Stop using the n-word. Now

Stop using the n-word. Now.

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once niggers stop using it (lol they won't, muh nigga. ) we can


Nigga pls


Why does he give a fuck?

It's not like there are any nigger votes in Nebraska.


Fuck off nigger, you don't decide what language is allowed to be used.




The more you refer to it like it must never even be uttered, the more power you give it


Mayer pls go




Fuck off nigger. Don't tell me how and what to say.

Did anyone else read "American Creed" as "Assassin's Creed"?

I've been on the computer too long.


I'll get right on it.


what a madman




Daily reminder that he set the bitch up. :) Top job, Senator Sasse.

38 seconds:

>‘I’m A House N*gga’: Did Bill Maher Cross a Line During Ben Sasse Interview?

this is the optimal response



so Ben Sasse is a retarded nigger who can't think very well on his feet?

Indeed, use nigger instead of "the n-word" like some literal harry potter voldemort cuntlicker.

If you mean nigger, say nigger. If you dont want to say nigger dont say "the n-word" ya racist cunt



wtf is the american creed

This, it was masterful bait.

Say "work the fields" to a liberal and they start thinking about muh slavery

ITT: Nigger

niggers use nigger more than anyone. They want equality, either stop using it or get over other people using it

Nigger, what?

So Southern nationalists should use it as a sign of rebellion against the empire. Sounds good, thanks.

>why do you think it is ok to use that word
Because I don't give a fuck about the feelings of nigger

>No grooming gangs
Pick one you dignified nigger you.

The people who paint it as some terrible word ("an attack on universal human dignity!") are really betraying what they think about black people. Where's the outrage over any other racial slur?

A slur is only as effective as the target feels about themselves.

But kill all white people is 100% ok




I get tired of faggots preaching to me what is and isn't American.

chickenshit neocon traitor was too chickenshit to say it to maher's face.


Of course, 'cause trump validated the fringes, the diseased minds, the intolerant and vicious parasites od society. You think being appropriate and educated is PC and then you go and cry like a snowflake about a katy griffin joke


What did trump do when bill maher joked about his family ressemnling orangutans? sued him. what did he do with katie griffin? cry like a snowflake. You're not anti PC, youre just a bunch of uneducated douchebags who will take that as an excuse to attack who you despise

oh look the deplorable propagandist


I fucking hate republicans.

I can't stop using it it's too powerful, plus it's a part of one of my incantation spells. Abraca-nigger open seasame, Hocus pokus allahcadosus. I just summoned a welfare check. Cha-ching niggers.

when the first post is also the best post

What's his name again Sup Forums ??
Ben 'Apologize to Niggers, Nigger' Sasse


ben sasse is a faggot pussy nigger

hol up, so yous be saying nigger is a bad word whitey master?

Blacks are a minority and make up the majority of all crime... blacks are an attack on the American Creed.

>Country shaped like chicken nugget
>is called Niger

Came here to post this. I would've been disappointed if it wasn't the first post

t. Obama


Anyone want to help us on pic canvas. Antifa has been raiding us all day on the /mlpol/ banners we could use an increase in numbers. You are not allowed to post pic canvas links here so I have to like you to our base on if you are interested. Also working on tarring down spic flags and working on expanding the watered down mod allowed 4th reich flag if any of you are interested.

NIGGER, Nigggger, Negro, Nigga, I hope you realize words are only meaningful to the weak. Call Jerome a nigger and he walks away he understands, call Jerome a nigger and he punches you in the face he understands. Its a fking word !

>It is part of our DNA
>Yes, we are not cured yet
mfw King Nigger a.d is a race realist



>stop using the n word

B..b...but muh rap music muh black culture would die


have fun with your communist leader when he gets elected


"Nigger" nor any other word should be taboo, and the more "forbidden" a word becomes, the biggest is the temptation to say it, especially by the young.

Just stop giving it so much importance and it will lose its power.

>Bill Maher getting out-pc'd and out-alpha'd by a fucking RINO
What universe have we stepped into?

"Nigger" was never ever used in an "offensive" way before the 20th century. All the slave movies where masters call slaves "nigger" are terribly wrong and anachronistic. It was literally never used in that way until the NAACP decided it was a bad word. It obviously derived from Negro, which just means black, but it was never a putdown. In fact, it's first use in America was not even for black people, even according to (((wikipedia))):
"During the fur trade of the early 1800s to the late 1840s in the Western United States, the word was spelled "niggur", and is often recorded in literature of the time. George Fredrick Ruxton used it in his "mountain man" lexicon, without pejorative connotation. "Niggur" was evidently similar to the modern use of "dude" or "guy". This passage from Ruxton's Life in the Far West illustrates the word in spoken form—the speaker here referring to himself: "Travler, marm, this niggur's no travler; I ar' a trapper, marm, a mountain-man, wagh!"[6] It was not used as a term exclusively for blacks among mountain men during this period, as Indians, Mexicans, and Frenchmen and Anglos alike could be a "niggur"."

This is a CIA nigger psy-op, dont trust anything they tell you


I don't hate niggers, I just want them gone from here. I'd love to help them improve themselves, but it's useless. Their intelligence is simply too low. If I could feel, I would do so for the few intelligent blacks.

in the 70's, you couldn't say "black". the problem is niggers are too sensitive and dumb to live among free men

Use them. Make them do what you, not (((they))) want.
Use a nigger, they need that. Or niggers will chimp-out.

maybe you can be redeemed, just find your place in the fields

I don't use it but embodying words with occult power is stupid. It allows others to have power over you.
Free speech is part of that process, people use offensive words because they have power but the power is given to the word by the offended.
Words don't kill people
niggers kill people

no one is crying faggot. It's called pointing out hypocrisy amongst the left. Kathy Griffin "joke" is execused while an Obama mask gets you fired and a DOJ inspection. Stop involving yourself with American politics and stay cucked,

Everyone who says such a word must truly hate black people, right ?
Right ?

>niggers kill people
Murricas need to make Coliseum and put nigger in it. Then give them weapons. And call it nigger shortening facility.

Come to memeball general!


Why does he spend his time on thinking about the word "nigger" and sharing his ideas about it in social media?

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger hahahahahahahahahaahahahah :D:DDD


So seriously what the fuck Universe did we go into we're making an offensive joke gets people so riled up it's like some sort of backwards 1984 it's fucking terrible Bill Maher is not even relevant anymore as one of you trying to get him fired? Or has the mainstream media just gone completely insane.

isn't the n-word "negroe"


The easiet way to redpill people on niggers is whenever the mental gymnastics of who can say "nigger" crops up.

We have to meme a traitor like Ben Sasse out.
He laughs after hearing house nigga, this has potential.


nigger, negro, nigress, nigga, nigs
>mere words hurt ALL humans
>words attack the dignity of the ENTIRE AMERICAN CREED
sjws are fucking crazy. Too often they project their desire to control every human expression.