Memes aside, who thinks Trump has a shot at securing a second term in 2020?

Memes aside, who thinks Trump has a shot at securing a second term in 2020?

I voted for the man but i have a sinking fear that the dark forces of the world will pull their collective shit together to stop him. After a first term I fear that theyll figure what they need to do to beat him.


Do you really even think he's gonna want a second term? I don't have a hell of a lot of insight into the mans personal life but he seems like he's not enjoying himself in the slightest

No president in history enjoyed the job. It's more about securing a political legacy for all time and being a reference point for leadership down the road.

He's enjoying it believe me.

The guy was born for this.

>narcissist doesn't enjoy having the whole world hanging on his every word 24/7
Yeah, okay bro. From what I've seen, he loves it. Getting in scraps with the media is probably his favorite past-time. The only reason he wouldn't run in 2020 is if his health suddenly takes a massive downturn. And he's the incumbent, so he'll probably win too.

He's already secured his legendary status a President, billionaire, doctor. He's moving so hard and fast because he's know they will do everything to stop him. Even if he only get one term he has awoken the masses to the government and media corruption of the U.S.

>Winners are automatically Narcissistic

>the dark forces of the world

The dark forces of the world will get him re-elected. All their bullshit is backfiring on them.

Incubant effect+decrease African American voter turnout + even weaker candidate than Hillary (who did win more votes than Obama in 2008 after all) = Trump win.

He's already signed up for the 2020 campaign. Whether he's actually going to run or is just using the fact that certain (((charitable foundations))) are legally barred from performing certain (((actions))) against a presidential candidate to cockblock Soros in friends is yet to be seen however.

2nd term confirmed.

Also BTFO the Global Agenda

I bet the swamp will take him out by relying on his own recklessness. All of the damage Trump got was self-inflicted.
>Attacking the IC
>Flynn, everyone warned him not to appoint the guy
>Firing Comey and later admitting it was because of the Russia investigation
>Threatening Comey on twitter with tapes
>Admitting on twitter that he gave the Russians secret intel
>Reacting to the media every day and giving them huge amounts of ammunition
>Talking about the Russia stuff every single day
He could've avoided all of this. What the hell is he even doing?
Stop tweeting and shut the hell up.

Don't you think it's a bit early to decide if he has done a good enough job to merit a second term?
t_d personality cultists... disgusting.

I guarantee it.
Any attention no matter how bad feeds his ego.

Depends on who the Democrats run. If his term continues as it has been AND the Democrats manage to pull a fresh face out that isn't a clearly corrupt neoliberal piece of shit (so not Bernie or Clinton), then he'll probably go down.
Throw someone that actually offers light at the end of the tunnel for blue collar workers in as the Dem nominee, and OH, PA, and MI all instantly flip blue. IN and WI as well, probably.

Clinton winning more votes than Obama's second run means nothing. She lost to him for the primary, and Obama's second run was against a cardboard cut-out that couldn't even pretend to understand or care about people that weren't already filthy rich.

The funny thing is that the Twitter thing could have been a massive boost in his popularity. If he wasn't too busy saying stupid shit, it would be remembered as a modern take on Roosevelt's radio chats.

>Throw someone that actually offers light at the end of the tunnel for blue collar workers in as the Dem nominee, and OH, PA, and MI all instantly flip blue. IN and WI as well, probably.
What are the chances a blue collar Democrat actually wins his primary? 0%. The Southern Blacks will keep him out.

Will kasich primary trump tho?

This nigga spent most of his life living in a literal golden tower with his name in huge gold letters on the outside

considering the left is eating itself alive, duh

Trump should run for VP in 2020. Give Kanye a chance to Make America Great Again.

WEST/TRUMP 2020! Make it happen!

Of course. I have no idea what he is even doing. Slamming the media and his opponents on twitter every day wont make them stop.
This was a problem during the campaign too, he couldn't focus and needed to impulsively attack every distraction like that stupid Muslim family or that beauty pageant candidate with the sex tape.

Literally who?

Trump and his douchebags are likely to fuck up the country to the point that he is likely to lose the Republican primary.

hes not wrong

All he has to do is to stop tweeting, watch the rhetoric and stay on message. He can't even do that.

