IS NOT just limited to men. Women experience it too!

I found this video very honest and forthright and brave for a person to be so open about this.

First and foremost we must not be judgmental, we must support and love one another and help eachother. That is what's most importnat.

I just wanted to post this to know men or women - you are not alone in your addictions. We are all part of the human race and most support eachother ot get better.

>care for your fellow human you never know what theyre going thorugh

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>not clickbait
>has her bangers on full show

fuck off lying cunt

ur a perfect example of a jedgmental person

i feel sorry for u

seems as tho the video has hit a soft spot 4 u?

>Women experience it too!

like 2% maybe and they are all fatugly


There's that work again


shill your shit elsewhere

Porn and masturbation is unhealthy.
For both men and women!

eh. women love masturbating. used to fuck a girl that would orgasm about 15 times before starting the day. porn is just whatever

thanks for the respsonse! very enlightening. made me think!

u sound like some sort of christian fundamnetalist. the world is more free now. people are free to choose stuff nowe.

It is the work of the Jew.

>making any comment about anything

Thats non argument. Because something is legal to do, doesn't mean its healthy.

What kind of accent is that? It's beautiful.

>making valuable comment ever


she is the most beautiful woman on the earth . just becuz she has a porn eductaion doesnt mean she doesnt deserve to be loved.

is lithethenia a real place? iv never heard ofit

Where is she from? Australian accent?

Is this news to anyone? Women are browsing lesbian porn all the time.

Why do women enjoy lesbian porn if they are straight tho?
Most women i asked said they like lesbian porn and a couple of em even said they like fat guys.

Thinking about watching a porn right now but the selection is overwhelming

i think she's from Ecuador

Same reason many straight guys watch gay porn. It's just exciting and most of the time guys are better at sucking cock than women.

But theres nothing attractive about a man sucking another mans cock.
Maybe its just me but id rather look at em tiddies.

Sounds like you're pretty insecure in your sexuality to be honest. There's nothing gay about watching an artist perform their craft, and if you think it is maybe you should ask yourself if the reason is because you have repressed gay thoughts.

Addiction is just a habit. So its actually not difficult to get rid of.



>Doesn't like gay shit
>He must be secretly gay

Go back to your cuck shed sven

Sounds like WA. Broad but not a queenslander

It may be more "free." We'd be more free if heroin was legal, but if you do heroin you're retarded. Just because you're free to do something doesn't mean it's a good thing.

Not a single piece of furniture.. I bet they are all in her vagina. Women have been putting things in their vaginas for eons.

>straight guys watch gay porn
I have some news for you Sven

Because lesbian porn is "softer" and more sensual than your usual boring hardcore scene.


2 weeks without now, feeling pretty good but restless. I need to learn to fap to fantasies again. Press M to motivate.

Watching lesbian porn is pointless for straight men, since porn requires you to be able to identify with one of the people in the video when watching it. So if you watch lesbian porn you identify yourself as one of the women, and if you also watch straight porn you identify with the woman being fucked by the man.

Enjoying lesbian porn means you're a closeted tranny.

Why would i sound insecure tho?
I mean femenine stuff gets your dick hard theres nothing much feminine about two guys blowing off each other.
Women enjoying lesbian porn probably has something to do with their sexuality that i cant really understand as a guy.
But pretty much no guy ive talked to has said they like gay porn.They could be lying but who knows

Back to your containment board ugly virgin

It's the opposite actually. If you enjoy watching another man fuck a woman you're a cuck. If you enjoy watching a penis you're most likely bi or even gay.


lol sweden

>Not Clickbait


Since over 70% of all porn traffic in India is gay porn and you seem to think that anyone who watches gay porn is gay I think you have some thinking to do as a nation.
Why are you even trying? You're embarrassing yourself. Just be yourself and don't worry about what other people think.


A word so overused it has become meaningless. Every retard who engages in this or that compulsive behavior now blames it on "muh addiction."

Want to know what addiction really is? Drink two bottles of wine a night, every night, for a month or two. Stop suddenly.

Women don't admit they get addicted to porn cuz of the implication.

>just be yourself
You wut. Stop assuming that everyone enjoys looking at cocks just because you do.

