Daddy why Trump didn't sign the Paris' agreement? Does he wants the planet do die?
Daddy why Trump didn't sign the Paris' agreement? Does he wants the planet do die?
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you first
I doubt a little girl has even heard of the Paris agreement. The scenario just isn't plausible
My children don't believe in that ecologist bullshit. They know it's a government scam, and as liberterians like me, they want the end of the government.
My dear daughter. You see, Donald Trump is what we in the far flung colonies of Rule Britannia call a "cunt".
He just loves attention and can't distinguish between good attention and bad attention.
If you tell him not to do something, he'll have a burning desire to do it.
Essentially he's a troll, and even more immature than you'd think.
you portray yourself to your children as a gigavictim cuck who is a slave to the government?
Yes yes everything's a scam!! It's all a big conspiracy theory by the evil globalist kikes!!!!!!!!!! *gets really angry at made up people while browsing Sup Forums all day*
But le 4d chess god emperor xD
Butthurt leftards who want always more state cum down their throat.
No. He wants deals that actually help fix the environment, rather than giving a bunch of useless social parasites a chance to fly around the world patting each other on the back and feeling self-important about their "symbolic gestures" while the countries that actually pollute are allowed and encouraged to do so unabated. Basically, imagine if you weren't allowed to have recess so that the fat girl who farts on the slide was allowed to play for longer.
>You can do the trolling.
>We'll find the justifications le 33D chess.
>I love cock.
>MMMM please fuck my ass more jew friend.
t_d fags are like theologians for Trumps idiocy, finding ways to justify it in the modern world.
The world is getting greener thanks to co2.
let it all fucking burn
>leaving a voluntary, non-binding agreement means anything
Because it pisses off the leftist liberals and thats the only thing that matters sweetie
Because he is literally Hitler
That girls is at least 1/4 rabbit.
sure he will sweetie
It doesn't matter honey. Given that you have the vocabulary of a 3 year old, you clearly have a severe learning disability and will be sterilized. Our bloodline ends here.
Don't worry. It takes 4 years to withdraw and by that time Drumpfy will be gone.
Besides, Angie will take care of everything
Now, sweetie, do you see these two flags here? These are what we call "cucks". Their countries will happily kill their little girls to appease outsiders because they feel good about themselves when they suffer. At one time their countries were big and important and feared by their neighbors, they controlled vast swathes of the world with their armies and influence...but not anymore, now they're just cucks!
sure honey
>he says while being the first test nation to prove that euro whites are submissive enough to be okay with being fully invaded by radical islam
You can't seriously pretend like our beaners compare to your shit.
yeah beaners are worse
source; texas railroad murderer
>ok with being fully invaded by radical islam
wrong, stop believing that every Sup Forums meme is true you filthy t_d tard
We systematically kill and uproot blacks and deport beaners, you don't.
Don't you call everyone a cunt?
Whatever you say, Barack.
Stopping climate change is no different than stopping gravity from working.
You fucktards would better boycott """""green""" production of solar panels in China. Oh wait a minute, you don't give a shit about nature, only about screaming "hurr durr murrika bad" and virtue signaling.
In russian it's called "Simulation of working activity", and you should be hanged for it.
Because the Paris agreement was expensive and inconsequential.
you literally had a nigger for president
I dont think Swedes can help being pussies its just genetics. Some of our most cucked states are the ones where Swedes settled in large numbers.
Better than having Hillary for president and possibly better than having McCain for president. Silver lining, he taught us how godawful minority presidents are and kicked off a new wave of racial redpilling.
You literally can't defend yourself if a nigger decides to rape you.
Is this a map of a fjord?
That's an ugly kid
who is this semen demon?
Withdrawing from the Paris agreement may have been one of the biggest shocks the world has seen recently. Everyone took it for granted.
It is a good sign that they complain again of Bannon's influence.
Global warming is one of the main tools to implement its policies at planetary level. That would be the axis of the New World Order, about the common good through the concentration of power in unelected technocrats.
What the fuck is that?
A fucking John Deere mobility scooter? Ahahahaha
Hey wants American to win, sweetie. Thats why.
You guys don't even try to hide your liberal autism anymore
Leotards are nice
No sweetie he doesnt want to send 100 billion a year to "developing" countries like China. He knows a bad deal when he sees one.
>this is your brain on libertarianism
pollutionfags get out
Because we're not dreamer keks like the eurotrash. ((( global warming ))) hasn't ever been anything except a Jewish excuse to raise taxes.
Money, of course.
What kind of innocent child would think otherwise?
Pic related, Trump supporters doing their daily exercise routine.
Studying the Climate Doesn't Make You an Expert on Economics and Politics
In response to the Trump administration's announcement that it was pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord, some of his critics declared that anyone who likes "science" would have supported the accord.
Not surprisingly, Neil deGrasse Tyson rushed to declare that Trump supported the withdrawal because his administration "never learned what Science is or how and why it works."
But what does "Science" (which Tyson capitalizes for some reason) have to do with it?
well burgers enjoy your tornadoes, blizzards and floodings. i'll be over here laughing at you picking up the remains of your houses and children.
I've found the guy who will never graduate but thinks he knows more about the world than the vast majority of scientists.
Honestly, if we stopped everyone who couldn't do calculus from voting then the nation would improve much faster.
you know the paris agreement was bullshit tho right
Because it did fuck all. All of their clauses are barely enforced and any consequences for breaking them were laughable. We we're essentially paying 100 billion a year for people to like us.
And I do believe in climate change. However I don't believe it's as extreme as they want to make it out. Just because someone is a scientist does not mean they're instantly smarter than you or infallible. Money makes the world go around, and why do actual work when you can scare people into giving you it?
If poor people cant vote, how will you pass income redistribution laws?
Honey, paying taxes to third world shit holes is not going to save the planet we need to sterilize them.
Nice, because i did hear soime shit on him agreeing with climate change, wich is ajew hoax to destabalize industrial abilities and favor other countries that then are flooded with shitskins. the decress of production in other nations ofsets the loss that country takes by having so many shitskins 20% turks in germany for example. after the euro the german industry grew and had advantage. result in 2020 they start losing the country to the turks.
Odd to see an Italian posting a photo of a girl in a shirt promoting the lake I live on. Any other Forsyth fags in here?
Why are you saying poor people can't vote?
Becuase that piece of paper was a scam to steal your toy money from daddy.
problem is (((they))) want those shitskins as servants and the intelligent are being slaughtered in a genetic selection to create a serf race.
The Paris agreement wasn't going to save the planet honey. The world leaders and the guys who pollute the atmosphere were the first to approve of this agreement : because it made them look good while not forcing them to do anything efficient.
>t. Irishman living in the UK
Remember yesterday we talked about how the Holocaust never happened, sweetie?
Well it's the same with global warming.
I'm starting to think this Hitler guy was onto something.
You underestimate the reach of the common Jew.
Stop red-pilling these poor people.
Every doubling of CO2 yields 1,5°C. Not 6000000°C, not 100°C, not anything else.
Furthermore it may scale down with quantity, so there may be a point where you can multiply CO2 by 10 or 100 and it wouldn't get any hotter.
friendly reminder Belgium went to Paris with fuck all, and there was close to zero outrage about that cuz hey its non-binding anyway
This No doubt the schools (if not the TV) would already have told her that Trump wants the planet to die. Just that.
I didn't know kids could have kids of their own.
Yes, fuck drumpf sweety
Now aren't you supposed to be on a date with Jamal?