End of the day, poor people are poor people. It would have to be some hilarious narrow, pork barrel bullshit that would help the Rust Belt blue collar's and not poor negros. The real issue would be getting a populist through the primaries without him either being an establishment sleeper agent or hilariously incompetent (e.x. Trump). The powers that forced Clinton aren't going to sit around if an actual populist socialist (what Bernie pretended to be) was going to win.

Why not?

All he has to do is start a war.

Americans always vote for the sitting president if there's a war.

Look no further than the economy. That's what decides if someone is re-elected.

And Trump has the Dow Jones hitting record highs every week.

And also, the unemployment rate is its best in decades.

Or people will realise he's shit, and not vote for him, but sure "dark forces" if you want to not have to cry yourself to sleep.

Says increasingly nervous boy

Thanks Ahmed, .02 has been added to your account.

>End of the day, poor people are poor people. It would have to be some hilarious narrow, pork barrel bullshit that would help the Rust Belt blue collar's and not poor negros.
As far as I understand, most of those voters aren't actually poor but rather fear for their jobs. And Trump promising to help manufacturing (which he is, by cutting regulations) made them decide to vote for him.
>The real issue would be getting a populist through the primaries without him either being an establishment sleeper agent
No one but the establishment stands a chance to win in the Democratic primaries.
>hilariously incompetent (e.x. Trump).
How exactly is Trump incompetent? Come on, tell me? He is making progress with all of his promised projects and even Obama took 2 years to create his version of healthcare despite having a bigger majority. Is Trump now supposed to be incompetent because he couldn't fulfill all of his promises within 100 days? Is this the standard you are holding him to?
>The powers that forced Clinton aren't going to sit around if an actual populist socialist (what Bernie pretended to be) was going to win.
I can tell you why Bernie lost without mentioning sinister forces: Blacks and latinos. These groups voted for Hillary and outvoted the white Democrats. That's the story. Democrats no longer care about white workers or even black workers in the rustbelt.

I get it. You are a born follower who loves being told what to do. Go back and bow before your master.

As long as unemployment is the below the "really wants a job but can't get it" threshold, it's irrelevant. The issue is the dearth of well-paying, full-time, consistent employment opportunities. If Trump can't improve that, he's in danger.

Stock market is all smoke and mirrors. Especially to poor people.
Trump won't lose the primary. Either he's the only relevant candidate in the primary OR the Republican's impeach him and put in Pence within the next two years (probably in a year, so that Pence can sit the full ten years).
At this point, he needs to deliver on something. The wall was dead of arrival. The travel ban was both symbolic AND dead on arrival. Obamacare is still around AND he isn't offering an improvement.

Pence is a fucked up fundie idiot who shouldn't be a dog catcher.

he will get second term. im voting for him again

He should focus on that and not on this nonsense. I used to defend Trump all the time but I can't defend the guy anymore. He has been doing so many stupid and reckless things that it's impossible for anyone to defend the guy.

You must love sucking rich guy cock.

We'll see. He's doing some good shit for the economy but getting shut down on genuine populist moves. He'll need to pull out an ace if we wants all that populist support back.

I think it depends on if you believe the "it wasn't supposed to happen" theory on Trump; essentially, did the new order make a miscalculation? If so, why? And why so soon on the heels of Brexit? Are they getting sloppy? If it was a miscalculation, than we can expect them to attempt to fix it the next time around. Whether Trump can win will depend on how much he is able to cut them down during the current 4 years. If it wasn't a mistake and was just things going naturally as they appear, than it'll probably just depend on if the Trump economy keeps going at the same rate it is now.
He might not even have to start it with the way things are going.

Its depends on the left. If they keep up with their inadequacy and alienating whites - then i give him 5 Russian hackers out of 10. Add 2 for Islamic terror and 2 for achieving all of his promises.

If he keeps doing what he's doing, I don't see a reason not too. He's already passed my expectations by a mile.

Trump was rich and jewish waaay before the election.

Hillary not being able to keep her mouth shut doesn't give much hope.

