/pg/ - Pagan General

Welcome to Pagan General!
Everything you need to know to start down the path of your ancestors and live the life of a true white man.
Paganism is about living a life of honor and harmony, instead of a life of fear and guilt like under the Middle-Eastern Abrahamic religions. Europe was Pagan for 40 thousand years before it became Christian. It has only been Christian for little over 1 thousand years.
Christianity, while arguably better than any other form of middle eastern mysticism, is still an alien and Jewish belief.

We might from different lands across the globe, but we are all Europeans and we need to stand together in this time of crisis to fight back the Jewish and Islamic invasion of our ancestral homelands.
We are Pro-European, Pro-Tradition, Pro-Nationalism, Pro-Tribalism.
Anti-Jew, Anti-Communist, Anti-Degeneracy.

Stephen McNallen:
Stephen McNallen is the founder of the Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) and an overt White Nationalist.
Asatru is a modern reconstruction of the old Germanic religion that was once practiced from the tundras of Iceland to the cliffs of Greece.
His YouTube channel: youtube.com/channel/UCuWPZGha53HHRFoxFd7-7eQ
Asatru - A Native European Religion: youtube.com/watch?v=cDvPdWBeEFc
What Stephen McNallen Really Thinks About Race!: youtube.com/watch?v=ewUuNO636ag

More info (thanks to previous anons for compiling this):
1. Asatru FAQ - asatrufolkassembly.org/faq/
2. Asatru Holidays - asatru.org/holidays.php
3. The Poetic Edda - sacred-texts.com/neu/poe/
4. The Prose Edda - sacred-texts.com/neu/pre/
5. Tacitus' Germania - ourdecline.com/smartboard/shop/tacitusc/germa ny/chap1.htm
6. Grimm's Germanic Mythology - archive.org/details/teutonicmytholo04gr im
7. Heimskringla - gutenberg.org/ebooks/598?msg=welcome_stranger

"Asatru is about roots, its about connections, its about coming home."

Other urls found in this thread:


i have a question. do pagans worship trees or not??

Enough of this Tomfuckery.
Christians and Pagans will stand together against the tide in RaHoWa.

I should have written this isnt supposed to be an Anti-Christian thread. Christianity adopted a lot of European traditions into itself over time. I just want to spread awareness of our ancestral roots.

We dont worship trees, we worship the gods. Some places may be sacred to the gods and we show these places respect, or "pray" to them.
The gods are not our lords they're more like friends. We show them respect, even offer them gifts as friends sometimes do, and in return they give us the gift of life and everything it offers.

And a friendly reminder that "Pagans are uncivilized tree fuckers" is a meme.
Paganism/Heathenism functions just as well today as it did in the past.

Oi Ukko Ylijumala,
Pilvi hattaroin pitäjä,
Tules tänne tarvitessa,
Käy tänne kututtaissa!
Pah' on olla pakkuloissa,
Kiero olla kipuloissa.
Puun löyly, kivosen lämmin,
Mäne läpi kuumista kivistä,
Palavista poateroista,
Läpi saunan sammalista,
Läpi kylyn kynnyksistä,
Emon tuoman ruumihista!.


I have to admit Nat soc is must more interesting without that Kike on a stick.

But honestly you guys are trying to hard, calm down.

Not try-harding at anything user, just encouraging people to lead a good life.

The Nine Noble Virtues of Asatru - How to follow them today: youtube.com/watch?v=NTZOKprbvQ8

I like what your selling. I really do. Maybe it's the format, comes off as a little desperate. Some more humor perhaps?

I'll stop shitting up your thread now. Good luck brother.

Are you ready for Christians to come in and ruin the thread's level of discourse? Because that's inevitably what happens whenever there's a thread about a non-Christian religion, regardless of how civil and non-inflammatory it is. It seems there are some Christians on Sup Forums who absolutely must let you know how much they despise every other religion, whether you want to hear it or not. Case in point

Varg's extensive documentation of Paganism/European Polytheism:

Paganism, Part I; Seiðr, Galdr & Ásatrú:

About Germanic Law:

Probably just my wording.
Could also be that we've had it drummed into our heads our whole lives that paganism is synonymous with LARPing in the woods.

Its fine if they do, dont give it a reaction and eventually they'll fuck off.
Haven't expressed any hatred for Christians in this thread.

1. What is the Pagan stance towards Islam?

2. Do you agree with Varg on the point that blue eyes and blonde hair have an advantage in cold climates and that brown haired, brown eyed people have some Sub saharan admixture?

