Sup Forums is a

Anti-homo / tranny / mental disorder
Anti Reddit
Pro white supremacist
Pro eugenics
Curry hating
Leaf hating


Stop letting the Donald's and the shills smooth out all our core values with their based gaymen, based black, sexy trap propaganda. Remember you are the last bastion of anti degenerate life on this planet and you are yeilding to this filth.

A lot of us came from Reddit after all of the censorship and anti-Trump bias.

Make me faggit

Be part of the solution. The final solution.

>A lot of us

You need to go back.

no, religious people are retards. all of them
>Anti-homo / tranny / mental disorder
net no
>Anti Reddit
a lot of Sup Forumsacks secretly admit that reddit is a good source of information
>Pro white supremacist
>Pro eugenics
>Curry hating
well... id rather focus on the Kebab hating
>Leaf hating

diversity of opinions is key to Sup Forums success, you stupid criminal offspring

Post tru-pol fuck off nu-pol

>be fucked three times in 100 years
>has no technological progress
Real face of european white nationalists lol

you are all unwanted here
only faggots and retards go to reddit in the first place

Post proof of 100% Aryan genes, or you stormfag simpletons can fuck off back to Stormfront with your groundless nu-Sup Forums ideology. Sup Forums is a diverse crowd that welcomes niggers, kikes, and spics.

okay, i agree with everything except for catholic
catholicism is the good goyim religion

hahaha still trying to justify your presence on this board eh? autistic ancaps have no place here.
fuck off back to your literal home-land, reddit.
ancaps are fucking retarded
how could you be so retarded that you are economically rightwing but socially leftwing?
AnCap is the ideology of the african jungle

Let me blow your mind

Have you considered that you don't need to believe in religion or Christianity itself to acknowledge that it's existence and use amongst the normies is key to their moral control, value control and basically the only thing that holds away the degenerate bullshit?

Have you considered that 'atheism' wether true or not.. is just another religion or belief mechanism.. if you believe it to be true that's fine and I honestly do to.. but it has to values aligned.. you can fuck as many trannies as you want as a devout athiest. Idiot

>Have you considered that you don't need to believe in religion or Christianity itself to acknowledge that it's existence and use amongst the normies is key to their moral control, value control and basically the only thing that holds away the degenerate bullshit?
i never disagreed with that. thats pretty common knowledge. doesnt take a mindblowing level of insight to acknowledge the population control that religion offers. however, any single person who he himself is catholic is a sheeple, though. therefore, im not

you seem to think this is some deep insight. its very common and obvious information you retard

>Have you considered that 'atheism' wether true or not.. is just another religion or belief mechanism.. if you believe it to be true that's fine and I honestly do to.. but it has to values aligned.. you can fuck as many trannies as you want as a devout athiest. Idiot
i never said i was an atheist, you retard

>daily reminder Sup Forums is a hivemind
you're as bad as them tbphwy

>t. newfag who just came here in November 2016

Sup Forums has always been and always will be a right-centrist Libertarian non-religious freethinking board

Hurr Durr I'm not religious I'm not an idiot hurr

It's Reddit fedora posting like that which turns this place in to the degenerate hell hole it's becoming.. can you not see that?

It helps absolutely nobody. Either a person is smart enough to know what you know and live a non degenerate life without values instilled by religion.. or you're an idiot who does need religion for that guidance.

Anyone with half a brain can recognise Christianity as a catalog of stories that should be used to guide your moral compass.. it's what's held the west together for fucking ever.

11/10 for being above it though and needing to post here about how retarded it is and pointless.. definitely nothing bad can come of that

you wrote that much text and yet expressed so little

>dumb people need religion for guidance blabla christianity is moral compass blabla exact same thing i said in previous post
>you suck

ok thanks lol

Go back

There's literally nothing worse than a fence sitting centrist left leaning fucktard of which you probably are. Fuck.. right off. You're clearly a new fag and trying to bend this board to your own 'centrist' ivory tower viewpoints.