>As far as I understand, most of those voters aren't actually poor but rather fear for their jobs. And Trump promising to help manufacturing (which he is, by cutting regulations) made them decide to vote for him.
Those jobs are gone and they aren't coming back. Robots will do them before they becoming a viable ticket to a middle class lifestyle again.
>No one but the establishment stands a chance to win in the Democratic primaries.
Maybe. The next two years will be interesting. Both parties are crippled zombies struggling to rally increasingly tiny voting bases. If the Democrats are forced to choose between keeping the party whole and allowing a non-establishment candidate OR sundering the party forever, they could choose the former.
>How exactly is Trump incompetent? Come on, tell me? He is making progress with all of his promised projects
Trump hasn't made real progress with anything. The Obamacare thing is a great comparison. Obama has the majority needed, but he still took forever. Trump just keeps rushing into blunders and then rushing into another blunder.

His biggest blunder is on the PR front. He needs to stop being a moron on Twitter. Use it to educate his voters instead of taking potshots at rivals and sabotaging his own message. For example, he needs to start Tweeting right now about how the Paris agreement is empty symbolism AND how Obama's action in agreeing to it without legislative approval was unconstitutional.

The dark forces are big money like asSoros, who failed to do anything with all that money for Hilldawg. And big propo like the flailing and failing Jew York Slimes and CNN, that are only succeeding in insulating their influence from the mushy Middle. Trump gets a second term, Pence the electric fence gets 2 terms, Gowdy slides into office after him and narrowly wins reelection before low info Americans decide to try their luck on a thoroughly centrist Democrat. And by then MAGA will have already succeeded

>wall dead on arrival
Are you fucking retarded? The Congress already gave him money for the prototype and seeing how he has recently turned Graham into an ally, I don't see how he won't pass his budget. He even threatened a shutdown if the whole thing doesn't go through.
>The travel ban was both symbolic AND dead on arrival.
He asked the SC to judge on that.
>Obamacare is still around AND he isn't offering an improvement.
It's a slow process since the Senate has to draft a completely new one and the give it back to the House for confirmation. Obama took 2 years to do that.

If he isn't killed until then I think it's very likely

It was the left/right pendulum swing. The pendulum was swinging to the right and hard in 2016. Despite the democrats rigging the election a good 5-15% (Trump probably also won Virginia, New Hampshire, Maine and a few others and the margins in the states he barely won were actually much higher victories but they were almost stolen) but they couldn't steal everything, they only have so much power to steal, the wave towards the right was too strong to stop. They TRIED to stop Trump, it wasn't enough. Next time is anyone's guess. The left seems totally enraged and in a frenzy, an endless blood thirst but Trump is also delivering unlike any president has before, he's keeping as many promises as he can, very unprecedented. I think both sides will be motivated to turn out next time. I think the edge will go to the right again, the left is completely jumping the shark and pissing off/freaking out normal people with their outrageousness and obvious lies. They also have no platform, just "Fuck Trump" which isn't anything to vote FOR. The right's greatest weakness is the traitors (McStain, Paul cRyan, Bitch McNeoconnell) in the republican party who won't fund the wall, won't pass tax cuts, keep trying to sabotage Trump. These people are what Trump MUST destroy before 2020. I'd give Trump a 75% chance of 2nd term right now.

Well if the Democrats don't wisen up then it seems evident he'll get a second term. The thing is is that Trump didn't exactly win. The Democrats lost because they had literally the worst person to run (plus they were totaly out of touch). What will have to happen is between now and then the Democratic party needs to get its shit together or just be torn down and rebuilt anew and so far it isn't looking like they've even thought about it yet.

Only braindead liberals take twitter seriously. And look who gets booty blasted with every tweet

>Those jobs are gone and they aren't coming back. Robots will do them before they becoming a viable ticket to a middle class lifestyle again.
As someone who actually has an idea what software can and can't, they aren't going to replace manufacturing jobs. What they will replacement is administration office jobs.
>Maybe. The next two years will be interesting. Both parties are crippled zombies struggling to rally increasingly tiny voting bases. If the Democrats are forced to choose between keeping the party whole and allowing a non-establishment candidate OR sundering the party forever, they could choose the former.
But their base is not blue-collar whites. It's blacks and latinos (especially the women).
>Trump hasn't made real progress with anything. The Obamacare thing is a great comparison. Obama has the majority needed, but he still took forever. Trump just keeps rushing into blunders and then rushing into another blunder.
Trump will take some time to push major projects through, just like every president before him.
>His biggest blunder is on the PR front. He needs to stop being a moron on Twitter.
But this is how he communicates with his base.
>Use it to educate his voters instead of taking potshots at rivals and sabotaging his own message.
How is he sabotating his message?
>For example, he needs to start Tweeting right now about how the Paris agreement is empty symbolism AND how Obama's action in agreeing to it without legislative approval was unconstitutional.
You can't meaningfully say that in only 140 characters.