3. Do you truly think that Christianity has not contributed ANYTHING positive to the white race?

Honest questions, no malicious intent. Tip: read Pierre Krebs' Fighting for the Essence. A pagan would love it.

>1. What is the Pagan stance towards Islam?
It should stay out of Europe by any means necessary.

>2. Do you agree with Varg on the point that blue eyes and blonde hair have an advantage in cold climates and that brown haired, brown eyed people have some Sub saharan admixture?
They dont have an advantage, blue eyes actually have a harder time seeing in colder climates during the day, however they see better at night.
Cant tell you about brown eyes because I honestly dont know enough.

>3. Do you truly think that Christianity has not contributed ANYTHING positive to the white race?
I never said that. Christianity (post Roman) adopted lots of old European traditions and generally taught people how to live good lives. I agree with most of Jordan Peterson's points about Christianity.
But I think Europe would be much better off had it not adopted Christianity.

1. Proper traditional European religious structure would take no stance on Islam, because Islam has nothing to do with our religious activity and traditional religion isn't a basis for an ideological identity by itself like Islam or Christianity, it's merely one element of many that form an identity. From an intellectual standpoint, though, I personally am opposed to Islam.

2. That has nothing to do with religion.

3. I don't think it has, or at least nothing unique to it that wasn't also found amongst the traditional religions. Certainly people who happen to be Christian have, but not Christianity itself. Here's a better question, if you believe it has, then what are some of the positive things you think it's contributed?

Been thinking about actually starting out with stonemasonry as a hobby.

Would be cool to have one of these in my backyard.

Tell me more of the Gods? Which pantheon do you personally follow? Are your Gods physical or metaphysical (as in, are they the laws of nature, or do they go beyond them)? Is there anything that ancient pagans did that you disagree with?

This is pointless, most westerners don't even know what Paganism is. Just look at all the Christcucks sperging out about one certain norse god and think that it represents everyone else..

I personally follow Asatru, so;
Odin, Frigga, Thor, Tyr, Loki, Baldr, ect.
I attribute the gods to the forces of nature, the land, emotion, ect. rather than actual physical beings. They dont look like they are represented, thats just a way of communicating what they represent.

As for anything ancient pagans did that I disagree with, not wiping out the Jews when they had the chance. :^)

The gods represent ideals and human qualities.

Like Odin represents wisdom and power.

Thor represents strength.

Freya represents virtue and fertility.

Loki represents deceit and cleverness.


They are in the modern age åsatru very close to how you would worship certain paragons of humanity for their special human qualities.

Pretty much this

Let me know when you edgy fedora cucks are able to sustain a culture, and an environment to raise children, Pagoys.

>when pagan threads became Nordic threads
It's been a fun ride brehs

Rome says hello



faggot kitschy pseudo-athentic runestone. kys

I see. So basically your wish is for whites/ Europeans to return to their prechristian religion. Have any of you ever looked into Abkhaz/Circassian neopaganism? According to Wikipedia, 8% of Abkhazians are neopagan.


(Abkhazians as a people are generally white as fuck, but there is a small percentage of them that have truly mostly SubSaharan origins. No one knows where they come from.)

>b...but 2000 years agoo......

up on the cross you go.

All debated end up being about asatru, Nordic gods and history.
There's no point in participating.

Next time I propose an IE point of view on the topic because it includes more white people

Let me know when you redneck Protestants grow a brain.

Norse pantheons are but a tiny fraction of Paganism. Plus they have become a joke due to the entertainment industry.
Everyone now knows them as Jewish comic book characters, not as remains of the old European (and others) cultures.

How about fucking off to your shit hole Xhaka Mohammed?

Asatru isnt Nordic its pan-European. Pantheon is irrelevant, its all branches of the same tree.
I speak about Asatru because its one of the best reconstructionist movements out there and its the one I personally follow. If you want to talk about other 'denominations' go ahead.

>Plus they have become a joke due to the entertainment industry.
This. I feel like Germanic paganism has been severely shat upon and memed by jewish directors. Now shitskins around the world appropriate their pagan heritage

Well, considering my origin (read namefagging), if I were to leave Christianity and convert to Paganism, I would definitely pick Helleno-Roman. However, you need to understand that the majority of the population of Sup Forums has Germanic/Anglo-Saxon/Scandinavian origin, thus they prefer the Scandinavian pantheon. Greek neopagans are a bunch of hippies. I know that Slavic Pagans are largely white nationalists, but fuck knows where they are.

It's essentially Germanic, I wont appropriate your gods or stories. I have great respect for it tho.
I'm gonna wait for a more inclusive thread


The greeks worship Zeus. They are welcome to post about it here.

