If you could go back in time and not get red-pilled, would you do it? Don't you think you'd be happier?
If you could go back in time and not get red-pilled, would you do it? Don't you think you'd be happier?
A drunk person's happier than a sober one but you'd be stupid to want to be drunk all of the time.
Nah being drunk all the time is awesome
Well, I'd have a good job, a loving family and a cheerful outlook on life.
Damn, Laci looks like THAT?
Browsing Sup Forums made me take up working out, exercising, eating healthy and creative hobbies. I went from pathetic and fat to incredibly angry and decently fit. Dunno if the trade was worth it, since society much prefers the pathetic to the furious.
Id go back and do it sooner.
Laci has genital warts. She uses a vibrator too.
if i could go back in time, id go back in time far enough where there's no such need as being X-pilled 4 anything
wasn't this a post yesterday? with the exact same picture????
fuck off.
Stop posting this used up whore
Has anyone seen the shitstorm that is Twitter between Laci and Chris Ray Gun? Essentially Chris turns into le whiteknight cuz "muh girlfriend nao, GET OVER IT" and Laci is trying to justify her relationship with him and her "red pilling". Essentially they're just dating for the lulz in the skeptic/sjw community.
Like jfc it's annoying as fuck.
>If you could go back in time and not get red-pilled, would you do it?
>Don't you think you'd be happier?
the womens will mess up anti-sjw. START looking into what is the next thing. I vote race realism.
If I could go back in time I'd probably just kill me. I wouldn't trust me to follow any instructions I leave myself with.
You have alcohol dependency in your cultural genetics.
The truth will make you lose your mind and the will to live.
but u cant even if u want 2 which is y a;dklmfda
i said 2 much
Yea, she's a top tier waifu
This. Being red pilled makes you painfully aware of what's at stake and that you should get your shit together.
Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power
I would still take the red pill, Im quite sure Id be depressed regardless of it. Autism is too strong
Nah F A M I woke as AF NiA.
Shits lit AF.
I grew up in an area with a high population of minorities. Not being red-pilled is the equivalent of being intentionally naive.
No, I'm aiming to gradually red pill my friends.
I've always been the type of person who has tried to have a neutral point of view on things, if an argument is sound, I'll agree with it.
I have alot of feminist friends, and they all have good intentions, none of the #killallmen #manspreading idiots you get, but they're misinformed on things like the wage gap and go rigid whenever MRA's get mentioned.
Ive already told a few ow them that any good feminist would be doing themselves a service by watching the Red Pill. I've actually purchased it on youtube so I can show it to them whenever I have time to hang out with them.
No I would be scared and confused but not know why. Sandniggers would still be exploding Europeans and flooding Europe. Politicians would still be calling me a heartless monster for not wanting the same poor Muslims in my country. Black college students would still be calling for death to whitey, and white college students would still shout it along side them. All media and social sites would still say everything is ok.
Here there are at least other voices that scream into the silence this shit is fucked up.
I just want to fit in with everyone else and be happy
pic or it didnt happen
RIP brain
An unexamined life is not worth living.
Yes please. Use the MIB flash thingy on me so I can unsee everything
Now every day of my life is They Live
sounds like fun
wish my friends were that fkin stupid
i digress so here's a good 1:
>"Men have sacrificed and crippled themselves physically and emotionally to feed, house, and protect women and children. None of their pain or achievement is registered in the feminist rhetoric, which portrays men as oppressive and callous exploiters." -Camille Paglia
If i wasn't redpilled I would be like my fiance. He is half red pilled but is still liberal on some issues. (He knows the world is fucked but ate up what the media said about Trump. He also thinks pol/'s explanations for shit are just a bunch of conspiracy theories)
It makes me so sad to see him get frustrated with how white males are attacked constantly. He is told he is a piece of shit on every source of media. Liberals, not me, will redpill him soon.
>T. Not a gay, just a vagina owner.
>If you could go back in time and not get red-pilled, would you do it? Don't you think you'd be happier?
No because we need to save humanity from a dark future and if we don't do it who will.
I went through a similar change, I've figured its better to be angry than anxious/depressed like I was. Anger can be a positive if its not out of control, it makes you feel less passive or powerless. Atleast for me.
That and its less crippling, you can channel your energy into positive things better while anxiety/depression and feeling pathetic really only cripple you
Time Travel doesn't allow you to go back to the Original timeline if/when you change things.
When you change something, you create a separate timeline.
I want to suck her pussy so bad
Does she have nudes?
>implying you can't still have the first two
Being aware seems like the better option in the long run, can help you avoid the worst shit.