Well you made it farther than me i always relapse after about 1 week.
Just remember that right after you jerk off you regret it really bad.
If your subconsiously coming up with justifications dont.Thats your penis making those justifications not your rational self.
-You jerk off
-feel like shit and promise yourself you wont do it again but for real this time
-Time pass
-you try to justify jerking off
-you jerk off
Dont get trapped in this circle

yeah right not even that i bet its something like 0.2% if anything its such a low fucking number that its a fucking joke and I highly doubt these hot blond chicks are addicted to fucking porn. Seriously what the fuck they might be addicted to sex which there are nymphomaniacs which is pretty much the entire population of females now days anyway its okay to go fuck as many guys as you want so gives a shit

>F r e e l e e

Look at the calibre of this fuckwit's videos. Also, her ex is one of the biggest faggots on yt

>Citations needed

>>F r e e l e e
oH i JUST FUCKING FOUND IT! This stupid cunt is an insane raw vegan retard. Now shes doing this? HAHHA Fucking cunt I wish someone would remove these fucking idiots from the earth her and durianrider fucking mentally ill retards

>>Straight men watch gay porn

Sounds like she went cold turkey from the bbc

Was her ex durianrider? They are fucking insane rich assholes. Also she got a tit job? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA so much for being raw vegan

>Look i can be as disgusting as any beta male.

Also the whore shock tactic is so twitch 50 years ago.

Sure i mean you could be a guy watching gay porn just out of curiosity or other reasons.
But at the end of the day im pretty sure a straight man would rather masturbate to a woman taking it in the ass.

can someone explain to me how people get addicted to porn

like, you fap, and then you're done and go do something else. I don't see what the big deal is

being into anal is a warning sign

Thanks. Running is a good way to fight the porn because it consumes so much energy. I dont see any bad in normal fapping. I was a month without fapping and came two times in my pants during night.

You fap again later.

I was trying to imply that seeing a woman taking it in the ass is much more desirable than seeing a man taking it in the ass

yes, and?


Basically it is that you cant fap without it because it ia boring. Destroys imagination.

That vide where he advocated eating a 10 lb bag of sugar was art. Dude's a world class shit poster.

god damn vegans are insane and fucking lures in women into this cult like shit its fucking weird as fuck. THe massive amounts of food freelee was eating costs a fuckload of money and is fucking disgisting. they just keep lying about how great there shitty raw vegan diet is. I'm glad freelee is getting shit on though I wish all of these retards would drop dead

Unlike other addictions porn had a down time,you dont do it at the same rate as you do other addiction.
ut its still damaging

u guys are just jealous

durianrider is one of the most most sexy, smart and healthy men in the world. sorry you guys are jelly


You fap every day, multiple times, increasing the amount and level of fetishes as normal fucking wont get you hard anymore, then when you meet a girl IRL you like and want to fuck you cant get it up as shes not into shoving horse sized dildos up her ass

Desensitizes you first of all. Gives you reward for doing nothing, dat serotonin etc, so when you go out into the world to do anything else nothing is giving you same satisfaction as just plain sitting alone home fapping so eventually one becomes less inclined to do anything meaningful at all

I think this is a recent video of her ex putting some guy in his place for being rude to him

something something brain release dopamine when watching porn something something
watch this faget

you spend hours edging and develop and crave more fucked up fetishes each time

looks like a fucking cancer patent

oooh tedx from some christian faggot

is OP disabled???

Gayest post this side of the century.

Not advocating watching porn, but why couldn't you just imagine yourself fugging both of them?

He's right though. I wouldn't watch gay porn though. Just search for good trap videos and it's perfectly fine.
Boipucci is nice and tight

you're not wrong

we can fix this by banning pornography

Women are only addicted to porn because they were abused.

i never knew cancucks posted limp poser shit

Because straight porn is 100% of the time focusing on the male's experience and pleasure so the male viewer can put himself in his position and usually as a power fantasy with rarely anything sensual about it, lesbian porn's the the most common place to find a female POV in professional porn, e.g. pussy licking that isn't just a few tentative licks and a woman actually being kissed and caressed (god forbid).

I mean it's still all for the male gaze so it inevitably devolves into jackhammering a strap-on like it's a fight to the death while she wails like she's broken her leg but there's usually something vaguely approaching intimacy at the start.

it affects your ability to get hard or cum during real sex over time

i agree... and thats quite the picture you painted there

Well I came.

it checks out

Porn(and its Fetish Promotion) is filled with Social Engineering & Subliminal messages/images. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Hi , i'm user and I'm a chronic fapper.

Hi frank:)

M nigga M all up in yo shit nigga

If women cared at all about me I would not need porn. The only reason porn addiction exists is due to neglect, it becomes a surrogate partner.

fucking sweden

>not wearing a thong
instant turnoff