Or you could start talking about Slavic paganism. I mean, it is not like anyone is stopping you.

I saw a minidocumentary in Vice once about Greek paganism. They looked like hippies, desu.

Have you norse Larpers/Pagans ever created some of this ?

The thread itself does not attract others than Norse pagans.

Let's broaden the theme in the first place, maybe a pajeet will enlighten us with the stories of his poo gods, who knows..

It is Germanic but like I said it was once practiced all across Europe. Pantheon is irrelevant user, in Rome its Jupiter, in Greece its Zeus, in Germania its Odin, ect. Its the same religion. If you want to talk about Slavic religion go ahead I'd be interested to learn.

Scandinavia in the Viking Age was reknown for it's very advanced ships and top quality steel. Even during the Renaissance, when the Italians were making marvelous art, Scandinavians were not very good at sculpture-making to my knowledge.

>Christianity invented carving


>A fucking leaf





I thought neopaganism in Sup Forums was for Europeans. Who cares about pajeets.

Right off the bat he says they are not religious which is just bad. I understand amongst hipsters the word religion has bad connotations but come on. The word religion is from the latin word religare which means to bind together such as a fasces.

"the notion of binding together that lies at the etymological root of religion is also, revealingly, found in the symbolic cluster of bound sticks, the fasce, that gives us the latter term fascism."

Small correction, the word religion means actually to re-bind. If you've read Evola, he states that humans and gods lived among each-other during the Golden Age, and that religion was created during the Silver Age, as an attempt to rebind humans and gods.

Of course it has. Any means for white collectivization is mocked by jews including christianity.

I've got to read more about it in order to answer you. I guess all the basics are in the OP

> When you know Perkons has a bigger dick than Thor


Perkon's dick is no much for Perkele's

And with that I gotta hit the sack, its late. If someone else more knowledgeable than me wants to make another /pg/ after this one go ahead.

Yeah I've heard the phrase "union with divinity" as a definition. That sounds in line with what you are saying. Thanks for the correction. I was quoting from the book "Methods of Science: Contribution on Scientific Illuminism:.

>no match*

>Perkons has a bigger dick than himself when Norsemen talk about him

ahem - the sign of perkons


>norse Larpers/Pagans

Behind ancient statues and work of art is a king and his peasants. It was no regular peasants that came up with ''hey let's have someone dedicate their entire life into learning and scultping stone'', it was a king who had thousands of subjects and could force the rest of his lowly subjects to provide for the sculptor. In the Nordics, the social life was much more egalitarian and people lived in smaller villages. There was no high kings that was in power to use resources for sculptures. They are not really of much practical value in small-scale egalitarian society.

Agriculture was the birth of slavery and peasant-class, before that men were more equal with each other. Naturally in those fertile places where they could submit a chunk of the population to do non-productive work, they could produce wonders and art.

I know most of Sup Forums is in the progressive ''civilization is highest achievement of humanity'' -trance that gets challenged by only the wisest, but I personally find absolutely no superiority in civilization vs. natural hunter-gatherer life.

That looks like it takes a good 30 minutes to draw.

>tfw will never have QTpie aino qf

>A FUCKING LEAF still going at it

At least we don't larp as maple syrup.

Schlaf schön user. Gott sei mit dir.

A fucking leaf


I agree, it is far easier to be equal when you live in small villages and cities, but I sorta (key word here) disagree on your take on civilization.

The natural hunter gatherer life offers many things, so does civilization, however, I think we need to use the development of technology to out advantage and live as close as possible to the hunter gatherer life style as our wallet allows us. We need to combine the new with the old.

Now imagine if aliens invade, and we are living in a truly hunter gatherer society. It would be the automatic destruction of humanity.

>You should not marry yourself too young or seek out for girls much younger than you t. Väinämöinen
Väinämöinen sure was progressive.

Depend. Paganism is a very broad term that applies to pretty much every non-Abrahamic religion. Celtic-polytheism has strong overlaps with animism so trees, rivers, etc are considered sacred.

guess you cant name one huh?

Don't even have to imagine alien invasion. Imagine about human invasion. I'm rather positive about that as animals, we would be most content with life as hunter-gather tribal animals we naturally are. But the hobbits living in paradise-like Shire can not live in peace next to the wicked, tortured souls of orcs. It doesn't matter how bad the orcs have it, they would conquer Shire with their technological and quantitive superiority.

I have not read the book Archeofuturism, intending to, but that's what I'd imagine a realistic future would look like. A combination of the aspects of natural human life, with enough technology to keep ourselves our own masters. Something like the Elves.

