The video might not really be to do with anything (just sluts being sluts) but in my drunken state it hit me really hard how INSANE it is that we let women do this shit (act like whores with no repercussions).
WTF is wrong with us?
The video might not really be to do with anything (just sluts being sluts) but in my drunken state it hit me really hard how INSANE it is that we let women do this shit (act like whores with no repercussions).
WTF is wrong with us?
Other urls found in this thread:
Every single woman in this video should be married already.
>girls in the video are hardly being sluts at all
kill yourself, virgin
Slut shaming needs to come back
youre post is confusing. are you saying they arent being sluts? because they are.
nokas ruined norweigians for me
theyre mostly just jumping up and down and smiling. its weird & stupid, but not slutty
get laid, autistboy
>black guy in video
>twerking mascot
>skimpy outfits
Lmao, the random nigger half way through.
>autist that can't get any pussy or a woman to even look at him sexually telling women how to behave
Implying a virgin would want your loser arse.
Go watch some nuns, OP. No wonder people think we're a bunch of virgins.
Does anyone know the name of the left one?
theres no way you finished the video before you posted breivik
INB4 the other half of Sup Forums flips out over Tyrone at 02:38.
i skimmed it, and all i saw was 5 minutes of stupid girls jumping up and down and cheering for no reason, and maybe 30 seconds where they do the same thing in bikinis
im not defending women (as gif related proves), but, i dno, if OP gets triggered by this video, he desperately needs to get fucked for once
thank mrs skeletal
honestly this isnt even bad.
>they're all white
>they're all southern
>they're all going to marry chad right after/before graduation and have lots of white babies.
>not demanding chasteness
>Sup Forumstards
Enjoy being a virgin you fag LOL
Rare flag.
I am attempting to crowd fund, for a friend, but falling through the virtual cracks. Help me get laid
im married
as i said the vid isnt necessarily bad. caused me an epiphany though.
Wow, only one nignog, and he looked like an, err, employee.....where is this heaven?
I pretty much guarantee that every one of those girls has a higher IQ than anyone in this thread and will live long amazing lives. Let that sink in, losers
They all have Norwegian cheekbones lol.
women with Lumbar Lordosis should be gassed
>demanding chasteness from your married wife
Good try, Ahmed.
Shut the fuck up all you need to do is get laid, you sound like a muzzie op
Past midnight in NZ.
Watching American sorority vids.
Explain yourself, kiwi. Why aren't your eyes faithful to your wife? Why are you pining for tight southern pussy?
that back arc makes me cringe
>i'm drunk
>i'm watching female dorm recruitment videos
>look how degenrate it is degenerate
you're degenerate mate.
Women should not go to college
Don't ever, EVER let your gf join a sorority.
They are literal indoctrination centers for females.
I'm not kidding, I let the girl I dated for 8 years join one and our relationship ended 6 months later.
Please just don't do it if you don't want to end up like me.
WTF is this shit? Are you not at University to study?
what do they do exactly?
We stopped being nice to whores years ago friend
All a woman has to do to get laid is open her legs. It's not good to act like that's empowering to just open your legs a lot. There is consequences for everything and promiscuous female sexs consequence is that the girl will objectively be viewed as a slut the more she sleeps around
Sorry nerds, that's also why virgin shaming will drive men to suicide forever. Pandering to beta virgin males gets you numale cuckold societies to same way that pandering to sluts creates a whoreshouse of a country where everything free until everyone dies of herpes
It's always feels odd when I remember some people live life like this at uni. As an engineer at a tough school I have to be working basically at all times.
