You see, it's not minorities who turn countries into third world countries

You see, it's not minorities who turn countries into third world countries.

It's conservatives

Other urls found in this thread:

>Israeli flag
>third world countries

Checks out.

>non-binding agreement

It's the single most important international agreement of this century.

It had an actual, dramatic effect all around the world, despite its non-binding nature

To be fair to Nicaragua, they did not sign because the agreement didn't go far enough.

The media keeps acting like Nicaragua is on our side, they are not

That would be?

Many countries completely changed their habits.

Look at how China cancelled over 100 coal plants and investing billions in green energy, for example.

Look at all the green energy investments in africa, too

That was a stipulation by the US to try and appease conservatives back home.

You have to understand, we REALLY didn't expect you guys to be dumb enough to vote for Trump. Yeah he didn't win the popular vote, but by a fluke he still became president.

Why does it require us to pay billions of dollars in order for other countries to reduce their emissions?

The Chinese are doing that because they are literally damaging farmland, eliminating wildlife, lowering their tourist industry's income and killing their citizens thanks to their coal power systems. Not because they like green energy or anything.

There is also the benefit of being less reliant on resources from other nations.

It doesn't.
Trump could easily say he won't give foreign aid and still stay in the agreement.

it was made this flexible because the purpose was to get the entire world to sign on it. that's why even Israel and Russia signed on it

No, it's the Jews.


Trump isn't jewish

Wow according to this map North Korea is on your side.

literally everyone are on "my side" except for three third world countries

99% of countries agreed because of America, and believe me most of them can't comply. I don't see my country or Brazil shifting to alternative energy, it wouldn't make sense.

Not true.

It cost 3billio, and its not for cutting emissions, its to build levees for floods and misquito vaccines and that kind of stuff to help poor countries deal with a problem that they didn't create

Buddy, if you couldn't opt out of the foreign aid section, israel wouldn't have signed it

From earlier

Rich people invented mosquitoes?

pic shows why


No, that would be minorities coming from third world countries bringing the place they came from with them. Which is why your country doesn't take any you fucking shill chunk of shit.

That's America's responsibility why?

Also almost all stuff people consume comes from China, the biggest polutant by far (more than a quarter of total world carbon emission)


Name on first world country that turned into a third world country and name the Jews responsible.

surely one country leaving this agreement won't have any affect on the progress that can be made , unless we start making factories dedicated to emitting large amounts of CO2 there was no reason to be in this agreement. It can all be down without the help of other countries. All the Paris agreement is a a virtue signal that shows which countries "care" about the environment.

someone tweet that at macrooooon

Clever but what's your source bitch

It will have a HUGE effect on any (if any ) progress because the USA is paying the vast majority of it.


No. it is Jews. If the agreement was so important they would have eased the burden on America but the kike internationalists wanted to play stupid games instead.

He won by tactically advertising to states that were hard to win and he won hard. That is not a fluke.

I'm gonna need a source on this.

sounds to me like the paris agreement needs us more than we need the paris agreement

Argentina now go get a refugee to fuck your face you retarded leaf

And because he was against a horrible neocon murderer who wanted to do away with borders and 2A inside her first 100 days.

and nice divide and conquer thread, schlom.

China had 210 coal plants under construction. They cancelled 103 of them.

The US had zero coal plants under construction. They cancelled zero of them.

Therefore, China is protecting the environment.

Environmentalist logic.

>Germany, Britain, Sweden, France, Canada...
>Too many Jews to list, though Merkel and Trudeau are high up there.

Yay fuck competition and international products, let's become commies

Use archiving

>americanprogress org/issues/green/reports/2017/05/15/432141/everything-think-know-coal-china-wrong

That's just a complete lie.

Even my country, israel, is considered one of the "rich countries" that support to help third world countries by funding green energy plants.

And i know this for a fact

*That suppose to help third world countries

>And because he was against a horrible neocon murderer who wanted to do away with borders and 2A inside her first 100 days.
Hillary would've beaten most other Republicans except for Rubio.

3% of it. they pledged 3 billion a year of the anuual 100 billion goal until 2020. im not sure how many countries have actually paid what they pledged.

Stop making this thread

How precisely does pulling out of a non-binding accord turn the us into a third world country?

That's a report by the world health organization, not a part of the agreement.

And even then, it just says "you should respect human rights". are you legitimately against respecting human rights

None of those have become Third World countries and Argentina was never really First World to begin with.

But yeah, Canada is not a Third World country and neither are Germany ,UK, Sweden, or France.

So... what are we even talking about?

You just got done saying you didn't have to pay

hardcore climate worshippers would 100% love a commie society until they got lined up on a wall shot

Since when is "the right to development" a human right?

Nah. israel maybe has a right-wing government but even us are in favor of helping third wolrd countries to reduce carbon emissions, because slowing down global warming and avoiding a catastrohpic event is profitable

Are you seriously asking this
You think states should ban people from developing themselves?

are you really saying that America is worse then the they even have government that isnt rebels

Those countries are pretty much like the middle east and north africa in their city centers now, and your country keeps becoming a larger joke by the day.