Best "sect" of paganism?

When will it be my turn for a pagan qt?

Take your pick
There is no "best"

>guess you cant name one huh?
Aunt Jemima

It's not a choice, it's given by ancestry. Where are you from?

I guess if you're a mutt you have to open yourself up to the gods and let them tell you themselves where you belong.

Mate the fact is we're all interbred at this point. Hellenic/Roman religion was practiced as far as Britain so even if you're a Celt it doesnt really matter if you dont choose to specifically follow druidism.
Find something that suits you and your lifestyle best in my opinion.

Exactly. Without our superior technology, chinks and arabs would destroy us. Hell, even subsaharans could, considering their. Sometimes, we need to sacrifice happiness for survival.

>enough technology
You are implying that technology develops in a linear way. It is not true. We need to develop technologies that promote environmentalism and allow us to live as close as our ancestors did as possible.

I've heard a lot of pagans say that the various pantheons are actually the same gods with different names, but what truth is there to this claim?

I know my ancestry and where I'm from. Different tribes have intermingled and united in sacred marriage, which is obviously fine. I'm not talking about a purely material concept, I'm talking about the spiritual ancestry. There's obvious overlap but they're definitely not the same. I know it's harder for you colonials but that makes it all the more important for you, in my opinion, to open up and ask, not just choose what superficially looks nice.

Wow, this is awesome OP. Never seen a /pg/ thread, normally post in /nsg/.

One question I have is how similar is Christianity to the pagan religions? I've heard the concept of a holy trinity is the same.

Is there anything known about Polish paganism?

It's actually really complicated. Almost all of the major pantheons throughout Europe, Persia, and Vedic period India can be traced to common Indo-European roots, but they've evolved over time in different cultural contexts that some of the characteristics have dropped, changed, or been associated with different gods, as well as new characteristics popping up and foreign deities being adopted into the pantheons. Local deities were also very important, but they usually saw a tremendous amount of variation and adaptation to a specific cultural and environmental contexts, as well as foreign importation. However, local deity cults still took on at least some common themes from the common Indo-European roots.

Prayer hasn't worked out for me yet. I ask the gods who I should worship, but I end up hearing what I want to hear.
As a colonial, I think we should follow the gods attributed to our family name. In a patriarchal society, I imagine that our ancestors would worship the gods of their fathers.

Well Odin can be seen as a representation of a "trinity", here's a video to sum it all up.


In regards to opening up to the gods I'd like to recommend Collin Cleary's "Summoning the gods" which has been very useful to me.

>thinks autism is a gift
>muh blue eyes and blonde hair
>stabbed people and burned churches
>hates christianity but backs down like a cuck when it comes to islam and judaism

There's actually another Pagan General that comes up, but it doesn't call itself /pg/
You can find it in the archive with a ton of resources. I'm sure you'll find something on Polish paganism.
Here's a useful mega incase you can't find it.

As for Christianity, the trinity isn't like European paganism. Any attempt to describe the nature of the trinity is always incompatible with the bible and labeled a heresy so it's just a mystery. Paganism is more concrete.

I prefer The Golden One in general.

Europe did better under the Church than it did under paganism.

For instance, the Church stopped pagans from marrying their own cousins. :)

Yeah Varg has issues, not a good introduction.

I did not intend to imply that, even if my bad wording maybe made it seem like that. Technology shouldn't be restricted, but we can control in what way our lives are centered around technology and natural life. Worshipping technology is a symptom of modernity, and I've problem with it. Scientific progress can not be the meaning and end game of humanity, but to serve humanity.

The formation of tribes (only part self-sufficient, otherwise town and national level social cohesion breakes) that are of the size of Dunbar number (~100-250) is one important step for a better future. For all our evolutionary history, we had a tribe, while modernity has tricked us that we are lone-living individualist animals.

Paganism is a lot like Christianity because Christianity pretty much appropriated all of paganism, and put a Jesus-cover to it. Christmas is Yule and so forth.

That's hilariously untrue. Royal families were notorious for incest during the church's time.

Interbreeding is a mostly Anglo and Central European thing. My ancestors have lived in Finland since 1700s, my paternal side comes from central Sweden before that. Nothing unusual to have all traceable ancestors from one country. And I do not consider it mixing if it's a North European with North European.

The Gods are the same, the codes of honour are the same. Does not matter if you call it Zeus or Perkele, different languages have different words for the same thing.

They're off making the best Black Metal.


Hate Forest
Nokturnal Mortum


It's basically all the same. Just different names.

Perun = Thor