Tell me, Why do we need 200,000 immigrants per year?
Tell me, Why do we need 200,000 immigrants per year?
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We don't Kenji
We need 0 refugees and 0 non-assimilated immigrants from 3rd world shitholes.
Yeah, why ? You people are at the edge of robotic, I'm pretty sure you can make a robot that's smarter than a nigger.
To keep your jewish overlords happy
And you don't like unhappy jewish overlords
Because the Huns are pushing them into europe just like the Roman times
Because your people ain't having enough sex.
Jews fear the samurai. Please don't let them ruin anime and Japanese vidya, the last bastions of untainted escapism.
i might be willing to lend some sperm to japan. i want you guys to survive.
you need none
kick out all non-Japanese
you don't
stay strong Nippon
>post pic of nationalist trying to kill socialist
>mfw I am going to kill socialists and workers
you are correct. FUCK COMMIES.
You don't
Don't let retarded(and malicious) people tell you otherwise.
so the natives dont get living wages.
God bless based nip(ple)
Just vet who u want in breh, if @ all any1
not so fast nippon
I don't know why do we need millions of children per year?
Because diversity is strength you xenophobic slant eye.
You don't.
Do quantitative easing or some shit to pay for your old people.
commies aren't people, kill them all
Because the economy matters more than your people.
I agree with you sensei, but ((they)) want their debts paid even after you die
but doesnt diversity mean the same as agreeing with the same principles as another country
Fucking kill yourself you cuckspammer
Because you don't fuck.
Start fucking, why is it so difficult?
t. a fucking banker kike
You don't, robots will replace all the population by 2090
(((Vox))) fears the samurai
Because you don't want to be racist.
1. Accept refugees
2. ????
3. Profit
To enrich your culture don't.
Do you want your regime changed? 'Cause that's how you get your regime changed.