Poland will be superpower.
now thats a shit move
>Slavoj Zizek claims the fact that he hears anti-Soros conversations routinely among Europeans from all walks of life
most people have no idea who the fuck soros is though
I have seen many comments about soros in normie leftist newspapers. He's not exactly keeping a low profile, people hate him
So basically hes telling the Union to allow Hungary and Poland to enact their democratically give power to niet allow refugees?
I'm all for it
Wait, I saw Zizek live once. Isn't he like a smartass leftist postmodernist? I remember 0 of his arguments and I try really hard.
Can I come over to you Sup Forumsacks? The cuck life is nothing for me, we can talk about videogames, anime and manga, please respond
only whites allowed
no, we are full.
too many of you came here already also gib reparations for deluge
>tfw people hate our government so much they are starting to side with Soros
Hey now, a bunch of you guys came here for work, I just want to experience and live the slav life
The entire fucking point is to leave Poland polish. Fix your own damn country.
can I come, maybe get a green card by marrying a q t polan girl huh?
So maybe come here as a tourist this summer? Start with the mountains, then move to lakes and then to the sea. We have everything. We even have a desert.
Relax he probably thinks youre an achmed
You are in Shoengen zone. You can come at any time but don't expect any help or getting a job without knowing polish and/or having money.
pepiks are fine with me, you are like our mountain cousins with speech impediment
Fuck Soros.
Half of our government were supported by Soros Foundation 20 years ago and now they are saying that he is the arch enemy.
It is propaganda, nothing more.
Soros is cancer.
But making stupid people think that he is more dangerous than a government which was not able to realize significant growth with the historical amount of EU money in 8 years, is way more cancerous.
says the clinical alcoholic without a knack for accents
If you spell "Soros" backwards, it says "satan"
>he and his family should die
good good, ausgezeichnet!
You are stupid when an ugly tribe move into your country and become dominating in only decades.
You misunderstood me. I'm against that filth too, and I know more than I've wished to understand what's happening here and around. But soon it's gonna be over, no children sacrifice may stop it.
Tell me what is happening in Poland.
You are probably the biggest winner of joining EU.
The country is developing according to every figure.
You have the lowest abortion rate in Europe.
And you elected the biggest idiots in Europe.
>through EU gibs
Not how it works, m8.
How about you stay in your anglosphere and deal with NA politics ya fucking snownigger?
In a short?
1. Switching of forces to stabilize the majority, yet the same "Cirquet", taking every lawful argument from the people, with the mask of purity, that's gonna lead to revolution.
2. Developing Poland to "safe haven" for Jewish people across the globe, by manipulating masses and bordering it from the western europe.
3. Preparing for real-time war, not just economic one, or hybrid.
4. Something I wish to tell, but it can lead only to those numbers "40&4".
keep it up Hunbro
We elected "biggest idiots" because we believe they can make Poland even better. PiS is honestly not bad, economy growing nicely, soon 1€ will be under 4 zl. Honestly PiS isn't perfect, but they are certainly better than EU-cocksucking PO-party.
Can't Putin actually make himself useful and assassinate this faggot?
Do you really think that there is any alternative on a strong EU?
With strong army and common foreign policy?
>Poland and Hungary became the black sheep of the EU together
This is so beautiful.
>be leaf
>suck cock
>ask for more
How about the EU starts listening to the masses all across the continent who don't want refugees and try to actually stabilize the economy instead of making it worse for everyone.
Fucking bitch.
The fact that he even gets a platform when he should have no reason to be there, speaks volumes.
Yes there is, instead of memeing currently one strong EU, Eu integration should take step back and focus on integrating regional blocks such as V4, Francogermania, Nordic Council and union, Baltic states, Iberia etc. Then once regional blocks are formed press further integration. So basically take step back to take two steps forward. There is too big mentality difference between let's say Finns and Greeks, or Germans and Portugese for it to succeed at the moment.
Yes, aliens.
But to be serious the consequences that are being dragged upon us are just about to start. You're gonna see them by your own eyes. Sometimes it's better just to spectate, rather than pick "lesser evil", because (((they))) can't rule forever (and they know it).
>wait for it
>By the way, how the fuck is he still not in jail?
Because not only is he a jew, he's a rich jew.
wtf I love Poland now
The EU is the world biggest economy, with huge industrial and scientific capacity.
We are at a point when USA and China will soon decide who has the biggest dick. Russia will take part in it and Russia's interests are these two fight each other and not with Russia.
It is up to us what Europe role will be in this historical event. A divided Europe would be only a tool. We must avoid that.
basement autists having discussion on foreign policy and alternative to EU like they are in a fucking Davos Forum.
not that I dislike Hungary or Puland, quite the opposite, but better go become a lawyer or industrialist first
As a Hungarian that pisses me off, fucking Jew should be gassed.
>Not democratic
Fuck you, Hungary is very democratic. They even had a referendum on the migrant problem. 3,362,224 Hungarians voted that they don't want shitskins in their country. As for freedom? I will tell you Hungary has more freedom than here and is in no way authoritarian.
It cannot be avoided, because it's part of the (((plan))). Also (despite of the history) I feel sorry for Russia, and for that's going to happen to them due to China. USA is going to be still one of the top players, but it's gonna devour itself from inside in several years.
You're gonna be part of us soon, you may keep laughing about basement autists, no offense.
basement dwelling autists having discussion on foreign policy and alternative to EU like they are in a fucking Davos Forum.
not that I dislike Hungary or Poland, quite the opposite, but better go become a lawyer, industrialist or something first
> being mean on polacks
Cmon son
>you're not worthy of an opinion
Didn't think they'd cuck Latvia this fast.
EU is a criminal enterprise.
it doesn't matter what ideas you have, if you are not in position of power to implement them. So I'd rather see ambitious polax and magyars study for lawyer than share ideas that never gonna get consideration on vietnamese paper plane board.
>playing their game on their boards and wishing for outplay/win against them
Sure buddy. That's how (((they))) grew up in power, so that no one can do anything about the current situation without signing a cyrograph (which still is their game).
so how do you game on your board?
As Einstein said "no problem can be solved, if we're not thinking out of it". Simple as that.
>implying important people back in the day didn't
Do you know that the EU tried to force a little more than 1000 refugees to Hungary?
And do you know that shitskins could buy permissions in Hungary to be citizens and more than 17000 were sold, mostly Chinese and shitskins?
Chine is buying Russia slowly that is inevitable.
Look Austria.
You have been great once. We have been great once together for a very long time.
Since then you are nothing more than a cuck.