Divorce rates are astronomically high and birth rates are astronomically low, how can we reverse this?
How do we rebuild families in the west?
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Date asian girls.
Good option if you are an Asian
Incentives to natives to reproduce, aid, healthcare, high quality patriotic education, deportation of colored invaders. Shaming of stepparents should stop as well. Some White men and women sometimes got in a situation they had little control over. Not a reason to ruin people's lives. My fiancé has a daughter and I couldn't imagine a better woman to be with
I'm not asking how do I personally have a stable relationship, I'm asking how do we improve this situation in the west. Also Asians in the west are at best marginally better.
outfits in order of hotness:
exploration > renaissance > middle > victorian > ancient > 20th century
>Victorian isn't number one
wew lad
Jenna is the hottest girl in the pic but not the best outfit
lex julia
Shame the fuck out of childless women.
Let them know being an old childless spinster isn't like sex in the city. Its a horrible, lonely life, with zero appeal.
There is nothing more disgusting than a 35 year old woman at a bar.
Fuck no, my children will have blue eyes.
Get women out of the workforce
Well ask yourself
Is making babies genetic?
For every other animal on the planet it is.
So we have created a modern cultural economic environment where people are are bad at making babies don't make babies and only the people who really want to make babies and are good at make babies....
What sort of baby making genes do you think all those babies will have?
Good baby making genes or bad baby making genes?
Now with all all the bad baby making genes purged from the population leaving only the good baby making genes do you think there might be a change in baby making trends?
So to answer your question.
Wait 20 to 30 years.
>Wait 20 to 30 years.
We had high divorce rates for quite a while now and there doesn't seem to be an evolutionary change occurring yet.
There have always been divorces in Europe.
There have ways been sluts around the world.
You aren't living in some nature changing era. The people of today existed the same long ago. It's stupid to think that there never was any prostitutes that stuffed their bras and shit.
The only difference you experience is how you have technology giving you access to seeing all of these things and it bothers you because you can't disassociate reality on your computer from real life.
>There have always been divorces in Europe.
>There have ways been sluts around the world.
I'm not saying there weren't but the current rates are much higher than most of human history, and birth rates are much lower.
No there isnt. It's a historic low because women now have the right to dignified jobs. But our populations are in the billions so yes there are literally more prostitutes in our societies but not compared to population density. And you have to think of the country in question. Poorer country's offer no benefits to women and wealthier countries will give plenty of incentive to keep their legs closed.
You're watching too much television.
The birth rate discussion is another topic entirely.
Set proper (for the goal) standards appropriate to your sex. Have children. Raise them as best as you know how. Leave the camp better than you found it. If you've done that, and had at least two that produce grandchildren, you have succeeded in the strict biological sense.
As for restoring the fitness-gradient to a playing field appropriate for the task, strip out welfare entirely. The problem will solve itself over the course of the next 60 years as the couples that produce functional families (because humans _need_ their families for survival) are the last ideals standing. All else was chaff.
Those among us that succeed will have done so at the cost of witnessing an unfathomable amount of suffering. But it must happen.
Probably getting yourself a big ol can of shut the fuck up
lel nice hbo rome pic
also the renaissance and age of exploration overlap.
Would you be so kind as to provide a picture of your tits? If not, please depart forthwith.
The problem is people argue in relationships but are so used to film, television and other media that they believe that a perfect relationship is one in which you get along perfectly at all time. When they teach kids these days about relationships they should teach them that people argue and always will. Older generations didn't go cry to counsellors about their problems they dealt with them like adults. My girlfriend and me argue but we don't decide to break up just because we don't get along 100% of the time. If these people just grew a backbone, fixed their own problems instead of throwing them on others they would be inclined to have children and these problems would be gone.
Traditional Catholicism
She looks too clean for middle ages.
why dont you just let it burn?
my course of action is to get married and have children.
for people that are having trouble doing this, my advice is try and be your fathers class of man. dont be a victim of stupid trends and the new style of feminine man. take care of yourself and better yourself and everything always ends up being better.
search not for a red pilled or virgin wife. but prioritize good moral and family values and help restore that in women.
the constant belittling of both men and women by the media just drives people apart. being understanding and moving towards a goal with a woman is the only effective way i know. chicks cant swallow hard red pills and you shouldnt expect them to. most really cant handle it. maybe because they dont care.
a bluepilled but loyal and caring woman is ideal. talk politics and betterment with your male friends. rely on a woman as a caretaker and enforce her natural role of this. its rewarding for men and women.
my 2c
>My fiancé has a daughter and I couldn't imagine a better woman to be with
It's not just women. But men also need to step up.
These unemployed men from the 1930s look smarter and better dressed (and prouder, which is important) than even the richest today.