The saddest thing in this video is that they literally are all the same.
they do things , like if you dont suck 20 basketball american dicks at this party your not gunna be cool like us and well make fun of you like in mean girls
drunk isnt degen its a saturday night m8
i dont give a shit what i watch or what she thinks of it
>so many hot white girls in one place
ma dikku
Sadly the SJWs are bound to demand that a horde of ugly fat negresses be let in you just know it will happen
mfw I realize I love Alabama now
>feminism turned women into monsters
the initial plan was let women have independence/money so they'd be free from the financial pull of immoral men
instead, women revealed their true hypergamous nature and started to demand MORE money and resources just to have a relationship
couple that with lack of religious/cultural pressure against sexual promiscuity and unequal distribution of resources and we got 80% of women only having sex with 20% of men
the unwanted men turn to degeneracy to either get more money, numb themselves with drugs, or turn to prostitution
what we end up with is the collapse of society
when women are unchecked, they corrupt good men to take immoral risks just to satisfy their biological needs
they are the source of all evil
Stop being such a fucking victim and instead of whining become the guy that benefits from girls having fun, being sluts, etc.
Insted you mentally and factually put yourself outside of party and being all bitter.
They are all below average desu. Some even looked like Jews with dyed hair.
god i fucking hate women
sluts get old real fast and they also destroy society
>all dressed in white
Yeah, sure
I'm surprised at how much you guys hate this video.
If liking what I'm seeing is wrong, I don't want to be right.
see im married idiot
the vid is bad tho
it reeks of jewry, esp the hollywood production values
also frats are bad, male and female both
going to college is for good goy
if you can't learn shit yourself in the internet era you aren't white desu
just subhuman good goy golem husks of the white phenotype, nothing more
white is not represented by plebeian degenerate hedonism and victory through cronyism
white is represented by traditionalism, leadership, and invention born out of truly individual thought, not what passes for "individual" (((thot))))
also women literally belong in the stead, pumping out and raising (which includes EDUCATING, STOP WILLINGLY GIVING YOUR CHILDREN OVER TO SATANIC JEWISH PSYOPS PUSHING LOXIST PEDOPHILES) children, not working, not voting against her husband, not having a wandering eye vecause the state enables her degeneracy to "consider options" and "punish him" for not agreeing with her on some bullshit
men lead, being led by a woman or letting a woman have any say in anything is cuckoldry and the destruction of life
weak men who will not stand uo for themselves or what is right is what has allowed for (((women's suffrage))) and (((((feminism))))))
If this is what University in the US is all about then an American degree is 100 percent worthless. Also, if the women who founded this "sorority" in 1872 could see what brain dead gormless bints inhabit it today, they would surely turn in their graves, and weep.
Fucking America, jesus.
if it hurts when you pee, it was Alpha Phi
1. Shitposting Australia.
2. No academics
3. 1 Nigger
4. No white men
5. Acting like 12 year olds
6. Demonstrate no skills or values
7. Bonus all White girls
8. Bonus All 7 or above
i blame craig david
>i let her join
>gf of 8 years
>dating since 10
Fuck off, Muhammad. We don't like your kind around here
Lmao they're in a sorority.
Girls take that as a free pass to be a whore.
Alabamian here. AMA.
I found my dates
>t. CIA nigger
you're not even white, tyrone
you will be lynched
fuckups like op and are the ones really "destroying society"
you might as well welcome the mahometan hordes, you are practically one of them already
Are you one of those blue and orange faggots, or a real man that likes the crimson?
I agree completely, it's one of those things that's difficult to put into words though, like too much inside your own head trying to unwrap it all.
This kind of behavior is contributing to the collapse of society, not the positive growth of society, it contributes to the destruction of the concept of family, pair bonding, commitment, love, etc.
I dunno, on one hand I can see the whores perspective "I DO WHAT I WANT!" and it's hard to argue with that because what's the alternative? Making laws against it? What if they break those laws? Jail time? Really? and then what about the alternative for men? If we're going to say whores can't be whores, are we going to apply the same to men?
It's just too complex to really work out. Past eras in our history had it naturally worked out through religion and the need for communities to be somewhat unified, when reputation actually mattered (before the internet existed) but now it's just a runaway train in the opposite direction - slut shaming is taboo, even acknowledging and mentioning a whores behavior in a matter-of-fact way is taboo in many places.
The world's just a big fucking mess on so many levels. What I wouldn't give to have grown up in the 50s or 60s or even before. My father was born in the late 50s and whenever he tells me stories about his youth he just has this look of nostalgic bliss, and he tells me pretty much everything was objectively better back then. All we have no in exchange is better technology, the internet, sure it's easier to read about a variety of subjects and engage in conversations with people across the world, but is that really worth what we've lost in exchange? most of us just live in tiny bubbles anyway, so having a wealth of academic knowledge doesn't actually improve our lives compared to past generations anyway.