>His biggest blunder is on the PR front. He needs to stop being a moron on Twitter. Use it to educate his voters instead of taking potshots at rivals and sabotaging his own message. For example, he needs to start Tweeting right now about how the Paris agreement is empty symbolism AND how Obama's action in agreeing to it without legislative approval was unconstitutional.
I doubt the twitter tirades are hurting him much with the average voter. This is a country that idolizes the likes of the Kardashians. When people see unemployment rates going down or him cucking other leaders on TV, they will still support him. Those that care and are well versed in real issues are in the minority.

> This !
> This both excites and scares me
> Scared after the Redpill

I disagree that he's "sabotaging" himself. The reality is that he has a non cooperative legislature (in the GOP most importantly) and a directly hostile bureaucracy. He also has a new media which won't stop running negative stories, so no matter what he tweets he will have bad press; just look at the one day Twitter was quiet and the news had nothing to report, rather than find something different they brought up how he likes "two scoops" of ice cream.

I mean come on, if you can't see he's trying to ice skate uphill against this shit I don't know what can convince you; he's not sabotaging himself, he's fighting an endless cycle of hatchet men. Frankly, his tweets are about the only thing that helps keep the balance I think as it allows him to steer the negative coverage a little.

The wall won't be finished, and, even if it is, it won't do jackshit.

The travel ban, much like the wall, is a symbolic gesture, and the harm with it's rejection has already been done.

It's a slow process that's guaranteed to do nothing positive, even if they pass it.

yeah kys

If Democrats secure spots in the House for Midterms next years and he does something colossally messed up, then his chances could be low. But I don't see the Democrats royally winning right now. Just take a look at how bad Waters, Warren, and Sanders are doing right now.

>a wall won't keep undesirables out
How left are you to be repeating this nonsense? You sound like a moron when you say stuff like this. It's one of the most idiotic talking points of the left, you need to drop it, get a better argument because you're not going to convince any person except your own leftist tribe that walls don't work at keeping people out of an area.

>The wall won't be finished
It will.
>even if it is, it won't do jackshit.
Keeping out drug dealers.
>but muh ladders and tunnels
We're not in the 10th century, we have technology against that.
>The travel ban, much like the wall, is a symbolic gesture, and the harm with it's rejection has already been done.
If the Supreme Court decides that it is constitutional, Trump will be the final winner.
>It's a slow process that's guaranteed to do nothing positive, even if they pass it.
Who says it won't be positive? I don't doubt Turtleman in that regard. This guy knows how to do shit that help Republicans.

The blocked travel ban may serve two new purposes going forward:
1 - Proving that yes, the president does have the power to control immigration/foreign travel at will, and
2 - Concrete proof the 9th circuit should be split and re-seated with new judges.

So do you enjoy spending all day here spinning your kike yarns and mental hoops?

Do you think you can *trick* people into not seeing that everyone from the media down to state level judges have been doing everything in their power to make people feel like Trump was a mistake, every time he farts CNN runs a story about it.

They want to make sure that no one ever questions their narrative again, Trump EMBARRASSED them.

Hell even just the reporters were red faced and looked like someone just forced their mouth open and shit down their throat all election night.

(((poll))) man looked like he just ran a half mile through shit and no one would let him wipe the sweat or his his shoes off.

Its guaranteed dude

Trump has the ability to instantly communicate with his followers around the nation with no television/journalistic filters. Only a braindead retard would squander that potential.
They are going to replace manufacturing jobs. It has already started.

Democrats are not entirely reliant on coloreds and women, dumbass. They ignored whites (especially poor whites) and it bit them in the ass this last election.

Trump isn't focusing on any major project. He's careening from one blunder to the next. He has exactly zero relevant, ongoing projects that offer a real improvement for his voting base.

You can convey damn near anything between a couple 140 message tweets and a link or two to corroborating sources.
He hasn't cucked anyone, and nobody idolizes the Kardashians.
Covfefe, admitting he sacked Comey over the Russia thing, etc. Yes, Trump does have a non-cooperative legislature and a hostile establishment. That doesn't preclude him from making stupid mistakes.