The problem is that the culture does everything to pull both sexes into degenerate lifestyles, so even if one of them manages to resist there's a strong chance that the other wont and ends up slutting it up.
>No there isnt. It's a historic low because women now have the right to dignified jobs.
Divorce rates are slightly lower than the peak of the divorce epidemic in the 1970s, that doesn't mean it's at a 'historic low' it is still far higher than the vast majority of human history. I don't know why your fixated on the on the 'slut' issue that isn't want I was talking about, the OP was very clearly referring to birthrates and divorces.
so right.
you dont. your desires mean nothing to the collective. your selfish need to have things be the way they were again will not happen. your obsolete
but look on the bright side OP. race mixing is fairly uncommon even in degenerate america according to census data
Have conflicts and wars. After WW2 there was a massive baby boom.
Also in Israel the birth rate is the highest out of any developed country and higher than most muslim countries.
Wars are good for social cohesion, the economy and keeping immigrants out. Without the constant muslim threat, israel would be like sweden.
a milf AND a loli!?
>My fiancé has a daughter and I couldn't imagine a better woman to be with
wew lad, you must be a beta cuck or really desperate... you're raising a brood parasite and you're being used by that woman... what do you get in return? one fuck a week at best? It might be cheaper to just hire a russian prostitute for 100 rubli or a bottle of vodka per week.
In every single one of those pictures, those women were dependent on men. And when you're dependent, you do what you have to do to survive. That means suppressing your proclivities. It means not biting the hand that feeds. Women can now vote, and they've voted to be dependent rather on the state, than any particular man. Taking those facts into consideration, it's obvious what you need to do. But you'll fail.
About leveling the fitness gradient: social security, food stamps, government do-nothing jobs, medicade, foreign aid, the whole smash. It all has to go. And it will anyway as the population continues to age and governments and pensions go bankrupt.
This will be framed and perceived as theft, discrimination, and even murder and genocide, but it will be none of those things. It will just be that the world can't sustain the chaff any longer. Not because resources aren't available. But because most of the planet has been under mismanagement or malice (however you choose to view it) for at least the past five generations.
The able-bodied locusts will leave the countries affected and attempt to parasitize some other virtuous and naive populace (if one exists). That will free up tremendous amounts of resources for those of us actually contributing to human survival.
Those that were actually good people, although dependent will (hopefully) have living friends or family capable of supporting them. Many good people will be conned by bad ones into doing same until the virtuous (but non-confrontational) are (more gradually) eliminated from the species.
Most of those (both unvirtuous and dependent) or (unlucky) will allow their standards of life to decay in-situ and force the consequences of their dependency into everyone's recognition (knowingly or not). Beggers, theft, deaths from confrontations with desperate people, and sharp spikes in mortality in all age groups not able to exist independently.
These are of course broad predictions and generalizations. But many of us have seen this film before, and can project a trajectory.
You can't rebuild without first allowing the rot to fall off. I assure you, user. It will be heartbreaking. And I hope I'm wrong.
honestly most of you are too autistic to "save teh west"
this is the truth. a lot of the autism preached here is too extreme.
you dont. the traditional family structure is not cherished by women because they think it is oppressive and undesireable. so, let's give them what they want.
the most important thing right now is for us europeans is to make sure we dont decline in numbers, we need to counteract the mass migration we facing. so what we need to do start doing is just filling desperate women with as many babies as we can then fuck off somewhere else and do the same thing all over again. all people want to do these days is persue their hedonistic fantasies to no end. well lets show them what this leads to. in 10 or so years there will be a whole generation of single mothers with no man in their life left bitter and depressed and alone thinking where it ll went wrong. the young generation will look at their parents/grandparents and realise that if they dont want to end up old and alone like them having a proper family is the answer.
we will have to sacrifice our own chances at a happy family life so that our children can live better lives.
...says this guy
I dunno.
Heard a stat from a gay British presenter who loves trains the other day.. In Venice during the 17th century (Casanova times) apparently 12% of the population was in the field of prostitution. Just pure degeneracy under the guise of status, they even wore masks like in Eyes Wide Shut and had those kinds of parties.
I wonder what proportion of the population had stds.
Should haev made one for 21st century as a contrast.,
Even if that is true I doubt Venice was at all representative of Europe as a whole, and divorce rates were definitely much lower.
>well dressed
Pick one
I think the original did but I cut it out because I don't like distasteful things, try searching the image.
This. Women no longer need to be tied down to a single man, so their true nature comes out. All these talks about how women are being corrupted, and other nonsense, just shows Sup Forums isn't as red pilled as they believe
>in 10 or so years there will be a whole generation of single mothers with no man in their life left bitter and depressed and alone thinking where it ll went wrong.
