Hey Sup Forums what do you think of him?

Do you consider him a brother or an embarrassment/false flag?

Other urls found in this thread:


>1 post by this ID

He's a bernout so ask reddit

A faggot

>freedom to murder people

Man, I must've missed that one

I'm 100% sure he came to this site, everything he's said has been Sup Forums incarnate.

I just hope I got to call him a retard at some point when I was busy shilling for CTR, turns out I was right

He did nothing wrong

mixed feelings

did you notice there was no discussion of any cctv of the incident? yet all trains have cctv

so I suspect there was some element of self-defence

but he also seems a bit wacko, and apparantly was shot in the head during a robbery a few years ago

he also isn't a trump guy, or a WN afaict

LARPers deserve whatever they get


He's a fucking crazy Bernie supporter.

Sup Forums doesn't support this fucking loser.


false he was used to try to stop our rising

All men are our brothers. We are all in this world together.

Just some times they are violenf racist sacks of shit like this guy.

>Bernie supporter
>Hates Rednecks because DEY RAYCISS

nu/pol/ material/10

wait.. is he some crazie leftie that started drinking the right wing kool aid ironically and larped himself into a violent rage?

the guy sounds mentally unhinged.
this is more complex than I realizdd.

A false flag, but one we can use to further drive distrust of the Left.

This is what happens when you take the redpill and bluepill at the same time.

Reminder that was a progressive Bernie supporter.

Pretty much this, the guy just snapped and started stabbing for no fucking reason but the media decided to spin the story around him being EBIL NAZI DRUMPF SUPPORTER

>the guy sounds mentally unhinged.
he was shit in the head by police during the commission of a robbery



The tolerant Right strikes again...

He had a role to play, it got out of hand. That's what happens with the DNC's habit of hiring mentally ill people to harass/discredit the opposition.

>Sup Forums incarnate
>supports bernie

/r9k/ maybe, but it's likely he was a redditor.

Who would hire crazy people to make the right look bad??? I hope somebody can follow the money on this one, it reeks of Creamer.

In case you were asleep in 2016:

Jewish shills have zero game. Leafs have better game than them these days. Step it up, Isaac.

Destinee Mangum or Destinee Brown?

This probably nothing but found it funny

Love him