Protip you can't fix shit by balancing a shit ton of bad ideas.. you just get bi partisan compromise and stagnation. Aka the U fucking S

choose one

i thought this was just another slide-thread, but it turns out OP is actually a whiny, mean tempered little retard. lol

Doesn't the (((pope))) espouse those degenerate values now?


no, religious people are retards. all

That's your quote. If you don't want to be wrong.. how about using a few more words asshat. you coming here and saying shit like that pushes the 'atheism' is best meme.

Next time how about "this religion has a good set of values and is important guiding tool for normies and important in the war against degeneracy" or something.

Anti mental disorder?

So you think all those vets should kill themselves? kek

Yes to pretty much everything but Catholic. Fuck the Pope.

Also I think it should be in our agenda to redpill the other races against the final and ultimate enemy: the kikes.

>whiny prepubescent bitch-rage nonsense & repeating the same things said in all previous posts

dude smoke some pot or something. stop making threads, atleast.


How can you be a white nationalist if you're also Christian? Aren't you basing your morality, faith, and ideologies after something that isn't even white in nature, and spread itself through killing whites? The redpill is accepting that Semitefags are just as bad as Atheists

"New fag"? Suck my chode, you're probably 18 and think Sup Forums has always been a Stormfront board. You're clearly a no-brains faggot who can't think for yourself and fall for skinhead shit while thinking everyone else is a SJW leftie. Nice mindless slavery to the white power meme. Go think for yourself for once nigger.

This is your daily reminder that America is a protestant nation and the Catholics are a bunch of progressive SJWs.


OP is clearly retarded
the typical idiot who gives nationalism a bad name. whenever people think of nationalism, they immediately think of idiots like OP, thus discrediting actual, legit nationalism

kill yourself, OP

You do realize Sup Forums was initially created in 2012 to contain the stormfags who were angry about /new/ being deleted, right? moot deleted /new/ because he didn't like how it went from right-wing libertarian to full-blown racist/storm so he deleted it, which pissed people off so they spammed the rest of the website with racism and subtle redpills until he created Sup Forums. Within the first few months Sup Forums was extremely stormfag until the right-wing libertarians came back.

Go to hell

Leaf pill is the final red pill. When you get into the higher levels of pol, you find out everything you learned was wrong and Justin Trudeau is the real hero of our time.



Pro white

These can all run together if you're not a retard. Good Christian values, pride in your own country and working to benefit its own through policy and ensuring the white population that made it great stays a majority white country.

Is that super hard for you virtue signalling lefty redditors to understand?


yeah nah fuck off fagwad

Popefags are cancer, and not among God's elect.


not your hugbox sweetie

stupid frogposter

fuck you

Just ignore them. Report the threads. Sage. This place has been shit since /new/
Newfags need to learn to ignore this shit.

Catholics aren't Christian

praise le kek?

sounds like what a Redditer would say.

>Sup Forums has always been and always will be a right-centrist Libertarian non-religious freethinking board

This. The stormfags can fuck off back to Stormfront, and the blue-pilled Christcucks with their commie slave morality can fuck off back to GLP. It's probably the latter who are crapping up the board with fucking LARP wankery from George Webb and others.


daily reminder that this is neo Sup Forums. original Sup Forums was libertarian, then storm front got wind of the race realism here but were too low IQ to understand race realism =/= white supremacy.

>original Sup Forums was libertarian
Not true, original Sup Forums was not committed to any ideology
And even if you DID connect it to its largest ideology, it would not be libertarianism
old Sup Forums was never the bootlicker corporatists that we have on Sup Forums today

This. Jews created the best system to rule majority of people in a moral and ethical as possible via meritocracy. Nazis are literally white niggers throwing a tantrum at jews for not being as successful as them.

Hate the game, not the player.

Uh sweetie, you forgot about most important, THE