No point teaching women a lesson they are wholly unable to learn because they will help each other rationalize it incorrectly. What you propose is the cause of gangs and impulsiveness like the worst of brazil.
tfw already learning japanese in order to get a qt 3.14 nip gf
Feels good tbqh
This. I can report it worked for me.
>help restore that in women.
Don't sleep with a woman before asking her if she wants kids. This is a fairly easy thing to ask, and men are often blind to it. But you will instantly understand her priorities and expectations, and perceptive women appreciate forthrightness on this topic prior to asking them to commit biologically. While I was dating, I used it as a gauge of self-awareness.
>>[most] chicks cant swallow hard red pills. you shouldnt expect them to.
I've also found this to be true. But I know many that can. Communication is key. With women, it's easy to fight over things you agree on over subtle matters of framing. No matter what anyone tells you, they have a biologically-mandated behavioral and cognitive differential versus men. I'd suggest trying to take advantage of it and find someone who you work and communicate well with. Red pills will travel both ways on accident if you are well-balanced.
>>a bluepilled but loyal and caring woman is ideal. talk politics and betterment with your male friends. rely on a woman as a caretaker and enforce her natural role of this.
I know a couple who went this way, and it's indeed working well for them. Viable strategy.
Why bother.
With GMO baby's I can have an unlimited amount of white babys. This will speed up when we start using animals as surrogate wombs.
Genetic engineering is the future of the white race.
When's the last time an Asian woman in the West had more than 2 kids? Probably before the birth control pill.
It's not just women. But men also need to step up.
Men should build civilizations. We offer the product in the sexual market.
Women should chose the best civilizations for their children. They are the consumers of the best (and only they can decide what "the best" means). There will be many competing and mutually-exclusive definitions of "the best".
All of the burden-of-choice for the continuation of the species falls on women, and women alone. It is the price they pay for their preferential default social position.
The women must decide to leave work if they want to have families. All a man can do is improve the quality of the field she is selecting from.
>Some White men and women sometimes got in a situation they had little control over. Not a reason to ruin people's lives.
I basically agree with this sentiment. Of course there are actual dire situations which result in single motherhood. However, every divorced person with children will paint their situation as dire. So we now have a general societal acceptance of broken families, when typically, the reasons for divorce are overwhelmingly selfish and uncompelling.
If you have children, you must have a family. You must keep your family together. It is the one thing in the world they cannot doubt.
Of course, your fiance could instead be an unwed single mother. Not ideal, but not as bad as the kid having to watch mom or dad leave, I suppose.
Still, best of luck. You're in the kid's life now, presumably as a father. Please don't treat this obligation as casually as many do.
>"the best"
their choice of "best" is a different dick every week. Diversify the gene pool. Wanting loyalty is the man's value and she obliged because there was no other way to do so before and keep your scoial reputation in check.
I would also add (without calling anyone out) that race taken alone is a pretty lousy indicator of who you will work well with.
However, I suspect there are phenomenal effects at work that (if present) should be expected to differ across ethic lines. But I have scant objective evidence of this. Anecdotally, I know that I've only felt chemical attraction to women from my own race.
I would gently suggest tempering your notions of "racial purity" with the certainty that (as men) to argue over it is retarded. That's a woman's argument.
You should be one-uping each other over who has the most value as a mate. That would be the positive channel for the tribalism.
Reverse women's right to vote.
>How do we rebuild families in the west
1st one is a cheating whore plebeius cuckus
Pair bond males and females when they turn 18
Country life. Degeneracy and temptations are related to urban life. Also, living in the countryside is really good for children, and you will have more space.
Fair points. The answer to that as men is:
Refuse to get involved with single moms.
Maybe make an exception if she's a widow. You get my point, I think.
Don't. EVER. Build someone else's dysfunctional future. Especially at the cost of your own.
But also realize that because there are mutually-exclusive definitions of "the best", the way that you advertise will affect the sort of women you draw interest from.
Drawing shitty women too often?
What are YOU doing wrong?
This is what Sup Forums is all about, you cannot rebuild anything without removing (((those))) subversive elements.
It's like trying to get fit while you have a gangrenous infection, you deal with the infection before trying to get fit, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.
Vorenus deserved better
You probably won't like the answer but the best way is to make people start taking their religion seriously. There are little pockets of devout Christians around, trad Catholics, Amish, and Mormons for instance, and all of them have fertility rates well above replacement; these will be the Whites of the future. It's the fall of the Roman Empire all over again
The introduction of the Pill.
Also, if you want to raise and encourage child birth in the native population. Stop giving funds to LGBT organisations. They are nothing but juvenile idiots who does not want to participate in society for societies gain.
>Refuse to get involved with single moms.
>Don't. EVER. Build someone else's dysfunctional future
Doesn't matter if you get involved with them or not. Either another man or the state will look after them.
