she has a career left to throw away?
The only thing I have ever seen Kathy Griffin in is Whose Line Is It Anyway, and I remember her being so fucking terrible that they only had her on for two episodes out of five whole seasons.
>Do a photoshoot where you're holding a man's severed head
>Claim that he broke you when it backfires
how the fuck did he break her?
Trump went way too far this time she's just a woman.
>when Joan rivers dies and you lose your career buts it's okay because you're type cast as an annoying blabbermouth so you behead the president, a friend of rivers, hoping to bring your career back from the dead
Play stupid games.
Win stupid prizes.
What an arrogant bitch. It's all ok and fun to bully others and do mock-up beheadings. But when that backfires it's the victim's fault. Even children have better judgement than her.
Didn't even know who she is before the ISIS shit she's done
>do something provocative
>be surprised when there is backlash
She went up there during the press conference, apologized, had to explain her jokes (the worst that came of all of this), cried, then tried to call out the President for not censoring what his children view on television.
Overall she acted in an idiotic way these last few days and the rule of thumb is that if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
Someone should give this cunt something to really cry about.
>BTFO yourself
>"muh vagina"
>"muh vagina"
>"vagina vagina vagina"
>Implying female comedians have a career
>Liberal logic
you fuck with the trump, you get the dump
He broke her by uusing Barron, in which she and her lawyer responded by calling on the literal President of the United States to to a better job monitoring what his child watches on television
As if he already doesn't have enough shit to do
i thought you muricans have freedom of speech. why are you abusing this carrothead? she just tweeted some shoop, didnt actually behead your memepresident.
Totally fake cry
Notice she is not in jail like germanfags would be. She cries because of the media backlash.
1 day story. she wasted her money getting several attorneys. her lawsuit is going nowhere and she made a fool of herself, on her own accord, in the conference. it will all be used agaisnt her and her attnys were cringined throughout
with his LOC (large orange cock)
Joan would have definitely voted for Trump.
top kek
she didnt tweet a shoop, its a photoshoot that was planned and executed by a number of people.
they had cameras on her during the setup and she already knew she was going to face a massive backlash over it.
>I was wondering what would break first
Awww So sad.
She didn't violate the 1st amendment but the picture showed poor judgement overall.
That said, she's rightly under investigation now by the secret service who's job it is to protect the president from all potential threats. Literally ALL of them.
Remember that retard last year who tweeted that he wanted someone to assassinate Trump? He straight up got deported. Don't fuck around with the executive branch of the United States
It's not as strict as roachland, but its close.
She's just trying to get a book deal out of this and a lifetime movie.
Sorry not sorry
WAAAAAAWAAAAAAA let me act the victim WWWWAWAWWAW fucking moron.
>a jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
Did Trump even personally respond to her or was it just his kids? I feel like this whole controversy is pretty one sided and no one really gave a shit.
the audacity of this hag. why do the left have such an overbearing victim complex?
She thought nobody would be upset and nothing would happen, not even the 50% of US voters which means tens of millions.
She's a moron and deserves what she gets.
Where's the shoop with her holding a smiling Pepe head?
> holds up replica of severed presidents head covered in blood.
> says Trump broke her.
We do. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you are protected from the judgement of your peers. She's not being legally charged with anything. It's someone's right to withdraw employment when someone does something incredibly stupid. She's more than free to do stupid shit, just as people are more than free to make decisions based on her stupidity.
It would be like me saying "I hate niggers" at my job and then my job saying "you're fired." My freedom of speech has not been breached and their freedom to run their business has not been breached. Given that's a bad example, because I could probably scream "I hate niggers" at my job and all that would happen is an echo of "me too" a few offices down.
Is that hard for you to understand?
God grow some fucking balls at least.
Because they're ultimatly very selfish people. It's bad because it concerns her this time: you can mock other people ok, but not me, no.
You can see other parts of this when people preech tolerance for a select set of people they approve of, which isn't really tolerance at all.
i really want someone to shoop pepe holding wojak's crying head
Old people in HD was a mistake.
Aye I get you. I honestly just couldn't believe it when she said started blaming old white men. Like fucking clockwork.
Her punishment must be more severe.