All the democrats have to do is not completely fuck everything up. Just by existing and doing nothing they will win. But based on their "fuck all white people" stance they have double downed on since Trump won things are looking grim.

This is true, but I wish he'd go on the offensive more to keep his many enemies off-balance. Hopefully withdrawing from the Paris accord and referring the travel ban to SCOTUS are the start of that.

Lol this is all nothing that the media has screamed about for months. You are only reacting to the medias tone not the severity, or lack there of, oof the "offenses" you fucking easily swayed moron

>They are going to replace manufacturing jobs. It has already started.
Only the most basic ones and even so, the machines aren't much cheaper due to maintainence.
>Democrats are not entirely reliant on coloreds and women, dumbass. They ignored whites (especially poor whites) and it bit them in the ass this last election.
The more they pander to whites, the less they can pander to latinos.
>Trump isn't focusing on any major project. He's careening from one blunder to the next.
This is your opinion. As far as I see it, he's working together with Senate and House leaders to prepare major projects.
>He has exactly zero relevant, ongoing projects that offer a real improvement for his voting base.
Wall, Healthcare- and Tax Reform are on their way, regulations are cut to make room for more manufacturing jobs and he's also pleasing the conservative base with some minor projects.
>You can convey damn near anything between a couple 140 message tweets and a link or two to corroborating sources.
Like linking a book like Hillary did? kek

You know, Democrats have been working extremely hard to win because their voter demographics are incredibly lazy voters. Young people, latinos and Asians have turnout rates well below 50%. And recently, the turnout for blacks has also decreased by a big margin thanks to Obama no longer being president.

I'm a straight, white, Christian, male, coal miner from the South. Why shouldn't I vote for him again?

He's giving the media their credibility back. If Trump had made no mistakes all they had to talk about was "two scoops" and his golfing.

You want to strangle the cartels in their sleep? Decriminalize drugs. See how well they fare when they have to compete against corporations and local businesses. You want an empty symbolic gesture to appeal to retards? Build an actual wall.
You're right. It isn't the 10th century. A wall is no longer the end all be all of defensive fortifications.
The President does have the power to control immigration/foreign travel. 9th circuit rejected the travel ban on the, not unreasonable given Trump's campaign rhetoric, that the ban was based on religion.

Anything could happen in that time. If he were to run right now I think he would win. After 4 years of scandal and constant attack who knows.

>still thinking Trump will make it to the end of his first term

50/50. On one hand, these 100 days have shown that trump is not living up to his promises and rather wants to set the white house on fire. But, maybe next year it could settle and he could get everything done but that still doesn't mean that could secure a second term if those promises like the wall don't work. Or, he could still trick his voters into electing him again even when his stuff doesn't pull through.

>He's giving the media their credibility back.
If they keep talking about muh Russia and nothing comes out of it, their credibility sinks even lower.
>You're right. It isn't the 10th century. A wall is no longer the end all be all of defensive fortifications.
You know why people build it back then? Because they are effective at stopping hostile people. Sometimes, they still manage to get over them, but it becomes harder to do so.
>The President does have the power to control immigration/foreign travel. 9th circuit rejected the travel ban on the, not unreasonable given Trump's campaign rhetoric, that the ban was based on religion.
A president also has the power to ban any race or religion. If the Supreme Court rules in Trump's favor, your kind will be shut up.

You actually think he will be impeached despite all of the Republican Party being (reluctantly) behind him? They are glad they get a president who signs their shit for which they get paid to vote for.

Any action can be spun in a negative light. Especially in a nation as ideologically divided as america. He is walking a very careful course.

>Memes aside, who thinks Trump has a shot at securing a second term in 2020?

He'll easily take it.

Name one thing Democrats can run on other than "2 SCOOPS BLUUUUUMPFGHR"

did u know that china is the World's leader in renewable energy AND is a 3rd world country

>On one hand, these 100 days have shown that trump is not living up to his promises and rather wants to set the white house on fire.
Has Trump promised to push through all his promises in his first 100 days?
>if those promises like the wall don't work.
Why woulnd't the wall work? It costs up to 10 billion dollars, which is cheaper than other stuff and the Republicans in the Senate seem to have the necessary votes to vote for it. They just need to abolish the filibuster.