OP is a New Zealander you dumb fat cunt
I'm in huntsville for the summer. It's my first time here and I have no friends. What do?
>triggered over meh sorority recruitment vid
could have picked a hotter sorority mate
Kek. Southerners are huge coalburners.
are those subtlely esoteric meme circles? am i being gaslighted?
desu we will all become brown skinned moon worshipers anyway if we keep acting so degenerate.
>what is demographic collapse
Shut the fuck up you slut.
ITT: Neet virgins get mad at something they'll never have.
It's like getting mad at billionaires for their lifestyles.
>US sororities
can someone explain to me what US sororities and stuff like that are?
women are nothing but silly poser material. they are used for bait, simple as that. here kiddo, a lifetime supply of fish, now put it on the end of your rod and catch me some bait.
on the right
>into scat and watersports, will not hang out with you unless you piss up her ass and shit in her mouth
on the left
>mega beast queen, bitch is her body and heat is her blood, she has taken over 1000 knots, unknown to zootube, nor known to the annals of motherless, as she prays, UNLIMITED DEPRAVITY WORKS
One way to counter this is to simply never settle down with a woman like this, make it so their actions have consequences. No matter how attractive they are. Yes, I's hard to do in this day and age when Whites DESPERATELY need to be having children. Unfortunately there is a never ending stream of beta males ready and waiting to wife them up no matter how much of a whore they've been, and in turn the women are rewarded for their bad behavior. It's a find line you have to maintain, definitely not easy to do nowadays. We need church-lady morality back in this country. We need woman who SHAME other women for their actions, and in turn get them to fall in line and remain chaste and loyal and moral.
>anyone who criticizes a particular set of behavior does so because they can't exercise it
>therefore any critcism of that set of behavior is invalid
Nice, that's how you seal yourself off from critcism. Now, please get out of our society. The willingness to discuss is one of the first premises of interaction.
White shariah
GTFO of Huntsville and get your ass down here on the Gulf. For real, this is truly gods country(except for the gators and bull sharks, fuck those guys)
This is the first recent US video that doesnt feature no "strong beutiful black queen", I have seen in a long time.
And it feels amazing.
>having discretion and discipline is being a third world savage
Fuck you, baboon.
They all look so Anglo/Irish
i find the lack of chads disturbing
That looks like the most horrible organisation to be a part of
Hello newfriend.
They have a nigger though so they prefer BBC.
It's Alabama, basically only Irish people and Black people live there.
For every female whore there is a male whore that enables her. Sort yourselves out.
Das video is raysiss crakass peckerwoods
pretty much
wtf? i love islam now
at least islam doesnt lead to this degenerate cuckoldry we have found ourselves in from cuckstains forcing people to allow for it to happen
if i convert i can get a cute loving t h i c c traditional arab hijabifu and put cuckstainity one step closer to being done away with like the shitty psyop that it was
Basically drinking clubs for all the preppy kids at college. They just drink/use drugs/fuck for 4 years under the guise of philanthropy because they hold a few charity events a year.
Despite all the drug use and drinking they all get good grades because each chapter has access to adderall and a test bank filled with previous years exams from past members.
Also, almost all of them have dyed blonde hair.
To be honest, I wouldn't see anything wrong with this video if it wasn't for the black guy.
Except they are acting like retards. Not like sluts, but like retards. It's really cringy. And the music is terrible.
Also, this. Fucking young women don't have a proper man to take care of them and they start acting like fucking retards, it is unnatural.
And then you compare it to Swedish-Americans, not a single one lives near Negroes.
You're not wrong. I see tribal female monkey behaviour. Ironically it is connected to university, a place, supposedly, of high learning.
i like whores, they put out
>virgins intimidated by type A women with sexual experience
it all comes down to insecurity. you guys fear women who can assess you skills (or lack there of) in the bedroom and you fear women who may have had a bigger dick than yours. sad