Sup Forums btfo so hard

Sup Forums btfo so hard.

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why do they celebrate that fucking gay baguette lover so hard? he's a fucking moron

How is that destroying Trump?

So we nuke Frenchakistan?
I actually like this option.

If he can convince all the refugees he's going to be letting in to integrate enough care about climate change, more power to him

he kisses the ass of globalists and gets rewarded for it

Please explain how relocating 4 billion niggers into western countries makes the world great?

i feel sorry for that degenerate faggot, he is a pedophilia victim and now he gets to rule a country full of niggers and muslims.

france is dead.

>so pathetic he has to coin Trumps famous phrase

How Contrived, Sad!

You think Macron's wifemom makes him hide in the closet while she fucks refugees or does he get a little chair in the corner?

that kike is going to get his life ruined by kek

He doesn't actually realize that by saying this, he is admitting that his predecessors and the globalist flunkies across the planet have fucked the world up so bad, it needs to be fixed. It's an admission of failure.

He even fucked it up. "Make Earth Great Again" is a much better phrase and "MEGA" is definitely a superior acronym.

nuke the journalists instead that sentence is weak as fuck but they try to make tonns of clicks

Isn't this guy fucking his dad's old babysitter?
ragte my accent

Reminder if youre left of national socialist,youre a marxist and pushing white genocide.


"My friends the Rothschilds, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama brought slavery back in Libya. Let's make this planet great again!"

his high school teacher

I know lad, but hey could we at least make a compromise and put all the journalists into paris and marseille and just nuke those two? Just for the sake of europe.

>in five words


>make the planet great again

Fuck internationalist filth. This guy is such a tremendous faggot holy shit. Almost worse than Trudeau.

>Globalist, corporatist piece of shit
>cares about the planet


you can also nuke yourself at the next Davos meeting
good ridance

He is so great, he even have to copy Trump or Reagan's slogan.

>Implying the planet was ever great

Deluded idiot

It makes sense that he'd care about climate change. His wife still remembers the last Ice Age.

>remove kebab
>planet is great.
I agree with the faggot, let us make the whole world great, and what better way to do it than American know-how

>gives billions of Euroland fun bucks to China
>haha take that Drumpf!

That 4 billons less niggers for the rest of the world

fedoric as hell

Shh, let them hope, their bubble will burst sooner or later anyway because reality doesnt give a shit about pretty but empty words

What really angers me is that he's the fucking french president and he speaks in english to the nation.
Never such a a disgrace was committed my one of his predecessors.

a true globalist

the french are just a key to his agenda

>Make Our Planet Great Again


start with cleaning up the streets in Paris, manlet

If it's any consolation Macron and Trudeau want China to take the reins from the United States, so you'll be speaking mandarin soon anyway.

What an excellent description of Trump

Not really, saying 'Our Planet' is a much more unifying statement that actually gets people on board. Saying 'Earth' like some weird third party position sounds almost dissasociative

globalists think they own the planet.

They do

Is he maybe talking about the white man's burden? Is this a call to start colonising again?

bbut muh planet. Just think of the planet and leave me alone

They do

OP you managed to rustle Sup Forums's jimmies
So much bitterness
So much butthurt
Macron BTFO's that old clown in the most glorious way, and that's just the beggining, soon all World leaders will provoke and disrespect Drumpf

>Pulled out of the Paris accord
Yep definitely you braindead bastard.

Enjoy the sand nigger roach infestation and terror attacks this month. I hope you get a ton of your buttplug shaped candles for all the vigils you'll be having.

Terrorist sympathizing baguette riding pansy.

hmmm since when our planet is great?
when the time when slavery ia the norm? or when hitler is alive n kicking? or a way back when whitemam still living in caves while blacks is the kang of continent?

> caring about what the Rothschild banker has to say when he told people they have to get used to terrorism as it is part of their daily lives to come
Why, France?

come on little macron just replaced the word america with planet, don't be so hard with him

At least he wasn't called a Nazi. That's what's really important.

