this absolut madman has an iq of 175. why don't you, brainletts?
This absolut madman has an iq of 175. why don't you, brainletts?
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He said he got tested once for 150 and it's lower now since he aged you dipshit.
I love how this photo is taken with minorities and loo poos in the background, as if he really is that different from the SJWs he hates.
my iq is 83. niggas better watch out.
IQ is determined at birth, roughly speaking, your ability to be useful to western civilization isnt.
Maybe focus on that.
This thread reeks of the unsorted.
>makes a worthless, meaningless post
all is right with the world
>He said he got tested once for 150
all memes. IQ tests dotn work the way autists think they do. results in numral are only viable for groups not for individuals - which they were mostly designed around.
For individuals is sign below, below, average, above avg, sing above...Peterson is the latter.
wtf does Bucko mean? Why is it associated with Peterson?
In croatian Bucko means chubby.
>IQ is determined at birth, roughly speaking, your ability to be useful to western civilization isnt.
yes, notice that many leftist have pretty high IQ
He's a bluepill faggot paying shills to sell his books
>clean your room
Clean your head!
I would argue that your "upper limit" is determined at birth but since IQ is just How much you know/how much you should know at your age x 100 that nurture plays just as much of a role as nature. If you have the genetic potential to get up to 150 IQ if you grew up like Mowgli you would still test in double digits.
Complete bullshit, IQ doesn't measure your knowledge, it measures your problem solving, pattern recognition and short-term memory.
Uhh sorry bud but you're a dumb retard
They have shit genes.
167 IQ
9" cock
Bow down, faggots.
>muh iq
This. He should have called them niggers told them to leave him alone and started screaming siege heil death to all kikes in the middle of the campus.
No thanks, manlet.
>9" cock
It was 160 yesterday. These cancer slidethreads need to go.
I agree, thats why I said roughly speaking.
Bucko is like "kiddo" I think or simply boy.
>leftists have high IQ
Yes if you watch Petersons lectures you will find out that it has little to do with IQ.
It had more to do with trates like high orderly (more likely nationalistic) I dont remember what he said about leftist though besides that they do it because they feel like they are helping everyone (like a mother helps children).
basler ist ein huso
>Yes if you watch Petersons lectures you will find out that it has little to do with IQ.
>It had more to do with trates like high orderly
Better explanation of leftist having higher IQ is becuase progressivism is simply the religion of the day and high IQ people are more in the system and therefore more influenced by systems religion. Sowells book Intellectuals and Society talks in more detail about that.
Peterson uses word Bucko often? why is it associated with him?
That's a huge problem. A big, big problem. Absolutely no joke
Yes he says buck sometimes
>vid not related
I have a job a house and a family. I'm winning.
I don't have to be smart, I just have to not fuck it up.
I only have 120, my best score is in "verbal comprehension" (don't know the term in english so I translated literally), 140 point.
This is now a circle-jerking thread.
175 is barely above average for Whites.
>And if he has the time — he says he’s going to ask U of T for a sabbatical — he would very much like to blow up the entire concept of a university, much of which he argues has become obsolete and corrupt: top-heavy with administration, weighing down recent graduates with massive debt in what should be their most creative and adventurous years, ideologically contaminated by “postmodernism” and ultimately, he believes, unsustainable. All the universities really have left is a stranglehold on accreditation, he argues, and he predicts someone will disrupt that status quo soon enough.
>“I think you can make a case … that the university basically exists wherever people actually want to be educated in the higher sense,” says Peterson. “And I don’t believe that that’s the case in the universities (themselves) any more in the humanities. I think the university is gone from the university already, and I would like to begin to offer the essential elements of an education in the humanities on YouTube.”
You missed the point faggot, he is reinventing and rebranding SJWism by focusing on identifying with these groups.
He is not creating a new and improved discourse for cucks like you to obsess over he is just "anti-SJW" also he was weaned off of the university system, the same one that isn't helping Canada innovate as well as the USA.
IQ means shit for all, I'm just barely over 100 and I built a business, make more than the average neurosurgeon and have managed to produce 3 white children.
tl;dr ($) ($)
>>Peterson uses word Bucko often?
He uses a lot of really weird and outdated hippie slang, like a stereotypical goofy stoner uncle. Helps with branding and public image when you consider his target audience.
you're talking out your ass on assumptions you're making from a picture of him speaking with people who aren't white in the background. proofs that he is "identifying with" the people that want him out of the fucking university or fuck off
I heard him on Joe Rogan in it's entirety. He should have made his point and ended his crusade right there. He talks about being thanked by members of the Trannie community, etc. He would never call homosexuality and all these other sexualities degenerate bullshit so what makes him somebody who would talk about how Canada's huge push for immigration to be a huge mistake? He is a reactionary who made some decent points, he is no leader.
According to the Mensa test, mine's above 135 but I doubt it, lol.
he's smarter than Molymeme. that's for sure.
I'm a dumb nigga comapred to either of them.
Why are you looking for someone to follow? He is an intelligent, articulate man in academia who is looking out for young men and pushing against Marxism when nobody else is.
He's an educator. He speaks the truth and talks directly about the danger of Marxism and what's happening in the universities today. If you're looking for some "leader" on YouTube to tell you what to think, fuck off and stay off this board.
134 IQ
7" cock
Look down on me, faggot.
>Normalized IQ distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 15.
>the average is not 100
what did they mean by this?
calibration is never perfect.
yeah mathematics is a social science
>yeah mathematics is a social science
statistics is a social science. not even lying.
most of statistics is based around "good enough" principle unlike mathematical thinking.
