Ummmm... I hate to break it to you /pol, but literally the entire planet believes in climate change and hates Blumpf...

Ummmm... I hate to break it to you /pol, but literally the entire planet believes in climate change and hates Blumpf. Are you really going to be on the wrong side of history?

Hate to break it to you, but that doesnt mean its real, sweetie.


the majority of Sup Forums also believes in climate change. Whoever doesn't should get some basic education asap

I hate to break it to you OP,but you seem to be a massive faggot.

I hate to break it to you OP, but science isn't a popularity contest

>implying this wasn't his plan all along
>is hated
>voted in by campaigning in the midwest and rust belt while hillary sat around in the cities
>make viral news literally every day over nothing
>big climate change debate comes up
>brings a lot of attention to it on purpose
>literally now the entire western world knows about climate change and how it affects them

2017 and not knowing that Trump is truly the master of 8D chess

>(((entire planet)))
nice try

yeah, but who put up that picture of that parrot?

This just means fellow Trump supporters and I are even more special.

We are cock brothers.

Brothers in cock.

>Implying it matters

I love how retards forget this planet has other layers than the crust.

If climate change is real or not i dont care the weather seems nice to me this year. What are they going to do anyway shut down all the factories and cars to make it all better.. I dont see that happening so why bitch about it?

They don't agree with it because they haven't read the damn agreement. They're just fake outraged based on what the media tells them.

White people, and therefore civilization and history, won't exist by the time climate change matters. So who cares.

the majority of anons here accept climate change as an established fact. its just the vocal minority who scream the loudest. some for flat earthers and natsocs. the most retarded screams the loudest

cars and factories are not the major polluter in most cases, ships and planes are worse than all cars combined. Not to start the huge overpopulation of cattle on earth

believe /=/ real

that's not an argument

Because China and India were really looking forward to that 100 billion dollars a year. Also trannies.

Can someone explain to me why Trannies are important to climate change anyway?

>I'm going to deny reality and pretend that I'm smart for doing so

I'm amazed and disgusted by how americans are unable to understand why the world wants to see their citizens dead

>Entire planet
>At absolutely best 800 000 000 white western cocksuckers
>Entire planet

>believes in climate change
That's how cults work faggot.

>You don't believe in my god? OFF WITH HIS HEAD
>You don't believe in climate change OFF WITH HIS HEAD

fucking morons.

(((Won't exist)))

Kike spotted

talking to who?

>The real question is , who gives a fuck?

We want to see the world burn you stupid worthless goy zombie go cry on reddit and tumblr

Proof that global warming is real and not a natural occurence or GTFO.

We want them dead too, thats why we want the planet to die fast as possible.


It's the same both ways fgt

>i hate to break ut to you kid, but all the court believes that the emperor's clothes are invisible. Will you be stupid, kid?

Pack it up boys! We are finished.

>[Autistic Shrieking], the ideology

When will you shills realize that the Paris Accords were simply a bad deal regardless of one's environmental views?

97% is bullshit, it's basically 37% of a colleciont of papers published by the IPCC.
It might be real, it might not, it might be anthropogenic, it might not, but what really gets me is the hubris on this post and everyone preaching it. Go fuck yourself, Hans.

Post liberals faces when you ask them to explain what the Paris Agreement is

Didn't reddit's frontpage used to be based on what was actually trending? Now it's just dog pictures, fuck Trump subreddit posts, fuck Trump news posts, fuck Trump technology subreddit posts, fuck Republicans/Trump feminist subreddit posts, and look at this Muslim that was nice to someone posts.

Better yet when climate change is a proven hoax and the United States is pouring with prosperity, they will look to me like a king

The Paris Accord had fuck all to do with climate change, and was primarily about punishing first world countries, and transferring wealth to third world countries. The USA's 'deal' in the accord was bullshit, and any sane businessman would point that out.

Trump wants a fair deal for the USA, which is entirely understandable. Go see what China, India and other shithole countries agreed to in the Accords....fucking NOTHING. Yet the USA had to shoulder the biggest burden.

99.9% of people shrieking about it don't actually have any clue what the Paris Accords contain or what problem they propose to fix or how.

They just know that Bill Nye The Sex Junk Guy thinks Bloompf should have signed it to save the planet.

Why people who hate themselves, don't want children and want no part of nationalism care what happens to the planet 200 years from now, I'm not sure.

Who cares what people believe? People believe in Islam, and Hinduism.

Trump invited them to make a new climate deal and they refused
its about the money and power, not about the environment

The best part is when they say;


Really? China signed an agreement whereby the United States and friends gave them billions of dollars a year for doing nothing? How altruistic of them.

Argumentum ad populum is a fallacy.

Even if you buy the bullshit coming from the technocrats like Macron, it's STILL basically extortion;

>We must give billions of dollars to non-whites to stop them from polluting

It's basically the argument that you have to provide food stamps and basketball courts to niggers to stop them raping and looting.

Virtue signaling

I think the problem here is wording. Global warming and climate change are real, just man's effect on them are so miniscule compared to the reduction of the oceans' CO2 sink ability, that it's irrelevant whether Trump's america is part of the Paris moneygrubbing scheme.


How's achmed treating your women cuck? How is living in the Rape capital of Europe?

When third world countries stop literally shitting out babies, I'll consider working with them. In the meantime fuck them.

Whats wrong with hinduism?

>mfw anyone and everyone concerned with being on "The right side of history" usually loses and is demonized by the writers of the texts, because right and wrong are playthings of the authors - who won
>mfw if anthropogenic climate change is real there's essentially nothing we can do to stop it at this point even with the most idealistic predictions on carbon emissions
>mfw we're either going to adapt or die, along with the rest of our planetary ecosystem
>mfw if it is real and we don't adapt then we'll be an instantaneous firestorm in the history of the planet, the sixth great extinction that future sapients will wonder about
>mfw if it isn't real the democrats and ecoterrorists are never going to hear the end of it even after the sun burns out
>mfw there's going to be no way to tell because it's criminally easy to manipulate data to say whatever you want and people will eat it up like a fat kid goes through a bakery, and it's very easy to goalpost cart your position from "The end of the world as we know it" to "Look things changed, my overly general causal chain was correct!"
>mfw It doesn't matter to me either way because I will be dead LONG before it makes any noticeable changes, if it even does, and I'm not going to have kids

If the world leaders truly cared about climate change and our environment, they would ban the meat industry. They would force us all to go vegetarian or better still, vegan. But they don't care. So blaming Trump for backing out of this clown fest is hypocrisy at its finest.

It's their plan to control all life on earth. if they control all our water, control all our food, control all our energy, then they'll control life as we know it.

Incessant regulations will eventually be used to strip human liberty and consolidate more power in the hands of the few.

No manual v8 car for you, just an electric self-driving one tied into grid that values other lives and input more than yours.

Surprised nobody posted this yet. Climate change is real but it involves the sun.