I'd take feeling angry and depressed about the world over mindlessly adding to the degeneracy. Although I need constant mental stimulation and research so I bet I would redpill myself again if I did go back.
Eh, get furious. I got mad enough I applied to the army.
I had something similar to you, but then I realized how useless I'd be if I didn't do and learn more.
Go as far as you want to take it
Habbening soon Sup Forumsack
If your goal is to "be happier" please just kill yourself and never feel pain again. You are completely worthless and your disgusting burger cult of happiness is destroying everything of value in this world.
That's the argument though, isn't it? If you're drunk all the time, you're in a constant stage of bliss and unawareness at the cost of your own health. If you're blue-pilled, same thing...
>If you could go back in time and be born retarded, would you do it?
And be a blight on humanity? I'd rather be killed at birth
but blue pilled people seem to be salty about every god damn thing all the god damn time. look at all the dems - haven't shut the fuck up about President Trump yet. They're so miserable they look like they're in love with him.
>Would you do it?
>Don't you think you'd be happier?
Well yeah, I'd imagine that if you're going back in time then you're specifically looking for a different outcome for your future.
If you fail to change your big goal, but still had a tiny effect on your surroundings, you would end up in that "different" timeline anyway, because the almost imperceptible changes you made would still have some effect. If the "difference" in timelines was looking at the world as a whole, then you still made a change.
But you'd be disappointed at wasting all that energy for nothing.
Blue pilled people aren't happy at all. They wouldn't go hysterical over a word or two here and there.
If I could go back in time I'd tell the Nazis about nukes. I'm not a Nazi myself but I just cant think of a better way to avert this disaster of a timeline we currently inhabit.
this, after putting me in a very depressive state for a time, I am now starting to improve myself, I have been torn down and am now in the process of being rebuild/rebuilding myself, stronger than ever, it's seriously happening guys.
"It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, are a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question."
John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism
>implying I'm red-pilled
I like the Jews and wish the holocaust had killed fewer of them. Their current collective insanity is the result of circumstances that would drive any group insane.
>Their current collective insanity is the result of circumstances that would drive any group insane.
Do you not realize they were responsible for those circumstances? There's a reason they've been expelled hundreds of times in history from a variety of countries, it's not a coincidence
How many times does something have to repeat before you realize the pattern?
I vote Islam. Total subservience of women, throw gays off of buildings, no taxes, violence is the first solution for any perceived enemies.
Why are we resisting this?
What circumstances are you referring to? They were insane well before the war. Look at their role in the rise of Communism and its crimes
it really wouldn't change much i got redpilled when i was raped at the age of 12 by a woman, from there it all went in a spiral straight to hell
>Islam. Total subservience of women, throw gays off of buildings, no taxes, violence is the first solution for any perceived enemies.
this, it baffles me whenever Sup Forums shits on islam considering Sup Forums essentially has the same philosophy that the religion professes
i think the only thing preventing most of Sup Forums from converting to islam is that Sup Forums doesn't like arabs
Yes. It's ruined my life
Nah. I'm glad I got redpilled now.
>genital warts
She admit that in a video?
You'd be just as unhappy if you were bluepilled. Take a look at bluepilled people: they're unhappy about Trump and worried about him being a Soviet spy and other stupid bullshit. Redpill or bluepill, you have to figure out how to make your own happiness. You also need to accept the fact that life isn't about being happy 24/7, and then find a way to deal with and get through the dark times.
>There's a reason they've been expelled hundreds of times in history from a variety of countries, it's not a coincidence
They were usually expelled for some combination of being smart and allowing usury, and both of those are absolutely okay.
Not the war, the constantly being driven out. If they'd stayed in one place they'd probably be living on Mars right now and fighting against the imperial British and Japanese outposts.
The war wasn't about the Jews, by the way, it was about German expansion and British attempts to contain them, same as the previous wars.
What an absolute load of shit.
Firstly Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and everey other muslim country without vast oil reserves has taxes.
They practice male circumcision which basically everyone on here is opposed to.
They have zero respect for free speech unlike virtually everyone on here.
They have limited racial awareness and for the most part low IQs and no one on here really wants to oppress women unless you think taking the vote off of people who have proved incapable of wielding it responsibly counts as oppression. Also is Sup Forums serisouly for killing gays?
and islam is completely anti-science while Sup Forums is pro-science
Do you know what happened in the lead up to every time they were driven out?
They immigrated into a country where they weren't wanted.
