Sex Robots Are Coming, and They're Not as Skeevy as You Think
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What kind of fucking stance is that? I'm seriously aggravated.
Roll for new robofu
>click link
>ugly, disgusting doll
>skin intentionally made to look blemished and bad in general
Why? You have the power to create the perfect woman. Why not use it?
brap posting will never die. fuck ai sex robots if they are not tay
god i wish i was in her butthole *yiffs*
Roasties are tards. Its like how western game design is full of mandatory ugly women.
>A jew shilling sex robots on a board full of nazis who blame jews for the destruction of the modern family and white genocide.
Mighty decent of ya kike. Mighty decent of ya.
>then: bread and circuses
>now: avocados and sex robots
this. so fucking typical.
we don't want degeneracy here or in our nations.
Nobody can deny that the future is going to be fun as hell.
Furry, brony, anime
All will be made into highly detailed beautiful robots that only service your every desire.
Actual women are going to be worthless. They should be upset, because soon they will go from 80% unmarried to 98%.
Give any man with above room temperature IQ the choice, and he will toss that arrogant and ugly "woman" out into the streets.
Get ready for the biggest sperg moment in history as the last bastion of women's power and influence (sex) gets trumped.
it's will make money enough to develop their body more flexible for evade bullet and kill us in the future
tb h all sexbots should look like this
men will finally be free
atlre you that one kraut who kept posting borderline CP?
weren't you banned?
>are you*
No idea what you're talking about.
good taste, hans. hope mama merkel doesn't v& you for the loli though
oh, my bad then
Sexbots without SJW AI will be illegal. Have fun in prison, user. Girls rule the world! ;-)
What a great time to be alive.
wonder how they'd check for cracked AIs if they can run offline
>Implying guys who gets off on Furry, Brony, Anime are worth anything in a good society
They are as skeevy as I program them to be.
Nice ass, I have seen this picture around from years ago and still no sauce
*sniffs deeply*
*leaks precum whilst inhaling gaseous fecal matter*
>implying its part of a set
>implying its part of a video
boy you sure are stupid
it's like a porn stance where they get weird to show the cock, except in this case it's the gun.
Sex bots will only be allowed in Europe and maybe Canada. Conservative governments will ban them. Most normal people won't care.
>implying I'd want fake women when I can get the real thing.
Only losers that can't get the real thing want this and that's a fact.
>have the opportunity to make the perfect female form
>give it blemishes, painted on eyebrows, and make it wear makeup
well, at least once this shit goes commercial for real the free market will fix it
>what are internet attention whores and instagram sluts
kys newfag
We just need to ship millions of these to Africa in the name of curbing overpopulation.
Yeah alright let's roll
>women are so precious
>only muh losers can't get the real thing
white knighting cuck spotted
Give a african a functioning car and he'll take it apart to build or fix his shitty mud hut same thing with a sex robot best way to quell the population would be either chemical or biological
no you kys original mexican
what do braaaps taste like?
just quarantine it off and let them fight it out mad max style
I wonder what her ass smells like.
Bags of salty milk.
It doesn't matter what the sexbot looks like when you combine it with a VR headset.
$10,000 sex dolls will be taboo, but tons of guys will have sex toys to use in combination with their VR toys.
I'd like to get one of those $200 fake butts one day, that has the back-vag.
Yeah I'm not interested in something that can mechanically malfunction and squeeze my dick in half. Atleast I woman I can punch back if she does that.
T.omega male spotted.
Don't know how many screws you have lose to find the prospect of putting your cock into something that isn't alive enticing. You may as well dig up a dead body and fuck it, you degenerate.
Reminder that all anime watching manchildren should be purged from the human genepool.
Based burger.
For my waifu.
the best godly taste you have ever tasted. makes your dick cement hard also.
nice try reddit, we were here before you and your normie friends
Op is Remy LaCroix from a Brazzers shoot wherein she fired an AK, a Glock and then got assfucked.
If women hadnt priced themselves out of the market tis wouldn't have happened. Im 6'3" visit the gym errrry day, 215lbs, have a full time job, a MSEE from UC, and twice the median income of an american household.
I still havent had sex in 6 months and havent been on a date in .... 2months?
robots are looking pretty sexy by now.
>archive 0 of 0
Fucking niggars
Implying reddit isn't a more suitable place for you man children
Ah who am I kidding? A manchild like you will never reproduce anyway.
Oh sure, everyone suspects military death robots
AI to clean your house is suspicious as fuck too
and we can't have super computers because they're obviously evil.
No one suspected the robopocolypse to come from the sex robots...
it's not that they should, it's that it does happen to be like that
and as you're too retarded to distinct, you also apply on the same group
>doesnt fuck dates
I'm all in, goyim.
Stacies about to be btfo
Matriarchy about to be btfo
Why have the real thing , when the non real it s easyer to take , and has 0 negative things . Real thing is a mess
Similar situation here, I just don't have much time, I'm flirty but not nigger tier.
3 days later, she is on a dick on some thugfag
>being a normie is bad
Implying you can't be a normie on the outside and an autist on the inside.
Half autism is always better than full autism.
If this even just shuts up the entitled harpies that think all men are just around to serve their fat ugly personality devoid selves, then this is great news.
Faking it isn't the same as being a normie. Also, back to plebbit.
>Abyss Creations LLC
what did they mean by this?
Didn't say to fake it, I said don't be a full autist.
And you belong on plebbit.
you forgot someone
Half autism is worse in my opinion. The self awareness is the killer.
rollling for 8
Sexbots & Artificial Wombs are certainly going to change things.
They are also part of the Trans-humanist Agenda.
What went wrong in you development?
Low test? Beta dad? Bullied in school? No friends? Coddled by mummy?
Smelly dumb larper scum
you're in the shill database now eggy, better pack ur shit
Saved for future bantz
When's the next KB gonna drop?
I haven't touched a woman in 4 years. It gets worse and worse with time. I don't know what state I'll be in in a year or two. I want to experince the touch and smell of a woman again, even that is too much to ask.
>What kind of fucking stance is that? I'm seriously aggravated.
It's the bumpfire stance. It won't improve your aim (spray and pray), but it will make you fire faster and it's a lot of fun.
Go join the caliphate, I heard you get 72 virgins at the end of the road
I hope this happens. More real pussy for me while the neet fat fucks fondle their jizz soaked realdoll robots
>Actual women are going to be worthless.
Implying anyone that isn't a basement dwelling autist wants fake women.
>Give any man with above room temperature IQ the choice
Implying your IQ isn't below room temperature.
why are you doing this, fellow citizen
if i ever get a robot I just want it to be cute and not look like a fucking human with gross skin and shit
damn that's a big ass