Only when she's homeless and dumpster diving for meals will we allow to her to die.
wow look at Sup Forums getting all asshurt over a joke and wanting someones freespeech curtailed by them losing work. Shocker
They are delusional children at the voter and media level. Quit literally the mentality of mentally retarded children. The actual Democrats are much less delusional, they are just corrupt pieces of shit who are smart enough to use the leftist base of support as useful idiots. The same reason minorities continually vote left despite the left not holding any of their best interests at heart. The left says "we love darkies, we promise gibs" and the darkies are too stupid to realize they are being patronized and used as tools.
Smart darkies understand the only way for darkies to progress is less gibs and a push for actual education, productivity and responsibility; which is what the right pushes.
Darkies complain about a continual chain of oppression and reliance on the government when they continually vote to keep themselves subjugated under the policies and gibs of the left.
It's infuriating.
Oh huh I didn't know Joan died
Shortly after she said "Michelle Obama is a tranny, everyone knows that."
No shits given on your behalf, you skeletal-looking bitch
>hold up bloodied decapitated head of current president
What a faggotry
Fired for a shitty photo?
Kelly Griffin please go away
Don't be on this site another day
Gingers have no souls
Oh shit i'm sorry...
>i'm sorry
Let's cheer up her in twitter.
did trump make a statement? did he do something?
as far as i know she took the daft picture, then starting crying about what trump did to her. so what the fuck DID he do?
Why do they keep saying this?
Women don't have dignity
How many slightly right wing people have had the same treatment for daring to step even slightly out to the right of centre?
Fuck me, even lefties who occasionally forget their lines have been dragged through the press and made to beg for forgiveness,
Apologize for HER actions and the consequences that follow, because of HER actions, Sit the fuck down Lord Autismo.
I think he blocked her on twitter or something
haha that photo-shopped baby in the background
In all honesty, I don't think anyone should lose a job over this. She should apologize and that's it. But since the left has been using this tactic against any conservative, the right pretty much forced the left to fire her so they wouldn't be hypocritical.
She wasn't losing her CNN job by the way til advertisements started pulling away from CNN.
She is just a small part of this media war. She screwed over CNN by forcing them into a corner.
As the saying goes, fight fire with fire.
Compare her to Trumps son, the fucking young lanklet one.
He's called slow, autistic, a potential homeschool shooter by the left, and what's this kids reaction? Stoicism beyond his fucking years. Stares right into that shit and doesn't drop a single fucking tear. He just keeps on trucking like it doesn't bother him.
Only thing is, it does bother him and I know it does because he's a fucking kid.
Now look at this """comedian""" and her current situation. A public breakdown over being held responsible for her actions.
One kid, a fucking literal child, who has done nothing warranting the backlash against him has better emotional composure than a 56 year old woman with decades of experience with backlash. Tell me again that leftists are the "mature" side of politics.
Whatever happened to "Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences?" It applies in situations other than criticizing rape jokes.
>Fired US comic
Today is a good day, eh lads?
I recognize that bulge.
> holds severed head, ISIS style, as an "art photoshoot"
> jokes about the backlash
> It starts affecting her shekels
> muh artist, muh soggy knees, muh female
Actions have consequences. This is the left jumping the shark. They are dying the slow, painful death they deserve.
Remind me who this bitch is. Is she the one who.was in an unfunny sitcom from years ago with an annoying voice? Show about model agency or some shit?
actually this is working out exactly how she wants. dont be fooled by this fake regret. her career was all but over and she was almost completely forgotten and now shes wallowing in fresh publicity like a pig in shit.
"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
This has redpilled the fuck out of normies, it's so great. How fucking dumb do you have to be.
Freedom of speech also applies to people who want to criticize her. Now I don't support petitions to get her fired or concerted efforts to ruin her career, but she did this to herself. People from both sides of the isle here have called her out on it and her former employers and sponsors voluntarily chose to stop associating with her.
>She wasn't losing her CNN job by the way til advertisements started pulling away from CNN.
So the right didn't force shit, and the left didn't feel any obligation avoid being seen as politically hypocritical. CNN started to care s soon they realized her personal publicity stunt was costing the company money and once it did they fired her immediately.
Whatever it takes to patch up the damage and stop the stream of cash it sprouted from flowing down the drain.
Is this photoshopped?
Wow, so Trump saying "You're fired" was not a joke?
>gets dropped by CNN
It could rain tomorrow, and liberals will find a way to blame Trump.