And the so called forced diaspora under Roman rule is complete shit. There is zero archaeologial evidence for it and the only supposed literary evidence comes from them. A few ringleaders were kicked out. Ashkenazi Jews have as much Italian blood in them as Jewish and were a small band of people who moved into northern europe initially not the whole jewish nation who had been kicked out of their homeland. That never happened.
>islam is completely anti-science
right because it's islam that makes a huge fuss about stem cells and not christians...
oh wait
>The Catholic Church opposes human embryonic stem cell research calling it "an absolutely unacceptable act." The Church supports research that involves stem cells from adult tissues and the umbilical cord, as it "involves no harm to human beings at any state of development."[61]
>The religion of Islam favors the stance that scientific research and development in terms of stem cell research is allowed as long as it benefits society while using the least amount of harm to the subjects. "Stem cell research is one of the most controversial topics of our time period and has raised many religious and ethical questions regarding the research being done. With there being no true guidelines set forth in the Qur'an against the study of biomedical testing, Muslims have adopted any new studies as long as the studies do not contradict another teaching in the Qur'an. One of the teachings of the Qur'an states that “Whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be if he saves the life of humankind” (5:32), it is this teaching that makes stem cell research acceptable in the Muslim faith because of its promise of potential medical breakthrough."[65]
>church has still power
>people take the bible serious enough to kill thenmselfes and others over it on a regular basis
I think trying to define Sup Forums or Sup Forums for that matter is just like trying to see yourself in a mirror in a dark room. You think you know what you'll see and if you had the light on in the room you would see exactly yourself in that mirror but it is dark and turning on the light turns Sup Forums into reddit. Leave Sup Forums in the dark. It's better this way.
Fuck off Leaf
When Madara sucked everyone into the ten-tails cacoons they they all happy and even Madara wanted them to be happy. But by turning everyone into slaves to happiness it gave Kaguya the power to take that hapiness away at any point, suck them of life and turn them into monsters.
Do you want to risk that fate or be free to fail and know the truth?
Depending on current age, there wasn't a period of getting red-pilled. That's just how people were.
If I could go back in time I would have invested in bitcoin desu
That is not anti science. That is ethics, which is a part of scientific inquiry and can be religious or not.
What a load of bullshit. Sup Forums is a zionist board.
not doing scientific research because of muh book of fairytales which contain unfounded ideas about the early stages of life is anti-science
scientific inquiry has nothing to do with ethics because science is descriptive and not prescriptive, only the application of science mingles with ethics
This isn't about catholics, shill. It's about muslims and, yeah, there's a ton of science that muslims wish would just disappear like a child bride beneath Muhammad on her wedding night.
your lack of happiness is directly related to your lack of action in accordance with your new (redpill) values. values you have adopted because you believe them to be more in accordance with reality. Aceepting truth and failing to act on it will destroy you as you will have to subject yourself to extreme forms of rationalization for not doing what you know/believe to be right.
Because Islam does not mix with Western culture you ignorant twats. For centuries they have tried to invade the west but failed, they are an squabble of goat herders that only became relevant again because of the world's demand for oil. Muslims are just as shady as Jews, and they both know it which is why they hate each other so much.
A muslim will tell you everything wonderful about their religion, and there are many appeals to the average Sup Forumsack. Submissive women, traditional family structure, all of that sounds great. But what that muslim doesn't tell you about is the rampant incest, pedophilia, ignorance of the outside world, and stifling of free speech and thought. That is part of their religion, lie and conquer to get converts and if they try to leave the faith they're dead. You think the Catholic church was bad about burning witches at the steak? You can't even draw the prophet Mohammad or criticize an Iman. With all its faults at least the church encouraged artists to create and preserved the great works of greek philosophy, which is another backbone of our culture. Islam isn't just a religion, it is a culture that is deeply entwined with it. The West can keep the church and the state separate, Islam cannot.
Yes, women are fucked up in our time. We are surrounded by degenerates, but embracing a foreign religious/cultural hybrid that is against ours in every sense is incredibly stupid and short sighted.
Fuck that. My male and female descendants are going to know the joy of sunlight on bare skin next to the ocean, next to each other. I am perfectly happy to die for this.
>No taxes
you fucking idiot
Fuck no I love being redpilled. I workout and women have started noticing me. I fucking love you people!
If I wasn't redpilled I'd still be a wimpy liberal cuck letting women treat me like shit
No. Getting redpilled has led me to despair when gazing out on the hellscape that is our world, but it's also lead me to become the strongest I've ever been as a person.
It's arab supremacy.
>Complete cuck
>No longer a complete cuck
Hard choice OP