Men work hard and aspire to the ideal woman. When there is no ideal woman anymore men drop out. There is no point growing up (taking on responsibilities).
You could actually argue that waifus are a good standing as long as the man realises that 1. They need to work hard to be the waifus ideal 2. The waifu is not real.
We need to remove the welfare state?
By watching cuck porn because of your racial fears and calling all women whores.
We need to go back. Way back.
Middle ages sounds like a good reset point.
>how can we reverse this?
idk, stop being a virgin cuck orcposting in your mother's basement, and go out and eat some pussy
Start shaming single mothers
Slow down immigration
Tax breaks to newlyweds
>eat some pussy
Spread facts about how feminism leads to a childless life.
I can vouch for this.
I live near a nature reserve, and things are fairly laid back here.
You stop oppressing children and allow them to get married (first each other, when technologies advance you allow inter-agial marriages too)
of what pook was those facts pulled?
Protip: There is skanks in every year of our lord, from the beginning to the last. Prostitutes and cheating bitches are eternal.
OP simply shows the highest class women, princesses and homestead wives.
What he fails to mention is that princesses and wives regularly fucked plenty of men. ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES
This is the true blackpill, your best choice is to lock up the woman you find desirable in a basement and rape her for children.
you start bleaching
>submissive women
>most enjoy slave play
>fierce when need be
>make good fried chicken
the op is
Simple, be a man, not a man child. Be prepared to be rejected A LOT but always be up front with what your goals are toward a prospective partner. Think with your head not your dick. Eventually you will find someone who aligns with your worldview/goals.
It will happen organically. Once the Western hegemony over the world comes to an end, many places will descend into anarchy. Our way of life will change dramatically, since we no longer have the resources to keep this kind of life up. We can no longer afford to have women running our countries socialist programs, so we will return to patriarchy. Obviously promiscuity will come to an end, marriages will increase and so will birth rates. It will all get far worse before it gets better, but both are inevitable.
yeah, i want my children to look nothing like me and be damned to eternal servitude because of their 95IQ!
top left is a jew
There's nothing wrong in breeding with Jews as long as you raise your children properly, i.e., not as Jews.
>There's nothing wrong in breeding with Jews
except for ruining your bloodline and ending it, to start another jew bloodline
your kids will be forced into jewery eventually.
I'm not talking about Arabic or Ethiopian Jews, but European ones. There are blonde Jewesses. Breeding with one is certainly not going to ruin your bloodline.
>There are blonde Jewesses.
yes, jews are the ultimate race mixing parasite.
what you're saying now, is that race mixing is good, because when done often enough someone can end up blond
kill yourself
>what you're saying now, is that race mixing is good, because when done often enough someone can end up blond
I'm not saying that, but I don't bother talking to you any longer. You're not capable of such things.
>kill yourself
We should gas retards like you. You do nothing but harm to everything rightist. If you can't behave like a human, we don't need you. We will never get our countries back for as long as we have to associate with the kinds of you.
not possible
>We should gas
faggets like you who wish to breed into judaism.
if your mother is a jew, you are a jew.
meaning, if you have kids with jews, they are jews.
ban divorce
ban abortion
ban contraceptives
ban career women
ban non-whites
ban non-westerners
marriage incentives
children incentives
this is a bit stupid, they will see gore and close the tab to go fap to minecraft porn or whatever.
I'd much rather spread Nazi propaganda to turn their children into actual Nazis and fuck them from the inside.
>Divorce rates are astronomically high and birth rates are astronomically low, how can we reverse this?
Stop mutilating your babies' genitals. Circumcision is forced sexual dysfunction, disrupting pair bonding and causing divorce and promiscuity. Make it ILLEGAL to mutilate a baby's genitals.
- The foreskin is a functional sexual organ. It exists to prevent direct friction during sex, so pleasure can be derived from pressure and smooth gliding motions. Circumcision makes it difficult for women to bond to men because it makes sex uncomfortable for them (via chafing, violent thrusting, internal bruising, and prevention of coital orgasm).
- Circumcision is a contributing factor to men and women sleeping around. Both sexes, dissatisfied with sex because of circumcision, may fail to bond. Not understanding why they are dissatisfied, they seek out a new partner. And another. And another. This increases rates of divorce and fatherlessness. It also creates hatred of men, as it sexually and psychologially wounds women by subjecting them to pain and aggression during their most intimate, vulnerable experiences with men.
"It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision."
Moses Maimonides
- The severe pain of circumcision drastically affects the developing baby's brain. Men traumatized by circumcision are less likely to develop healthy social skills, and less likely to find a permanent mate. Men traumatized by circumcision are also primed to associate sex with pain and violence, and thus are more likely to commit sexual assault/rape.
>birth rates are astronomically low
There are now 7 billion people and rising
There are about 700 million PEOPLE, and it's decreasing.