Yes absolutely that's why he shouldn't create smoke when there is no fire. I don't even believe this whole Russia thing but the way Trump and his people have been acting it looks like it's true to some people.

If Obama had done this it would have been a mistake too.

>Only the most basic ones and even so, the machines aren't much cheaper due to maintainence.
You're utterly delusional. Automation is going to devastate labor markets within the next few decades.

>The more they pander to whites, the less they can pander to latinos.
Stop being a moron. Both of those groups have mutual issues within the U.S. Both of them are hurt by the shitty economy, runaway MICC, executive overreach, etc.

>This is your opinion. As far as I see it, he's working together with Senate and House leaders to prepare major projects.
Cool fantasy. I'll be over here in reality, where Trump has fuckall going on and has a Congress that is more likely to impeach him in ~18 months than anything else.

>Like linking a book like Hillary did? kek
No, you have to link something free and easy to read/digest. There have been plenty of articles written about how shit the Paris agreements were.

>He thinks covfefe hurt Trump
Probably a legit typo, but ironically it proved his point that the media will spend days sperging out over tiny irrelevancies just to have something to attack him with. They made themselves look ridiculous yet again, meanwhile Trump and his base clearly thought it was funny so if anything the attack helped him.

>tfw eurocunts don't know about midterms


barring a big shift, i don't think so

He certainly has a shot, but has a bigger shot of being impeached.

This man should be retired. He's just like my dad. Old and will never stop working.

If he pleases enough fat cats he will, if not he won't.

how can he be impeached? a president can't be impeached just because he hurts your feewings.

Former liberal here, supported Trump last election but didn't vote. I'll be sure to vote for him this time!

Out of the Paris Accord
Out of TPP
Removing Obama appointees
Saying fuck you to the globalist
Pushing us towards energy independence
...yup, i'll vote next time MAGA 2

>Yes absolutely that's why he shouldn't create smoke when there is no fire. I don't even believe this whole Russia thing but the way Trump and his people have been acting it looks like it's true to some people.
The ones who bring it up all the time are the Democrats.
>You're utterly delusional. Automation is going to devastate labor markets within the next few decades.
Starting with white-collar jobs. You know how hard it is to do precision labour?
>Stop being a moron. Both of those groups have mutual issues within the U.S. Both of them are hurt by the shitty economy, runaway MICC, executive overreach, etc.
Latinos in California voted against gay marriage. Does this mean they are Republicans, just because they hold conservative views? No.
>Cool fantasy. I'll be over here in reality, where Trump has fuckall going on and has a Congress that is more likely to impeach him in ~18 months than anything else.
MUH IMPEACHMENT. For what? And who exactly is going to impeach him. The majority Republican House or the majority Republican Senate? You nigger will realize that Trump will get most of his shit done and the Congress will be happy because he also signs their shit.
>No, you have to link something free and easy to read/digest. There have been plenty of articles written about how shit the Paris agreements were.
Because the average retard on twitter has enough interest to read through such an article, right?
I know what a midterm is you fucking retard and I also know what an impossible task it is for Democrats to win back the House. Not to mention the Senate where Democrats need to defend a shitload of seats in red states while only the Nevada seat of Republicans is in any danger. Also, Republicans have better demographics in off-years because even less minorities vote.

>When the presidents son in law is caught asking Russia for spy gear so he can have private conversations with Russia without being monitored but trumptards ignore this and keep bringing up how alpha he is because he shoved the leader of some shitty little tax haven out of the way

Kind of sad when France is making you look stupid desu

For what and by whom? The Republican Party can't impeach Trump because it would cost them in the midterms and especially in 2020 where they could even lose the House and with it, 100 seats due to Democratic gerrymendering.

Yes but he is dumb to respond to these idiots. Ignore these idiots.

Constitution is actually pretty vague on grounds for impeachment.
I think covfefe was just yet another of Trump's Twitter blunders. On its own, it's irrelevant, but eventually a pattern is developed.
>Yes absolutely that's why he shouldn't create smoke when there is no fire. I don't even believe this whole Russia thing but the way Trump and his people have been acting it looks like it's true to some people.

I'm glad they're talking to the Russians. Better them than the Muslims