175 IQ, on what test? What was the SD of test scores?
If anyone claims their IQ to be this high and doesn't include the information I asked for above then there are two possibilities:
1) They're lying
2) The test they did was shit
its supposed to measure how fast you learn. so if you learn fast you will also probably know more knowledge
100 is the global average.
oh yes normalizing a distribution is a good enough principle
statistics - a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data
Kek, funny how blacks seem to never do the last thing
>Global average
Maybe in europe.
sure, but those 5 Asian countries having 105 iq and Africa having 100 countries
Thats some hardcore larping mate
why has every other IQ map I have seen shown Italy as the highest in Europe?
>statistics - a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data
underage janez pls go. most statistical tests are used on "good enough" principle as is whole empirical science and hypothesis testing.
math is not empirical science.
im not sure if anyone really know if the upper limit of IQ really matters. if you have 130 you can be a theoretical physicist or whatever you want really. but over that it might not be of any use at all. example many of the highest IQ people 180 and such does nothing with their lives. and people in 1% IQ groups don't really produce anything , they should be able to take over the world if it made such a different.
Statistics isn't a social science. It's not that "good enough" is the principle, we make best guesses with the information we have because statistical models are imperfect. We can never say with 100% certainty that our guess is correct because that's all it ever is, a guess. We have to balance our capacity to determine an answer with our need for a perfect answer.
Spoiler: All of mathematics works in the exact same way, only statistics is this explicit about it.
It just shows that many minorities don't give a fuck about your pronouns and your retarded ass complaints xir
Becuase i dont need to prove how smart i am with a number
168 IQ
10" cock
9 o'clock shadow
Prostrate thineselves to me ye empireless vagrants.
East Asia drags it up, Europe (and Caucasian majority countries) is roughly average if ever so slightly under, the rest of the world drags it down. I repeat, the global average is 100, that's the point of IQ tests. They are normalised to be 100 at the mean.
Yes it does, look at populations. Do some fucking reading on the subject, the distribution is normalised.
t. brainlet manlet shrimp dick.
might not be normalized per country. but per human, so if china has 110 in IQ avg. then thats billions of 110s
Pining for Hitler are we
>All of mathematics works in the exact same way, only statistics is this explicit about it.
mathematics is logic.
statistics is in between logic and empirical science.
empirical science is by nature of empirical method faulty.
statistics unlike mathematics is faulty.
>Statistics isn't a social science
I used as an expression, statistics is pretty tied to social science and all of science in general.
Dumb people tend to forget to include a source when making such a claim.
>Believing it has an avg iq of 110
That's just dumb!
In my case it's both.
ok mainland has 105 and hong kong has 108 my bad
You don't have a fucking Scooby Doo what you're on about mate, I'd probably give it a rest now.
>mathematics is logic
So is statistics.
You need to go away and read some books m8.
jesus shit
that's Einstein level. Makes my measly 124 look like peanuts
Oh yes the 2 billion chinks with an iq of 105 average out to 100 with 5 billion people bellow 100
you're a retard m8
Hey Cheese slicer man, maybe you shouldn't believe the first Google result, just as you shouldn't believe all Germans are Somalis when Googling them.
What about Mensa? Tell me the name of the test you took with Mensa. I've taken the Mensa tests so I know what they use.
are you me?
>dark brown hair
>blue eyes
being so average is suffering
its difference of induction and deduction.
if you have one apple and i give you one more, then you have two apples. There is no probability involved. its 100% true
i liked the google results i found, because there Norway beat Sweden and Finland. that one is more more reasonable i think
come along good Goy... You have earned several Good Goy points today
but user, the sources say...
You just can't compete with Finnish superiority.
Get on our level boys.
Wow, you shouldn't breed.
>no tits
>no ass
come on man, no wonder your country is getting cucked
Yes, that's because you have all the information you need to work with to give that answer. If you don't know how many apples I have then you don't know how many I have if you give me one. It doesn't make statistics any less valid, any less logical, any less of a science.
I am pretty sure the country china men are not tested/counted for example.
I am sure they have a proper IQ, but something tells me China likes to pretend.
talented autiste general
>>mathematics is logic
>So is statistics.
DENSE TWAT. empirical science any hypothesis testing is not logic. logic is unempirical. you have no idea what are you talking about.
>You need to go away and read some books m8.
yob education. I could recommend you some non autistic lit about philosophy of science if you were nice but drown yourself in paki sperm bro.
>Oh yes the 2 billion chinks with an iq of 105 average out to 100 with 5 billion people bellow 100
lay of the drugs uneducated chefur. also leave slovenia.
Don't you know low iq correlates positively with small penis? This was tested with down syndrome patients, could be biased.
Hate to break it to you, but picture related is far more representative of modern Ethiopians
IQs cant be measured with 100% accuracy since too many factors weigh in like your mood, age, health, time of the day you are taking the exam ...
first get a job with that big nig brain of yours
If you know how the questions work or are going in completely blind.
Just having a brain and knowing how certain questions can work ahead of time can easily result in a 20-30 point shift.
i remember seeing the sample was from shanghai and included educated people.
have you every beent o countryside in china or walked thru chinatowns around the world?
Cattell Culture Fair III A
138 iq
highschool dropout
i'm currently a truck driver
i don't know if iq is a meme but i failed at life anyway
>IQs cant be measured with 100% accuracy
based Hrvat! but remember you are speaking to autists here. IQ in numerals is only for groups, for individuals numaral IQ gets messed up on extremes.
I'm smart!
Well I haven't seen Norway above 100 on any of them.