Is drumpf cultism still a thing here? I thought that reddit left a few months ago

>weak as fuck

yeah stay in your bubble bubblehead


>I ma just gonna quote this one line out of context and hope that the stupid goyim will share and like it on Goybook

not gonna lie it feels good to lead the free world again

The planet was literally never great

Why does the left have to steal memes from the right?

I thought they were supposed to be the one with creative artsy fartsy college types.

how the fuck is it out of context

Wait nevermind, I like it better when Pol Pot was in control of your country now.

>supporting saudis and oil lobbies
>not a globalist
Back 2 reddit

This is getting sad, I thought the Jewish controlled left had everything under control?

Have you ever heard him talk ? Some journalist just accused him of being a nationalist or some stupid shit and he replied "I am a big fan of globalism. I love it. It's a beatiful thing. But we need to stop the Jews".
It's his rhetoric, bong.

Besides, doesn't his corperation have business in quite a lot of countries around the globe ?

He denounced globalism and then called himself a globalist a few months later. It doesn't really fall in line with his silly turn of phrase.


It's just him preparing for the next 4D chess move

>But Mr. Trump, you can't keep any form of NAFTA because you are a nationalist

“Hey, I’m a nationalist and a globalist,” Trump told the Wall Street Journal on Thursday. “I’m both.”

“And I’m the only one who makes the decision, believe me,” Trump said.

If someone has the actual bait line that would also be good. WSJ has a paywall not sure if they disclosed it.

I'm pretty sure that's not an argument.


No one cares about this faggot, he's just euro-Trudeau

Are you joking Cambodia?

Not an argument.


This. Essentially he's denouncing the ways of the globalists and postmodernists.

We'll let you fuckin drown if you keep that attitude

>Are you joking Cambodia
Cambodia doesn't make jokes

Btfo so much xD

America supports the Saudis for non globalist reasons. They're a strategic ally.

Way worse. Trudeau was a drama teacher, this guy was a Rothschild banker.

I'm sure he felt like an Adult after standing up to meanie trump. I'm sure his mother was standing by to tell him what a great jo...oh wait.

Hi Pol Pot

He is the new Obama

>No one cares about this faggot, he's just euro-Trudeau

nice. Going to be using this from now on.

The immigrants are there for the purpose of eradicating French culture. The climate agreement is for the purpose of eradicating French industry. Marcon is there for the purpose of eradicating the French Republic.

BoyToy macroon making the planet great "again" is less literally than someone eating breakfast next morning.



>California healthcare bill and carbon trade with China
>Contributions to "Green Fund"
>Nova Scotia carbon tax.
>More handouts.

Let it all happen. When it all comes crashing down, I'm going to enjoy the show.

>Fuck internationalist filth. This guy is such a tremendous faggot holy shit. Almost worse than Trudeau.

Almost, but Trudy is still worse.

is this what shilling looks like?

oh god not this moron again

How to make "the world great again"

1. one leader/president/king/etc that rule the damn world
2. one religion (or none) for all the world damn world.
3. one culture for all the damn world.
4. one common lang for all the damn world.
5. one coin for all the damn world.

Once we are on the same bus, then we will care about the damn world.

keep dreaming fucking commie

I think if i was from such a shithole i would have the same view

>wants to outdo Trump after his decision to be intelligent
>claims he wants to make the planet great again
>planet has never been great
>"this can only go well"

I understand Venezuela is a shitty country, but prosperous countries work with their own currency.


>Marcon is there for the purpose of eradicating the French Republic.

wtf i like macron now

>climate change will be a fact of life in the coming years
I can do it too you fucking cocksucker.

What's with these douche canoes like this guy? You actually believe in this wealth redistribution shit. You fucking niggers are persistent I tell ya too bad it always falls on deaf ears you stupid fucking shills

>supports macron
>hates le evil putin
>is on Sup Forums

you are in for some redpilling or perhaps you are eternally bluepilled so there is no hope for you. either way, it's going to hurt