>because slowing down global warming and avoiding a catastrohpic event is profitable

Then why don't private corporations get in on this? It's the same logic as building a sports stadium: if it's profitable to build one the teams would do it themselves and take all of the money. You started subtle but your trolling is becoming more obvious by the post.

They will be soon

There's a difference between being allowed to do something and someone paying for you to do something.

Fuck the fucking fuckers.

Heheheheh Nicaragua!

You are aware that literally no one would say you violate the paris agreement even if you treat women and migrants as second-class citizens, right?

Even saudi arabia is in this agreement, if you can't respect migrants and women more than saudi arabia, well, maybe you should just go and live there

How does signing or not signing this agreement magically cut emissions?

>How does withdrawing from a BS agreement that has BS "climate change" as it's premise turn a country into a 3rd world country?
>It doesn't
>DELETE this POS thread

It at least shows you are commited to reduce emissions.

Not signing on the agreement is basically saying: "Fuck the environment, im going to turn my country into the public toilet of the world and pollute it to no end"

>Those countries are pretty much like the middle east and north africa in their city centers now,

No they're not. I live in Canada you don't know what you're talking about.


if it means removing the jew absolutely
similar to you guys with palestine

>not signing a piece of paper declares your unbridled will to pollute the environment at any cost

gonna call some fake news on this one, ironic its by a jewish poster

We will withdraw soon, along with our Qatar, UAE, and Kuwait bros.

>I live in Canada
Why the fuck would you broadcast that?

May not be 100% accurate but this is pretty much it.

more (((identity politics)))

Yours is not for rapfugees, yet. Yours is 3rd world because it is litteraly a joke on the world stage thanks to your dude weed leader.

>It at least shows you are commited to reduce emissions.

Right, but it doesn't mean you're actually going to do shit.

no its fucking not you kike fucking drama queen. we are already focusing on renewable energy and will be the leader of the world with or without this agreement. without the agreement we have the added benefit of getting there without paying 4 billion a year in perpetuity into an unaccountable slush fund.

fuck off oven dodger

If all other countries stick to the plan we'll still see a massive improvement, most of the gain can be made in China, so much that Trumps unwillingness to participate wont change much

Its not like the US is going on a witchhunt to burn every single ounce of coal they can get their hands on

All this political drama around it has to stop

What exactly is the point of the agreement if all of Africa, India and China are parts of it? It's obviously not very effective.

Canada is not a third world country. Not even close. Your example is stupid and you should feel bad.

You realize we didn't sign it so it doesn't matter, yes?

south africa and rhodesia are the best examples

But Israel supported both of those countries. There are no examples of Jews turning first world countries into third world countries it's pure bullshit that passes on Sup Forums cuz "muh Hitler hated the Jews so I do too."

Living in Canada is stupid and you should feel bad.

It's actually both, but yes, Donald Trump made a mistake by withdrawing the US from this agreement.

Israel supported them in order to maintain a hold on the international diamond market. They also gave massive amounts of funding to terrorist and fifth columnist groups within those nations.

So George Soros directly funding many many organizations that call for anarchy is meaningless?

Lmao, you can pull up satellite images of the eastern seaboard of china in near real-time and see the smog from their coal pollution blanketing 1000's of square miles extending out into the ocean.

>But Israel supported both of those countries. There are no examples of Jews turning first world countries into third world countries it's pure bullshit that passes on Sup Forums cuz "muh Hitler hated the Jews so I do too."
>Israel supported both of those countries

Yea, they (((supported))) them...

Yeah nah. Maybe you act as a middle man for even more American money getting shoveled through your country, but not 1 shekel of that is coming from Jewish tax payers.

Don't claim the moral benefit of donating America's money you filthy Kike. That's low, even for vermin like you.

Canada is awesome, we have more forests and trees and wilderness than anyone except maybe Russia.

Whatever their reasons, Jews supported South African and Rhodesia thanks for your gratitude you fuckin asshole.

>hey you set my house on fire but then you put it out for me and now you're demanding payment
>I guess I should be grateful

They supported them because they let Israelis test nukes through proxy. Don't think that was a gesture of good will towards nationalistic whites, God knows it wasn't.

Jesus Sup Forums is a festering bad for worthless waste of space anti-semites. Add to society or at least kill yourself.

Trump left the deal because it didn't do enough against China.

George Soros is a piece of shit.


Moral of the story: never fucking help anyone ever.

>Hey you helped me but FUCK YOU because you're a Jew therefore automatically and universally (and personally) responsible for whatever was wrong in the first place

>Jews are held to a different standard
>Yeah you helped me but you're a FUCKING JEW so fuck you anyway

But we're the baddies, right?

Indeed you're all alone Jew. Time to turtle up and wait for the days of reckoning.